//public static string[] entities; ////public static int menuSelection; //public static int index; //public static int index1; //public static Vehicle CarCopy { get; set; } //public static int NumberOfSpots { get; set; } //public static string joined; //public static bool CompareFull = true; //public static string CarInput; //public static string mc; //public static string SF; //public static string oofer; //public static bool LoopMain = true; public static void StartUpMenu() { ParkingHouse parkingHouse = new ParkingHouse("../../../DATA/JsonDB.json"); while (true) { Table table = new Table().Centered(); Console.Clear(); AnsiConsole.Render(new FigletText("PRAGUE PARKING!").LeftAligned().Color(Color.Aqua)); table.AddColumn(new TableColumn(new Markup("[Bold blue]Menu[/]"))); var selectInMenu = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Select in [green]Menu[/]?") .PageSize(10) .AddChoices(new[] { "Park Vehicle", "Move Vehicle", "Find Vehicle", "Retrieve & Exit withVehicle", "See Overview of Garage", "View entire Garage", "View our List of Prices", "Exit Program", })); switch (selectInMenu) { case "Park Vehicle": parkingHouse.ParkVehicle(); break; case "Move Vehicle": parkingHouse.MoveVehicle(); break; case "Find Vehicle": Console.WriteLine("Search for registration plate..."); string sF = Console.ReadLine(); parkingHouse.SearchForVehicle(sF); break; case "Retrieve & Exit withVehicle": parkingHouse.RemoveVehicle(); break; case "See Overview of Garage": parkingHouse.Print(); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "View entire Garage": parkingHouse.PrintWithRegNum(); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "View our List of Prices": PriceList.priceList(); break; case "Exit Program": return; default: break; } } }