public void BeginProcessRequest(Site site) { string sql = ""; int iResult = 0; this.Site = site; oDataIO = new DataIO(); SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(); Conn = oDataIO.GetDBConnection("ProfilesDB"); sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(); sqlCmd.Connection = Conn; site.IsDone = false; _request = WebRequest.Create(site.URL); // Enter log record sql = "insert into [Direct.].LogOutgoing(FSID,SiteID,Details,SentDate,QueryString) " + " values ('" + site.FSID.ToString() + "'," + site.SiteID.ToString() + ",0,GetDate()," + cs(site.SearchPhrase) + ")"; sqlCmd.CommandText = sql; sqlCmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; iResult = sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (sqlCmd.Connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) sqlCmd.Connection.Close(); _request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(EndProcessRequest), site); }
public void EndProcessRequest(IAsyncResult result) { string resultdata = String.Empty; Site site = (Site)result.AsyncState; XmlElement ResultXML; XmlDocument outgoingcount; WebResponse response = null; SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(); Conn = oDataIO.GetDBConnection("ProfilesDB"); sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(); sqlCmd.Connection = Conn; try { response = _request.EndGetResponse(result); } catch { return; } string ResultCount = string.Empty; string ResultDetailsURL = string.Empty; string ResultPopulationType = string.Empty; string ResultPreviewURL = string.Empty; string ResultText = string.Empty; string sql = string.Empty; using (response) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); resultdata = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); outgoingcount = new XmlDocument(); if (resultdata != "ERROR") { resultdata = this.CRLF(resultdata); try { outgoingcount.LoadXml(resultdata); ResultText = resultdata; ResultXML = outgoingcount.DocumentElement; ResultCount = GetXMLText(ResultXML, "//count"); ResultDetailsURL = GetXMLText(ResultXML, "//search-results-URL"); ResultPopulationType = GetXMLText(ResultXML, "//population-type"); ResultPreviewURL = GetXMLText(ResultXML, "//preview-URL"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex = ex; } } else { ResultText = resultdata; } sql = "update [Direct.].LogOutgoing set ResponseTime = datediff(ms,SentDate,GetDate()), " + " ResponseState = 4, " + " ResponseStatus = 200, " //+ HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode.ToString() + ", " + " ResultText = " + cs(ResultText) + ", " + " ResultCount = " + cs(ResultCount) + ", " + " ResultDetailsURL = " + cs(ResultDetailsURL) + " where FSID = " + cs(site.FSID); sqlCmd.CommandText = sql; sqlCmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; try { int iResult = sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { //do nothing } if (Conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) Conn.Close(); site.JavaScript = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">parent.siteResult(" + site.SiteID + ",0," + ch(ResultCount) + "," + ch(ResultDetailsURL) + "," + ch(ResultPopulationType) + "," + ch(ResultPreviewURL) + ",'" + site.FSID + "');</script>" + Environment.NewLine; site.Context.Response.Write(site.JavaScript); try { site.Context.Response.Flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex = ex; } site.IsDone = true; this.Site = site; response.Close(); } }
protected void DrawUIOnLoad() { oDataIO = new DIRECT.Utilities.DataIO(); Profiles.DIRECT.Utilities.DataIO searchDataIO; string DirectServiceURL = Root.Domain + "/DIRECT/Modules/DirectSearch/directservice.aspx";// Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace("&", "&"); string ProfilesURL = Root.Domain; string PopulationTypeText = oDataIO.GetDirectConfig().PopulationType; int QueryTimeout = oDataIO.GetDirectConfig().Timeout; XmlDocument query = new XmlDocument(); XmlDocument result; Framework.Utilities.Namespace rdfnamespaces = new Namespace(); XmlNamespaceManager namespaces = null; string sql = string.Empty; string ResultDetailsURL = string.Empty; string strResult = ""; SqlDataReader dr; if (Request["Request"] == null) { return; } string task = Request["Request"].ToLower(); switch (task) { case "getsites": string ResultStr = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" + "<site-list>"; dr = oDataIO.GetSitesOrderBySortOrder(); while (dr.Read()) { Int64 SiteID = Convert.ToInt64(dr["SiteID"]); string SiteName = dr["SiteName"].ToString(); string QueryURL = dr["QueryURL"].ToString(); if (SiteName == null) SiteName = ""; if (QueryURL == null) QueryURL = ""; ResultStr = ResultStr + "<site-description><site-id>" + SiteID + "</site-id><name>" + cx(SiteName) + "</name><aggregate-query>" + cx(QueryURL) + "</aggregate-query></site-description>"; } if (!dr.IsClosed) dr.Close(); ResultStr += "</site-list>"; Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); //Response.ContentEncoding.CodePage = 65001; Response.Charset = "UTF-8"; Response.Write(ResultStr); break; case "incomingcount": string q = Request["SearchPhrase"].Trim(); // Enter log record sql = "insert into [Direct.].LogIncoming(Details,ReceivedDate,RequestIP,QueryString) " + " values (0,GetDate()," + cs(Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]) + "," + cs(q) + ")"; oDataIO.ExecuteSQLDataCommand(sql); // Execute query string x = "<SearchOptions>" + "<MatchOptions>" + "<SearchString ExactMatch=\"false\">" + cx(q) + "</SearchString> " + "<SearchFiltersList /> " + "<ClassURI></ClassURI> " + "</MatchOptions>" + "<OutputOptions>" + "<Offset>0</Offset>" + "<Limit>1</Limit> " + "<SortByList>" + "</SortByList>" + "</OutputOptions>" + "</SearchOptions>"; query.LoadXml(x); searchDataIO = new Profiles.DIRECT.Utilities.DataIO(); result = searchDataIO.Search(query); namespaces = rdfnamespaces.LoadNamespaces(result); string ResultCount = result.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/prns:numberOfConnections", namespaces).InnerText; // Form result message ResultStr = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"; ResultStr += "<aggregation-result>"; ResultStr += "<count>" + ResultCount + "</count>"; ResultStr += "<population-type>" + PopulationTypeText + "</population-type>"; ResultStr += "<preview-URL>" + DirectServiceURL + "?Request=IncomingPreview&SearchPhrase=" + cx(q) + "</preview-URL>"; ResultStr += "<search-results-URL>" + DirectServiceURL + "?Request=IncomingDetails&SearchPhrase=" + cx(q) + "</search-results-URL>"; ResultStr += "</aggregation-result>"; // Send result Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); //Response.ContentEncoding.CodePage = 65001; Response.Charset = "UTF-8"; Response.Write(ResultStr); break; case "incomingdetails": q = Request["SearchPhrase"].Trim(); // Enter log record sql = "insert into [Direct.].LogIncoming(Details,ReceivedDate,RequestIP,QueryString) "; sql += " values (1,GetDate()," + cs(Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]) + "," + cs(q) + ")"; oDataIO.ExecuteSQLDataCommand(sql); // Execute query query.LoadXml("<SearchOptions>" + "<MatchOptions>" + "<SearchString ExactMatch=\"false\">" + cx(q) + "</SearchString> " + "<SearchFiltersList /> " + "<ClassURI></ClassURI> " + "</MatchOptions>" + "<OutputOptions>" + "<Offset>0</Offset>" + "<Limit>1</Limit> " + "<SortByList>" + "</SortByList>" + "</OutputOptions>" + "</SearchOptions>"); searchDataIO = new Profiles.DIRECT.Utilities.DataIO(); result = searchDataIO.Search(query); strResult = result.InnerXml; // Parse results XmlDocument objDoc = new XmlDocument(); objDoc = new XmlDocument(); objDoc.LoadXml(strResult); namespaces = rdfnamespaces.LoadNamespaces(result); ResultCount = result.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/prns:numberOfConnections", namespaces).InnerText; if (ProfilesURL.Substring(ProfilesURL.Length - 1) != "/") { ProfilesURL += "/"; } Response.Redirect(ProfilesURL + "search/default.aspx?searchtype=people&classuri=" + q); break; case "incomingpreview": q = Request["SearchPhrase"].Trim(); Utilities.DataIO data = new Profiles.DIRECT.Utilities.DataIO(); string searchphrase = Request["SearchPhrase"].Trim(); Response.Write(data.Search(searchphrase)); break; case "outgoingcount": if (Request["blank"] == "y") { Response.Write("<html><body></body></html>"); Response.End(); } string SearchPhrase = Request["SearchPhrase"]; Response.Write("<script>parent.dsLoading=1;</script>" + Environment.NewLine); dr = oDataIO.GetSitesOrderBySiteID(); SiteIDs = new int[1000]; URLs = new string[1000]; FSIDs = new string[1000]; Site site; ListOfSites = new List<Site>(); Int64 sites = 0; List<AsyncProcessing> ListOfThreads = new List<AsyncProcessing>(); AsyncProcessing async; while (dr.Read()) { SiteIDs[sites] = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SiteID"].ToString()); URLs[sites] = dr["QueryURL"] + SearchPhrase; FSIDs[sites] = dr["FSID"].ToString(); site = new Site(URLs[sites], SiteIDs[sites], FSIDs[sites], SearchPhrase, HttpContext.Current); ListOfSites.Add(site); async = new AsyncProcessing(); async.BeginProcessRequest(site); ListOfThreads.Add(async); sites++; } if (!dr.IsClosed) dr.Close(); //eat up the CPU for x number of seconds :) so all the requests can come back. This is set in the web.config file DateTime end = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(QueryTimeout); while (DateTime.Now < end) { } //close out anything that did not complete in 5 seconds for (int loop = 0; loop < ListOfThreads.Count; loop++) { if (!ListOfThreads[loop].Site.IsDone) { sql = "update [Direct.].LogOutgoing set ResponseTime = datediff(ms,SentDate,GetDate()), " + " ResponseState = " + 1 + " where FSID = " + cs(ListOfThreads[loop].Site.FSID); oDataIO.ExecuteSQLDataCommand(sql); Response.Write("<script>parent.siteResult(" + ListOfThreads[loop].Site.SiteID + ",1,0,'','','','');</script>"); ListOfThreads.Remove(ListOfThreads[loop]); } } try { Response.Flush(); } catch { } break; case "outgoingdetails": string FSID = Request["fsid"].Trim(); string SiteId = string.Empty; if (FSID != "") { dr = oDataIO.GetFsID(cs(FSID)); if (dr.Read()) { SiteId = dr["SiteID"].ToString(); ResultDetailsURL = dr["ResultDetailsURL"].ToString().Replace("\n\t", ""); } if (!dr.IsClosed) dr.Close(); } if ((FSID != "") && (SiteId != "") && (ResultDetailsURL != "")) { // Enter log record oDataIO.ExecuteSQLDataCommand("insert into [Direct.].LogOutgoing(FSID,SiteID,Details,SentDate) " + " values ('" + FSID + "'," + SiteId + ",1,GetDate())"); Response.Redirect(ResultDetailsURL); } else Response.Redirect(ProfilesURL); break; } Response.End(); }