コード例 #1
        // Method to parse the main directory
        // dataSetType: Train or Test
        public void Parse(String rootDirectory, String dataSetType, String parsingMode, String inputFilesFormat)
            // Not need to write to output file if maxIDRun
            if (!maxIDRun)
                // Start the file writer
                outFileWriter = new OutputFileWriter(configManager, logger, rootDirectory, dataSetType);

                // Start the file
                outFileWriter.WriteOutputFile(null, OutFileMode.START);
            }// end if (!maxIDRun)
            switch (parsingMode)
            case "AnyFile":
                ParseAnyFile(rootDirectory, dataSetType, inputFilesFormat);

            case "FolderStructure":
                ParseFolderStructure(rootDirectory, dataSetType, inputFilesFormat);
            }// end switch

            // Not need to write to output file if maxIDRun
            if (!maxIDRun)
                // Finalize the output file
                outFileWriter.WriteOutputFile(null, OutFileMode.FINISH);
        }// end Parse()
コード例 #2
        // Method to parse the main directory
        public void Parse(String rootDirectory, String mode)
            // Traverse the root directory
            String[] categoryFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(rootDirectory);

            // Temp string to build the current mrf folder name in it
            String currentMrfFolderName;

            // Temp words List list over all files to accomodate words. To be converted to words [] when full length is known.
            ArrayList wordsList = new ArrayList();

            // The features formatter
            FeaturesFormatter featuresFormatter;

            // Start the file writer
            OutputFileWriter outFileWriter = new OutputFileWriter(configManager, logger, rootDirectory, mode);

            // Start the file
            outFileWriter.WriteOutputFile(null, OutFileMode.START);

            // Counter of parsed files
            uint numFiles = 0;

            // Counter of truly written words to out file
            // int numExamplesInOutFile = 0;

            // Parse files of each category
            foreach (String category in categoryFolders)
                logger.LogTrace("Parsing files of category: " + category + "...");

                // Form the string of mrf folder in the current category
                currentMrfFolderName = category + configManager.directorySeparator + configManager.mrfFolderName;

                // Parse files of mrf folder
                foreach (String file in Directory.GetFiles(currentMrfFolderName))
                    // Increment number of files

                    logger.LogTrace("Parsing file: " + numFiles.ToString() + "- " + file + "...");

                    if (numFiles == 44)
                        int x;
                    // Temp array list to hold the words parsed from the file
                    ArrayList fileWordsList = new ArrayList();

                    // Temp array to hold the words parsed from the file
                    Word[] fileWords;

                    // Parse words in file into its structure
                    fileWordsList = FileParse(file);

                    //if (fileWordsList[)
                    // Add the word to the global words list
                    // Copy to be done by AddRange--Working

                    if (fileWordsList.Count != 0)
                        // Set the words array to the words list parsed by FileParse
                        fileWords = (Word[])fileWordsList.ToArray(fileWordsList[0].GetType());

                        // Decide which type of formatter to use
                        switch (configManager.featuresFormat)
                        case "Normal":
                            featuresFormatter = new NormalFeaturesFormatter(configManager, logger, fileWords);

                        case "Binary":
                            featuresFormatter = new BinaryFeaturesFormatter(configManager, logger, fileWords);

                        case "Bitfield":
                            featuresFormatter = new BitFieldFeaturesFormatter(configManager, logger, fileWords);

                        case "Raw":
                            featuresFormatter = new RawFeaturesFormatter(configManager, logger, fileWords);

                            Console.WriteLine("Incorrect features format configuration. {0} is invalid configuration. Valid configurations are: Normal, Binary and Bitfield", configManager.featuresFormat);
                            throw (new IndexOutOfRangeException());
                        }// end switch

                        // Format the words features of the file
                        catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                            Console.WriteLine("Ooops! Out of memory");

                        // Start the context extractor
                        ContextExtractor contextExtractor = new ContextExtractor(featuresFormatter.wordsFeatures, logger, configManager);

                        // Extract the context extraction

                        // Write (append) to output file
                        outFileWriter.WriteOutputFile(contextExtractor.contextFeatures, OutFileMode.APPEND);

                        // Accumulate numExamplesInOutFile
                        //numExamplesInOutFile += outFileWriter.numExamplesInOutFile;

                        /*if (numExamplesInOutFile == 460)
                         * {
                         *  int x = 1;
                         * }*/

                        logger.LogTrace("Parsing done successfully for the file");

                        // Free the file words list
                        fileWordsList = null;

                        // Free the features formatter for this file
                        featuresFormatter = null;

                        // Free the context extractor
                        contextExtractor = null;

                        // Force memory freeing
                    }// end if(fileWordsList.Count != 0)
                        logger.LogTrace("Empty File");
                }// end foreach mrf directory parse

                logger.LogTrace("Finished parsing of category " + category);
            } // end forach categories traversing

            // Copy words list to words array
            // First limit the size
            for (int j = 0; j < posNames.Length; j++)
            // Copy
            this.words = (Word[])wordsList.ToArray(wordsList[0].GetType());

            logger.LogTrace("Finished parsing");
            logger.LogTrace("Total number of categories: " + categoryFolders.Length.ToString());
            logger.LogTrace("Total parsed Files: " + numFiles.ToString());
            logger.LogTrace("Total number of words: " + words.Length.ToString());
            logger.LogTrace("Total number of words actually written to file: " + outFileWriter.numExamplesInOutFile.ToString());
            logger.LogTrace("Max ID of mrfType is " + maxIDs.mrfType + " needs " + GetNumBits(maxIDs.mrfType).ToString() + " bits");
            logger.LogTrace("Max ID of prefix is " + maxIDs.p + " needs " + GetNumBits(maxIDs.p).ToString() + " bits");
            logger.LogTrace("Max ID of root is " + maxIDs.r + " needs " + GetNumBits(maxIDs.r).ToString() + " bits");
            logger.LogTrace("Max ID of form is " + maxIDs.f + " needs " + GetNumBits(maxIDs.f).ToString() + " bits");
            logger.LogTrace("Max ID of suffix is " + maxIDs.s + " needs " + GetNumBits(maxIDs.s).ToString() + " bits");
            logger.LogTrace("Max ID of POS is " + maxIDs.POS_IDs[0] + " needs " + GetNumBits(maxIDs.POS_IDs[0]).ToString() + " bits");
            logger.LogTrace("Total number of needed bits for binary representation (POS is bit-field): " + (GetNumBits(maxIDs.mrfType) + GetNumBits(maxIDs.p) + GetNumBits(maxIDs.r) + GetNumBits(maxIDs.f) + GetNumBits(maxIDs.s) + maxIDs.POS_IDs[0] + 1).ToString());

            // The +1 is added because maxID value means we could have positions from 0 to this maxID, so total of maxID + 1 positions
            logger.LogTrace("Total number of needed bits for bit-field representation: " + ((maxIDs.mrfType + 1) + (maxIDs.p + 1) + (maxIDs.r + 1) + (maxIDs.f + 1) + (maxIDs.s + 1) + (maxIDs.POS_IDs[0] + 1)).ToString());

            // Finalize the file
            outFileWriter.WriteOutputFile(null, OutFileMode.FINISH);
        }// end Parse()