コード例 #1
 public DBOFullUniversity(List <DBOAddress> aboAddresses, DBORector dboRector, List <DBOFaculty> dboFaculties, List <DBOInstitute> dboInstitutes, List <DBOService> dboServices, List <DBODean> dboDeans, List <DBOStudent> dboStudents, List <DBOManager> dboManager, List <DBOEmploye> dboEmployes, List <DBOHead> dboHeads, List <DBOBooker> dboBookers, DBOMotorcade dboMotorcade, DBOAutoChief dboAutoChief, List <DBOVehicle> dboVehicles, List <DBOGarage> dboGarages)
     DBOAddresses  = aboAddresses;
     DBORector     = dboRector;
     DBOFaculties  = dboFaculties;
     DBOInstitutes = dboInstitutes;
     DBOServices   = dboServices;
     DBODeans      = dboDeans;
     DBOStudents   = dboStudents;
     DBOManager    = dboManager;
     DBOEmployes   = dboEmployes;
     DBOHeads      = dboHeads;
     DBOBookers    = dboBookers;
     DBOMotorcade  = dboMotorcade;
     DBOAutoChief  = dboAutoChief;
     DBOVehicles   = dboVehicles;
     DBOGarages    = dboGarages;
コード例 #2
        public DBOFullUniversity DBOFullUniversityCreate(University university)
            int idUniversity = 1;

            List <Department> departments = university.Departments;//getting list of departments
            List <Address>    addresses   = new List <Address>();

            addresses = departments.Select(n => n.Address).ToList();                 //taking addresses from departments
            addresses = addresses.Distinct(new AddressIEqualityComparer()).ToList(); //getting uniq addresses
            List <DBOAddress> dboAddresses = new List <DBOAddress>();
            int id = 1;

            dboAddresses = addresses.Select(n => new DBOAddress(id++, n.Street, n.City, n.Building)).ToList();                                                                   //creating list of DBOAddresses

            DBORector dboRector = new DBORector(university.Rector.Firstname, university.Rector.Lastname, university.Rector.Age, university.Rector.YearOfJobStart, idUniversity); //getting rector from university

            List <Faculty> faculties = new List <Faculty>();

            faculties = departments.Where(d => d.GetType() == typeof(Faculty)).Select(d => (d as Faculty)).ToList();//getting faculties from list of departments
            List <DBOFaculty> dboFaculties = new List <DBOFaculty>();

            id           = 1;
            dboFaculties = (from dboA in dboAddresses//creating list of DBOFaculties
                            join f in faculties on new Address(dboA.Street, dboA.City, dboA.Building) equals(f as Department).Address
                            select new DBOFaculty((f as Department).Name, idUniversity, id++, dboA.ID)).Cast <DBOFaculty>().ToList();

            List <Institute> institutes = new List <Institute>();

            institutes = departments.Where(d => d.GetType() == typeof(Institute)).Select(d => (d as Institute)).ToList();//getting institutes from list of departments
            List <DBOInstitute> dboInstitutes = new List <DBOInstitute>();

            id            = 1;
            dboInstitutes = (from dboA in dboAddresses//creating list of DBOInstitutes
                             join f in institutes on new Address(dboA.Street, dboA.City, dboA.Building) equals(f as Department).Address
                             select new DBOInstitute((f as Department).Name, idUniversity, id++, dboA.ID)).Cast <DBOInstitute>().ToList();

            List <Service> services = new List <Service>();

            services = departments.Where(d => d.GetType() == typeof(Service)).Select(d => (d as Service)).ToList();//getting services from list of departments
            List <DBOService> dboServices = new List <DBOService>();

            id          = 1;
            dboServices = (from dboA in dboAddresses//creating list of DBOServises
                           join s in services on new Address(dboA.Street, dboA.City, dboA.Building) equals(s as Department).Address
                           select new DBOService((s as Department).Name, idUniversity, id++, dboA.ID)).Cast <DBOService>().ToList();

            var            deans    = faculties.Select(n => new { n.Dean, n.Name });//taking deans from faculties with name of their faculties
            List <DBODean> dboDeans = new List <DBODean>();

            dboDeans = (from d in deans//creating list of DBODeans
                        join dboF in dboFaculties on d.Name equals dboF.Name
                        select new DBODean(d.Dean.Firstname, d.Dean.Lastname, d.Dean.Degree, d.Dean.Age, dboF.ID)).Cast <DBODean>().ToList();

            List <DBOStudent> dboStudents = new List <DBOStudent>();
            var preDBOStudents            = (from f in faculties//taking students from faculties with id of faculty
                                             join dboF in dboFaculties on f.Name equals dboF.Name
                                             select new { f.Students, dboF.ID }).ToList();

            preDBOStudents.ForEach(preStd => preStd.Students.ForEach(s => dboStudents.Add(new DBOStudent(s.Firstname, s.Lastname, s.Age, preStd.ID, s.AverageMark))));//creating the list of DBOStudents

            var managers = institutes.Select(n => new { n.Manager, n.Name });//taking managers from institutes with name of their institutes
            List <DBOManager> dboManagers = new List <DBOManager>();

            dboManagers = (from m in managers//creating list of DBOManagers
                           join dboI in dboInstitutes on m.Name equals dboI.Name
                           select new DBOManager(m.Manager.Firstname, m.Manager.Lastname, m.Manager.Roomnumber, m.Manager.Age, dboI.ID)).Cast <DBOManager>().ToList();

            List <DBOEmploye> dboEmployes = new List <DBOEmploye>();
            var preDBOEmployes            = (from i in institutes//taking employes from institutes with id of theirs institutes
                                             join dboI in dboInstitutes on i.Name equals dboI.Name
                                             select new { i.Employes, dboI.ID }).ToList();

            preDBOEmployes.ForEach(preEmp => preEmp.Employes.ForEach(e => dboEmployes.Add(new DBOEmploye(e.Firstname, e.Lastname, e.Age, preEmp.ID, e.Wage))));//creating the list of DBOEmployes

            var            heads    = services.Select(n => new { n.Head, n.Name });//taking heads from services with name of their services
            List <DBOHead> dboHeads = new List <DBOHead>();

            dboHeads = (from h in heads//creating list of DBOHeads
                        join dboS in dboServices on h.Name equals dboS.Name
                        select new DBOHead(h.Head.Firstname, h.Head.Lastname, h.Head.Age, h.Head.Experience, dboS.ID)).Cast <DBOHead>().ToList();

            List <DBOBooker> dboBookers = new List <DBOBooker>();
            var preDBOBookers           = (from s in services//taking bookers from services with id of theirs services
                                           join dboS in dboServices on s.Name equals dboS.Name
                                           select new { s.Bookers, dboS.ID }).ToList();

            preDBOBookers.ForEach(preBoo => preBoo.Bookers.ForEach(b => dboBookers.Add(new DBOBooker(b.Firstname, b.Lastname, b.Age, b.Post, preBoo.ID))));//creating the list of DBOBookers

            int          idMotorcade  = 1;
            DBOMotorcade dboMotorcade = new DBOMotorcade(university.Motorcade.Name, idUniversity, idMotorcade);                                                                   //creating DBOMotorcade

            DBOAutoChief dboAutoChief = new DBOAutoChief(university.Motorcade.Chief.Firstname, university.Motorcade.Chief.Lastname, university.Motorcade.Chief.Age, idMotorcade); //creating DBOAutoChief of DBOMotorcade

            List <DBOVehicle> dboVehicles = new List <DBOVehicle>();

            university.Motorcade.Vehicles.ForEach(v => dboVehicles.Add(new DBOVehicle(v.Name, v.State, idMotorcade)));//creating list of DBOVehicles

            List <DBOGarage> dboGarages = new List <DBOGarage>();

            dboGarages = (from g in university.Motorcade.Garages//creating list of DBOGarages
                          join dboA in dboAddresses on g.Address equals new Address(dboA.Street, dboA.City, dboA.Building)
                          select new DBOGarage(g.Square, dboA.ID, idMotorcade)).Cast <DBOGarage>().ToList();

            DBOFullUniversity dboFullUniversity = new DBOFullUniversity(dboAddresses, dboRector, dboFaculties, dboInstitutes, dboServices, dboDeans, dboStudents, dboManagers, dboEmployes, dboHeads, dboBookers, dboMotorcade, dboAutoChief, dboVehicles, dboGarages);    //creating new full DBOUniversity
