コード例 #1
        /*This method is invoked when you first start the application ,
         * and through a messagebox asking you if you want to create a database file. sdf
         * If the user decides to create the file will create an instance of the class ContactDataContext 
         * with the corresponding parameter of the path given by the FileName property of the control SaveFileDialog 
         * for connecting and using the method CreateDatabase will create the Database with related tables mapped i
         * nside of the file Contact.dbml of LinqToSql.
         * Will be valued the variable path and settings saved and passed as a parameter each 
         * time and request connection to the Database Created
        public static void CreateFirstDataBase()
            var dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
            dialog.Filter = "File sdf|*.sdf";

            if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", "File",
                    "  ", Properties.Settings.Default.path, "  ", "not found ,want to create the file?"),
                     System.Windows.Forms.Application.ProductName.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
                     MessageBoxIcon.Question).Equals(System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) &&
                using (var ctx = new ContactDataContext(dialog.FileName))
                    Properties.Settings.Default.path = dialog.FileName;
コード例 #2
        /*This method and is nearly similar to the previous method, except that the user can decide when to create a new database, 
         * this method is not called the first time.
        public static void CreateNewDataBase()
            var dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
            dialog.Filter = "File sdf|*.sdf";
            var dialogresult = dialog.ShowDialog();

            if (dialogresult.Equals(System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)) return;

            if (dialogresult.Equals(System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) && (!System.IO.File.Exists(dialog.FileName)))
                using (var ctx = new ContactDataContext(dialog.FileName))
                    Properties.Settings.Default.path = dialog.FileName;

            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}", "File", "  "
                , dialog.FileName, "  ", "already exsist", "  ", "choose a different name"));
コード例 #3
        //Click event of btnFind
        private void btnFind_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            /*This Linq query performs a search based on what the user selects the Search form, 
             * the form includes three RadioButton and CheckBox controls sixteen, 
             * first of all check if the user has selected at least one RadioButton and one or more checkboxes, 
             * otherwise it will be perceived from a messagebox.
             * Next check out what has been selected, this is by LinqToObjects query, 
             * first retrieves the name of the selected RadioButton control and the second the name or names of the selected checkboxes, 
             * which is becoming the operator and Where the predicate inside.

             *This query and the search for or interested in the tasks assigned to each person.

                         var result = ctx.GetTable <Job> ()
                         . Where (w => w.ACTIVITY.Equals (_activity.Content.ToString (). ToUpper ()) && w.STATE.Equals (_state.ToUpper ()))
                         . Join (ctx.PERSON, job => job.ID, cust => cust.ID, (job, name) => new {name.NAME, name.SURNAME, name.ADDRESS, name.ZIPCODE, name.CITY} )
                         . OrderBy (a => a.SURNAME)
                         . Distinct ()
                         . ToList ();

             *A check is performed on the Job table if there are people who work a year and a corresponding duty, 
             *will join the two tables placed in the Job and person using the ID field will be extracted and all the information 
             *of the person or persons who fulfill the conditions specified in Where previous predicate operator, 
             *then using the OrderBy operator will be sorted in ascending according to the specified predicate, 
             *in this case by name, will be eliminated any double occurrences, and this task Distinct operator, 
             *he will remove all occurrences double and the method ToList convert the result of the query 
             *that will anominustype type in a list and we'll look at why
            if (Validations.ChechBoxAndRadioButtonChecked(dgvSearch) < 2)

            var print = new PreviewDialog();
            var _state = string.Empty;

            using (var ctx = new ContactDataContext(Properties.Settings.Default.path))
                foreach (var myRadioButton in dgvSearch.Children.OfType<RadioButton>().Where(myRadioButton => myRadioButton.IsChecked.Equals(true)))
                   _state = myRadioButton.Content.ToString();

                foreach (var myCheckBox in dgvSearch.Children.OfType<CheckBox>().Where(myCheckBox => myCheckBox.IsChecked.Equals(true)))
                    var _activity = myCheckBox;
                    var result =  ctx.GetTable<JOB>()
                        .Where(w =>w.ACTIVITY.Equals(_activity.Content.ToString().ToUpper()) && w.STATE.Equals(_state.ToUpper()))
                        .Join( ctx.PERSON, job => job.ID, cust => cust.ID,(job, name) => new  {name.NAME, name.SURNAME, name.ADDRESS, name.ZIPCODE, name.CITY })
                        .OrderBy(a => a.SURNAME)

                    foreach (var item in result)
                        /*The method of the class LoadData PreviewDialog populates a list of such Persons passing all the data found by the search query, 
                         * which is why we converted the result of the query in a list, in the class PreviewDialog will find the list of 
                         * such person and the method LoadData
                        print.LoadData(item.NAME, item.SURNAME, item.ADDRESS, item.ZIPCODE, item.CITY);
コード例 #4
        /*This method of type DataGrid, using code ctx.PERSON; select all data from the DataBase of the Person table 
         * and returns a datagrid with its property ItemSource.
        public static System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid LoadData()
            var dgvDati = new System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid();

            using (var ctx = new ContactDataContext(Properties.Settings.Default.path))
                var selectperson = ctx.PERSON;
                dgvDati.ItemsSource = selectperson;

            return dgvDati;
コード例 #5
        /*This method means the method SubmitChanges performs the necessary changes within the database, 
         * this method requires the necessary arguments for the update data, all the while by ContactDataContext class that exposes all the methods needed in the               *iteration with the data, runs a foreach loop on the variable idupdateperson and updated all the data that meets the conditions 
         * of the predicate in the Where operator.
        public static void UpdateData(string name, string surname, string address, string zipcode, string city, string state, string activity)
            using (var ctx = new ContactDataContext(Properties.Settings.Default.path))
                var idperson = ctx.PERSON.Where(w => w.NAME.Equals(name) && w.SURNAME.Equals(surname));

                foreach (var itemperson in idperson.ToList())
                    var updateperson = ctx.PERSON.Where(w => w.NAME.Equals(name) && w.SURNAME.Equals(surname));

                    itemperson.NAME = name.ToUpper();
                    itemperson.SURNAME = surname.ToUpper();
                    itemperson.ADDRESS = address.ToUpper();
                    itemperson.ZIPCODE = zipcode.ToUpper();
                    itemperson.CITY = city.ToUpper();

                    var idjob = ctx.JOB.Where(w => w.IDPERSON.Equals(itemperson.ID));

                    foreach (var itemjob in idjob.ToList())
                        var updatejob = ctx.JOB.Where(w => w.ID.Equals(itemperson.ID));

                        itemjob.STATE = state;
                        itemjob.ACTIVITY = activity;

コード例 #6
        /*This method means the method DeleteOnSubmit status delete data into a pending state, 
         * then the method SubmitChanges performs the necessary changes within the database, this method requires the necessary arguments for deleting data, 
         * all the while using the class that exposes all ContactDataContext methods 
         * needed in the iteration with the data as we shall see in subsequent methods.
         * Is then performed using a foreach loop iteration variable iddeletejob and will be eliminated on all data that 
         * satisfy the predicate in the Where operator, for both the table job for the person table.
        public static void DeleteData(string name, string surname)
            using (var ctx = new ContactDataContext(Properties.Settings.Default.path))
                    var ideletejob = ctx.PERSON.Where(w => w.NAME.Equals(name) && w.SURNAME.Equals(surname));

                    foreach (var item in ideletejob.ToList())
                        var deletejob = ctx.JOB.Where(w => w.IDPERSON.Equals(item.ID));

                        if (!deletejob.Any()) return;

                        var deleteperson = ctx.PERSON
                            .Where(w => w.NAME.Equals(name) && w.SURNAME.Equals(surname));

                        if (!deleteperson.Any()) return;


                catch (System.Exception ex)
コード例 #7
        /*This method means the method InsertOnSubmit status insert data into a pending state, 
         * then the method SubmitChanges performs the necessary changes within the database, this method requires the necessary arguments for entering data, 
         * all the while using the class that exposes all ContactDataContext methods 
         * needed in the iteration with the data as we shall see in subsequent methods.
        public static void InsertData(string name, string surname, string address, string zipcode, string city, string state, string activity)
            using (var ctx = new ContactDataContext(Properties.Settings.Default.path))
                var newperson = new PERSON
                    NAME = name.ToUpper(),
                    SURNAME = surname.ToUpper(),
                    ADDRESS = address.ToUpper(),
                    ZIPCODE = zipcode.ToUpper(),
                    CITY = city.ToUpper()


                var newjob = new JOB
                    IDPERSON = newperson.ID,
                    STATE = state,
                    ACTIVITY = activity
