コード例 #1
        public void DoProcessMeta(ref TSFReader sr, MemoryStream FI, ref FileStream FO, ref FileStream VertsFile, ref FileStream IndFile, ref FileStream BSPFile, uint Count, string[] IndexStrings, StructInfo Info)
            TabReplace += (char)TabByte;
            Name        = sr.GetUName();      //CMD[2];
            Size        = sr.GetSOC();

            TagBuff = new byte[Size * Count];
            FI.Read(TagBuff, 0, TagBuff.Length);
            //FixIntPosition(ref FO);
            long StructPosition = FO.Position;

            FO.Write(TagBuff, 0, TagBuff.Length);
            uint StartOfStruct = sr.Position;
            uint sc            = 0;

            bool ExitStruct = false;

                    //InLine = sr.Read();
                    //CMD = InLine.Replace(TabReplace,"").ToLower().Trim().Split(new char[]{' '},256);
                    switch (sr.GetCMD())
                    case TSFReader.TSFStruct:                             // "struct":
                        uint ChildCount = GetUInt(TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + (sc * Size)));
                        if (ChildCount != 0)
                            PCMeta Child = new PCMeta();
                            PutUInt(ref TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + 4 + (sc * Size)), (uint)(FO.Position + Info.TagMagic));
                            Child.DoProcessMeta(ref sr, FI, ref FO, ref VertsFile, ref IndFile, ref BSPFile, ChildCount, IndexStrings, Info);
                            FixIntPosition(ref FO);
                            sr.SeekAheadTo(0xA7, sr.GetUName());

                            //sr.SeekAheadTo("end " + CMD[2]);
                            //sr.Seek(sr.Position + 1);

                    case TSFReader.TSFBSPTagRef:                          // "bspstagref":
                    case TSFReader.TSFTagRef:                             // "tagref":
                        uint tStringSize = 0;
                        GetUInt(TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + (sc * Size)) + 0x08, ref tStringSize);
                        if (tStringSize != 0x00)
                            PutUInt(ref TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + (sc * Size)) + 0x04, 0x00000000);
                            PutUInt(ref TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + (sc * Size)) + 0x08, 0x00000000);
                            uint   TagClass       = GetUInt(TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + (sc * Size)));
                            string TagClassString = GetTagClassRev(BitConverter.GetBytes(TagClass), 0);
                            byte[] tmpStr         = new byte[tStringSize + 1];

                            FI.Read(tmpStr, 0, tmpStr.Length);
                            string tag = ReadString(tmpStr, 0);
                            int    t   = 0;
                            //string[] test;
                            bool con = false;
                                string[] test      = Info.Items[t].NameString.Split(new char[] { '.' }, 256);                               //IndexStrings[t].Split(new char[]{'.'},256);
                                string   testClass = GetTagClassRev(BitConverter.GetBytes(Info.Items[t].TagClass1), 0);
                                if (testClass == TagClassString && test[0] == tag)
                                    con = true;
                                    t += 1;
                            }while (con == false);                                    // testClass != TagClass);
                            PutUInt(ref TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + (sc * Size)) + 0x04, Info.Items[t].StringOffset);
                            PutUShort(ref TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + (sc * Size)) + 0x0C, (ushort)Info.Items[t].IndexID1);
                            PutUShort(ref TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + (sc * Size)) + 0x0E, (ushort)Info.Items[t].IndexID2);
                            if (Name == 0x0468)
                                uint   SaveTagMagic = Info.TagMagic;
                                byte[] BspHeader    = new byte[0x18];
                                PutUInt(ref TagBuff, 0x00 + (sc * Size), (uint)(0x800 + BSPFile.Position));
                                uint CurrentPosition = (uint)BSPFile.Position;
                                Info.CurrentOffset = (uint)BSPFile.Position;

                                MTSFReader mr = new MTSFReader();

                                TSFReader tmpSTSF = new TSFReader();

                                tmpSTSF.TSF(ref mr, 0x70736273);                                        //   73627370);

                                //MAG tmpsr = new MAG(Info.StructurePath + "sbsp.mag");

                                //FileInfo BspMetaFile_info = new FileInfo(Info.TagsPath + tag + "." + tmpSTSF.Name);
                                //FileStream BspMetaFile;
                                //BspMetaFile = BspMetaFile_info.Open(FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read);
                                TagFileName tfnTAG = new TagFileName(tag + "." + tmpSTSF.Name, MapfileVersion.HALOPC);
                                TagBase     tbTAG  = new TagBase();

                                string[] gh;
                                int      tt = -1;
                                    tt += 1;
                                }while((tag + "." + tmpSTSF.Name) != Info.Items[tt].NameString);
                                uint BSPFileSize = (0x800 - ((uint)(Info.Items[tt].MetaSize) % 0x800));
                                BSPFileSize += (uint)(Info.Items[tt].MetaSize);
                                uint tmpMagic = (uint)(0x41B40000 - BSPFileSize);
                                Info.TagMagic = tmpMagic;
                                PutUInt(ref TagBuff, 0x08 + (sc * Size), tmpMagic);
                                PutUInt(ref BspHeader, 0x00 + (sc * Size), 0x18 + tmpMagic);
                                PutUInt(ref BspHeader, 0x14 + (sc * Size), 0x73627370);
                                BSPFile.Write(BspHeader, 0, BspHeader.Length);
                                PCMeta BspMeta = new PCMeta();

                                BspMeta.DoProcessMeta(ref tmpSTSF, tbTAG.Stream, ref BSPFile, ref VertsFile, ref IndFile, ref BSPFile, 1, IndexStrings, Info);
                                FixIntPosition2K(ref BSPFile);
                                PutUInt(ref TagBuff, 0x04 + (sc * Size), (uint)(CurrentPosition + BSPFile.Position));
                                tbTAG         = null;
                                Info.TagMagic = SaveTagMagic;
                                int a = 0;

                    case TSFReader.TSFInternalRaw:                                          // "internalraw":
                        uint RawSize = GetUInt(TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + (sc * Size))); //Compile Mag.Map
                        if (RawSize == 0)
                        uint RawOffset = GetUInt(TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + 0x0c + (sc * Size)));                                    //Tag Text
                        PutUInt(ref TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP()) + 0x0c + (sc * Size), ((uint)FO.Position + Info.TagMagic));
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[RawSize];
                        FI.Read(tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
                        FO.Write(tmp, 0, tmp.Length);
                        FixIntPosition(ref FO);
                        tmp = null;

                    case TSFReader.TSFBitmapRaw:                             // "bitmapraw":
                        uint   TiffSize   = 0; GetUInt(TagBuff, 0x1C, ref TiffSize);
                        byte[] TiffBuffer = new byte[TiffSize];
                        FI.Read(TiffBuffer, 0, TiffBuffer.Length);
                        uint BitmapSize = GetUInt(TagBuff, 0x30);
                        TiffBuffer = new byte[BitmapSize];
                        FI.Read(TiffBuffer, 0, TiffBuffer.Length);
                        TiffBuffer = null;

                    case TSFReader.TSFModelData:                             // "modeldata":
                        long   SaveMapFilePos     = (uint)FI.Position;
                        uint   TrueVerticesSize   = (GetUInt(TagBuff, (uint)(88 + (sc * Size)))) * 68;
                        uint   TrueIndicesSize    = (((GetUInt(TagBuff, (uint)(72 + (sc * Size)))) / 3) + 1) * 6;
                        uint   NewIndicesDataSize = (GetUInt(TagBuff, (uint)(72 + (sc * Size))) / 3) + 1;
                        byte[] RawModelBuffer     = new byte[TrueVerticesSize];
                        FI.Read(RawModelBuffer, 0, RawModelBuffer.Length);
                        PutUInt(ref TagBuff, (uint)(0x64 + (sc * Size)), (uint)VertsFile.Position);
                        PutUInt(ref TagBuff, (uint)(0x4C + (sc * Size)), (uint)IndFile.Position);
                        PutUInt(ref TagBuff, (uint)(0x50 + (sc * Size)), (uint)IndFile.Position);
                        VertsFile.Write(RawModelBuffer, 0, RawModelBuffer.Length);
                        RawModelBuffer = new byte[TrueIndicesSize];
                        FI.Read(RawModelBuffer, 0, RawModelBuffer.Length);
                        IndFile.Write(RawModelBuffer, 0, RawModelBuffer.Length);
                        byte[] TestBuffer = new byte[6];
                        FI.Read(TestBuffer, 0, 6);
                        if (TestBuffer[4] == 0xff)
                            IndFile.Write(TestBuffer, 0, TestBuffer.Length);
                            FI.Seek(FI.Position - 6, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        FixIntPosition(ref IndFile);

                    case TSFReader.TSFBSPModel:                             // "bspmodel":
                        uint UnCompressedVerts       = sr.GetOIP();
                        uint CompressedVerts         = sr.GetSOC();
                        uint UnCompressedVertsOffset = sr.GetOIP();
                        //uint VertsOffset = GetUInt(TagBuff,CompressedVerts);
                        uint TrueVertCount            = GetUInt(TagBuff, 180 + (sc * Size));
                        uint TrueLightMapDataCount    = GetUInt(TagBuff, 200 + (sc * Size));
                        uint UnCompressedLightMapData = (TrueLightMapDataCount * 20);
                        uint CompressedLightMapData   = (TrueLightMapDataCount * 8);
                        UnCompressedVerts = (TrueVertCount * 56);
                        CompressedVerts   = (TrueVertCount * 32);

                        byte[] BspVertsUnCompressed = new byte[UnCompressedVerts];
                        FI.Read(BspVertsUnCompressed, 0, BspVertsUnCompressed.Length);
                        PutUInt(ref TagBuff, 0xe4 + (sc * Size), (uint)(FO.Position + Info.TagMagic));
                        FO.Write(BspVertsUnCompressed, 0, BspVertsUnCompressed.Length);
                        //byte[] BspVertsCompressed = new byte[CompressedVerts];
                        byte[] BspLightMapDataUnCompressed = new byte[UnCompressedLightMapData];
                        FI.Read(BspLightMapDataUnCompressed, 0, BspLightMapDataUnCompressed.Length);
                        FO.Write(BspLightMapDataUnCompressed, 0, BspLightMapDataUnCompressed.Length);
                        //byte[] BspLightMapDataCompressed = new byte[CompressedLightMapData];

                        //viper told me to skip past compressed data as a quick fix to
                        // the crash problem - Grenadiac
                        FI.Seek(CompressedVerts, SeekOrigin.Current);        //gren added this
                        FI.Seek(CompressedLightMapData, SeekOrigin.Current); //gren added this

                    case TSFReader.TSFResource:                             // "resources":
                        ushort rStringSize = GetUShort(TagBuff, 0x06 + (sc * Size));
                        if (rStringSize != 0x00)
                            uint   TagClassFlag   = GetUShort(TagBuff, 0x00 + (sc * Size));
                            string TagClassString = "";
                            switch (TagClassFlag)
                            case 0x00:
                                TagClassString = "bitm";

                            case 0x01:
                                TagClassString = "snd!";

                            //MAG tmpMR = new MAG(Info.StructurePath + TagClassString.Trim() + ".mag");
                            byte[] tmpStr = new byte[rStringSize + 1];

                            FI.Read(tmpStr, 0, tmpStr.Length);
                            string tag = ReadString(tmpStr, 0);
                            int t = 0;
                            //string[] test;
                            bool con = false;
                                string[] test      = Info.Items[t].GetString().Split(new char[] { '.' }, 256);                               //IndexStrings[t].Split(new char[]{'.'},256);
                                string   testClass = GetTagClassRev(BitConverter.GetBytes(Info.Items[t].TagClass1), 0);
                                if (testClass == TagClassString && test[0] == tag)
                                    con = true;
                                    t += 1;
                            }while (con == false);
                            PutUShort(ref TagBuff, (uint)(0x04 + (sc * Size)), (ushort)Info.Items[t].IndexID1);
                            PutUShort(ref TagBuff, (uint)(0x06 + (sc * Size)), (ushort)Info.Items[t].IndexID2);

                    case TSFReader.TSFSoundData:                             // "sounddata":
                        uint   sRawSize   = GetUInt(TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetOIP() + (sc * Size)));
                        uint   sRawOffset = GetUInt(TagBuff, (uint)(sr.GetUName() + (sc * Size)));
                        byte[] stmp       = new byte[sRawSize];
                        FI.Read(stmp, 0, stmp.Length);
                        stmp = null;

                    case TSFReader.TSFEnd:                             // "end":
                        if (sr.GetOIP() == Name)
                            ExitStruct = true;
                            ExitStruct = false;
                }while(ExitStruct == false);
                if (Count != 0)
                    sc += 1;
                    if (sc != Count)
                        ExitStruct = false;
            }while(sc != Count);
            long tmpPosSave = FO.Position;

            FO.Seek(StructPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            FO.Write(TagBuff, 0, TagBuff.Length);
            FO.Seek(tmpPosSave, SeekOrigin.Begin);
コード例 #2
        public static void Build()
            TagFileName scenario_tag = ProjectManager.ScenarioTagFileName;

            //IndexBuilder IndexBuild = new IndexBuilder();
            Compiler_Gren.DependencyBuilder IndexBuild = new Compiler_Gren.DependencyBuilder();
            //FileInfo TagFile_info = new FileInfo(scenario_tag.RelativePath);
            string BasFolder    = Application.StartupPath + @"\Extracted Tags\";
            string StructFolder = Application.StartupPath + @"\Tag Structures\PcHalo\";

            //string MapsFolder = Application.StartupPath + @"\Maps\";
            if (true)
                //Create the index table
                //lbCurTag.Text = "Building Index Table....";
                //string[] IndexList = IndexBuild.BuildIndex(scenario_tag.RelativePath, BasFolder, StructFolder);
                string[]         IndexList = IndexBuild.BuildIndex(scenario_tag);
                HaloPCMAP.HaloPC NewMap    = new HaloPCMAP.HaloPC();
                NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexMagic = 0x40440028;
                uint StringTableSize = 0;
                //Fixing index items
                ushort gt = 0xE174;
                //lbCurTag.Text = "Building Index Table Items....";

                for (int sc = 0; sc < IndexList.Length; sc++)
                    //FileInfo TagFile2_info = new FileInfo(BasFolder + IndexList[sc]);
                    //FileStream TagFile2;
                    //TagFile2 = TagFile2_info.Open(FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read);
                    //byte[] tmp = new byte[0x40];

                    TagFileName tfnTAG = new TagFileName(IndexList[sc], MapfileVersion.HALOPC);
                    TagBase     tbTAG  = new TagBase();

                    //uint TagClass1 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(tmp,0x24);
                    //uint TagClass2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(tmp,0x28);
                    //uint TagClass3 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(tmp,0x2C);
                    NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].TagClass1  = SwapUInt(tbTAG.Header.TagClass0); // TagClass1;
                    NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].TagClass2  = SwapUInt(tbTAG.Header.TagClass1); // TagClass2;
                    NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].TagClass3  = SwapUInt(tbTAG.Header.TagClass2); // TagClass3;
                    NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].IndexID1   = (ushort)sc;
                    NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].IndexID2   = gt;
                    NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].NameString = IndexList[sc];
                    if (tbTAG.Header.TagClass0 == 0x70736273 || tbTAG.Header.TagClass0 == 0x73627370)
                        NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].MetaSize = IndexBuild.BSPSizes[0];
                        NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].MetaSize = 0;
                    if (tbTAG.Header.TagClass0 == 0x7274656d || tbTAG.Header.TagClass0 == 0x6d657472)//  6d657472)
                        gt += 2;
                        gt += 1;
                    string[] RemoveExt = IndexList[sc].Split(new char[] { '.' }, 256);
                    NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].String = new byte[RemoveExt[0].Length + 1];
                    HaloPCMAP.StringToByteArray(ref NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].String, RemoveExt[0]);
                    StringTableSize += (uint)(IndexList[sc].Length + 1);
                    tbTAG            = null;
                //Creating the temp files for map building
                FileInfo   VertsFile_info = new FileInfo(Application.StartupPath + "TempVerts.Map");
                FileStream VertsFile;
                VertsFile = VertsFile_info.Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                FileInfo   IndicesFile_info = new FileInfo(Application.StartupPath + "TempIndices.Map");
                FileStream IndicesFile;
                IndicesFile = IndicesFile_info.Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                FileInfo   MetaFile_info = new FileInfo(Application.StartupPath + "TempMeta.map");
                FileStream MetaFile;
                MetaFile = MetaFile_info.Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                FileInfo   BSPFile_info = new FileInfo(Application.StartupPath + "TempBSP.map");
                FileStream BSPFile;
                BSPFile = BSPFile_info.Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                //lbCurTag.Text = "Writeing Index Table....";

                //writing the index table the temp files
                for (int sc = 0; sc < NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems.Length; sc++)
                    NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].Write(ref MetaFile);
                //Rewriting index items to temp file to fix string offsets.
                //lbCurTag.Text = "Rewriteing Index Table....";

                for (int sc = 0; sc < NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems.Length; sc++)
                    NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].StringOffset = (uint)MetaFile.Position + NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexMagic;
                    MetaFile.Write(NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].String, 0, NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].String.Length);
                //save MetaFile position to return for meta writing.
                long TmpPosSave = MetaFile.Position;
                //lbCurTag.Text = "Writing Index Table with Srtring Offsets....";

                for (int sc = 0; sc < NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems.Length; sc++)
                    MetaFile.Seek(NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].Position, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].Write(ref MetaFile);
                //restore position for meta writing
                MetaFile.Seek(TmpPosSave, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                //Add info to the Meta info struct
                PCMeta.StructInfo Info = new PCMeta.StructInfo();
                Info.MapMagic      = NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexMagic;
                Info.TagMagic      = NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexMagic;
                Info.StructurePath = StructFolder;
                Info.TagsPath      = BasFolder;
                Info.Items         = NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems;
                //Starts processing meta and writing it to the meta file
                //lbCurTag.Text = "Adding Tags to map....";

                for (int sc = 0; sc < NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems.Length; sc++)
                    if (NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].TagClass1 != 0x70736273) //   70736273)
                        PCMeta Meta = new PCMeta();
                        //FileInfo Tag_info = new FileInfo(BasFolder + IndexList[sc]);
                        //FileStream Tag;
                        //Tag = Tag_info.Open(FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read);
                        //byte[] head = new byte[0x40];
                        TagFileName tfnTAG = new TagFileName(IndexList[sc], MapfileVersion.HALOPC);
                        TagBase     tbTAG  = new TagBase();

                        //string Class = Meta.GetTagClass(head,0x24);
                        //MAG sr = new MAG(StructFolder + Class.Trim() + ".mag");
                        MTSFReader mr = new MTSFReader();

                        TSFReader STSF = new TSFReader();

                        STSF.TSF(ref mr, tbTAG.Header.TagClass0);

                        HaloPCMAP.FixIntPosition(ref MetaFile);
                        Info.CurrentOffset = (uint)MetaFile.Position;
                        NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].MetaOffset = (uint)(MetaFile.Position + NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexMagic);

                        Meta.DoProcessMeta(ref STSF, tbTAG.Stream, ref MetaFile, ref VertsFile, ref IndicesFile, ref BSPFile, 1, IndexList, Info);

                        tbTAG = null;
                //Create a new map header
                //lbCurTag.Text = "Creating New Map....";

                string[] tmpName = scenario_tag.RelativePath.Split(new char[] { '\\' }, 256);
                tmpName = tmpName[tmpName.Length - 1].Split(new char[] { '.' }, 256);
                NewMap.PCHeader.MapName = tmpName[0];//otf.FileName.Split(new char[]{'/'},256   //"Cool";
                //NewMap.PCHeader.Write(ref HeadFile);
                //Rewrite indextable of meta offsets
                //lbCurTag.Text = "Fixing Meta Offsets in Index Table....";

                TmpPosSave = MetaFile.Position;
                for (int sc = 0; sc < NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems.Length; sc++)
                    MetaFile.Seek(NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].Position, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[sc].Write(ref MetaFile);
                MetaFile.Seek(TmpPosSave, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                //Create the new map file to begin construction of the new map.
                FileInfo   Map_info = new FileInfo(Application.StartupPath + NewMap.PCHeader.MapName + ".Map");
                FileStream Map;
                Map = Map_info.Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                //lbCurTag.Text = "Copying Data to new map file....";

                //Write the header to the new map file
                NewMap.PCHeader.Write(ref Map);
                //Flush the tmp BSPFile to get FileSize.
                uint BSPFileSize = (uint)BSPFile.Length;
                //Seek to the begining of the tmp bsp file
                BSPFile.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Copy the Tmp bsp file to the new map file
                for (int bc = 0; bc < BSPFileSize; bc += 4)
                    byte[] copy = new byte[4];
                    BSPFile.Read(copy, 0, copy.Length);
                    Map.Write(copy, 0, copy.Length);
                //Flush the Temp verts file to get File size;
                uint VertsFileSize = (uint)VertsFile.Length;
                //Put Current Map Position in the indexheader, this sets the position of the verts in the map.
                NewMap.PCIndexHeader.VertsOffset = (uint)Map.Position;
                //seek to begining of the Verts file for coping to the new map file
                VertsFile.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Copy the verts to the map file
                for (int bc = 0; bc < VertsFileSize; bc += 4)
                    byte[] copy = new byte[4];
                    VertsFile.Read(copy, 0, copy.Length);
                    Map.Write(copy, 0, copy.Length);
                //Flush Indeices file to get size
                uint IndicesFileSize = (uint)IndicesFile.Length;
                //Put the Scnr index ID in the IndexHeader, you can move the scnr any were as long as you set this to the currect ID.
                NewMap.PCIndexHeader.ScnrID = (uint)((NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[0].IndexID2 << 16) + NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndexItems[0].IndexID1);
                //ajust the IndicesOffset with verts offset and map position
                NewMap.PCIndexHeader.IndicesOffset = (uint)Map.Position - NewMap.PCIndexHeader.VertsOffset;
                NewMap.PCIndexHeader.ModelAreaSize = VertsFileSize + IndicesFileSize;
                //Seek to begining of IndicesFile for coping
                IndicesFile.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Copy Indices to new map file
                for (int bc = 0; bc < IndicesFileSize; bc += 4)
                    byte[] copy = new byte[4];
                    IndicesFile.Read(copy, 0, copy.Length);
                    Map.Write(copy, 0, copy.Length);
                //put the Current map position in the header so we know where the index header will be
                NewMap.PCHeader.IndexOffset = (uint)Map.Position;
                //Now we write the Index header to the map.
                NewMap.PCIndexHeader.Write(ref Map);

                //Flush the temp meta file so we can get the size.
                uint MetaFileSize = (uint)MetaFile.Length;
                //seek to the begining of the temp meta file for coping to the new map file
                MetaFile.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //Copy the meta file to the new map file.
                for (int bc = 0; bc < MetaFileSize; bc += 4)
                    byte[] copy = new byte[4];
                    MetaFile.Read(copy, 0, copy.Length);
                    Map.Write(copy, 0, copy.Length);
                //Now we fix the map version map size and rewrite it to the map.
                NewMap.PCHeader.MapVersion = 0x07;
                NewMap.PCHeader.MapSize    = (uint)Map.Length;
                NewMap.PCHeader.MetaSize   = MetaFileSize + 0x28;
                Map.Seek(NewMap.PCHeader.Position, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                NewMap.PCHeader.Write(ref Map);

                //Now close the files and delete the temp files.
                //FileStream TagFile;
                //TagFile = Tag