public static bool TryQueryStructure( Structure term, PrologContext context, out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator) { // // Dispatch based on the functor and arity. // // Handle root queries, i.e. /Key if (term.IsFunctor(Symbol.Slash, 1)) return TryRootQuery(term, context, out foundNode, out enumerator); if (!IsELTerm(term)) throw new Exception("Malformed EL query: " + ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(term)); if (term.IsFunctor(SBindNodeOperator, 2)) { var variableToBind = term.Argument(1) as LogicVariable; if (variableToBind == null) throw new ArgumentException("RHS of >> must be an uninstantiated variable: "+ ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(term.Argument(1))); foundNode = null; return TryNodeBindingQuery(out enumerator, term.Argument(0), variableToBind, context); } return TryChildQuery( out foundNode, out enumerator, term.Argument(0), term.Argument(1), term.Functor == Symbol.Colon, context); }
public static object EvalMemberExpression(object obj, object memberExpression, PrologContext context) { obj = Eval(obj, context); memberExpression = Term.Deref(memberExpression); var methodCall = memberExpression as Structure; if (methodCall != null) { // Method call var args = new object[methodCall.Arity]; for (var i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { args[i] = Eval(methodCall.Argument(i), context); } return(obj.InvokeMethod(methodCall.Functor.Name, args)); } var propName = memberExpression as Symbol; if (propName != null) { // Field or property reference return(obj.GetPropertyOrField(propName.Name)); } throw new ArgumentException( "Invalid member expression: " + ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(new Structure(Symbol.Dot, obj, memberExpression))); }
public static bool TryQuery(object term, PrologContext context, out ELNode foundNode, out ELNodeEnumerator enumerator) { // Dereference any top-level variables. var t = Term.Deref(term); // Dereference indexicals var i = t as Indexical; if (i != null) t = i.GetValue(context); // A game object means the gameobject's EL KB. var g = t as GameObject; if (g != null) t = g.KnowledgeBase().ELRoot; // If it's already an ELNode, use that. var n = t as ELNode; if (n != null) { foundNode = n; enumerator = null; return true; } // Otherwise, it's an expression, so evaluate it. var s = t as Structure; if (s != null) return TryQueryStructure(s, context, out foundNode, out enumerator); var v = t as LogicVariable; if (v != null && !v.IsBound) throw new Exception("EL query root is an unbound variable: " + v); throw new Exception("Malformed EL query: " + ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(term)); }
/// <summary> /// Thrown when attempting to write a non-exclusive value to an exclusive value or vice-versa. /// </summary> public ELNodeExclusionException(string message, ELNode node, object key) : base(string.Format("{0}: {1}{2}{3}", message, node, node.IsExclusive?ELProlog.ExclusiveOperator:ELProlog.NonExclusiveOperator, ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(key))) { }
internal void PrintWarning(string formatString, params object[] formatArgs) { //Repl.StartWarnings(); Debug.LogException( new PrologWarning(string.Format(formatString, formatArgs), string.Format("{0} (at {1}:{2})\n", ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(this.Head), this.SourceFile, this.SourceLineNumber)) ); //Console.Write(" in predicate {0}:{1}/{2}.", kb.Name, HeadFunctor, HeadArity); }
// // these write a single nodes, so they don't need to loop like queries do. // /// <summary> /// Write TERM to EL KB, creating any nodes that need to be cerated. /// </summary> /// <param name="term">Prolog-format term to store into KB</param> /// <param name="knowledgeBase">KB in which to assert the term.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static ELNode Update(object term, KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase) { term = Term.Deref(term); var s = term as Structure; if (s != null) return UpdateStructure(s, knowledgeBase); var n = term as ELNode; if (n != null) return n; throw new Exception("Malformed EL assertion: " + ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(term)); }
/// <summary> /// Prints to the console the disassembled bytecode for all rules in this predicate. /// </summary> public void Disassemble() { foreach (var knowledgeBaseEntry in Entries) { var rule = (ByteCompiledRule)knowledgeBaseEntry; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write(ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(rule.Head)); Console.Write(" :- \n "); Console.Write(ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(rule.Body)); Console.WriteLine("."); rule.Disassemble(); } }
public static ELNode UpdateStructure(Structure term, KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase) { if (term.Functor == Symbol.Slash) { if (term.Arity == 1) return knowledgeBase.ELRoot.StoreNonExclusive(Term.CopyInstantiation(term.Argument(0))); return Update(term.Argument(0), knowledgeBase).StoreNonExclusive(Term.CopyInstantiation(term.Argument(1))); } if (term.Functor == Symbol.Colon) { return Update(term.Argument(0), knowledgeBase).StoreExclusive(Term.CopyInstantiation(term.Argument(1)), true); } throw new Exception("Malformed EL assertion: "+ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(term)); }
internal void PrintWarning(string formatString, params object[] formatArgs) { #if DisableUnity Console.Write("{0} (at {1}:{2}): ", ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(this.Head), this.SourceFile, this.SourceLineNumber); Console.WriteLine(formatString, formatArgs); #else //Repl.StartWarnings(); Debug.LogException( new PrologWarning(string.Format(formatString, formatArgs), string.Format("{0} (at {1}:{2})\n", ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(this.Head), this.SourceFile, this.SourceLineNumber)) ); #endif }
public override string ToString() { switch (Type) { case IndexerType.Structure: return(string.Format("{0}/{1}", ((Symbol)Functor).Name, Arity)); case IndexerType.Atom: return(ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(Functor)); case IndexerType.Variable: return("Var"); case IndexerType.Null: return("NullIndexer"); } return("<PredicateArgumentIndexer with invalid type>"); }
/// <summary> /// Testing jig for byte compiler /// </summary> public void Test(string call) { var term = (Structure)(new ISOPrologReader(call).ReadTerm()); if (term.Arity != predicate.Arity) { throw new Exception("Wrong number of arguments"); } using (var c = PrologContext.Allocate(KnowledgeBase.Global, null)) { c.PushArguments(term.Arguments); int solutions = 0; foreach (var x in StackCall(c)) { foreach (var arg in term.Arguments) { if (arg is LogicVariable) { var l = arg as LogicVariable; Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", l.Name, ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(l.Value)); } } Console.WriteLine(x); if (solutions++ > 10) { Console.WriteLine("Max solutions found; terminating search"); c.PopFrame(0); goto abort; } } Console.WriteLine("fail"); abort: int tos = c.MakeFrame(0); if (tos != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Error: tos is " + tos); } } }
public GoalException(object goal, string message) : base(string.Format("{0}: {1}", message, ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(goal))) { Goal = goal; }
public override string ToString() { return(ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(new Structure(":-", head, Body))); }
// This ought to get refactored so that it's shared with the render code in the main class. private void AddItem(object data) { var op = data as Structure; if (op != null) { switch (op.Functor.Name) { case "cons": AddItem(op.Argument(0)); AddItem(op.Argument(1)); break; case "line": foreach (var arg in op.Arguments) { AddItem(arg); } textBuilder.AppendLine(); break; case "color": textBuilder.AppendFormat("<color={0}>", op.Argument(0)); for (int i = 1; i < op.Arity; i++) { AddItem(op.Argument(i)); } textBuilder.Append("</color>"); break; case "size": textBuilder.AppendFormat("<size={0}>", op.Argument(0)); for (int i = 1; i < op.Arity; i++) { AddItem(op.Argument(i)); } textBuilder.Append("</size>"); break; case "bold": textBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>"); for (int i = 0; i < op.Arity; i++) { AddItem(op.Argument(i)); } textBuilder.Append("</b>"); break; case "italic": textBuilder.AppendFormat("<i>"); for (int i = 0; i < op.Arity; i++) { AddItem(op.Argument(i)); } textBuilder.Append("</i>"); break; case "term": textBuilder.Append(ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(op.Argument(0))); break; default: textBuilder.Append(ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(op)); break; } } else { var str = data as string; textBuilder.Append(str ?? ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(data)); } }
private void Render(object renderingOperation) { renderingOperation = Term.Deref(renderingOperation); if (renderingOperation == null) { return; } var op = renderingOperation as Structure; if (op != null) { switch (op.Functor.Name) { case "cons": Render(op.Argument(0)); Render(op.Argument(1)); break; case "line": foreach (var arg in op.Arguments) { Render(arg); } textBuilder.AppendLine(); break; case "color": textBuilder.AppendFormat("<color={0}>", op.Argument(0)); for (int i = 1; i < op.Arity; i++) { Render(op.Argument(i)); } textBuilder.Append("</color>"); break; case "size": textBuilder.AppendFormat("<size={0}>", op.Argument(0)); for (int i = 1; i < op.Arity; i++) { Render(op.Argument(i)); } textBuilder.Append("</size>"); break; case "bold": textBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>"); for (int i = 0; i < op.Arity; i++) { Render(op.Argument(i)); } textBuilder.Append("</b>"); break; case "italic": textBuilder.AppendFormat("<i>"); for (int i = 0; i < op.Arity; i++) { Render(op.Argument(i)); } textBuilder.Append("</i>"); break; case "term": textBuilder.Append(ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(op.Argument(0))); break; case "table": MakeTable(op.Argument(0)); break; default: textBuilder.Append(ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(op)); break; } } else { var str = renderingOperation as string; textBuilder.Append(str ?? ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(renderingOperation)); } }
/// <summary> /// Converts an arbitrary object to a string in Prolog format. /// </summary> public static string ToStringInPrologFormat(object value) { return(ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(value)); }
/// <summary> /// Renders term in Prolog format /// </summary> public override string ToString() { return(ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(this)); }
public static PredicateIndicator FromExpression(object expression) { var s = Term.Deref(expression) as Structure; if (s == null || (!s.IsFunctor(Symbol.Slash, 2) && !s.IsFunctor(Symbol.SlashSlash, 2)) || !(s.Argument(0) is Symbol) || !(s.Argument(1) is int)) { throw new ArgumentException("Predicate indicator should be of the form functor/arity, but got " + ISOPrologWriter.WriteToString(expression)); } return(new PredicateIndicator((Symbol)s.Argument(0), (int)s.Argument(1))); }