/// <summary> /// Add a term (fact or rule) to the KB. /// </summary> public void AssertA(Structure structure) { Assert(structure, false, false); }
/// <summary> /// Add a term (fact or rule) to the KB. /// </summary> public void Assert(Structure structure, bool atEnd, bool checkSingletons) { if (structure == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("structure", "Term to add to KB may not be null."); } //structure = structure.Expand(); if (structure == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("structure"); } Structure head = structure.IsFunctor(Symbol.Implication, 2) ? Term.Structurify(structure.Argument(0), "Head of :- must be a valid proposition or predicate.") : structure; if (head.IsFunctor(Symbol.ColonColon, 2)) { var argument = head.Argument(0); var kb = argument as KnowledgeBase; if (kb == null) { var o = argument as GameObject; if (o != null) { kb = o.KnowledgeBase(); } else { var c = argument as Component; if (c != null) { kb = c.KnowledgeBase(); } else { throw new ArgumentTypeException( "assert", "knowledgebase", argument, typeof(KnowledgeBase)); } } } if (structure.IsFunctor(Symbol.Implication, 2)) { kb.Assert( new Structure(Symbol.Implication, head.Argument(1), structure.Argument(1)), atEnd, checkSingletons); } else { kb.Assert(structure.Argument(1), atEnd, checkSingletons); } } else { if (PrologPrimitives.Implementations.ContainsKey(head.Functor)) { throw new PrologException( new Structure( "error", new Structure( "permission_error", Symbol.Intern("modify"), Symbol.Intern("static_procedure"), Term.PredicateIndicatorExpression(head)))); } KnowledgeBaseRule assertion = KnowledgeBaseRule.FromTerm( structure, checkSingletons, Prolog.CurrentSourceFile, Prolog.CurrentSourceLineNumber); PredicateInfo info = EntryForStoring(head.PredicateIndicator); PredicateInfo parentInfo; if (!info.Shadow && this.Parent != null && (parentInfo = this.Parent.CheckForPredicateInfoInThisKB(head.PredicateIndicator)) != null && !parentInfo.External) { throw new PrologException( new Structure( "error", new Structure( "permission_error", Symbol.Intern("shadow"), Term.PredicateIndicatorExpression(head)))); } info.Assert(assertion, atEnd); } }
/// <summary> /// Add a term (fact or rule) to the KB. /// </summary> public void AssertZ(Structure structure) { Assert(structure, true, false); }
public Suspension(Structure delayedGoal, Structure frozenGoal, PrologContext prologContext) { DelayedGoal = delayedGoal; FrozenGoal = frozenGoal; context = prologContext; }
internal IEnumerable <CutState> FindClauses(Structure head, object body) { PredicateInfo i = CheckForPredicateInfo(head.PredicateIndicator); return((i == null)?CutStateSequencer.Fail():i.FindClauses(head, body)); }
/// <summary> /// Test whether GOAL is provable /// </summary> /// <param name="goal">Goal to prove</param> /// <returns>True if provable, else false.</returns> public bool IsTrue(Structure goal) { return(Prove(goal).GetEnumerator().MoveNext()); }
internal override IEnumerable <bool> UnifyWithStructure(Structure value) { return(UnifyWithCanonicalValue(value)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds ASSERTION to GAMEOBJECT's knowledgebase. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameObject">Object whose knowledge base it should be added to</param> /// <param name="assertion">Assertion to add</param> public static void Assert(this GameObject gameObject, Structure assertion) { gameObject.KnowledgeBase().AssertZ(assertion); }
/// <summary> /// Adds ASSERTION to COMPONENT's knowledgebase. /// </summary> /// <param name="component">Object whose knowledge base it should be added to</param> /// <param name="assertion">Assertion to add</param> public static void Assert(this Component component, Structure assertion) { component.KnowledgeBase().AssertZ(assertion); }
public void AddSuspendedGoalSavingToTrail(Structure goal, PrologContext context) { SaveAndUpdate(new Metastructure(goal, null, context, MetaBinding), context); }
private void CompileGoal(Structure goal, ref ushort failAddress, ref ushort backPatchAddress) { byte continuationRegister = env.GetRegister(); // Allocate registers to goal arguments. var argRegisters = new byte[goal.Arity]; for (int i = 0; i < goal.Arity; i++) { object arg = goal.Argument(i); if (arg is Structure) { argRegisters[i] = env.GetRegister(); } else { var @var = arg as LogicVariable; if (@var != null) { argRegisters[i] = this.env.InsureRegisterAndLock(@var); } else { // It's a literal. argRegisters[i] = NoRegister; } } } // Build goal arguments into registers. for (int i = 0; i < goal.Arity; i++) { if (argRegisters[i] != NoRegister) { CompileBuild(goal.Argument(i), NoRegister, argRegisters[i]); } } // Emit call instruction ushort startOfCallInstruction = CurrentPC; BackPatch(backPatchAddress, startOfCallInstruction); PrologPrimitives.PrimitiveImplementation primitiveImplementation; bool isPrimitive = PrologPrimitives.Implementations.TryGetValue(goal.Functor, out primitiveImplementation); // Call header Emit(isPrimitive?Opcode.CallPrimitive : Opcode.Call, continuationRegister); EmitUShort(failAddress); backPatchAddress = CurrentPC; EmitUShort(0); // This will get backpatched // Call target if (isPrimitive) { EmitUShort(PrimitiveTable.IndexOf(primitiveImplementation)); EmitByte((byte)goal.Arity); } else { EmitUShort(PredicateTable.IndexOf(this.knowledgeBase.EntryForStoring(goal.PredicateIndicator))); } // Call arguments for (int i = 0; i < goal.Arity; i++) { byte reg = argRegisters[i]; if (reg == NoRegister) { EmitUShort((ushort)(0x8000 + GlobalLiteralTable.IndexOf(goal.Argument(i)))); } else { EmitByte(reg); } } failAddress = startOfCallInstruction; }
// ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming void LoadCSVRow(int rowNumber, Structure row) { if (!this.IsTrue(new Structure("load_csv_row", rowNumber, row))) throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to load CSV row number {0} : {1}", rowNumber, Term.ToStringInPrologFormat(row))); }
/// <summary> /// Proves the specified goal, throwing an exception with badGoalErrorMessage if the goal is ill-formed. /// </summary> internal IEnumerable <CutState> Prove(object goal, string badGoalErrorMessage) { Structure s = Term.Structurify(goal, badGoalErrorMessage); return(KnowledgeBase.Prove(s.Functor, s.Arguments, this, CurrentFrame)); }
/// <summary> /// Proves the goal in the specified structure. /// </summary> internal IEnumerable <CutState> Prove(Structure goal) { return(KnowledgeBase.Prove(goal.Functor, goal.Arguments, this, CurrentFrame)); }
/// <summary> /// Remove all terms matching head /// </summary> public void RetractAll(Structure head) { EntryForStoring(head.PredicateIndicator).RetractAll(head); }
internal override bool UnifyWithStructure(Structure value, PrologContext context) { return(UnifyWithCanonicalValue(value, context)); }
internal IEnumerable <CutState> Retract(Structure head, object body) { return(EntryForStoring(head.PredicateIndicator).Retract(head, body)); }
private void WalkGoal(KnowledgeBase kb, KnowledgeBaseRule rule, Structure goal) { var predicateIndicator = goal.PredicateIndicator; Symbol functor = goal.Functor; int arity = goal.Arity; switch (functor.Name) { case "begin": foreach (var arg in goal.Arguments) { WalkGoal(kb, rule, arg); } break; case "once": case "check": case "randomize": case "not": case "\\+": if (arity == 1) { WalkGoal(kb, rule, goal.Argument(0)); } else { WarnUndefined(rule, functor, arity); } break; case ",": case ";": case "->": if (arity == 2) { WalkGoal(kb, rule, goal.Argument(0)); WalkGoal(kb, rule, goal.Argument(1)); } else { WarnUndefined(rule, functor, arity); } break; case "call": case "maplist": if (arity < 1) { WarnUndefined(rule, functor, arity); } else { object goalToCall = goal.Argument(0); var goalToCallAsStructure = goalToCall as Structure; if (goalToCallAsStructure != null) { var newArgs = new object[arity - 1 + goalToCallAsStructure.Arity]; goalToCallAsStructure.Arguments.CopyTo(newArgs, 0); WalkGoal(kb, rule, new Structure(goalToCallAsStructure.Functor, newArgs)); } else { var call = goalToCall as Symbol; if (call != null) { this.WalkGoal(kb, rule, new Structure(call, new object[arity - 1])); } } } break; case "arg_min": case "arg_max": if (arity == 3) { WalkGoal(kb, rule, goal.Argument(2)); } else { WarnUndefined(rule, functor, arity); } break; case "find_all": if (arity == 3) { WalkGoal(kb, rule, goal.Argument(1)); } else { WarnUndefined(rule, functor, arity); } break; default: if (PrologPrimitives.IsDefined(predicateIndicator)) { var arglist = PrologPrimitives.Arglist(predicateIndicator.Functor); for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(predicateIndicator.Arity, arglist.Count); i++) { var argSym = arglist[i] as Symbol; if (argSym != null) { var arg = argSym.Name; if (arg[0] == ':') { WalkGoal(kb, rule, goal.Argument(i)); } else if (arg == "..." && arglist[i - 1] is string && ((string)arglist[i - 1])[0] == ':') { // Predicate accepts a rest arg of goals for (int j = i; j < predicateIndicator.Arity; j++) { WalkGoal(kb, rule, goal.Argument(j)); } } } } } else { var predicate = kb.CheckForPredicateInfo(predicateIndicator); if (predicate == null) { WarnUndefined(rule, functor, arity); } else { MarkReferenced(predicate); if (predicate.HigherOrderArguments != null) { foreach (int argIndex in predicate.HigherOrderArguments) { WalkGoal(kb, rule, goal.Argument(argIndex)); } } } } break; } }