コード例 #1
        private static async Task <AgendaViewItemsGroup> CreateLoadStandalone(Guid localAccountId, ViewItemSemester semester, DateTime today)
            var answer = new AgendaViewItemsGroup(localAccountId, semester, today, trackChanges: false);
            await Task.Run(answer.LoadBlocking);

コード例 #2
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Eliminates any items that have become expired (like events that have expired)
        ///// </summary>
        //private void Refilter()
        //    // Beware - can't do this from a background thread or else it would crash things
        //    // Hence we actually need to only do this from a UI thread and also ensure to put it in the
        //    // lock so that background threads using cached item don't get messed up
        //    Guid[] classIdentifiers = Classes.Select(i => i.Identifier).ToArray();
        //    DateTime todayAsUtc = DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime.Today, DateTimeKind.Utc);

        //    this.Items.RemoveWhere(i => !ShouldIncludeItem(i.DataItem as DataItemMegaItem, classIdentifiers, todayAsUtc);

        private static async Task <AgendaViewItemsGroup> CreateLoadTask(Guid localAccountId, ViewItemSemester semester, DateTime today)
            var answer = new AgendaViewItemsGroup(localAccountId, semester, today, trackChanges: true);

            SemesterItemsViewGroup cached = SemesterItemsViewGroup.GetCached(semester.Identifier);

            if (cached != null)
                // Can perform this without locks since we already know we're on UI thread right now,
                // and any modifications to the SemesterItems list would need to be on UI thread to occur
                await cached.LoadingTask;
                await Task.Run(answer.LoadBlocking);