コード例 #1
 private HDateTime(DateTimeOffset dto, HTimeZone htz)
     m_dtoParsed = dto;
     TimeZone    = htz;
     date        = HDate.make(dto.Year, dto.Month, dto.Day);
     time        = HTime.make(dto.Hour, dto.Minute, dto.Second, dto.Millisecond);
コード例 #2
        /** Make a range which encompasses the previous year. */
        public static HDateTimeRange lastYear(HTimeZone tz)
            HDate today = HDate.today();
            HDate first = HDate.make(today.Year - 1, 1, 1);
            HDate last  = HDate.make(today.Year - 1, 12, 31);

            return(make(first, last, tz));
コード例 #3
        /** Make a range which encompasses the current month. */
        public static HDateTimeRange thisMonth(HTimeZone tz)
            HDate today = HDate.today();
            HDate first = HDate.make(today.Year, today.Month, 1);
            HDate last  = HDate.make(today.Year, today.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(today.Year, today.Month));

            return(make(first, last, tz));
コード例 #4
        /** Make a range which encompasses the previous month. */
        public static HDateTimeRange lastMonth(HTimeZone tz)
            HDate    today       = HDate.today();
            DateTime dttoday     = new DateTime(today.Year, today.Month, today.Day);
            DateTime dtLastMonth = dttoday.AddMonths(-1);

            HDate lastMonth = HDate.make(dtLastMonth.Year, dtLastMonth.Month, dtLastMonth.Day);
            HDate first     = HDate.make(lastMonth.Year, lastMonth.Month, 1);
            HDate last      = HDate.make(lastMonth.Year, lastMonth.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(lastMonth.Year, lastMonth.Month));

            return(make(first, last, tz));
コード例 #5
ファイル: HDate.cs プロジェクト: cacerrillos/haystack-csharp
        // Parse from string fomat "YYYY-MM-DD" or raise FormatException (ParseException)
        public static HDate make(string s)
            DateTime dtParsed = DateTime.Now;

            if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(s, "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd",
                                        out dtParsed))
                throw new FormatException("Invalid date string: " + s);
            return(HDate.make(dtParsed.Year, dtParsed.Month, dtParsed.Day));
コード例 #6
 // Constructor with date and time (to sec) fields
 public static HDateTime make(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, int sec, HTimeZone tz)
     return(make(HDate.make(year, month, day), HTime.make(hour, min, sec), tz));