コード例 #1
        public string submitQuerySQL(string sql, out DataTable answerSet)
            SqlQuery rawQuery = new SqlQuery(sql);
            QueryType qType = rawQuery.ProcessType();
            answerSet = null;
            switch (qType)
                case QueryType.INSERT:
                    var query = new SqlInsertQuery(sql);
                    var iHandler = new InsertQueryHandler(query, underlineDatabase);
                    answerSet = iHandler.HandleInsertQuery();
                case QueryType.SELECT:
                    var squery = new SqlSelectQuery(sql);
                    var sHandler = new SelectQueryHandler(squery, underlineDatabase);
                    answerSet = sHandler.HandleSelectSqlQuery();
                case QueryType.CREATE:
                    var cquery = new SqlCreateTableQuery(sql);
                    var handler = new CreateTableHandler(cquery,underlineDatabase);
                    answerSet = handler.HandleCreateTableQuery();

            return "end of submitSQL function";
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// at the moment only table name is allowed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableClause"></param>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        /// <param name="subQuery"></param>
        private void processTableClause(string tableClause, out bool _hasSubquery, out string _tableName, out SqlSelectQuery _subQuery, out string _JoinOnAttributes)
            // pattern here is: tableName or 2 table join with a sql select query all over again
            string sPattern = @"\s*(?<table1>\w+)\s*(\z|as\s+t1\s+join\s+\((?<table2>.*)\)\s+as\s+t2\s+on\s+(?<joinCondition>.+))";
            Match  match    = Regex.Match(tableClause, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            _tableName = "";
            if (match.Success)
                _tableName = match.Groups["table1"].Value;
                var table2 = match.Groups["table2"].Value;

                if (table2 != null && table2.Length > 0)
                    _hasSubquery      = true;
                    _JoinOnAttributes = match.Groups["joinCondition"].Value;
                    SqlSelectQuery subQuery = new SqlSelectQuery(table2);
                    _subQuery = subQuery;
                    _hasSubquery      = false;
                    _subQuery         = null;
                    _JoinOnAttributes = "";
                throw new Exception("parsing problem encountered within processTableClause function");
コード例 #3
        private void ProcessAndPopulateEachField()
            // pattern to match here is: select fields from tableORsubQuery where whereCondition EVALUATE USING xxx strategy
            string sPattern = @"\A\s*SELECT\s+(?<attributes>.+?)\s+FROM\s+(\[(?<tableClause>.+)\]|(?<tableName>\w+))\s*(?<conditionClause>.*)";
            Match  match    = Regex.Match(this._sql, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (match.Success)
                _attributes = match.Groups["attributes"].Value;
                String tableClause = match.Groups["tableClause"].Value;
                String tableName   = match.Groups["tableName"].Value;
                if (tableName.Length > 0)
                    _tableName        = tableName;
                    _subQuery         = null;
                    _JoinOnAttributes = null;
                    _hasSubquery      = false;
                    processTableClause(tableClause, out _hasSubquery, out _tableName, out _subQuery, out _JoinOnAttributes);
                var optionalClause = match.Groups["conditionClause"].Value;

                //List<String> attributesName = processAttributesClause(_attributes);

                if (optionalClause.Length > 0)
                    processOptionalClause(optionalClause, out _conditionClause, out _strategyClause);
                throw new Exception("query's format does not comply with SELECT QUERY");
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// at the moment only table name is allowed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableClause"></param>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        /// <param name="subQuery"></param>
        private void processTableClause(string tableClause, out bool _hasSubquery, out string _tableName, out SqlSelectQuery _subQuery, out string _JoinOnAttributes)
            // pattern here is: tableName or 2 table join with a sql select query all over again
            string sPattern = @"\s*(?<table1>\w+)\s*(\z|as\s+t1\s+join\s+\((?<table2>.*)\)\s+as\s+t2\s+on\s+(?<joinCondition>.+))";
            Match match = Regex.Match(tableClause, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            _tableName = "";
            if (match.Success)
                _tableName = match.Groups["table1"].Value;
                var table2 = match.Groups["table2"].Value;

                if (table2 != null && table2.Length > 0)
                    _hasSubquery = true;
                    _JoinOnAttributes = match.Groups["joinCondition"].Value;
                    SqlSelectQuery subQuery = new SqlSelectQuery(table2);
                    _subQuery = subQuery;
                    _hasSubquery = false;
                    _subQuery = null;
                    _JoinOnAttributes = "";
                throw new Exception("parsing problem encountered within processTableClause function");
コード例 #5
        private void ProcessAndPopulateEachField()
            // pattern to match here is: select fields from tableORsubQuery where whereCondition EVALUATE USING xxx strategy
            string sPattern = @"\A\s*SELECT\s+(?<attributes>.+?)\s+FROM\s+(\[(?<tableClause>.+)\]|(?<tableName>\w+))\s*(?<conditionClause>.*)";
            Match match = Regex.Match(this._sql, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (match.Success)
                _attributes = match.Groups["attributes"].Value;
                String tableClause = match.Groups["tableClause"].Value;
                String tableName = match.Groups["tableName"].Value;
                if (tableName.Length > 0)
                    _tableName = tableName;
                    _subQuery = null;
                    _JoinOnAttributes = null;
                    _hasSubquery = false;
                    processTableClause(tableClause, out _hasSubquery, out _tableName, out _subQuery, out _JoinOnAttributes);
                var optionalClause = match.Groups["conditionClause"].Value;

                //List<String> attributesName = processAttributesClause(_attributes);

                if (optionalClause.Length > 0)
                   processOptionalClause(optionalClause, out _conditionClause, out _strategyClause);
                throw new Exception("query's format does not comply with SELECT QUERY");
コード例 #6
        private DataTable ExecuteMonteCarloSampling(string samplingResultTable, string samplingTargetTable, int samplingRuns, SqlSelectQuery query)
            //:Todo not used
            Random random = new Random();

            var sql = String.Format("select count(*) from {0}", samplingTargetTable);
            var result = underlineDatabase.ExecuteSqlWithResult(sql);

            if (result.Rows.Count != 1)
                throw new Exception("");

            var noOfWorlds = (int)result.Rows[0][0];

            DataTable allSample = new DataTable();
            for (int i = 1; i <= samplingRuns; i++)
                var worldNoSelected = random.Next(1, noOfWorlds);
                var selectStringWorld = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE worldNo = {1}", samplingTargetTable, worldNoSelected);
                var aSample = underlineDatabase.ExecuteSqlWithResult(selectStringWorld);
                if (i == 1)
                    allSample = aSample.Clone();

                allSample = addOneTableToAnother(allSample, aSample, random);

            DataTable frenquencyResult = computeFrequencyResult(allSample, samplingResultTable, query.Attributes, samplingRuns, query);

            return frenquencyResult;
コード例 #7
 public SelectQueryHandler(SqlSelectQuery squery, IStandardDatabase underlineDatabase)
     _query = squery;
     this.underlineDatabase = underlineDatabase;
コード例 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Default is Extensional method, while monte carlo is sampling using frequency of event occur
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attributes"> must specify what they are, wildcard like * not supported !</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private DataTable ComputeJointResultUsingNaiveStrategy(string attributes, SqlSelectQuery query, bool intermediate)
     int attributeSize = PreparePossibleStatesTable(query.TableName);
     CreatePossibleWorldsTable(query.TableName, attributeSize);
     return NaiveStrategy(attributes,query.ConditionClause,query.TableName,intermediate);
コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// save allSample table back to database in order to be able to use group by keyword.
 /// the temporary table called samplingResultTable is created for this purposes
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="allSample"></param>
 /// <param name="samplingResultTable"></param>
 /// <param name="query"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private DataTable computeFrequencyResult(DataTable allSample, string samplingResultTable, string selectedFields, int noOfSamplingRuns, SqlSelectQuery query)
     WriteTableIntoDatabase(samplingResultTable, allSample);
     var groupingSql = string.Format("SELECT {0},(COUNT(*)/{2}) as p FROM {1} GROUP BY {0}", selectedFields, samplingResultTable, noOfSamplingRuns);
     return underlineDatabase.ExecuteSqlWithResult(groupingSql);
コード例 #10
        public void TestParsingSelectQueryWithWhereClauseAndStrategy()
            string sentences = "Select a,b,c from Data where (a=25 and b=15) Evaluate using (monte Carlo)";

            SqlSelectQuery query = new SqlSelectQuery(sentences);

            Assert.IsTrue(query.Attributes.Trim() == "a,b,c");
            Assert.IsTrue(query.TableName.Trim() == "Data");
            Assert.IsTrue(query.ConditionClause.Trim() == "a=25 and b=15");
コード例 #11
        public void TestParsingSelectQueryWithThreeJoin()
            var secondJoin = string.Format("Select e,f,g from [Data2 as t1 Join (Select * FROM Data3) as t2 on t1.he=t2.hy]");
            string sentences = string.Format("Select a,b,c from [Data as t1 Join ({0}) as t2 on t1.ha=t2.ho]",secondJoin);

            SqlSelectQuery query = new SqlSelectQuery(sentences);

            Assert.IsTrue(query.Attributes.Trim() == "a,b,c");
            Assert.IsTrue(query.TableName.Trim() == "Data");
            Assert.IsTrue(query.ConditionClause.Trim() == "");
            Assert.IsTrue(query.JoinOnAttributes.Trim() == "t1.ha=t2.ho");
            Assert.IsTrue(query.HasSubquery == true);

            var subquery = query.SubQuery;
            Assert.IsTrue(subquery.HasSubquery == true);
            Assert.IsTrue(subquery.TableName.Trim() == "Data2");
            Assert.IsTrue(subquery.Attributes == "e,f,g");
            Assert.IsTrue(subquery.JoinOnAttributes.Trim() == "t1.he=t2.hy");

            var subsubquery = subquery.SubQuery;
            Assert.IsTrue(subsubquery.HasSubquery == false);
            Assert.IsTrue(subsubquery.TableName.Trim() == "Data3");
            Assert.IsTrue(subsubquery.Attributes == "*");
コード例 #12
        public void TestParsingSelectQueryWithJoin()
            string sentences = "Select a,b,c from [Data as t1 Join (SELECT * FROM Data2) as t2 on t1.ha=t2.ho]";

            SqlSelectQuery query = new SqlSelectQuery(sentences);

            Assert.IsTrue(query.Attributes.Trim() == "a,b,c");
            Assert.IsTrue(query.TableName.Trim() == "Data");
            Assert.IsTrue(query.ConditionClause.Trim() == "");

            var subquery = query.SubQuery;
            Assert.IsTrue(query.JoinOnAttributes.Trim() == "t1.ha=t2.ho");
            Assert.IsTrue(subquery.HasSubquery == false);
            Assert.IsTrue(subquery.TableName.Trim() == "Data2");