コード例 #1
 public ActionResult UnBanUser(string userName)
     System.Web.Security.Roles.AddUserToRole(userName, "User");
     if (System.Web.Security.Roles.GetRolesForUser(userName).Contains("Banned"))
        System.Web.Security.Roles.RemoveUserFromRole(userName, "Banned");
        dynamic email = new Email("EmailToUser");
        email.To = userName;
        email.UserName = data.retrieveUserByEmail(userName).FirstName;
        email.message = "You have been unbanned!";
        string success = "Your email Has been delivered.";
        VMGeneralMessage message = new VMGeneralMessage("Email", "Email Sent", new string[] { success });
        return View("GeneralMessage", message);
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult RequestAddAsCollaborator(int projectId = -1, int userId = -1)
            #region route data validation
            if (RouteData.Values["projectId"] != null)
                if (int.TryParse(RouteData.Values["projectId"].ToString(), out projectId)) { }
            Project project;
            project = db.retrieveProject(projectId);
            if (project == null)
                string error1 = "The Project you to which you requested to be added as a Collaborator either does not exist or could not be found.";
                string error2 = "If the project Id is -1, then a project Id was not entered.";
                string error3 = "Project Id: " + projectId;
                TempData["ErrorMessages"] = new string[] { error1, error2, error3 };
                return RedirectToAction("Http404", "Error");
            if (RouteData.Values["userId"] != null)
                if (int.TryParse(RouteData.Values["userId"].ToString(), out userId)) { }
            PortfolioUnleashed.User user;
            user = db.retrieveUser(userId);
            if (user == null)
                string error1 = "The User who tried to make the request either does not exist or could not be found.";
                string error2 = "User Id: " + userId;
                TempData["ErrorMessages"] = new string[] { error1, error2 };
                return RedirectToAction("Http404", "Error");
            if (project.Contributions.Any(c => c.UserId == userId))
                string error1 = "You are already a contributor to this project.";
                string error2 = "User: "******" " + user.LastName;
                string error3 = "Project: " + project.Title;
                TempData["ErrorMessages"] = new string[] { error1, error2, error3 };
                return RedirectToAction("General", "Error");
            if (project.CollaborationSetting != (int)ContributionSetting.RequestOnly)
                string error1 = "This Project does not allow users to request to be added as a collaborator.";
                string error2 = "If you would like to be added as a collaborator, contact a Project Editor.";
                string error3 = "Project Collaboration Setting: " + (ContributionSetting)project.CollaborationSetting;
                TempData["ErrorMessages"] = new string[] { error1, error2, error3 };
                return RedirectToAction("General", "Error");

            new NotificationController().CollaborationRequest(userId, projectId);
            string message2 = "You will be notified if/when a Project Editor confirms your request.";
            VMGeneralMessage m = new VMGeneralMessage("Request Submitted", "Your Request to be added as a collaborator has been committed.", new string[] { message2 });
            return View("GeneralMessage", model: m);
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult SendEmailToUser(VMSendEmailToUser emails)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

                if (data.retrieveUserByEmail(emails.to) != null)
                    dynamic email = new Email("EmailToUser");
                    email.To = emails.to;
                    email.UserName = data.retrieveUserByEmail(emails.to).FirstName;
                    email.message = emails.message;
                    string success = "Your email Has been delivered.";
                    VMGeneralMessage message = new VMGeneralMessage("Email", "Email Sent", new string[] { success });
                    return View("GeneralMessage", message);
            return View();
コード例 #4
 public ActionResult EditAccountSettings(VMEditAccountSettings model)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         UserSetting test = Translator.UserSettingFromVMEditAccountSettings(model);
         db.updateUserSettings(test, model.UserID);
         string completedUpdate = "You have updated your settings";
         VMGeneralMessage message = new VMGeneralMessage("AccountUpdated","Updated Account", new string[] {completedUpdate});
         return View("GeneralMessage", message);
     return View(model);
コード例 #5
 public ActionResult ConfirmationFailure()
     string failure = "You have fails to confirm your account";
     VMGeneralMessage message = new VMGeneralMessage("NotConfirmed", "Faild to confirm Account", new string[] { failure });
     return View("GeneralMessage", message);
コード例 #6
 public ActionResult ConfirmationSuccess()
     string success = "You have confirmed your account";
     VMGeneralMessage message = new VMGeneralMessage("Confirmed", "confirmed Account", new string[] { success });
     return View("GeneralMessage", message);
コード例 #7
 public ActionResult Login(VMLoginUser user)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         if (System.Web.Security.Roles.GetRolesForUser(user.Email).Contains("Banned"))
             string failure = "Your account is currently banned";
             VMGeneralMessage message = new VMGeneralMessage("Banned", "Account Banned", new string[] { failure });
             return View("GeneralMessage", message);
         if (WebSecurity.Login(user.Email, user.Password))
             return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
             return View(user);
     return View(user);
コード例 #8
 public ActionResult RegistratoinStepTwo()
     string confirmation = "Please check your email for a confirmation link to activate your account.";
     VMGeneralMessage message = new VMGeneralMessage("RegistrationStepTwo", "Registration Step Two", new string[] { confirmation });
     return View("GeneralMessage", message);