private static bool TryNonExclusiveQueryEnumeratedParent( out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator, object key, LogicVariable v, ELNodeEnumerator parentEnumerator) { // Enumerated parent path // NonUniqueParent/Something foundNode = null; if (v == null) { // NonUniqueParent/Key // Enumerate parent, then do deterministic lookup for child. enumerator = new ELNodeEnumeratorFixedChildFromParentEnumerator(parentEnumerator, key); return true; } if (parentEnumerator.BindsVar(v)) { // We're doing a search for a variable that's aready bound. enumerator = new ELNodeEnumeratorPreboundVariable(parentEnumerator, v, false); return true; } // NonUniqueParent/Variable // Enumerate both parent and child. enumerator = new ELNodeEnumeratorLogicVariableFromParentEnumerator(parentEnumerator, v); return true; }
private static bool TryNonExclusiveQueryDeterministicParent( out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator, ELNode parentNode, object key, LogicVariable v) { // Deterministic parent path // The expression is UniqueParent/Something if (parentNode.IsExclusive) { throw new ELNodeExclusionException("Non-exclusive query of an exclusive node", parentNode, key); } if (v == null) { // fully deterministic path // UniqueParent/Key corresponds to at most one ELNode. enumerator = null; return parentNode.TryLookup(key, out foundNode); } // UniqueParent/Variable, so do a singly-nested iteration. foundNode = null; enumerator = new ELNodeEnumeratorLogicVariableFromNode(parentNode, v); return true; }
private static Structure ExpandDCGRuleBody(object goal, LogicVariable start, out LogicVariable rest) { var t = goal as Structure; if (t != null && t.IsFunctor(Symbol.Comma, 2)) { var t2 = t.Argument(0) as Structure; if (t2 != null && t2.IsFunctor(Symbol.PrologListConstructor, 2)) { return(ExpandDCGLiteral(t2, t.Argument(1), start, out rest)); } if (t2 != null && t2.IsFunctor(Symbol.CurlyBrackets, 1)) { return(ExpandDCGCurlyBracketExpression(t2.Argument(0), t.Argument(1), start, out rest)); } var intermediate = new LogicVariable(LSym); return(new Structure(Symbol.Comma, ExpandDCGRuleGoal(t.Argument(0), start, intermediate), ExpandDCGRuleBody(t.Argument(1), intermediate, out rest))); } if (t != null && t.IsFunctor(Symbol.CurlyBrackets, 1)) { Structure cg = t.Argument(0) as Structure ?? new Structure(Symbol.Call, t.Argument(0)); rest = start; return(cg); } return(ExpandDCGRuleTrailingGoal(goal, start, out rest)); }
static object CopyInstantiation(object term, Dictionary <LogicVariable, LogicVariable> subs) { term = Deref(term); var l = term as LogicVariable; if (l != null) { LogicVariable sub; if (subs.TryGetValue(l, out sub)) { return(sub); } var l2 = new LogicVariable(l.Name); subs[l] = l2; return(l2); } var t = term as Structure; if (t == null) { return(term); } var newArgs = new object[t.Arguments.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < newArgs.Length; i++) { newArgs[i] = CopyInstantiation(t.Argument(i), subs); } return(new Structure(t.Functor, newArgs)); }
public ELNodeEnumeratorBindEnumeratedNodesToVariable(ELNodeEnumerator nodeEnumerator, LogicVariable variableToBind) { this.nodeEnumerator = nodeEnumerator; this.variableToBind = variableToBind; if (nodeEnumerator.BindsVar(variableToBind)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Variable appears on both the LHS and RHS of >>: "+ variableToBind.Name); }
private object TermExpansion(object unexpanded) { if (CheckForPredicateInfoInThisKB(term_expansion, 2) == null && Global.CheckForPredicateInfoInThisKB(term_expansion, 2) == null) // Don't bother if not defined. return unexpanded; // Attempt to expand it var expanded = new LogicVariable(expansion); // Try this KB if (CheckForPredicateInfoInThisKB(term_expansion, 2) != null) // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable #pragma warning disable 0168 foreach (var ignore in Prove(new Structure(term_expansion, unexpanded, expanded))) #pragma warning restore 0168 { return Term.CopyInstantiation(expanded); } // Try the global KB if (this != Global && Global.CheckForPredicateInfoInThisKB(term_expansion, 2) != null) #pragma warning disable 0168 foreach (var ignore in Global.Prove(new Structure(term_expansion, unexpanded, expanded))) #pragma warning restore 0168 // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable { return Term.CopyInstantiation(expanded); } // Expansion failed, so use unexpanded version. return unexpanded; }
IEnumerable <bool> UnifyMetaVar(Metastructure m, LogicVariable l) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(l.MetaBinding == null); l.Value = this; IEnumerable <CutState> goal; mValue = m.MetaVarUnify(l, out goal); try { #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219 // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable foreach (var ignore in goal) // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219 { yield return(false); } } finally { // Reset our own binding to its previous binding mValue = m; // Reset binding of l l.mValue = l; //l.IsBound = false; } }
internal override IEnumerable <CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame) { object[] goal1Args = null; var newVars = new LogicVariable[FreeVariables.Count]; object[] newArgs = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(HeadArgs, FreeVariables, newVars, context, true); // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219 foreach (bool ignore in Term.UnifyArraysFast(args, newArgs, context)) #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219 { if (goal1Args == null) { goal1Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[0].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); } #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219 foreach (CutState ignoreFreeze in context.ProveAllWokenGoals()) #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219 { // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable foreach (CutState state1 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[0].Functor, goal1Args, context, parentFrame)) { yield return(state1); } } } }
internal override Metastructure MetaVarUnify(LogicVariable l, PrologContext context) { if (DelayedGoal != null) { context.WakeUpGoal(DelayedGoal); } return(MakeSuspension(null, FrozenGoal)); }
/// <summary> /// True if the specified goal is provable within this KnowledgeBase. /// </summary> /// <param name="result">Value of variable to return</param> /// <param name="goal">Goal to attempt to prove</param> /// <param name="throwOnFailure">If true, SolveFor will throw a GoalException if the goal fails</param> /// <param name="thisValue">Value to give ot the indexical $this during execution</param> /// <returns>Success</returns> public object SolveFor(LogicVariable result, object goal, object thisValue, bool throwOnFailure = true) { if (this.IsTrue(Term.Structurify(goal, "Argument to SolveFor() should be a valid Prolog goal."), thisValue)) return Term.CopyInstantiation(result); if (throwOnFailure) throw new GoalException(goal, "Goal is unsatisfiable"); return null; }
/// <summary> /// All we have to do here is check whether this is one of the variables we're looking for. /// </summary> public override object AlphaConvert(List <LogicVariable> oldVars, LogicVariable[] newVars, PrologContext context, bool evalIndexicals) { var index = oldVars.IndexOf(this); if (index < 0) { return(this); } return(newVars[index] ?? (newVars[index] = new LogicVariable(this.Name))); }
public byte InsureRegisterAndLock(LogicVariable var) { var info = this[var]; if (info.register == NoRegister) { AllocateRegister(info); } info.LockInRegister = true; return(info.register); }
public VariableInfo this[LogicVariable variable] { get { VariableInfo result; if (!database.TryGetValue(variable, out result)) { database[variable] = result = new VariableInfo(); } return(result); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a PrologContext that can for at most the specified number of steps. /// </summary> public PrologContext(KnowledgeBase kb, int stepLimit) { StepsRemaining = stepLimit; goalStack = new List <GoalStackFrame>(); goalStackCurrentRules = new List <KnowledgeBaseEntry>(); GoalStackDepth = 0; KnowledgeBase = kb; traceVariables = new LogicVariable[256]; traceValues = new object[256]; tracePointer = 0; IndexicalBindingStack = new List <KeyValuePair <Symbol, object> >(); isFree = true; }
private IEnumerable <CutState> EnumerateArg1Driver(LogicVariable arg1, T2 arg2, PrologContext context) { int tracePointer = context.MarkTrace(); foreach (var newValue in arg1Enumerator(arg2)) { arg1.UnifyWithAtomicConstant(newValue, context); yield return(CutState.Continue); context.RestoreVariables(tracePointer); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a PrologContext that can for at most the specified number of steps. /// </summary> public PrologContext(KnowledgeBase kb, int stepLimit) { StepsRemaining = stepLimit; goalStack = new List<GoalStackFrame>(); goalStackCurrentRules = new List<KnowledgeBaseEntry>(); GoalStackDepth = 0; KnowledgeBase = kb; traceVariables = new LogicVariable[256]; traceValues = new object[256]; tracePointer = 0; IndexicalBindingStack = new List<KeyValuePair<Symbol, object>>(); isFree = true; }
private IEnumerable <CutState> EnumerateBothDriver(LogicVariable arg1, LogicVariable arg2, PrologContext context) { int tracePointer = context.MarkTrace(); foreach (var pair in doubleEnumerator()) { arg1.UnifyWithAtomicConstant(pair.Arg1, context); arg2.UnifyWithAtomicConstant(pair.Arg2, context); yield return(CutState.Continue); context.RestoreVariables(tracePointer); } }
internal override IEnumerable <CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame) { var newVars = new LogicVariable[FreeVariables.Count]; object[] newArgs = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(HeadArgs, FreeVariables, newVars, context, true); // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219 foreach (bool ignore in Term.UnifyArrays(args, newArgs)) #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219 { // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable yield return(CutState.Continue); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the current value of a variable on the trace (i.e. the undo stack). /// </summary> public void SaveVariable(LogicVariable lvar) { if (tracePointer == traceVariables.Length) { var newTraceVariables = new LogicVariable[traceVariables.Length * 2]; var newTraceValues = new object[traceVariables.Length * 2]; traceVariables.CopyTo(newTraceVariables, 0); traceValues.CopyTo(newTraceValues, 0); traceVariables = newTraceVariables; traceValues = newTraceValues; } traceVariables[tracePointer] = lvar; traceValues[tracePointer] = lvar.mValue; tracePointer++; }
private static Structure ExpandDCGRuleHead(object expression, LogicVariable start, LogicVariable rest) { var t = expression as Structure; var s = expression as Symbol; if (t != null) { return(t.AddArguments(start, rest)); } if (s != null) { return(new Structure(s, start, rest)); } throw new ArgumentException("Invalid expression in grammar rule: " + ToStringInPrologFormat(expression), "expression"); }
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming private Structure ExpandDCGRule() { var start = new LogicVariable(StartSym); if (Argument(1) == null) // name --> []. { return(ExpandDCGRuleHead(Argument(0), start, start)); } LogicVariable rest; Structure body = ExpandDCGRuleBody(Argument(1), start, out rest); return(new Structure(Symbol.Implication, ExpandDCGRuleHead(Argument(0), start, rest), body)); }
private void WritePrologList(StringBuilder s) { s.Append('['); bool first = true; object current = Canonicalize(this); LogicVariable l = current as LogicVariable; if (l != null && l.IsBound) { current = l.Value; } while (current != null) { Structure t = current as Structure; if (first) { first = false; } else if (t == null) { s.Append(" | "); } else { s.Append(", "); } if (t == null) { Write(s, current); current = null; } else { if (t.IsFunctor(Symbol.PrologListConstructor, 2)) { Write(s, t.Argument(0)); current = t.Argument(1); } else { WriteAndPossiblyParenthesize(s, current); current = null; } } } s.Append(']'); }
static void AddBinding(LogicVariable lv, object value, ref List <LogicVariable> vars, ref List <object> values) { if (vars == null) { vars = new List <LogicVariable> { lv }; values = new List <object> { value }; } else { vars.Add(lv); values.Add(value); } }
private static Structure ExpandDCGLiteral(Structure literal, object afterward, LogicVariable start, out LogicVariable rest) { if (literal == null) { return(ExpandDCGRuleBody(afterward, start, out rest)); } if (literal.Argument(1) == null && afterward == null) { rest = new LogicVariable(RestSym); return(new Structure(DefiniteClauseCapitalC, start, literal.Argument(0), rest)); } var intermediate = new LogicVariable(LSym); return(new Structure(Symbol.Comma, new Structure(DefiniteClauseCapitalC, start, literal.Argument(0), intermediate), ExpandDCGLiteral((Structure)literal.Argument(1), afterward, intermediate, out rest))); }
private static bool TryExclusiveQueryEnumeratedParent( out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator, ELNodeEnumerator parentEnumerator, object key, LogicVariable v) { // Non-deterministic parent path // NonUniqueParent:Something foundNode = null; enumerator = (v == null) ? new ELNodeEnumeratorEnumerateParentAndLookupExclusiveKey(parentEnumerator, key) : (parentEnumerator.BindsVar(v)? (ELNodeEnumerator)new ELNodeEnumeratorPreboundVariable(parentEnumerator, v, true) : new ELNodeEnumeratorEnumerateParentAndBindVariable(parentEnumerator, v)); return true; }
private static bool TryExclusiveQuery( out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator, ELNode parentNode, ELNodeEnumerator parentEnumerator, object key, LogicVariable v) { // // Expression is Parent:Something // if (parentNode != null) { return TryExclusiveQueryDeterministicParent(out foundNode, out enumerator, parentNode, key, v); } return TryExclusiveQueryEnumeratedParent(out foundNode, out enumerator, parentEnumerator, key, v); }
private static Structure ExpandDCGRuleGoal(object expression, LogicVariable start, LogicVariable rest) { var t = expression as Structure; var s = expression as Symbol; if (t != null) { if (t.IsFunctor(Symbol.PrologListConstructor, 2)) { return(ExpandDCGLiteral(t, null, start, out rest)); } return(t.AddArguments(start, rest)); } if (s != null) { return(new Structure(s, start, rest)); } throw new ArgumentException("Invalid expression in grammar rule: " + ToStringInPrologFormat(expression), "expression"); }
public static bool TryNodeBindingQuery( out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator, object nodeExpression, LogicVariable variableToBind, PrologContext context) { // Decode the node expression ELNode foundNode; ELNodeEnumerator nodeEnumerator; if (!TryQuery(nodeExpression, context, out foundNode, out nodeEnumerator)) { // Parent failed, so we fail enumerator = null; return false; } enumerator = (foundNode != null) ? (ELNodeEnumerator)new ELNodeEnumeratorBindFixedNodeToVariable(foundNode, variableToBind) : new ELNodeEnumeratorBindEnumeratedNodesToVariable(nodeEnumerator, variableToBind); return true; }
private static Structure ExpandDCGCurlyBracketExpression(object goalExpression, object afterward, LogicVariable start, out LogicVariable rest) { var t = goalExpression as Structure; if (afterward == null) { if (t == null) { t = new Structure(Symbol.Call, goalExpression); } rest = start; return(t); } if (t != null && t.IsFunctor(Symbol.Comma, 2)) { return(new Structure(Symbol.Comma, t.Argument(0), ExpandDCGCurlyBracketExpression(t.Argument(1), afterward, start, out rest))); } return(new Structure(Symbol.Comma, goalExpression, ExpandDCGRuleBody(afterward, start, out rest))); }
private static bool TryExclusiveQueryDeterministicParent( out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator, ELNode parentNode, object key, LogicVariable v) { // Deterministic parent path // UniqueParent:Something if (parentNode.IsNonExclusive) { throw new ELNodeExclusionException("Exclusive query of an non-exclusive node", parentNode, key); } if (v == null) { // Deterministic child path // UniqueParent:Key enumerator = null; return parentNode.TryLookup(key, out foundNode); } // Enumerated child path // UniqueParent:Variable if (parentNode.Children.Count > 0) { foundNode = null; enumerator = new ELNodeEnumeratorBindAndUnbindVariable(parentNode.Children[0], v); return true; } // parentNode is exclusive, but is childless, so we can't match. foundNode = null; enumerator = null; return false; }
/// <summary> /// Called after the variable bound to this Metastructure is unified with an unbound variable /// that is not (itself) bound to a Metastructure. /// </summary> /// <param name="them">The logic variable with which to unify</param> /// <param name="filter">Test for whether the merging succeeded. Generally a woken goal.</param> /// <returns>The Metastructure to bind to the newly aliased variables.</returns> public Metastructure MetaVarUnify(LogicVariable them, out IEnumerable<CutState> filter) { filter = Prover(DelayedGoal); return MakeSuspension(null, FrozenGoal); }
/// <summary> /// Called after the variable bound to this Metastructure is unified with an unbound variable /// that is not (itself) bound to a Metastructure. /// </summary> /// <param name="l">The logic variable with which to Unify.</param> /// <param name="context">Context in which to execute suspended goals.</param> /// <returns>The Metastructure to bind to the newly aliased variables.</returns> public Metastructure MetaVarUnify(LogicVariable l, PrologContext context) { if (DelayedGoal != null) context.WakeUpGoal(DelayedGoal); return MakeSuspension(null, FrozenGoal); }
public ELNodeEnumeratorPreboundVariable(ELNodeEnumerator parentEnumerator, LogicVariable variable, bool exclusive) { this.parentEnumerator = parentEnumerator; this.variable = variable; this.exclusive = exclusive; }
public override bool BindsVar(LogicVariable v) { return parentEnumerator.BindsVar(v); }
public override bool BindsVar(LogicVariable v) { return v == this.variable || parentEnumerator.BindsVar(v); }
public ELNodeEnumeratorLogicVariableFromNode(ELNode parentNode, LogicVariable v) { this.parentNode = parentNode; this.variable = v; childIndex = parentNode.Children.Count - 1; }
/// <summary> /// Indicates a variable that shouldn't be bound is bound /// </summary> public InstantiatedVariableException(LogicVariable offendingVariable, string message) : base(offendingVariable, message) { }
public ELNodeEnumeratorEnumerateParentAndBindVariable(ELNodeEnumerator parentEnumerator, LogicVariable variable) { this.parentEnumerator = parentEnumerator; this.variable = variable; }
internal override IEnumerable <CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame) { object[] goal1Args = null; object[] goal2Args = null; object[] goal3Args = null; object[] goal4Args = null; object[] goal5Args = null; object[] goal6Args = null; object[] goal7Args = null; object[] goal8Args = null; var newVars = new LogicVariable[FreeVariables.Count]; object[] newArgs = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(HeadArgs, FreeVariables, newVars, context, true); // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable foreach (bool ignore in Term.UnifyArraysFast(args, newArgs, context)) { if (goal1Args == null) { goal1Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[0].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); } foreach (CutState ignoreFreeze in context.ProveAllWokenGoals()) { // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable foreach (CutState state1 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[0].Functor, goal1Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state1 == CutState.ForceFail) { yield return(CutState.ForceFail); } if (goal2Args == null) { goal2Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[1].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); } foreach (CutState state2 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[1].Functor, goal2Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state2 == CutState.ForceFail) { yield return(CutState.ForceFail); } if (goal3Args == null) { goal3Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[2].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); } foreach (CutState state3 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[2].Functor, goal3Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state3 == CutState.ForceFail) { yield return(CutState.ForceFail); } if (goal4Args == null) { goal4Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[3].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); } foreach (CutState state4 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[3].Functor, goal4Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state4 == CutState.ForceFail) { yield return(CutState.ForceFail); } if (goal5Args == null) { goal5Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[4].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); } foreach (CutState state5 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[4].Functor, goal5Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state5 == CutState.ForceFail) { yield return(CutState.ForceFail); } if (goal6Args == null) { goal6Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[5].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); } foreach (CutState state6 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[5].Functor, goal6Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state6 == CutState.ForceFail) { yield return(CutState.ForceFail); } if (goal7Args == null) { goal7Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[6].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); } foreach (CutState state7 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[6].Functor, goal7Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state7 == CutState.ForceFail) { yield return(CutState.ForceFail); } if (goal8Args == null) { goal8Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[7].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); } foreach (CutState state8 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[7].Functor, goal8Args, context, parentFrame)) { yield return(state8); } } } } } } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Finds the value of result in the first solution when proving goal within this Component's GameObject's knowledge base. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameObject">GameObject whose KB should be queried.</param> /// <param name="result">Value of the variable to solve for</param> /// <param name="functor">Functor of the goal.</param> /// <param name="args">Arguments for the goal.</param> /// <returns>Value found for the variable.</returns> public static object SolveFor(this GameObject gameObject, LogicVariable result, string functor, params object[] args) { return gameObject.SolveFor(result, new Structure(functor, args)); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the value of result in the first solution when proving goal within this Component's GameObject's knowledge base. /// </summary> /// <param name="component">Component whose KB should be queried.</param> /// <param name="result">Value of the variable to solve for</param> /// <param name="functor">Functor of the goal.</param> /// <param name="args">Arguments for the goal.</param> /// <returns>Value found for the variable.</returns> public static object SolveFor(this Component component, LogicVariable result, string functor, params object[] args) { return component.SolveFor(result, new Structure(functor, args)); }
internal override IEnumerable<CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame) { object[] goal1Args = null; object[] goal2Args = null; var newVars = new LogicVariable[FreeVariables.Count]; object[] newArgs = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(HeadArgs, FreeVariables, newVars, context, true); // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219 foreach (bool ignore in Term.UnifyArraysFast(args, newArgs, context)) #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219 { if (goal1Args == null) goal1Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[0].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219 foreach (CutState ignoreFreeze in context.ProveAllWokenGoals()) // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable foreach (CutState state1 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[0].Functor, goal1Args, context, parentFrame)) #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219 { if (state1 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail; if (goal2Args == null) goal2Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[1].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); foreach (CutState state2 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[1].Functor, goal2Args, context, parentFrame)) yield return state2; } } }
/// <summary> /// Recopy the term to replace variables. If term contains no variables, no recopying is done. /// </summary> /// <param name="oldVars">Variables to be replaced</param> /// <param name="newVars">The corresponding variables that are replacing the oldVars</param> /// <param name="context">PrologContext to evaluating indexicals</param> /// <param name="evalIndexicals">If true, any indexicals will be replaced with their values.</param> /// <returns>Converted term or original term if not conversion necessary</returns> public abstract object AlphaConvert( List<LogicVariable> oldVars, LogicVariable[] newVars, PrologContext context, bool evalIndexicals);
public override bool BindsVar(LogicVariable v) { return v == this.variable; }
/// <summary> /// Indicates a variable that should/shouldn't be bound isn't/is bound /// </summary> public InstantiationException(LogicVariable offendingVariable, string message) : base(message) { Variable = offendingVariable; }
public ELNodeEnumeratorLogicVariableFromParentEnumerator(ELNodeEnumerator parentEnumerator, LogicVariable v) { this.parentEnumerator = parentEnumerator; this.variable = v; childIndex = -1; }
internal override IEnumerable<CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame) { var newVars = new LogicVariable[FreeVariables.Count]; object[] newArgs = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(HeadArgs, FreeVariables, newVars, context, true); // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable #pragma warning disable 414, 168, 219 foreach (bool ignore in Term.UnifyArrays(args, newArgs)) #pragma warning restore 414, 168, 219 // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable yield return CutState.Continue; }
public ELNodeEnumeratorBindAndUnbindVariable(ELNode child, LogicVariable v) { this.child = child; this.variable = v; }
internal override IEnumerable<CutState> Prove(object[] args, PrologContext context, ushort parentFrame) { object[] goal1Args = null; object[] goal2Args = null; object[] goal3Args = null; object[] goal4Args = null; object[] goal5Args = null; object[] goal6Args = null; object[] goal7Args = null; object[] goal8Args = null; var newVars = new LogicVariable[FreeVariables.Count]; object[] newArgs = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(HeadArgs, FreeVariables, newVars, context, true); // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable foreach (bool ignore in Term.UnifyArraysFast(args, newArgs, context)) { if (goal1Args == null) goal1Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[0].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); foreach (CutState ignoreFreeze in context.ProveAllWokenGoals()) // ReSharper restore UnusedVariable foreach (CutState state1 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[0].Functor, goal1Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state1 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail; if (goal2Args == null) goal2Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[1].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); foreach (CutState state2 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[1].Functor, goal2Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state2 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail; if (goal3Args == null) goal3Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[2].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); foreach (CutState state3 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[2].Functor, goal3Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state3 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail; if (goal4Args == null) goal4Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[3].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); foreach (CutState state4 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[3].Functor, goal4Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state4 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail; if (goal5Args == null) goal5Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[4].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); foreach (CutState state5 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[4].Functor, goal5Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state5 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail; if (goal6Args == null) goal6Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[5].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); foreach (CutState state6 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[5].Functor, goal6Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state6 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail; if (goal7Args == null) goal7Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[6].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); foreach (CutState state7 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[6].Functor, goal7Args, context, parentFrame)) { if (state7 == CutState.ForceFail) yield return CutState.ForceFail; if (goal8Args == null) goal8Args = Term.AlphaConvertArglist(BodyGoals[7].Arguments, FreeVariables, newVars, context, false); foreach (CutState state8 in context.KnowledgeBase.Prove(BodyGoals[7].Functor, goal8Args, context, parentFrame)) { yield return state8; } } } } } } } } } }
public ELNodeEnumeratorBindFixedNodeToVariable(ELNode node, LogicVariable variableToBind) { this.node = node; this.variableToBind = variableToBind; }
public override bool BindsVar(LogicVariable v) { return v == variableToBind || nodeEnumerator.BindsVar(v); }
public override bool BindsVar(LogicVariable v) { return v == variableToBind; }
/// <summary> /// Finds the value of result in the first solution when proving goal within this GameObject's knowledge base. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameObject">GameObject whose KB should be queried.</param> /// <param name="result">Value of the variable to solve for</param> /// <param name="goal">Constraint on the value of the variable</param> /// <returns>Value found for the variable.</returns> public static object SolveFor(this GameObject gameObject, LogicVariable result, object goal) { return gameObject.KnowledgeBase().SolveFor(result, goal, gameObject, gameObject); }
private static bool TryNonExclusiveQuery(out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator, ELNode parentNode, object key, LogicVariable v, ELNodeEnumerator parentEnumerator) { if (parentNode != null) { return TryNonExclusiveQueryDeterministicParent(out foundNode, out enumerator, parentNode, key, v); } return TryNonExclusiveQueryEnumeratedParent(out foundNode, out enumerator, key, v, parentEnumerator); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the value of result in the first solution when proving goal within this Component's GameObject's knowledge base. /// </summary> /// <param name="component">Component whose KB should be queried.</param> /// <param name="result">Value of the variable to solve for</param> /// <param name="goal">Constraint on the value of the variable</param> /// <returns>Value found for the variable.</returns> public static object SolveFor(this Component component, LogicVariable result, object goal) { return component.KnowledgeBase().SolveFor(result, goal, component, component.gameObject); }
/* * term = integer ; (* *) * term = float number ; (* *) * term = - integer ; (* *) * term = - float number ; (* *) * term = atom ; (not an operator) (* *) * term = atom ; (an operator ) (* *) * atom = name ; * atom = empty list ; * empty list = open list, close list ; * atom = curly brackets ; * curly brackets = open curly, close curly ; * term = variable */ private void shifttoken(int tok) { switch (tok) { case NAME_TOKEN: { int prepri, inpri, postpri, spec; int inpostpri, sumpri; if (Operator(this.TokenString, out prepri, out inpri, out postpri, out spec)) { /* an operator */ if (prepri > 0 && (inpostpri = inpri + postpri) > 0) { /* infix and postfix do never occur together */ if (open_char(LOOKAHEAD_CHAR)) { /* prefix can never be followed directly by an open char */ reduce(inpostpri); shift(NAME_TOKEN, Symbol.Intern(this.TokenString), inpostpri, spec & (XFX | XFY | YFX | YF | XF)); } else { if (pStack != null) { reduce(inpostpri); /* must be done before testing the stack */ if (isterm(pStack.specifier)) { /* can be either infix of postfix */ shift(NAME_TOKEN, Symbol.Intern(this.TokenString), inpostpri, spec & (XFX | XFY | YFX | XF | YF)); } else { /* in the beginning of an expression . must be prefix */ shift(NAME_TOKEN, Symbol.Intern(this.TokenString), prepri, prefixbits(spec)); } } else /* empty stack */ shift(NAME_TOKEN, Symbol.Intern(this.TokenString), prepri, spec & (FX | FY)); } } else { /* there is only one specifier with priority sumpri */ reduce(sumpri = prepri + inpri + postpri); shift(NAME_TOKEN, Symbol.Intern(this.TokenString), sumpri, spec); } } else /* not an operator */ switch (this.TokenString) { // GROSS KLUGE ADDED BY IAN TO DEAL WITH CONSTANTS YOU WANT FOR .NET case "null": shift(NAME_TOKEN, null, 0, TERM); break; case "true": shift(NAME_TOKEN, true, 0, TERM); break; case "false": shift(NAME_TOKEN, false, 0, TERM); break; default: shift(NAME_TOKEN, Symbol.Intern(this.TokenString), 0, TERM); break; } break; } case VARIABLE_TOKEN: string name = this.TokenString; // Look for existing variable if name doesn't start with underscore var lv = (name[0] == '_')?null:vars.Find(v => v.Name.Name == name); if (lv == null) { // Anonymous or otherwise new variable lv = new LogicVariable(Symbol.Intern(name)); vars.Add(lv); } shift(VARIABLE_TOKEN, lv, 0, TERM); break; case INTEGER_TOKEN: if (pStack != null && pStack.term != null && (pStack.term is Symbol) && isprefix(pStack.specifier)) { /* * if a is a numeric constant, f is not - */ string s = ((Symbol) (pStack.term)).Name; if (s[0] == '-' && s.Length == 1) { //StackFrame sp = pStack; pStack = pStack.down; //BFREE(sp); shift(INTEGER_TOKEN, -integertoken, 0, TERM); break; } } shift(INTEGER_TOKEN, integertoken, 0, TERM); break; case FLOAT_NUMBER_TOKEN: if (pStack != null && pStack.term != null && (pStack.term is Symbol) && isprefix(pStack.specifier)) { /* * if a is a numeric constant, f is not - */ string s = ((Symbol) (pStack.term)).Name; if (s[0] == '-' && s.Length == 1) { //StackFrame sp = pStack; pStack = pStack.down; //BFREE(sp); shift(FLOAT_NUMBER_TOKEN, -floattoken, 0, TERM); break; } } shift(FLOAT_NUMBER_TOKEN, floattoken, 0, TERM); break; case CHAR_CODE_LIST_TOKEN: shift_char_code_list(this.TokenString); break; case OPEN_TOKEN: shift(OPEN_TOKEN, null, 1300, DELIMITER); break; case OPEN_CT_TOKEN: shift(OPEN_CT_TOKEN, null, 1300, DELIMITER); break; case CLOSE_TOKEN: if (!reduceterm()) if (!reducebrackets()) //seterr(ERR_NONDET); SyntaxError("Ambiguous input"); break; case OPEN_LIST_TOKEN: shift(OPEN_LIST_TOKEN, null, 1300, DELIMITER); break; case CLOSE_LIST_TOKEN: if (!reducelist()) SyntaxError("Parse error in list");//puts("Error in reducelist"); break; case OPEN_CURLY_TOKEN: shift(OPEN_CURLY_TOKEN, null, 1300, DELIMITER); break; case CLOSE_CURLY_TOKEN: if (!reducecurly()) SyntaxError("Parse error in { } expression");//puts("Error in reducecurly"); break; case HEAD_TAIL_SEPARATOR_TOKEN: reduce(1000); shift(HEAD_TAIL_SEPARATOR_TOKEN, null, 1000, DELIMITER); break; case COMMA_TOKEN: reduce(1000); shift(COMMA_TOKEN, Symbol.Comma, 1000, XFY); break; case EOFFILE: reduce(1400); shift(EOFFILE, Symbol.EndOfFile, 1400, DELIMITER); break; case END_TOKEN: break; } }