コード例 #1
        private void targetFrameBox_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frameDifference = targetFrameBox.Value - startingFrameBox.Value;

            //warn user if they select an exorbitantly high frame
            if (gen7RadioButton.Checked == false)
                if (frameDifference >= 100000000 && wasExecuted == false)
                    popupWindow popupWindow = new popupWindow();

                    wasExecuted = true;
            else if (gen7RadioButton.Checked == true)
                if (frameDifference >= 99999028 && wasExecuted == false)
                    popupWindow popupWindow = new popupWindow();

                    wasExecuted = true;
コード例 #2
        public void calculateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            starter = (int)startingFrameBox.Value;
            target  = (int)targetFrameBox.Value;

            //turn frame difference into time for gen 6 use
            g6SecondsFraction = (int)targetFrameBox.Value - (int)startingFrameBox.Value / 120;
            g6Seconds         = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)g6SecondsFraction);
            while (g6Seconds >= 60)
                g6Minutes += 1;
                g6Seconds -= 60;
            while (g6Minutes >= 60)
                g6Hours   += 1;
                g6Minutes -= 60;
            while (g6Hours >= 24)
                g6Days  += 1;
                g6Hours -= 24;

            void frames(ref int starter, ref decimal target)
                Calculator.startingFrame = starter;
                Calculator.targetFrame   = target;

            if (targetFrameBox.Value < startingFrameBox.Value)
                popupWindow targetFrameLowerError = new popupWindow();
                if (gen6RadioButton.Checked == true)
                    //more failsafes, inserted here in specific as it only applies to gen 6
                    if (targetFrameBox.Value % 2 == 1 && startingFrameBox.Value % 2 == 0)
                        popupWindow popupWindow2 = new popupWindow();
                    else if (targetFrameBox.Value % 2 == 0 && startingFrameBox.Value % 2 == 1)
                        popupWindow popupWindow3 = new popupWindow();
                    else if (g6Seconds > 0 && g6Minutes == 0 && g6Hours == 0 && g6Days == 0)
                        timeOutputBox.Text = "You will hit your target frame in: /n {0} seconds." + g6Seconds;
                    else if (g6Hours == 0 && g6Minutes > 0)
                        timeOutputBox.Text = "You will hit your target frame in: /n {0} minutes and {1} seconds." + g6Minutes + g6Seconds;
                    else if (g6Days == 0 && g6Hours > 0)
                        timeOutputBox.Text = "You will hit your target frame in: /n {0} hours, {1} minutes, and {2} seconds." + g6Hours + g6Minutes + g6Seconds;
                        timeOutputBox.Text = "You will hit your target frame in: /n {0} days, {1} hours, {2} minutes, amd {3} seconds" + g6Days + g6Hours + g6Minutes + g6Seconds;
                else if (gen7RadioButton.Checked == true)
                    timeOutputBox.Text = "You will hit your target frame in: /n {0}" + gen7Result;