コード例 #1
ファイル: Exceptions.cs プロジェクト: SealedSun/prx
        private static void _unpack(PrexoniteRuntimeException originalException,
            out Exception lowestException, out PrexoniteRuntimeException lowestRuntimeException)
            Exception exc = originalException;
            TargetInvocationException targetInvocationExc = null;
            lowestRuntimeException = originalException;

            while (
                (exc is PrexoniteRuntimeException ||
                    (targetInvocationExc = exc as TargetInvocationException) != null)
                        && exc.InnerException != null)
                if (targetInvocationExc == null)
                    lowestRuntimeException = (PrexoniteRuntimeException) exc;
                exc = exc.InnerException;

            lowestRuntimeException = (exc as PrexoniteRuntimeException) ?? lowestRuntimeException;
            lowestException = exc;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Exceptions.cs プロジェクト: SealedSun/prx
        /// <summary>
        ///     Tries to unwrap the inner exception of the supplied <see cref = "PrexoniteRuntimeException" /> so
        ///     the inner exception of the returned <see cref = "PrexoniteRuntimeException" /> contains relevant information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     The method replaces <see cref = "PrexoniteRuntimeException" />s as well as 
        ///     <see cref = "TargetInvocationException" />s with their inner exceptions (unless they are null). 
        ///     In some cases, a new <see cref = "PrexoniteRuntimeException" /> instance is created.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name = "pExc">Any <see cref = "PrexoniteRuntimeException" />.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref = "PrexoniteRuntimeException" /> with a relevant inner exception.</returns>
        public static PrexoniteRuntimeException UnpackException(PrexoniteRuntimeException pExc)
            if (pExc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pExc");

            //Exception exc = pExc;
            //Exception lastExc = null;

            //while (
            //    (exc is PrexoniteRuntimeException || exc is TargetInvocationException) &&
            //    exc.InnerException != null)
            //    var ipexc = exc as PrexoniteRuntimeException;
            //    if (ipexc != null)
            //        lastpExc = ipexc;
            //    lastExc = exc;
            //    exc = exc.InnerException;

            //if (ReferenceEquals(exc, pExc))
            //    return pExc; //No unpacking needed

            //if (ReferenceEquals(lastExc, pExc))
            //    return pExc; //Use lowest prexonite runtime exception
            //    //Construct new runtime exception
            //    return
            //        new PrexoniteRuntimeException(exc.Message, exc, pExc._prexoniteStackTrace);

            PrexoniteRuntimeException lowestRuntimeException;
            Exception lowestException;

            if (pExc.InnerException == null)
                return pExc;

            _unpack(pExc, out lowestException, out lowestRuntimeException);

            //Check if something changed
            if (ReferenceEquals(lowestException, pExc.InnerException) &&
                ReferenceEquals(lowestRuntimeException, pExc))
                return pExc;

            return new PrexoniteRuntimeException(lowestException.Message, lowestException,