public void CreateFacebookEvent() { var e = new Event() { Description = "desc test", Name = "name test", StartDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(5), EndDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(6), Venue = new Venue() { StreetLine1 = "Univerisity St. 10", StreetLine2 = string.Empty, City = "Seattle", State = "Washington", Country = Country.US, Lat = 1.123f, Lon = 12.123f } }; Mock<IRepository> mockRepo = new Mock<IRepository>(); var oauth = new OAuthHandler(); oauth.Token = ""; //var fbAcct = new FacebookAccount(mockRepo.Object, oauth); //fbAcct.CreateFacebookEvent(actv); }
public ActionResult About() { FacebookWebAuthorizer fwa = new FacebookWebAuthorizer(new PraLoupFacebookApplication(), HttpContext); fwa.Permissions = new string[]{"publish_stream"}; fwa.ReturnUrlPath = HttpContext.Request.Url.ToString(); if (fwa.Authorize()) { var oAuth = new OAuthHandler(); //Get the access token and secret. oAuth.Token = FacebookWebContext.Current.AccessToken; Friends f = new Friends(oAuth); FriendsLists fl = new FriendsLists(oAuth); } return View(); }
public FriendsLists(OAuthHandler oAuth) { string url = "" + oAuth.Token; string json = oAuth.WebRequest(OAuthHandler.Method.GET, url, String.Empty); }