public static List<Tile> FieldOfVision(Tile source, int visionRadius, TileMap map) { if (!source.Translucent) return null; List<Tile> visibleTiles = new List<Tile>(); // create the first quadrant List<Tile> quadrant = new List<Tile>(); visibleTiles.AddRange(CalculateQuadrant(source, visionRadius, map, new Line(1, 0, 0, 1))); visibleTiles.AddRange(CalculateQuadrant(source, visionRadius, map, new Line(0, 0, 1, 1))); visibleTiles.AddRange(CalculateQuadrant(source, visionRadius, map, new Line(0, 1, 1, 0))); visibleTiles.AddRange(CalculateQuadrant(source, visionRadius, map, new Line(1, 1, 0, 0))); visibleTiles = visibleTiles.Distinct().ToList(); visibleTiles.Add(source); return visibleTiles; }
public static bool CalculatePath(TileMap map, Tile startTile, Tile endTile, out List<Tile> path) { me = map[startTile.x, startTile.y].creature; MapNode[,] nodeMap = new MapNode[map.mapX, map.mapY]; path = new List<Tile>(); if (startTile == null || startTile.walkable == false || endTile == null || endTile.walkable == false) return false; MapNode start = new MapNode(map, startTile); MapNode end = new MapNode(map, endTile); List<MapNode> openList = new List<MapNode>(); List<MapNode> closedList = new List<MapNode>(); start.score = new Score(0, 0 + hce(start, end)); openList.Add(start); //add start node while (openList.Count > 0) { MapNode currentNode = Node_With_Min_f_Score(openList); if (currentNode.score.f_score == double.PositiveInfinity) { return false; } if (currentNode == end) { path = ConstructPath(currentNode, start); return true; } closedList.Add(currentNode); currentNode.closed = true; if (currentNode.cost == double.PositiveInfinity) { openList.Remove(currentNode); = false; continue; } foreach (MapNode neighbor in currentNode.getConnectedNodes(nodeMap)) //überprüfe jeden nachbar { if (neighbor.closed) continue; double tentative_g_score = currentNode.score.g_score + currentNode.cost + neighbor.costModifier; if (! //wenn der nachbar noch nicht in der openlist ist oder der pfad kürzer... { neighbor.score = new Score(tentative_g_score, tentative_g_score + hce(neighbor, end)); openList.Add(neighbor); //.....füge ihn hinzu bzw. aktualisiere ihn = true; //Debug.WriteLine(openList[neighbor].ToString()); neighbor.previousNode = currentNode; } else { if (tentative_g_score < openList.First(node => node == neighbor).score.g_score) { neighbor.score = new Score(tentative_g_score, tentative_g_score + hce(neighbor, end)); neighbor.previousNode = currentNode; } } } openList.Remove(currentNode); // lösche die currentnode aus der openlist = false; } return false; }
internal MapNode(TileMap map, Tile tile, double costModifier) : this(map, tile.x, tile.y, tile.MovementCost) { this.costModifier = costModifier; }
internal MapNode(TileMap map, Tile tile) : this(map, tile.x, tile.y, tile.MovementCost) { }
public static bool ExplorePath(TileMap map, Tile startTile, out List<Tile> path, bool autopickup) { MapNode[,] nodeMap = new MapNode[map.mapX, map.mapY]; path = new List<Tile>(); if (startTile == null || startTile.walkable == false) return false; MapNode start = new MapNode(map, startTile); List<MapNode> openList = new List<MapNode>(); List<MapNode> closedList = new List<MapNode>(); start.score = new Score(0, 0); openList.Add(start); //add start node while (openList.Count > 0) { MapNode currentNode = Node_With_Min_f_Score(openList); if (currentNode.score.f_score == double.PositiveInfinity) { return false; } if (((((Tile)currentNode).explorable && !((Tile)currentNode).wasVisible) || ((Tile)currentNode).items.Where(i => i.tags.Contains("autopickup")).Count() > 0) && (Tile) currentNode != startTile) { path = ConstructPath(currentNode, start); return true; } closedList.Add(currentNode); currentNode.closed = true; if (currentNode.cost == double.PositiveInfinity) { openList.Remove(currentNode); = true; continue; } foreach (MapNode neighbor in currentNode.getConnectedNodes(nodeMap)) //überprüfe jeden nachbar { if (neighbor.closed) continue; double tentative_g_score = currentNode.score.g_score + currentNode.cost + neighbor.costModifier; if (! //wenn der nachbar noch nicht in der openlist ist oder der pfad kürzer... { neighbor.score = new Score(tentative_g_score, tentative_g_score); openList.Add(neighbor); //.....füge ihn hinzu bzw. aktualisiere ihn = true; //Debug.WriteLine(openList[neighbor].ToString()); neighbor.previousNode = currentNode; } else { if (tentative_g_score < openList.First(node => node == neighbor).score.g_score) { neighbor.score = new Score(tentative_g_score, tentative_g_score); neighbor.previousNode = currentNode; } } } openList.Remove(currentNode); // lösche die currentnode aus der openlist = false; } return false; }
private static List<Tile> CalculateQuadrant(Tile source, int visionRadius, TileMap map, Line sourceVisionLine) { List<Tile> quadrant = new List<Tile>(); List<Tile> visibleTiles = new List<Tile>(); int xFactor = (int)(sourceVisionLine.start.x * 2 - 1); int yFactor = (int)(sourceVisionLine.end.y * 2 - 1); for (int x = 1; x <= visionRadius / Math.Cos(45); x++) { for (int y = 0; y <= x; y++) { if (!(visionRadius < Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - y, 2) + Math.Pow(y, 2)))) { if (map.inMap(source.x + xFactor * (x - y), source.y + yFactor * y)) { quadrant.Add(map[source.x + xFactor * (x - y), source.y + yFactor * y]); } } } } #if(FOV) for (int i = 0; i < quadrant.Count; i++) quadrant[i].num = i; #endif List<View> views = new List<View>(); views.Add(new View( source.x + (int) sourceVisionLine.end.x, source.y + (int) sourceVisionLine.end.y, source.x + xFactor * visionRadius + (int) sourceVisionLine.start.x, source.y + (int) sourceVisionLine.start.y, source.x + (int) sourceVisionLine.start.x, source.y + (int) sourceVisionLine.start.y, source.x + (int) sourceVisionLine.end.x, source.y + yFactor * visionRadius + (int) sourceVisionLine.end.y)); // create shallow and steep initial lines for (int i = 0; i < quadrant.Count; i++) { List<View> currentViews = new List<View>(); currentViews.AddRange(views); // fov calculation while (currentViews.Count > 0) { int j = views.FindIndex(x => x.Equals(currentViews[0])); visibilityStatus? vis = getVisibilityStatus(quadrant[i], source, map, currentViews.ElementAt(0), sourceVisionLine); switch (vis) { case visibilityStatus.outside: //Debug.WriteLine("Outside"); //do nothing //quadrant[i].debug = Color.Gold; break; case visibilityStatus.between: //Debug.WriteLine("Between"); #if(FOV) quadrant[i].debug = Color.Green; #endif visibleTiles.Add(quadrant[i]); if (!quadrant[i].Translucent) { Line possibleNewShallow = new Line(views[j].shallow.start, quadrant[i].position + sourceVisionLine.end); View view = new View(possibleNewShallow, currentViews[0].steep); foreach (Tile tile in View.steepBump) { if (obstructionCheck(tile, source, view.shallow, sourceVisionLine)) { view.shallow = new Line(tile.position + sourceVisionLine.start, view.shallow.end); } } if (!Line.sameLine(view.shallow, currentViews[0].steep)) { views.Add(view); #if(FOV) linesToDraw.Add(view.shallow); linesToDraw.Add(view.steep); #endif } Line possibleNewSteep = new Line(views[j].steep.start, quadrant[i].position + sourceVisionLine.start); view = new View(currentViews[0].shallow, possibleNewSteep); foreach (Tile tile in View.shallowBump) { if (obstructionCheck(tile, source, view.steep, sourceVisionLine)) { view.steep = new Line(tile.position + sourceVisionLine.end, view.steep.end); } } if (!Line.sameLine(currentViews[0].shallow, view.steep)) { views.Add(view); #if(FOV) linesToDraw.Add(view.shallow); linesToDraw.Add(view.steep); #endif } View.shallowBump.Add(quadrant[i]); View.steepBump.Add(quadrant[i]); views.RemoveAt(j); } break; case visibilityStatus.blocking: //Debug.WriteLine("Blocking"); #if(FOV) quadrant[i].debug = Color.Indigo; #endif visibleTiles.Add(quadrant[i]); if (!quadrant[i].Translucent) { views.RemoveAt(j); } break; case visibilityStatus.shallowBump: //Debug.WriteLine("Shallow"); #if(FOV) quadrant[i].debug = Color.Orange; #endif visibleTiles.Add(quadrant[i]); if (!quadrant[i].Translucent) { views[j].shallow = new Line(views[j].shallow.start, quadrant[i].position + sourceVisionLine.end); foreach (Tile tile in View.steepBump) { if (obstructionCheck(tile, source, views[j].shallow, sourceVisionLine)) { #if(FOV) tile.debug = Color.Firebrick; quadrant[i].debug = Color.DarkRed; #endif views[j].shallow = new Line(tile.position + sourceVisionLine.start, views[j].shallow.end); } } if (Line.sameLine(views[j].shallow, views[j].steep)) { views.RemoveAt(j); } else { #if(FOV) linesToDraw.Add(views[j].shallow); linesToDraw.Add(views[j].steep); #endif } View.shallowBump.Add(quadrant[i]); } break; case visibilityStatus.steepBump: //Debug.WriteLine("Steep"); #if(FOV) quadrant[i].debug = Color.Aqua; #endif visibleTiles.Add(quadrant[i]); if (!quadrant[i].Translucent) { views[j].steep = new Line(views[j].steep.start, quadrant[i].position + sourceVisionLine.start); foreach (Tile tile in View.shallowBump) { if (obstructionCheck(tile, source, views[j].steep, sourceVisionLine)) { #if(FOV) tile.debug = Color.Bisque; quadrant[i].debug = Color.Brown; #endif views[j].steep = new Line(tile.position + sourceVisionLine.end, views[j].steep.end); } } if (Line.sameLine(views[j].shallow, views[j].steep)) { views.RemoveAt(j); } else { #if(FOV) linesToDraw.Add(views[j].shallow); linesToDraw.Add(views[j].steep); #endif } View.steepBump.Add(quadrant[i]); } break; default: throw new ArgumentException("visibility status is null!!"); } currentViews.Remove(currentViews[0]); } } View.Reset(); return visibleTiles; }
static visibilityStatus? getVisibilityStatus(Tile tile, Tile source, TileMap map, View view, Line sourceVisionLine) { int factor = (int) (sourceVisionLine.end.y * 2 - 1); Vector2 convertedTile = tile.position - source.position; Vector2 convertedTopEdge = convertedTile + sourceVisionLine.end; Vector2 convertedBottomEdge = convertedTile + sourceVisionLine.start; Line convertedObjectLine = new Line(convertedTopEdge, convertedBottomEdge); Line convertedSteep = new Line(view.steep.start - source.position, view.steep.end - source.position); Line convertedShallow = new Line(view.shallow.start - source.position, view.shallow.end - source.position); Vector2 steepIntersect = Line.Intersect(convertedObjectLine, convertedSteep); Vector2 shallowIntersect = Line.Intersect(convertedObjectLine, convertedShallow); if (steepIntersect.y * factor <= convertedBottomEdge.y * factor || shallowIntersect.y * factor >= convertedTopEdge.y * factor) { return visibilityStatus.outside; } if (shallowIntersect.y * factor > convertedBottomEdge.y * factor && shallowIntersect.y * factor < convertedTopEdge.y * factor) { return visibilityStatus.shallowBump; } if (steepIntersect.y * factor > convertedBottomEdge.y * factor && steepIntersect.y * factor < convertedTopEdge.y * factor) { return visibilityStatus.steepBump; } if (steepIntersect.y * factor >= convertedTopEdge.y * factor && shallowIntersect.y * factor <= convertedBottomEdge.y * factor) { return visibilityStatus.between; } if (steepIntersect.y * factor < convertedTopEdge.y * factor && shallowIntersect.y * factor > convertedBottomEdge.y * factor) { return visibilityStatus.blocking; } return null; }
static bool obstructionCheck(Tile tile, Tile source, Line newLine, Line sourceVisionLine) { int factor = (int)(sourceVisionLine.end.y * 2 - 1); Vector2 topEdge = tile.position + sourceVisionLine.end; Vector2 bottomEdge = tile.position + sourceVisionLine.start; Line objectLine = new Line(topEdge, bottomEdge); Vector2 intersect = Line.Intersect(objectLine, newLine); return intersect.y * factor > bottomEdge.y * factor && intersect.y * factor < topEdge.y * factor; }
public static void UpdateOnScreenArea(Tile centerTile) { GraphX.centerTile = centerTile; onScreenArea = new List<Tile>(); for (int x = centerTile.x - (tilesVisibleX - 1) / 2; x < centerTile.x + (tilesVisibleX - 1) / 2 + 1; x++) { if (0 <= x && x < { for (int y = centerTile.y - (tilesVisibleY - 1) / 2; y < centerTile.y + (tilesVisibleY - 1) / 2 + 1; y++) { if (0 <= y && y < { onScreenArea.Add([x, y]); } } } } }