/// <summary>Searches the current animated properties for the named property on the given element.</summary> /// <param name="animating">The element being animated.</param> /// <param name="property">The CSS property to look for. Note: Must not be a composite property such as color-overlay. /// Must be a full property such as color-overlay-r.</param> /// <returns>An AnimatedProperty if it was found; Null otherwise.</returns> public static AnimatedProperty GetAnimatedProperty(Element animating,string property){ // Grab the inner index: int innerIndex=Css.Value.GetInnerIndex(ref property); // Get the property: return GetAnimatedProperty(animating,CssProperties.Get(property),innerIndex); }
/// <summary>Removes the given element value from this lookup.</summary> /// <returns>True if the cache should also be removed.</returns> public bool Remove(string key,Element ele){ AttributeLookupLink chain; if(!Lookup.TryGetValue(key,out chain)){ return false; } AttributeLookupLink previous=null; // Scan the chain looking for ele: while(chain!=null){ if(chain.Element==ele){ // Chop it out. if(previous==null){ // Removing the first one. if(chain.Next==null){ // Obliterate it! Lookup.Remove(key); if(Lookup.Count==0){ // Remove this cache. return true; } return false; }else{ // We're going to keep this link in the lookup, // rather than removing it and putting the next one in instead. chain.Element=chain.Next.Element; chain.Next=chain.Next.Next; } }else{ previous.Next=chain.Next; } } previous=chain; chain=chain.Next; } return false; }
/// <summary>Gets or finds the parent select tag that this option belongs to.</summary> /// <param name="element">The element to check if it's a select.</param> /// <returns>The select tag handler if found; null otherwise.</returns> private SelectTag GetSelect(Element element){ if(element==null){ return null; } if(element.Tag=="select"){ return (SelectTag)(element.Handler); } return GetSelect(element.parentNode); }
/// <summary>Gets the index for the given element.</summary> /// <param name="element">The element to look for.</param> /// <returns>The index of the element.</returns> public int GetSelectID(Element element){ if(Options==null){ return -1; } for(int i=0;i<Options.Count;i++){ if(Options[i]==element){ return i; } } return -1; }
/// <summary>Gets all inputs from the given element, adding the results to the given list.</summary> /// <param name="results">The list that all results are added to.</param> /// <param name="element">The element to check.</param> private void GetAllInputs(List<Element> results,Element element){ List<Element> kids=element.childNodes; if(kids==null){ return; } for(int i=0;i<kids.Count;i++){ Element child=kids[i]; if(child.Tag=="input"||child.Tag=="select"||child.Tag=="textarea"){ results.Add(child); }else{ GetAllInputs(results,child); } } }
/// <summary>Searches the current animated properties for the named property on the given element.</summary> /// <param name="animating">The element being animated.</param> /// <param name="property">The CSS property to look for. Note: Must not be a composite property such as color-overlay. /// Must be a full property such as color-overlay-r.</param> /// <returns>An AnimatedProperty if it was found; Null otherwise.</returns> public static AnimatedProperty GetAnimatedProperty(Element animating,CssProperty property,int innerIndex){ if(FirstProperty==null){ return null; } AnimatedProperty current=FirstProperty; while(current!=null){ if(current.Animating==animating && current.PropertyInfo==property && current.InnerIndex==innerIndex){ return current; } current=current.PropertyAfter; } return null; }
/// <summary>Adds the given element to this lookup.</summary> public void Add(string key,Element ele){ // Create link: AttributeLookupLink link=new AttributeLookupLink(ele); // Already got a link? AttributeLookupLink chain; if(!Lookup.TryGetValue(key,out chain)){ // Add it now: Lookup.Add(key,link); return; } // Follow the chain to the end and add it there: // We do this because it's rare in comparison to finding the "first" one which is always at the front. while(chain.Next!=null){ chain=chain.Next; } // Add to the end: chain.Next=link; }
/// <summary>Generates a new html element.</summary> /// <returns>A new html element.</returns> protected override MLElement CreateTagElement(MLLexer lexer){ Element tag=new Element(Document,lexer,this); if(tag.Handler!=null && tag.Handler.Junk()){ // Junk tag - prevent it entering the DOM. return tag; } AppendNewChild(tag); return tag; }
/// <summary>Appends the given element defined as text.</summary> /// <param name="text">The element as text, e.g. "<div id='someNewElement'>".</param> /// <returns>The newly created element.</returns> public Element appendChild(string text){ Element element=new Element(text,this); AppendNewChild(element); return element; }
/// <summary>Removes the given child from this element.</summary> /// <param name="element">The child element to remove.</param> public void removeChild(Element element){ if(ChildNodes!=null){ ChildNodes.Remove(element); } element.ParentNode=null; element.RemovedFromDOM(); Document.Renderer.RequestLayout(); }
/// <summary>Creates a new element for the given document and as a child of the given parent with content to parse.</summary> /// <param name="document">The document that this element will belong to.</param> /// <param name="lexer">An MLLexer containing the tag. No children are read; Just this tag only.</param> /// <param name="parent">The element that this element will be parented to.</param> private Element(Document document,MLLexer lexer,Element parent):this(document,parent){ ReadTag(lexer); }
/// <summary>Called when the element is focused.</summary> public override void OnFocus(){ if(!IsTextInput()||Cursor!=null){ return; } // Add a cursor. Element.appendInnerHTML("<div class='cursor'></div>"); Cursor=Element.getElementByAttribute("class","cursor"); CursorIndex=0; }
// Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { speed = 0f; ActiveScreen = UIName.Landing; } if (movementInitiated()) { //nextStep(); } move(); Vector3 transl = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxis("Vertical"), 0f) + new Vector3(0f, 0f, 25f * Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel")); if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved) { bool reverse = false; #if UNITY_IOS reverse = true; #endif var delts = Input.GetTouch(0).deltaPosition; transl -= new Vector3(reverse ? -1f * delts.y : delts.x, reverse ? delts.x : delts.y, 0f) * -0.0005f * transform.position.z; if (Input.touchCount == 2) { // Store both touches. Touch touchZero = Input.GetTouch(0); Touch touchOne = Input.GetTouch(1); // Find the position in the previous frame of each touch. Vector2 touchZeroPrevPos = touchZero.position - touchZero.deltaPosition; Vector2 touchOnePrevPos = touchOne.position - touchOne.deltaPosition; // Find the magnitude of the vector (the distance) between the touches in each frame. float prevTouchDeltaMag = (touchZeroPrevPos - touchOnePrevPos).magnitude; float touchDeltaMag = (touchZero.position - touchOne.position).magnitude; // Find the difference in the distances between each frame. float deltaMagnitudeDiff = prevTouchDeltaMag - touchDeltaMag; transl -= new Vector3(0f, 0f, deltaMagnitudeDiff * -0.0005f * transform.position.z); } } if (transform.position.z + transl.z > -0.5f) //don't go down too far { transl += new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.5f - transform.position.z); } if (movementEnabled) { transform.position += transl; elasticConnection.InitialMovementRelation += transl; } //show/hide the refresh button //Debug.Log(MapLabel.LabelCount); if (MapLabel.LabelCount == 0) { PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("refreshButton").className = "button refreshButton landingButton"; } else { PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("refreshButton").className = "button landingButton hidden"; } if (ActiveScreen == UIName.WhereFrom || ActiveScreen == UIName.WhereTo) //implement a scroll-by-swipe manually { if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved) { string elId = ActiveScreen == UIName.WhereFrom ? "fromSearchResults" : "toSearchResults"; PowerUI.Element el = PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById(elId); var touch = Input.GetTouch(0); Vector2 scrollAmount = touch.deltaPosition; //(Input.GetTouch(0).position); Vector2 point = touch.position - scrollAmount; if (el.Style.Computed.Contains((int)point.x, (int)point.y)) { scrollAmount *= 5; el.scrollBy(0, (int)scrollAmount.y); } } } //Debug.Log(PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("refreshButton").className); }
/// <summary>Creates a new element with the given tag and parent.</summary> /// <param name="tag">The tag, e.g. "<div id='hello'>".</param> /// <param name="parent">The element to parent to.</param> public Element(string tag,Element parent):this(parent.Document,new MLLexer(tag),parent){}
/// <summary>The user clicked on the given link which points to the given path.</summary> public virtual void OnFollowLink(Element linkElement,FilePath path){}
/// <summary>Creates a new UIAnimation for animating CSS and immediately animates it. /// See <see cref="PowerUI.Element.animate"/>.</summary> /// <param name="animating">The element being animated.</param> /// <param name="properties">The CSS property string. Each property should define the value it will be when the animation is done.</param> /// <param name="constantSpeedTime">How long this animation lasts for at a constant speed.</param> /// <param name="timeToAccelerateFor">How long this animation accelerates for. Creates smooth animations when used.</param> /// <param name="timeToDecelerateFor">How long this animation decelerates for. Creates smooth animations when used.</param> public UIAnimation(Element animating,string properties,float constantSpeedTime,float timeToAccelerateFor,float timeToDecelerateFor){ Animating=animating; ElementStyle=Animating.Style; if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties)){ Wrench.Log.Add("No properties given to animate!"); return; } if(constantSpeedTime<0f){ constantSpeedTime=0f; } if(timeToAccelerateFor<0f){ timeToAccelerateFor=0f; } if(timeToDecelerateFor<0f){ timeToDecelerateFor=0f; } TotalTime=(timeToDecelerateFor + timeToAccelerateFor + constantSpeedTime); ConstantSpeedTime=constantSpeedTime; TimeToAccelerateFor=timeToAccelerateFor; TimeToDecelerateFor=timeToDecelerateFor; if(TotalTime==0f){ // Instant - probably a fault somewhere in the users request, so we won't do anything. Wrench.Log.Add("Instant css animation request ignored. Told to take no time to transition."); return; } if(timeToDecelerateFor==0f){ Decelerate=false; }else{ Decelerate=true; DecelerateAt=timeToAccelerateFor + constantSpeedTime; } if( properties.StartsWith(".") || properties.StartsWith("#") ){ // Targeting a selector, e.g. #fadedBox // First, get the selector style: Css.SelectorStyle selector=animating.Document.getStyleBySelector(properties); if(selector==null){ return; } // Animate each property: foreach(KeyValuePair<CssProperty,Css.Value> kvp in selector.Properties){ // Is it a composite property? Css.Value value=kvp.Value; // Grab the type: Css.ValueType type=value.Type; if(type==Css.ValueType.Null || type==Css.ValueType.Text){ // Can't deal with either of these. continue; } if(type==Css.ValueType.Rectangle || type==Css.ValueType.Point || type==Css.ValueType.Color){ // Animate it (note that we don't need to copy it): AnimateComposite(kvp.Key,value); }else{ // Animate it (note that we don't need to copy it): Animate(kvp.Key,-1,value,true); } } return; } string[] propertySet=properties.Split(';'); foreach(string currentProperty in propertySet){ if(currentProperty==""){ continue; } string[] keyValue=currentProperty.Split(Css.Style.Delimiter,2); if(keyValue.Length!=2){ continue; } string key=keyValue[0].Trim(); if(key=="opacity"){ key="color-overlay-a"; } // Grab the inner index: int innerIndex=Css.Value.GetInnerIndex(ref key); // Get the property: CssProperty property=CssProperties.Get(key); if(property==null){ Wrench.Log.Add("Warning: CSS property '"+keyValue[0]+"' not found during animate."); continue; } // Trim shouldn't be applied to inner-text's value, but we can't animate that anyway! This is all we need to do: string value=keyValue[1].Trim(); // Key could be a composite property - for example padding, which needs to be broken down into it's individual inner elements (e.g. padding-left) Css.ValueType type; if(innerIndex==-1){ type=Css.Value.TypeOf(property,ref value); }else{ type=Css.Value.TypeOf(value); } if(type==Css.ValueType.Null || type==Css.ValueType.Text){ // Can't deal with either of these. continue; }else if(type==Css.ValueType.Rectangle || type==Css.ValueType.Point || type==Css.ValueType.Color){ // We have a composite property (and we're animating the whole thing). Css.Value tempValue=new Css.Value(); tempValue.Set(value,type); // Animate it: AnimateComposite(property,tempValue); }else{ Animate(property,innerIndex,new Css.Value(value,type),true); } } }
/// <summary>Submits the given form to the given path using this protocol.</summary> public virtual void OnPostForm(FormData form,Element formElement,FilePath path){}
public override bool OnAttributeChange(string property){ if(base.OnAttributeChange(property)){ return true; } if(property=="type"){ string type=Element["type"]; if(type==null){ type="text"; } // Change the style. This requests a layout internally. Element.Style.Computed.SetSelector(Css.SelectorType.Tag,"input[type=\""+type+"\"]"); if(type=="radio"){ Type=InputType.Radio; }else if(type=="checkbox"){ Type=InputType.Checkbox; }else if(type=="vscroll"){ Type=InputType.VScroll; Element.innerHTML="<scrollup><vscrolltab><scrolldown>"; }else if(type=="hscroll"){ Type=InputType.HScroll; Element.innerHTML="<scrollleft><hscrolltab><scrollright>"; }else if(type=="submit"){ Type=InputType.Submit; SetValue("Submit"); }else if(type=="button"){ Type=InputType.Button; }else if(type=="hidden"){ Type=InputType.Hidden; }else{ Type=InputType.Text; Hidden=(type=="password"); } return true; }else if(property=="maxlength"){ string value=Element["maxlength"]; if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)){ // It's blank - set it to the default. MaxLength=int.MaxValue; }else{ // Parse the maximum length from the string: if(int.TryParse(value,out MaxLength)){ // Clip the value if we need to: if(Value!=null && Value.Length>MaxLength){ SetValue(Value); } }else{ // Not a number! MaxLength=int.MaxValue; } } return true; }else if(property=="target"){ TargetName=Element["target"]; TargetElement=null; return true; }else if(property=="checked"){ // Get the checked state: string state=Element["checked"]; // Awkwardly, null/ empty is checked. // 0 or false are not checked, anything else is! if( string.IsNullOrEmpty(state) ){ Select(); }else{ state=state.ToLower().Trim(); if(state=="0" || state=="false"){ Unselect(); }else{ Select(); } } RequestLayout(); return true; }else if(property=="value"){ SetValue(Element["value"]); return true; }else if(property=="content"){ SetValue(Element["content"],true); return true; } return false; }
/// <summary>Called when the element is unfocused/blurred.</summary> public override void OnBlur(){ if(Cursor==null){ return; } // Remove the cursor: Cursor.parentNode.removeChild(Cursor); Cursor=null; }
/// <summary>Adds the given element to the children of this element.</summary> /// <param name="element">The child element to add.</param> public void appendChild(Element element){ // Append: AppendNewChild(element); // And update it's css by telling it the parent changed. // This affects inherit, height/width etc. element.style.Computed.ParentChanged(); }
public override void OnTagLoaded(){ // Append the text,dropdown and button. // Grab the options: Options=Element.childNodes; // Clear the childnodes - this prevents the .innerHTML below clearing the list we just grabbed. Element.childNodes=null; // Clear the innerHTML of our dropdown and write in the new content (e.g. the button/dropdown itself). Element.innerHTML="<span style='height:100%;'></span><ddbutton>"; // Next, grab the element we want from our new innerHTML. // Text, for showing the current selection. DisplayText=Element.childNodes[0]; if(Options!=null){ // Find the selected option, if there is one: for(int i=Options.Count-1;i>=0;i--){ Element element=Options[i]; OptionTag optionTag=element.Handler as OptionTag; if(optionTag!=null && optionTag.Selected){ // Found the selected option. The last option is used (thus we go through it backwards). // Must be done like this because this tags innerHTML won't be available until this occurs for the select to display. SetSelected(element); break; } } } if(SelectedIndex!=-1){ return; } // Nothing had the selected attribute (<option .. selected ..>); if it did, it would have SetSelected already. // We'll select the first one by default, if it exists. // -2 Prompts it to not call onchange, then set index 0. SetSelected(-2); }
/// <summary>Adds the given element to the children of this element. /// Note that this does not update CSS; it should be used for new elements only.</summary> /// <param name="element">The child element to add.</param> public void AppendNewChild(Element element){ if(element==null){ return; } element.ParentNode=this; element.Document=Document; if(Document.AttributeIndex!=null){ // Index element if needed: element.AddToAttributeLookups(); } if(ChildNodes==null){ ChildNodes=new List<Element>(); } ChildNodes.Add(element); Document.Renderer.RequestLayout(); }
/// <summary>Sets the option at the given index as the selected one.</summary> /// <param name="index">The index of the option to select.</param> /// <param name="element">The element at the given index.</param> /// <param name="runOnChange">True if the onchange event should run.</param> private void SetSelected(int index,Element element,bool runOnChange){ if(index==SelectedIndex){ return; } SelectedIndex=index; if(index<0||element==null){ // Clear the option text: DisplayText.innerHTML=""; }else{ DisplayText.innerHTML=element.innerHTML; } // Call onchange, but only if the dropdown didn't auto select this option because it's starting up. if(runOnChange){ Element.Run("onchange"); } }
/// <summary>Creates a new html word element.</summary> /// <param name="document">The document this word will belong to.</param> /// <param name="parent">The parent html element. Should be a TextElement.</param> /// <param name="text">The text of this word.</param> public WordElement(Document document,Element parent,string text):base(document,parent){ SetTag("word"); // Words are CSS driven: style.innerText=text; }
void initUI() { UIName startScreen = activeScreen; //hide everything except for what you're starting on System.Array all = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(UIName)); foreach (UIName u in all) { if (u != startScreen) { hideScreen((UIName)u); } } //set up events for the map screen trackedEvents["startDirections"] = delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ resetGUI(); ActiveScreen = UIName.WhereFrom; }; PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("getDirectionsButton").OnClick += trackedEvents["startDirections"]; PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("backToLandingButton").OnClick += delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ ActiveScreen = UIName.Landing; }; var floorSelectDiv = PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("floorSelectDiv"); for (int i = 0; i < MapMaker.floors.Length; i++) { PowerUI.Element nEl = new PowerUI.Element("div"); nEl.className = "button floorSelectButton"; nEl.textContent = i == 0 ? "Ground floor" : "Floor " + i; var k = i; //we don't want a reference to the old variable gunking up the works nEl.OnClick += delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ floorSelectDiv.childNodes[MapMaker.ActiveFloor != null ? MapMaker.ActiveFloor.Id - 1 : 0].className = "button floorSelectButton"; MapMaker.ActiveFloor = MapMaker.floors[k]; nEl.className = "button floorSelectButton floorSelectButtonHighlighted"; }; floorSelectDiv.AppendNewChild(nEl); } floorSelectDiv.childNodes[MapMaker.ActiveFloor != null ? MapMaker.ActiveFloor.Id - 1 : 0].className = "button floorSelectButton floorSelectButtonHighlighted"; //set up events for the landing screen PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("browseButton").OnClick += delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ ActiveScreen = UIName.Map; startBrowse(); }; PowerUI.UI.Variables["refreshDisplayType"] = "block"; PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("refreshButton").OnClick += delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ MapMaker.instance.startMarkerUpdate(); }; PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("startButton").OnClick += trackedEvents["startDirections"]; //set up events for the where from? page PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("backToStartButton").OnClick += delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ ActiveScreen = UIName.Landing; }; PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("fromLobbyButton").OnClick += delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ poiFrom = (MapLabel.MapLabels != null && MapLabel.MapLabels.ContainsKey(103)) ? MapLabel.MapLabels[103] : poiMarkers[0]; ActiveScreen = UIName.WhereTo; PowerUI.UI.Variables["fromLabel"] = poiFrom.Label; }; trackedEvents["fromListener"] = delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent keyEvent){ //Debug.Log(keyEvent.keyCode); string term = PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("fromSearch").value; if (term == null) { term = ""; } List <MapLabel> search = MapLabel.Search(poiMarkers, term); var resultDiv = PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("fromSearchResults"); resultDiv.innerHTML = ""; foreach (MapLabel m in search) { MapLabel ml = m; PowerUI.Element nEl = new PowerUI.Element("div"); nEl.className = "button searchResult"; nEl.textContent = ml.Label; nEl.style.width = (PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("fromSearch").pixelWidth - 50) + "px"; nEl.OnClick += delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ poiFrom = ml; ActiveScreen = UIName.WhereTo; PowerUI.UI.Variables["fromLabel"] = ml.Label; }; resultDiv.AppendNewChild(nEl); } }; PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("fromSearch").OnKeyUp += trackedEvents["fromListener"]; //set up events for the where to? page PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("backToFromButton").OnClick += delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ ActiveScreen = UIName.WhereFrom; }; trackedEvents["toListener"] = delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent keyEvent){ //Debug.Log(keyEvent.keyCode); string term = PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("toSearch").value; if (term == null) { term = ""; } List <MapLabel> search = MapLabel.Search(poiMarkers, term); var resultDiv = PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("toSearchResults"); resultDiv.innerHTML = ""; foreach (MapLabel m in search) { MapLabel ml = m; PowerUI.Element nEl = new PowerUI.Element("div"); nEl.className = "button searchResult"; nEl.textContent = ml.Label; nEl.style.width = (PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("toSearch").pixelWidth - 50) + "px"; nEl.OnClick += delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ poiTo = ml; ActiveScreen = UIName.Confirm; PowerUI.UI.Variables["toLabel"] = ml.Label; }; resultDiv.AppendNewChild(nEl); } }; PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("toSearch").OnKeyUp += trackedEvents["toListener"]; //set up events for the confirm page PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("backToToButton").OnClick += delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ ActiveScreen = UIName.WhereTo; }; PowerUI.UI.document.getElementById("goButton").OnClick += delegate(PowerUI.UIEvent mouseEvent){ ActiveScreen = UIName.Map; resetGUI(); startNavigation(); }; foreach (var el in PowerUI.UI.document.getElementsByClassName("searchResults")) { int delta = el.id == "fromSearchResults" ? 375 : 275; el.style.height = (Screen.height - delta) + "px"; el.style.marginLeft = (int)(Screen.width / 2f - 300) + "px"; } }
/// <summary>Sets the given element as the selected option.</summary> /// <param name="element">The option to set as the selected value.</param> public void SetSelected(Element element){ // Find which option # the element is. // And set the innerHTML text to the option text. int index=GetSelectID(element); if(index==SelectedIndex){ return; } SetSelected(index,element,true); }
/// <summary>Used only by scrollbars. Gets the target element to be scrolled.</summary> /// <returns>The target element.</returns> public Element GetTarget(){ if(TargetElement!=null){ return TargetElement; } if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetName)){ TargetElement=Element.Document.getElementById(TargetName); } bool isParent=false; if(TargetElement==null){ // The parent of the scrollbar. TargetElement=Element.parentNode; isParent=true; } if(TargetElement!=null){ if(Type==InputType.VScroll){ TargetElement.VerticalScrollbar=this; TargetElement.VScrollbar=isParent; }else{ TargetElement.HorizontalScrollbar=this; TargetElement.HScrollbar=isParent; } } return TargetElement; }
/// <summary>Checks if the given element is a child of this element.</summary> /// <param name="childElement">The element to check if it's a child of this or not.</param> /// <returns>True if the given element is actually a child of this.</returns> public bool isChild(Element childElement){ if(ChildNodes==null){ return false; } for(int i=0;i<ChildNodes.Count;i++){ if(ChildNodes[i]==childElement){ return true; } } return false; }
/// <summary>Creates a new text element that belongs to the given document.</summary> /// <param name="document">The document this element belongs to.</param> /// <param name="parent">The parent element for this new element.</param> public TextElement(Document document,Element parent):base(document,parent){ SetTag("span"); }
public override void OnFollowLink(Element linkElement,FilePath path){ string target=linkElement["target"]; if(target!=null && target=="_blank"){ // Open the given url. Application.OpenURL(path.Url); return; } // Clear the document so it's obvious to the player the link is now loading: linkElement.Document.innerHTML=""; linkElement.Document.location=path; // Load the html. Note that path.Url is fully resolved at this point: TextPackage package=new TextPackage(path.Url,""); package.ExtraData=linkElement.Document; package.Get(GotLinkText); }
/// <summary>Creates a new element for the given document and as a child of the given parent.</summary> /// <param name="document">The document that this element will belong to.</param> /// <param name="parent">The element that this element will be parented to.</param> public Element(Document document,Element parent){ Document=document; ParentNode=parent; Style=new ElementStyle(this); }