コード例 #1
		public void OnClick (View v)

			//get root layout

			PopoverView popoverView = new PopoverView (this, Resource.Layout.popover_showed_view);
			popoverView.setContentSizeForViewInPopover (new Point (320, 340));

			popoverView.Del = this;
			popoverView.showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup (rootView, PopoverView.getFrameForView (v), PopoverView.PopoverArrowDirectionAny, true);
			ViewGroup view = (ViewGroup)popoverView.Superview;

			string str = "";
			if (main == null) {
				main =	view;
				str = "Hello";
			} else {
				view = main;
				str = "Hello1";

			TextView txt = view.FindViewById<TextView> (Resource.Id.textView1);
			txt.Text = str;
			txt.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
				Console.WriteLine ("Hello");
コード例 #2

         * This method shows a popover in a ViewGroup, from an origin rect (relative to the Application Window)
         * @param group The group we want to insert the popup. Normally a Relative Layout so it can stand on top of everything
         * @param originRect The rect we want the popup to appear from (relative to the Application Window!)
         * @param arrowDirections The mask of bits to tell in which directions we want the popover to be shown
         * @param animated Whether is animated, or not
        public void showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup(ViewGroup group, Rect originRect, int arrowDirections, bool animated)
            //First, tell delegate we will show
            if (del != null)

            //Save superview
            Superview = group;

            //First, add the view to the view group. The popover will cover the whole area
            LayoutParams insertParams = new  LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MatchParent, LayoutParams.MatchParent);

            group.AddView(this, insertParams);

            //Now, save rect for the layout (is the same as the superview)
            popoverLayoutRect = PopoverView.getFrameForView(Superview);

            //Add available rects
            addAvailableRects(originRect, arrowDirections);
            //Get best rect
            int best = getBestRect();

            //Add popover
//				Rect bestRect = possibleRects.get(best);
            Rect bestRect = null;

            possibleRects.TryGetValue(best, out bestRect);
            //Add arrow image
            addArrow(originRect, best);

            //If we don't want animation, just tell the delegate
            if (!animated)
                //Tell delegate we did show
                if (del != null)
            //If we want animation, animate it!
                //Continue only if we are not animating
                if (!isAnimating)
                    //Create alpha animation, with its listener
                    AlphaAnimation animation = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f);
                    animation.Duration         = fadeAnimationTime;
                    animation.AnimationStart  += (object sender, Animation.AnimationStartEventArgs e) => {
                    animation.AnimationRepeat += (object sender, Animation.AnimationRepeatEventArgs e) => {
                    animation.AnimationEnd    += (object sender, Animation.AnimationEndEventArgs e) => {
                        //End animation
                        isAnimating = false;
                        //Tell delegate we did show
                        if (del != null)

                    //Start animation
                    isAnimating = true;
コード例 #3
		public  void popoverViewDidDismiss (PopoverView view)
			Log.Info ("POPOVER", "Did dismiss");
コード例 #4
		public void popoverViewWillDismiss (PopoverView view)
			Log.Info ("POPOVER", "Will dismiss");
コード例 #5
		public void popoverViewDidShow (PopoverView view)
			Log.Info ("POPOVER", "Did show");
コード例 #6
		public void popoverViewWillShow (PopoverView view)
			Log.Info ("POPOVER", "Will show");