コード例 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Updates a PoI
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p">PoIInfo to update</param>
		/// <returns>true on success</returns>
		public bool Update (PoIInfo p)
			string request = new UpdatePoIRequest(_poiUrl);
			string json = MiniJSON.Json.Serialize(p.ToDictionary(true));

			string result = httpRequest.PostRequest(json, request);

			return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) && result.Equals("POI data updated succesfully!");
		public void TestPoIInfo ()

			var fwCore = new FwCore ();
			fwCore.Location = new Location (52.365299224853516, 9.6899404525756836);
			fwCore.Category = "restaurant";
//			var source = new Source ();
//			source.Name = "OpenStreetMap";
//			source.WebSite = @"http://www.openstreetmap.org";
//			source.Licence = @"http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright";
//			fwCore.Source = source;
			fwCore.Name = "Mi Pueblito";
			fwCore.Description = "no steps, to wheelchair toilets";
			fwCore.LastUpdate = new LastUpdate ("x", 1234);
			PoIInfo pInfo = new PoIInfo ("asdb-asdf-asdf-asdf");
			pInfo.FwCore = fwCore;

			string jsonLocationString = @"""location"":{""wgs84"":{""latitude"":52.365299224853516,""longitude"":9.6899404525756836}}";
			string jsonLastUpdateString = @"""last_update"":{""timestamp"":1234,""responsible"":""x""}";
			string jsonNameString = @"""name"":{"""":""Mi Pueblito""}";
			string jsonDescrString = @"""description"":{"""":""no steps, to wheelchair toilets""}";
			string jsonCatString = @"""category"":""restaurant""";
			//string jsonSourceString = @"""source"":{""name"":""OpenStreetMap"",""website"":""http://www.openstreetmap.org"",""license"":""http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright""}";
			string jsonFwCore = string.Format ("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}", jsonLocationString, jsonNameString, jsonCatString, jsonDescrString, jsonLastUpdateString);
			string jsonPoi = @"{""asdb-asdf-asdf-asdf"":{""fw_core"":{" + jsonFwCore + "}}}";
			//string jsonPoiUpdate = @"{""asdb-asdf-asdf-asdf"":{""fw_core"":{" + jsonFwCore + @"},""fw_time"":{""type"":""open""}}}";

			var poiObject = MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize (jsonPoi) as System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>;
			foreach (var k in poiObject) {
				var poiDeserialized = new PoIInfo (k);
				Assert.AreEqual (poiDeserialized, pInfo);

			var poiSerialized = pInfo.ToDictionary (true);
			var poiJsonSerialized = MiniJSON.Json.Serialize (poiSerialized);
			Assert.AreEqual (jsonPoi, poiJsonSerialized);
		/// <summary>
		/// Serializes the PoI.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>The POI in json string</returns>
		/// <param name="pInfo">the PoI</param>
		public static string SerializePOI (PoIInfo pInfo)
			var poiDic = pInfo.ToDictionary ();
			string json = MiniJSON.Json.Serialize (poiDic);
			return json;