public ActionResult Index() { TeamSummary p = new TeamSummary(); List<string> l = new List<string>(); l.Add("Customer Experience"); l.Add(""); List<string> l2 = new List<string>(); l2.Add("/Home/Index"); l2.Add("/Home/Index"); p.Header = getHeaderInfo(l, l2, "Customer Experience", ""); return View(p); }
public ActionResult BackOrdersTeam(int Id) { TeamSummary p = new TeamSummary(); Database d = new Database(); d.openConnection(); string sql69 = "select team_name from bbs_cs_team where teamid = " + Id + ";"; var result11 = d.getDataset(sql69); string csTeam = result11.Tables[0].Rows[0]["team_name"].ToString(); List<string> l = new List<string>(); l.Add("Customer Experience"); l.Add("Back Orders Team Summary"); l.Add(csTeam); List<string> l2 = new List<string>(); l2.Add("/Home/Index"); l2.Add("/Home/BackOrders"); l2.Add("/Home/BackOrdersTeam/" + Id); p.Header = getHeaderInfo(l, l2, "Back Orders", csTeam); string sql1 = "select h.compno , h.custno, h.order_ref, c.cust_name, l.create_date, l.order_date, l.due_date, l.orderno , " + " l.line_no , l.stock_no , l.stock_desc, l.order_qty, l.desp_qty," + " l.order_status, l.order_qty - l.desp_qty as outstanding_qty, l.non_stocked, l.back_orderno, l.back_lineno, l.wareno " + " from ordhead h" + " inner join ordline l on h.compno = l.compno and h.orderno = l.orderno" + " inner join customer c on h.compno = c.compno and h.custno = c.custno" + " where h.compno = 1" + " and h.wareno IN (select wareno from waredesc)" + " and h.order_date > today - 10" + " and h.order_status IN (1,2)" + " and h.due_date <= today" + " and l.due_date <= today" + " and h.next_pick_date <= today" + " and l.order_status IN (1,2)" + " into temp backOrders with no log"; string sql2 = " select b.* , promise_date, cs.team_name, teamid" + " from backOrders b" + " left outer join mrppurhed m on m.compno = 1 and b.back_orderno = m.order_no" + " left outer join mrppurdet d on m.compno = d.compno and m.order_no = d.order_no and b.back_lineno = d.line_no" + " left outer join bbs_cs_team cs" + " on cs.teamid = get_team(b.compno , b.custno, b.wareno)" + " into temp backOrders2 with no log"; string sql4 = "select * from backOrders2 where teamid = " + Id + " order by orderno , line_no; "; d.executeSQL(sql1); d.executeSQL(sql2); var result2 = d.getDataset(sql4); p.Data = result2; d.closeConnection(); return View(p); }
public ActionResult EDITeam(int Id) { TeamSummary p = new TeamSummary(); Database d = new Database(); d.openConnection(); string sql69 = "select team_name from bbs_cs_team where teamid = " + Id + ";"; var result11 = d.getDataset(sql69); string csTeam = result11.Tables[0].Rows[0]["team_name"].ToString(); List<string> l = new List<string>(); l.Add("Customer Experience"); l.Add("EDI Rejections Team Summary"); l.Add(csTeam); List<string> l2 = new List<string>(); l2.Add("/Home/Index"); l2.Add("/Home/EDI"); l2.Add("/Home/EDITeam/" + Id); p.Header = getHeaderInfo(l, l2, "EDI Rejections", csTeam); string s1 = "set isolation to dirty read;"; string s2 = "set lock mode to wait;"; string sql1 = "select genno , a.error_ind, a.supplier, a.reference, a.message, a.lineno, a.date_created, a.time_created " + "from swedierrlog a " + "where message_type = 11 " + "and genno > 15000000 " + " and error_ind is not null " + "and message_date = today " + "and a.message not like 'WARNING%' " + "and a.message not like '%Invoice%' " + "into temp rejections_mn with no log; "; string sql3 = "select cs.team_name, cs.teamid ," + " a.genno, " + " a.error_ind, " + " a.supplier,a.reference,a.message,b.contract_no,b.delivery_name_1,b.delivery_name_2,b.delivery_addr_1,b.delivery_addr_2,b.delivery_addr_3,b.delivery_addr_4, "+ " b.delivery_post_code,b.orderno,b.wareno,c.line_number,c.hmso_product_code,c.qty_ordered,c.price,c.item_desc_1,c.item_desc_2,c.item_desc_3,c.item_desc_4, "+ " c.item_desc_5,cs.team_name,a.lineno,c.line_no , a.date_created, a.time_created" + " from rejections_mn a " + " inner join edisop_head b " + " on b.doc_no = a.genno " + " left outer join edisop_line c " + " on a.genno = c.doc_no " + " and a.error_ind = c.line_no " + " left outer join bbs_cs_team cs " + " on cs.teamid = get_team(b.compno , b.cust_acc_code, b.wareno) " + " where cs.teamid = " + Id + " order by a.date_created, a.time_created,a.supplier,a.reference ;"; d.executeSQL(s1); d.executeSQL(s2); bool res = d.executeSQL(sql1); DataSet result1 = new DataSet(); ; if(res) { result1 = d.getDataset(sql3); } p.Data = result1; d.closeConnection(); return View(p); }
public ActionResult HeldOrdersTeam(int Id) { TeamSummary p = new TeamSummary(); Database d = new Database(); d.openConnection(); string sql69 = "select team_name from bbs_cs_team where teamid = " + Id + ";"; var result11 = d.getDataset(sql69); string csTeam = result11.Tables[0].Rows[0]["team_name"].ToString(); List<string> l = new List<string>(); l.Add("Customer Experience"); l.Add("Held Orders Team Sumary"); l.Add(csTeam); List<string> l2 = new List<string>(); l2.Add("/Home/Index"); l2.Add("/Home/HeldOrders"); l2.Add("/Home/HeldOrdersTeam/" + Id); p.Header = getHeaderInfo(l, l2, "Held Orders", ""); string s1 = "set isolation to dirty read;"; string sql1 = "select h.custno, c.cust_name , h.orderno , l.line_no , l.stock_no , l.stock_desc, " + " l.order_qty , h.order_status as headerStatus , l.order_status as lineStatus, h.wareno, h.compno " + " from ordhead h inner join ordline l " + " on h.compno = l.compno " + " and h.orderno = l.orderno " + " inner join customer c " + " on h.compno = c.compno " + " and h.custno = c.custno " + " where h.compno = 1 " + " and h.wareno in (select wareno from waredesc) " + " and h.order_date > today - 2 " + " and l.order_status = 0 " + " into temp heldOrders with no log; "; string sql3 = "select * from heldOrders h "+ " left outer join bbs_cs_team cs " + " on cs.teamid = get_team(h.compno , h.custno, h.wareno) " + " where teamid = " + Id; d.executeSQL(s1); d.executeSQL(sql1); var result2 = d.getDataset(sql3); p.Data = result2; d.closeConnection(); return View(p); }
public ActionResult PPOTeam(int Id) { TeamSummary p = new TeamSummary(); Database d = new Database(); d.openConnection(); string sql69 = "select team_name from bbs_cs_team where teamid = " + Id + ";"; var result11 = d.getDataset(sql69); string csTeam = result11.Tables[0].Rows[0]["team_name"].ToString(); List<string> l = new List<string>(); l.Add("Customer Experience"); l.Add("PPO Awaiting Authorisation Team Summary"); l.Add(csTeam); List<string> l2 = new List<string>(); l2.Add("/Home/Index"); l2.Add("/Home/PPO"); l2.Add("/Home/PPOTeam/"+Id); p.Header = getHeaderInfo(l, l2, "PPO Awaiting Authorisation", csTeam); string sql1 = "select p.sales_orderno , p.sales_lineno , p.stock_no , p.suppno , s.supp_name, p.order_qty, p.unit_price, " + " p.order_qty * p.unit_price as value," + " p.order_date , p.due_date, p.authority_code, p.user_status5, h.custno ,c.team_name, c.teamid " + " from mrppurprop p" + " inner join ordhead h" + " on p.compno = h.compno" + " and p.sales_orderno = h.orderno" + " inner join supplier s" + " on p.compno = s.compno" + " and p.suppno = s.suppno" + " left outer join bbs_cs_team c" + " on c.teamid = get_team(h.compno , h.custno, h.wareno)" + " where p.index_fld3 = '0'" + " and p.compno = 1" + " and p.req_status = 4" + " and p.sales_orderno != ''" + " into temp ppos with no log"; string sql3 = "select * from ppos where teamid = " + Id + ";"; d.executeSQL(sql1); var result2 = d.getDataset(sql3); d.closeConnection(); p.Data = result2; return View(p); }
public ActionResult EDI() { TeamSummary p = new TeamSummary(); List<string> l = new List<string>(); l.Add("Customer Experience"); l.Add("EDI Rejections Team Summary"); List<string> l2 = new List<string>(); l2.Add("/Home/Index"); l2.Add("/Home/EDI"); p.Header = getHeaderInfo(l, l2, "EDI Rejections", ""); string s1 = "set isolation to dirty read;"; string s2 = "set lock mode to wait;"; string sql1 = "select genno , a.error_ind " + "from swedierrlog a " + "where message_type = 11 " + "and genno > 10000000 " + " and error_ind is not null " + "and message_date = today " + "and a.message not like 'WARNING%' " + "and a.message not like '%Invoice%' " + "into temp rejections_mn with no log; "; string sql3 = "select cs.team_name, cs.teamid ," + " count(genno) as rejections, " + " count(distinct c.doc_no) as lines " + " from rejections_mn a " + " inner join edisop_head b " + " on b.doc_no = a.genno " + " left outer join edisop_line c " + " on a.genno = c.doc_no " + " and a.error_ind = c.line_no " + " left outer join bbs_cs_team cs " + " on cs.teamid = get_team(b.compno , b.cust_acc_code, b.wareno) " + " group by team_name, teamid " + " ;"; Database d = new Database(); d.openConnection(); d.executeSQL(s1); d.executeSQL(s2); d.executeSQL(sql1); var result1 = d.getDataset(sql3); p.Data = result1; d.closeConnection(); return View(p); }
public ActionResult HeldOrders() { TeamSummary p = new TeamSummary(); List<string> l = new List<string>(); l.Add("Customer Experience"); l.Add("Held Orders Team Summary"); List<string> l2 = new List<string>(); l2.Add("/Home/Index"); l2.Add("/Home/HeldOrders"); p.Header = getHeaderInfo(l, l2, "Held Orders", ""); string s1 = "set isolation to dirty read;"; string s2 = "set lock mode to wait;"; string sql1 = "select h.custno, c.cust_name , h.orderno , l.line_no , l.stock_no , l.stock_desc, "+ " l.order_qty , h.order_status as headerStatus , l.order_status as lineStatus, h.wareno, h.compno "+ " from ordhead h inner join ordline l "+ " on h.compno = l.compno "+ " and h.orderno = l.orderno "+ " inner join customer c "+ " on h.compno = c.compno "+ " and h.custno = c.custno "+ " where h.compno = 1 "+ " and h.wareno in (select wareno from waredesc) "+ " and h.order_date > today - 2 "+ " and l.order_status = 0 "+ " into temp heldOrders with no log; "; string sql2 = "select team_name , teamid, count(distinct orderno) as orders, count(*) as lines "+ " from heldOrders h "+ " left outer join bbs_cs_team cs "+ " on cs.teamid = get_team(h.compno , h.custno, h.wareno) "+ " group by team_name, teamid"; string sql3 = "select * from heldOrders"; Database d = new Database(); d.openConnection(); d.executeSQL(s1); d.executeSQL(s2); d.executeSQL(sql1); var result1 = d.getDataset(sql2); p.Data = result1; d.closeConnection(); return View(p); }
public ActionResult PPO() { TeamSummary p = new TeamSummary(); List<string> l = new List<string>(); l.Add("Customer Experience"); l.Add("PPO Awaiting Authorisation Team Summary"); List<string> l2 = new List<string>(); l2.Add("/Home/Index"); l2.Add("/Home/PPO"); p.Header = getHeaderInfo(l, l2, "PPO Awaiting Authorisation", "Team Summary"); string s1 = "set isolation to dirty read;"; string s2 = "set lock mode to wait;"; string sql1 = "select p.sales_orderno , p.sales_lineno , p.stock_no , p.suppno , s.supp_name, p.order_qty, p.unit_price, " + " p.order_qty * p.unit_price as value," + " p.order_date , p.due_date, p.authority_code, p.user_status5, h.custno ,c.team_name, c.teamid " + " from mrppurprop p" + " inner join ordhead h" + " on p.compno = h.compno" + " and p.sales_orderno = h.orderno" + " inner join supplier s" + " on p.compno = s.compno" + " and p.suppno = s.suppno" + " left outer join bbs_cs_team c" + " on c.teamid = get_team(h.compno , h.custno, h.wareno)" + " where p.index_fld3 = '0'" + " and p.compno = 1" + " and p.req_status = 4" + " and p.sales_orderno != ''" + " into temp ppos with no log"; string sql2 = "select team_name , teamid , count(distinct sales_orderno) as orders , count(*) as lines" + " from ppos" + " group by team_name, teamid"; Database d = new Database(); d.openConnection(); d.executeSQL(s1); d.executeSQL(s2); d.executeSQL(sql1); var result1 = d.getDataset(sql2); d.closeConnection(); p.Data = result1; return View(p); }