public void setStartAndGoal(int x0, int y0, int xn, int yn) { _nodeStart = new heapNode(x0, y0); _nodeGoal = new heapNode(xn, yn); _heap = new HeapSort(ref _openList); // add a new element, and re-build the heap _heap.push_heap(_nodeStart); }
public double getScoreGain(heapNode preNode, heapNode node) { double preNodeScore = _lattice.getMap(preNode._x, preNode._y); double nodeScoreGain = _lattice.getMap(node._x, node._y); double edgeScoreGain = _lattice.getMap(node._x, preNode._y, node._y); if (preNodeScore <= -1e10 || nodeScoreGain <= -1e10 || edgeScoreGain <= -1e10)//anything touching with -1e10 will die.. { return(-1e10); } return(nodeScoreGain + edgeScoreGain); }
public double doOneStep(ref List <int> tags) { double score = -1; // Pop the best node (max heap) heapNode n = _heap.pop_heap(); if (n == null) { return(-2);//heap empty, search failure } // Check for the goal, once we pop that we're done if (n._x == _nodeGoal._x && n._y == _nodeGoal._y) { score = n._f; _nodeGoal._parent = n._parent; //build the "solution-node-sequence" in a backward way heapNode nodeParent = _nodeGoal._parent; while (nodeParent != _nodeStart) { tags.Add(nodeParent._y); nodeParent = nodeParent._parent; } tags.Reverse(); return(score); } else //not goal { //get successors int xNew = n._x + 1; for (int yNew = 0; yNew < _h; yNew++) { if (xNew >= _w) { if (_lattice.getMap(xNew, yNew) <= -1e10) { continue; } } heapNode successor = new heapNode(xNew, yNew); successor._parent = n; successor._g = n._g + getScoreGain(n, successor); successor._h = _lattice.getHeuMap(xNew, yNew); successor._f = successor._g + successor._h;//_f is necessary for building the heap! don't remove it //add element, and re-build heap _heap.push_heap(successor); } return(-1); } }
public heapNode pop_heap() { if (_a.Count == 0) { return(null); } heapNode n = _a[0]; _a[0] = _a[_a.Count - 1]; _a.RemoveAt(_a.Count - 1); siftDown(0, _a.Count - 1); return(n); }
public void push_heap(heapNode n) { //prune if (Global.beamSearch && _a.Count > Global.beamSize) { if (n < _a[_a.Count - 1]) { return; } } _a.Add(n); int loc = _a.Count - 1; int root; heapNode temp; while (loc != 0) { //check n is left child or right child if (loc % 2 == 0)//right { root = (loc - 2) / 2; } else { root = (loc - 1) / 2;//left } if (_a[root] < _a[loc]) { temp = _a[root]; _a[root] = _a[loc]; _a[loc] = temp; loc = root; } else { break; } } //prune if (Global.beamSearch && _a.Count > Global.beamSize) { _a.RemoveAt(_a.Count - 1); } }
//a simple test for debug public static void debug() { heapNode a = new heapNode(); a._f = 9; heapNode b = new heapNode(); b._f = 50; heapNode c = new heapNode(); c._f = 21; heapNode d = new heapNode(); d._f = 98; heapNode e = new heapNode(); e._f = 55; List <heapNode> tmpList = new List <heapNode>(); tmpList.Add(a); HeapSort hs = new HeapSort(ref tmpList); hs.push_heap(b); hs.push_heap(c); hs.push_heap(d); hs.push_heap(e); hs.pruneToSize(2); heapNode x = hs.pop_heap(); Console.WriteLine(x._f); x = hs.pop_heap(); Console.WriteLine(x._f); x = hs.pop_heap(); Console.WriteLine(x._f); x = hs.pop_heap(); Console.WriteLine(x._f); x = hs.pop_heap(); Console.WriteLine(x._f); }
//should be improve public void push_heap_slow(heapNode n) { _a.Add(n); buildHeap();//this should be improved for efficiency!! no need to build half }