private void frmLogin_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Collects predictions from database and displays them. string queryCount = "SELECT COUNT(Game_id) FROM TblGames"; string countId = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM TblPredictions"; string querymin = "SELECT MIN(id) FROM TblPredictions"; int countGame = dbh.DTInt(queryCount); int countPred = dbh.DTInt(countId); int minPred = dbh.DTInt(querymin); int[] arrayCountGame = new int[countGame * 4]; int[] arrayCountGame1 = new int[countGame * 4]; for (int i = 0; i < countGame; i++) { string querySelectHome = "SELECT HomeTeamScore FROM TblGames WHERE Game_id = '" + i + "'"; string querySelectAway = "SELECT AwayTeamScore FROM TblGames WHERE Game_id = '" + i + "'"; int HomeTeamScore = dbh.DTInt(querySelectHome); int AwayTeamScore = dbh.DTInt(querySelectAway); int trueId = i + minPred; string querySelect = "SELECT User_id FROM TblPredictions WHERE id = '" + trueId + "' and PredictedAwayScore = '" + AwayTeamScore + "' or PredictedHomeScore = '" + HomeTeamScore + "'"; arrayCountGame[i] = dbh.DTInt(querySelect); string queryScore = "SELECT Score FROM TblUsers WHERE id = '" + arrayCountGame[i] + "'"; arrayCountGame1[i] = dbh.DTInt(queryScore) + 2; string queryUpdate = "UPDATE TblUsers SET Score = '" + arrayCountGame[i] + "' WHERE id = '" + arrayCountGame[i] + "'"; dbh.Execute(queryUpdate); } }
public frmPlayer(Form frm, string un) { // This is letting the user to see the preditions, result and scorecard. We need an dbh to excute sqls. int amount = dbh.DTInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TblGames"); rowLeft = new NumericUpDown[amount]; rowRight = new NumericUpDown[amount]; this.ControlBox = false; frmRanking = frm; this.counter--; dbh = new DatabaseHandler(); InitializeComponent(); // Disables buttons if its passed it expire date. if (DisableEditButton()) { btnClearPrediction.Enabled = false; btnSaveButton.Enabled = false; } this.Text = un; // Checks if some preditions already has been saved. DataTable tblUsers = dbh.FillDT("SELECT * FROM TblUsers WHERE (Username='******')"); dbh.TestConnection(); dbh.OpenConnectionToDB(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT id FROM TblUsers WHERE Username = @Username", dbh.GetCon())) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Username", this.Text); string sql = Convert.ToString(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); int.TryParse(sql, out this.resultId); } int userId = resultId; using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [tblPredictions] WHERE User_id = @User_id AND Saved = 1", dbh.GetCon())) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("User_id", userId); saved = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar() > 0; } dbh.CloseConnectionToDB(); if (saved) { btnSaveButton.Enabled = false; } else { btnClearPrediction.Enabled = false; } ShowResults(); ShowScoreCard(); ShowPredictions(userId); }