public void SpecifyResearchTypes(params TypeOfResearch[] researchTypes) { string name = ""; foreach (var type in researchTypes) { switch (type) { case TypeOfResearch.BiomedicalClinical: { name = "Biomedical"; break; } case TypeOfResearch.SocialBehavioralEducation: { name = "Social"; break; } case TypeOfResearch.Other: { name = "Other"; break; } } var chkbox = new Checkbox(By.XPath(".//td[contains(.,'" + name + "')]/../td/table/tbody/tr/td/input[1]")); chkbox.Click(); Trace.WriteLine("Checking option: " + type); } }
public void DeleteTemplate(String templateName) { var checkbox = new Checkbox(By.XPath("//a[text()='" + templateName + "']/../../td[1]/input[@type='checkbox']")); checkbox.Checked = true; BtnDelete.Click(); var alert = Web.PortalDriver.SwitchTo().Alert(); alert.Accept(); var link = new Link(By.LinkText(templateName)); ClickPortalUI.Wait.Until(d => !link.Exists); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="option"></param> public void SelectDetermination(Determinations value) { string name = ""; switch (value) { case Determinations.UnanticipatedProblem: { name = "Unanticipated problem involving risks to subjects or others"; break; } case Determinations.SuspensionOrTermination: { name = "Suspension or termination of IRB approval"; break; } case Determinations.SeriousNonCompliance: { name = "Serious non-compliance"; break; } case Determinations.ContinuingNonCompliance: { name = "Continuing non-compliance"; break; } case Determinations.NonComplianceNotSerious: { name = "Non-compliance that is neither serious nor continuing"; break; } case Determinations.AllegationOfNonCompliance: { name = "Allegation of non-compliance with no basis in fact"; break; } case Determinations.NoneOfTheAbove: { name = "None of the above"; break; } case Determinations.AdditionalReviewRequired: { name = "Additional review required"; break; } } var chkbox = new Checkbox(By.XPath(".//td[text()='" + name + "']/../td/table/tbody/tr/td/input[1]")); chkbox.Click(); Trace.WriteLine("Checking option: " + value); }
public void SelectRoles(params Roles[] roles) { string name = ""; foreach (var role in roles) { switch (role) { case Roles.CoInvestigator: { name = "Co-investigator"; break; } case Roles.DataAnalyst: { name = "Data Analyst"; break; } case Roles.ResearchAssistant: { name = "Research Assistant"; break; } case Roles.Statistician: { name = "Statistician"; break; } case Roles.LayObserver: { name = "Lay Observer"; break; } } var chkbox = new Checkbox(By.XPath(".//td[contains(.,'" + name + "')]/../td/table/tbody/tr/td/input[1]")); chkbox.Click(); Trace.WriteLine("Checking option: " + role); } }
/// <summary> /// Get a data structure holding page elements for the row, indexing starts at 1 /// </summary> /// <param name="rowIndex">Starts at 1</param> /// <param name="getLastRow">Set to true to get the bottom row</param> public StateTransitionTableRowValues(int rowIndex = -1, bool getLastRow = false) { var xpath = rowIndex > 0 && !getLastRow ? "//*[@id='_webrRSV_DIV_0']/table/tbody/tr[" + rowIndex + "]" : "//*[@id='_webrRSV_DIV_0']/table/tbody/tr[last()]"; ChkBox = new Checkbox(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[1]/input[@type='checkbox']")); LnkCurrentState = new Link(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[4]/a")); LnkNextState = new Link(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[5]/a")); LnkActivityCriteria = new Link(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[6]/a[1]")); LnkPropertiesCriteria = new Link(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[6]/a[2]")); LnkScriptCriteria = new Link(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[6]/a[3]")); LnkPreProcessingScript = new Link(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[8]/a[1]")); LnkChangeProperties = new Link(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[8]/a[2]")); LnkNotifications = new Link(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[8]/a[3]")); LnkPostProcessingScript = new Link(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[8]/a[4]")); CurrentState = LnkCurrentState.Text; NextState = LnkNextState.Text; var incrementActionText = new Container(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[9]/span")).Text; if (incrementActionText == "None") VersionIncrementAction = StateTransitionVersionIncrementAction.None; if (incrementActionText == "Minor") VersionIncrementAction = StateTransitionVersionIncrementAction.Minor; if (incrementActionText == "Major") VersionIncrementAction = StateTransitionVersionIncrementAction.Major; var priorityText = new Container(By.XPath(xpath + "/td[10]/span")).Text; Priority = Convert.ToDouble(priorityText); }
public void DeleteBackgroundOperation(String name) { var checkbox = new Checkbox(By.XPath("//a[text()='" + name + "']/../../td[1]/input")); checkbox.Click(); BtnDelete.Click(); }
public void DeleteStep(String name) { var chkStep = new Checkbox( By.XPath("(//*[@id='_webrRSV_DIV_0']/table/tbody/tr/td[3]/a[text()='" + name + "'])[1]/../../td[1]/input[@type='checkbox']")); chkStep.Checked = true; BtnDelete.Click(); Web.PortalDriver.SwitchTo().Alert().Accept(); Wait.Until(d => !new Link(By.LinkText(name)).Exists); }
public void ChooseModificationScope(Scope scope) { string name = ""; if (scope == Scope.OtherPartsOfTheStudy) { name = "Other parts of the study"; } if (scope == Scope.StudyTeamMemberInformation) { name = "Study team member information"; } Checkbox scopePurpose = new Checkbox(By.XPath(".//td[text()='" + name + "']/../td[1]/table/tbody/tr/td/input[1]")); scopePurpose.Click(); }
public void DeleteSection(String sectionName) { var checkbox = new Checkbox(By.XPath("//a[text()='" + sectionName + "']/../../td[1]/input[@type='checkbox']")); checkbox.Checked = true; BtnDelete.Click(); var alert = Web.PortalDriver.SwitchTo().Alert(); alert.Accept(); Wait.Until(d => !new Link(By.LinkText(sectionName)).Exists); }
public void CreateSection(String sectionName, String description = null, Boolean showInJumpTo = false, IEnumerable<String> stepNames = null) { BtnNew.Click(); var popup = new SmartFormSectionPropertiesPopup(); popup.SwitchTo(); popup.TxtName.Value = sectionName; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description)) popup.TxtDescription.Value = description; popup.ChkShowInJumpTo.Checked = showInJumpTo; if (stepNames != null) { foreach (var step in stepNames) { var chkBox = new Checkbox(By.XPath("//span[text()='" + step + "']/../../td[1]/input[@type='checkbox']")); chkBox.Checked = true; } } popup.BtnOk.Click(); popup.SwitchBackToParent(WaitForPopupToClose.Yes); Thread.Sleep(1500); WaitForPageLoad(5000); }
/// <summary> /// Checks the checkbox associated with chooser row /// </summary> public void SelectChooser(string chooserName) { var tdCheckBox = new Checkbox(By.XPath("//a[text()='" + chooserName + "']/../../td[1]/input[@type='checkbox']")); tdCheckBox.Checked = true; }
public void CreateActivityGroup(string name, string[] activities) { BtnNew.Click(); var popup = new ActivityGroupEditor(); popup.SwitchTo(); popup.TxtGroupName.Value = name; foreach (var activity in activities) { var targetCheckBox = new Checkbox(By.XPath("//span[contains(.,'" + activity + "')]/../../td[1]/input[@type='checkbox']")); popup.BtnClear.Click(); popup.SelFilterAttribute.SelectOption("Activity Name"); popup.TxtFilterValue.Value = activity; popup.BtnGo.Click(); Wait.Until(d => targetCheckBox.Exists); targetCheckBox.Checked = true; } popup.BtnOk.Click(); popup.SwitchBackToParent(); }
public void CheckActivityRowCheckBox(string activityName) { var targetCheckBox = new Checkbox(By.XPath("//a[text() = '" + activityName + "']/../../td[1]/input[@type='checkbox']")); targetCheckBox.Checked = true; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="option"></param> public void ChooseResearchMilestone(params MileStones[] value) { string name = ""; foreach (var milestone in value) { switch (milestone) { case MileStones.StudyPermanentlyClosedToEnrollment: { name = "Study is permanently closed to enrollment OR was never open for enrollment"; break; } case MileStones.AllSubjectCompletedStudyRelatedInterventions: { // name = @" // All subjects have completed all study-related interventions OR not applicable (e.g. study did not include interventions, no subjects were enrolled)"; name = @"All subjects have completed"; break; } case MileStones.CollectionOfPrivateInfoComplete: { //name = // @"Collection of private identifiable information is complete OR not applicable (no subjects were enrolled)"; name = @"Collection of private"; break; } case MileStones.AnalysisOfPrivateInfoComplete: { //name = // @"Analysis of private identifiable information is complete OR not applicable (no subjects were enrolled)"; name = @"Analysis of private"; break; } case MileStones.RemainingStudyActivitiesLimited: { name = @"Remaining study activities are limited to data analysis"; break; } case MileStones.StudyRemainsActive: { name = @"Study remains active only for long-term follow-up of subjects"; break; } } //var chkbox = new Checkbox(By.XPath(".//td[text()='" + name + "']/../td/table/tbody/tr/td/input[1]")); var chkbox = new Checkbox(By.XPath(".//td[contains(.,'" + name + "')]/../td/table/tbody/tr/td/input[1]")); chkbox.Click(); Trace.WriteLine("Checking option: " + value); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks the checkbox for a view in the test table /// </summary> public void CheckViewTableRow(string viewName) { var tdCheckBox = new Checkbox(By.XPath("//a[text()='" + viewName + "']/../../td[1]/input[@type='checkbox']")); tdCheckBox.Checked = true; }
public void CopyBranching(String sourceStepName, string targetStepName, String copyType = "all", Boolean eraseAll = false) { var btnAddBranch = new Button( By.XPath("(//*[@id='_webrRSV_DIV_0']/table/tbody/tr/td[3]/a[text()='" + sourceStepName + "'])[1]/../../td[6]/input[@value='Copy Branches']")); btnAddBranch.Click(); var popup = new CopyBranchesPopup(); popup.SwitchTo(); var chkTarget = new Checkbox(By.XPath("//span[text()='" + targetStepName + "']/../../td[1]/input[@type='checkbox']")); chkTarget.Click(); var rdoCopyType = copyType == "smart" ? popup.RdoSmartCopy : popup.RdoAllBranches; rdoCopyType.Click(); popup.ChkEraseExisting.Checked = eraseAll; popup.BtnOk.Click(); popup.SwitchBackToParent(WaitForPopupToClose.Yes); Thread.Sleep(1500); WaitForPageLoad(5000); }
public void SelectEntityRow(string name) { var tdCheckBox = new Checkbox(By.XPath("//td[text()='" + name + "']/../td[1]/input[@type='checkbox']")); tdCheckBox.Checked = true; }