public static string getCount(int day) { string sql = string.Format("select count(*) as count from apistatistics where time>={0}", DateUtil.getTime - 24 * 60 * 60 * day); DataSet ds = MySQLTool.getDataSet(sql); return(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["count"].ToString()); }
public static string getTags() { string sql = "SELECT * FROM `wordcount` ORDER BY `wordcount`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1"; DataSet ds = MySQLTool.getDataSet(sql); return(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["result"].ToString()); }
public static decimal getFileTotalSize() { string sql = "SELECT SUM( file_size ) /1024 /1024 /1024 as sum FROM `images` WHERE 1"; DataSet ds = MySQLTool.getDataSet(sql); Decimal num = Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sum"].ToString()); return(Math.Round(num, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)); }
public static string getSum(string table) { string sql = "SELECT count(*) as sum from " + table; DataSet ds = MySQLTool.getDataSet(sql); if (ds == null) { return("0"); } return(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sum"].ToString()); }
public static void addHis(string api, string from, List <ImageModel> list) { string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO apistatistics(time,func,ip,kid) VALUES"); long time = DateUtil.getTime; foreach (ImageModel img in list) { sql += string.Format("('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}')", time, api, from, img.Kid); } MySQLTool.runSql(sql); }
public static Dictionary <string, int> getTags(int number) { Dictionary <string, int> dict = new Dictionary <string, int>(); string sql = string.Format("select * from tag where total >{0} and tag not like '%(%' order by total desc", number); DataSet ds = MySQLTool.getDataSet(sql); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { dict.Add((string)row["tag"], (int)row["total"]); } return(dict); }
public static List <int> getChartStatistics(long endTime) { string sql0 = string.Format(@"SELECT COUNT( * ) count, '{0}'TIME FROM `apistatistics` WHERE `time` >{1} and `time`< {2} ", endTime, endTime, endTime + 3600); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { endTime = endTime - 60 * 60; sql0 = sql0 + string.Format(@" UNION ALL SELECT COUNT( * ) count, '{0}'TIME FROM `apistatistics` WHERE `time` >{1} and `time`< {2} ", endTime, endTime, endTime + 3600); } sql0 += " order by time"; DataSet ds = MySQLTool.getDataSet(sql0); List <int> list = new List <int>(); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { list.Add(Convert.ToInt32(row["count"])); } return(list); }
public static string getChartStatistics(long endTime, string type) { JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string sql0 = string.Format(@"SELECT COUNT( * ) count, '{0}'TIME FROM `apistatistics` WHERE `time` >{1} and `time`< {2} and `func` ='{3}' ", endTime, endTime, endTime + 3600, type); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { endTime = endTime - 60 * 60; sql0 = sql0 + string.Format(@" UNION ALL SELECT COUNT( * ) count, '{0}'TIME FROM `apistatistics` WHERE `time` >{1} and `time`< {2} and `func` ='{3}' ", endTime, endTime, endTime + 3600, type); } sql0 += " order by time"; DataSet ds = MySQLTool.getDataSet(sql0); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { list.Add(row["count"]); } return(js.Serialize(list)); }
public static void addHis(string api, string from, string kid) { string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO apistatistics(time,func,ip,kid) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}')", DateUtil.getTime, api, from, kid); MySQLTool.runSql(sql); }
public static void setCount(string time) { string sql = string.Format("INSERT IGNORE INTO config VALUES('{0}',0)", time); DataSet ds = MySQLTool.getDataSet(sql); }