public void BehemothWins(Hunter hunter) { if ( < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Devastatation!"); } Console.WriteLine($"YOU HAVE LOST! Behemoth slained {hunter.GetType().Name}"); }
public void Attack(Hunter hunter, IBehemoth behemoth) { while ( > 0 && > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Pick 1-4 options: \n 1 - Meele Weapon Attack\n 2 - Range Weapon\n 3 - Desperate Meele Attack \n 4 - Desperate Range Attack "); string pick = Console.ReadLine(); if (pick == "") { Console.WriteLine("Enter options from 1 - 4: "); } else { switch (pick) { case "1": hunter.MeleeWeaponAttack(meeleWeapon, behemoth.BehemothType); -= 20; HuntStatus(hunter, behemoth); break; case "2": behemoth.BehemothBreath(); hunter.RangeWeaponMiss(rangeWeapon, behemoth.BehemothType); -= 10; HuntStatus(hunter, behemoth); break; case "3": behemoth.BehemothStomp(); hunter.MeleeWeaponMiss(meeleWeapon, behemoth.BehemothType); -= 15; HuntStatus(hunter, behemoth); break; case "4": hunter.RangeWeaponAttack(rangeWeapon, behemoth.BehemothType); -= 30; behemoth.BehemothStomp(); -= 15; HuntStatus(hunter, behemoth); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Enter options from 1 - 4: "); break; } } } }
public void HuntResult(Hunter hunter, IBehemoth behemoth) { if ( <= 0 && <= 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Hunter and Behemoth died of injuries!"); } else if ( <= 0) { BehemothWins(hunter); } else { HunterWins(behemoth); } }
static void Main() { IMeleeWeapon MeleeWeapon = Generator.MeleeWeapon(); IRangeWeapon RangeWeapon = Generator.RangeWeapon(); Hunter hunter = Generator.MakeHunter(); GearUp gearUp = Generator.ReadyGearUp(); gearUp.HuntGearUp(); // Property DI hunter.MeleeWeapon = MeleeWeapon; hunter.RangeWeapon = RangeWeapon; IBehemoth behemoth = Generator.MakeBehemoth(gearUp.behemothType); IHunt Hunt = Generator.Hunt(gearUp.meeleWeapon, gearUp.rangeWeapon); Hunt.Attack(hunter, behemoth); Hunt.HuntResult(hunter, behemoth); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void HuntStatus(Hunter hunter, IBehemoth behemoth) { Console.WriteLine($"|Hunter HP: {} using meele weapon: {meeleWeapon}\n& range weapon: {rangeWeapon} \n|Behemoth HP: {}"); }