コード例 #1
        public static string GenerateCode(DefaultObject defaultObj, PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, bool isRefParam, StringWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller, string setValue = null)
            if (property.IsPar || property.IsCustomized)
                return(ParInfoCsExporter.GenerateCode(property, isRefParam, stream, indent, typename, var, caller));

            string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller);
            string prop      = GetProperty(defaultObj, property, arrayIndexElement, stream, indent, var, caller);

            if (setValue == null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(var))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} = {2};", indent, var, prop);
                        string nativeType = DataCsExporter.GetPropertyNativeType(property, arrayIndexElement);

                        stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = {3};", indent, nativeType, var, prop);
                string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");
                stream.WriteLine("{0}AgentMetaVisitor.SetProperty({1}, \"{2}\", {3});", indent, agentName, propBasicName, setValue);

コード例 #2
        private static string getProperty(PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, string agentName, StringWriter stream, string indent)
            if (property.IsPar || property.IsCustomized)
                return(ParInfoCsExporter.GetProperty(agentName, property, arrayIndexElement, stream, indent));

            string propName   = DataCsExporter.GetPropertyBasicName(property, arrayIndexElement);
            string nativeType = DataCsExporter.GetPropertyNativeType(property, arrayIndexElement);

            if (property.IsPublic)
                string className = property.ClassName.Replace("::", ".");

                if (property.IsStatic)
                    return(string.Format("{0}.{1}", className, propName));
                    return(string.Format("(({0}){1}).{2}", className, agentName, propName));

            return(string.Format("({0})AgentMetaVisitor.GetProperty({1}, \"{2}\")", nativeType, agentName, propName));
コード例 #3
        public static void PostGenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.MethodDef.Param param, StringWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller, object parent, string setValue)
            Behaviac.Design.ParInfo par = param.Value as Behaviac.Design.ParInfo;

            if (par != null)
                ParInfoCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(par, null, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);

            Behaviac.Design.VariableDef v = param.Value as Behaviac.Design.VariableDef;

            if (v != null)
                VariableCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(v, stream, indent, typename, var, caller, parent, param.Name, setValue);

            Type type = param.Value.GetType();

            if (Plugin.IsCustomClassType(type) && !DesignerStruct.IsPureConstDatum(param.Value, parent, param.Name))
                StructCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(param.Value, stream, indent, var, parent, param.Name);
コード例 #4
        public static string GenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.MethodDef.Param param, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller)
            Behaviac.Design.ParInfo par = param.Value as Behaviac.Design.ParInfo;
            if (par != null)
                return(ParInfoCsExporter.GenerateCode(par, stream, indent, typename, var, caller));

            Behaviac.Design.VariableDef v = param.Value as Behaviac.Design.VariableDef;
            if (v != null)
                return(VariableCsExporter.GenerateCode(v, stream, indent, typename, var, caller));

            return(DataCsExporter.GenerateCode(param.Value, stream, indent, typename, var, caller));;
コード例 #5
        public static void PostGenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller, string setValue = null)
            if (property.IsPar || property.IsCustomized)
                ParInfoCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(property, arrayIndexElement, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);

            if (!property.IsReadonly)
                string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller);
                string prop      = setValue;

                if (property.Owner != Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kSelf)
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}behaviac.Agent {1} = behaviac.Agent.GetInstance(\"{2}\", pAgent.GetContextId());", indent, agentName, property.Owner.Replace("::", "."));
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check({1} != null);", indent, agentName);

                string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");

                if (setValue != null)
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}AgentExtra_Generated.SetProperty({1}, \"{2}\", {3});", indent, agentName, propBasicName, prop);
                    prop = getProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, agentName, stream, indent);

                uint id = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);
                stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check(behaviac.Utils.MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                    typename = property.NativeType;
                typename = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(typename);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}{1}.SetVariable<{2}>(\"{3}\", {4}, {5}u);", indent, agentName, typename, property.BasicName, prop, id);
コード例 #6
 public static void PostGenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.VariableDef variable, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller, object parent = null, string paramName = "", string setValue = null)
     if (variable.ValueClass == Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kConst)
         Type type = variable.Value.GetType();
         if (Plugin.IsCustomClassType(type) && !DesignerStruct.IsPureConstDatum(variable.Value, parent, paramName))
             StructCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(variable.Value, stream, indent, var, parent, paramName);
     else if (variable.ValueClass == Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kPar)
         Behaviac.Design.ParInfo par = variable.Value as Behaviac.Design.ParInfo;
         if (par != null)
             ParInfoCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(par, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
     else if (variable.Property != null)
         PropertyCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(variable.Property, stream, indent, typename, var, caller, setValue);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate code for the given value object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The given object.</param>
        /// <param name="stream">The file stream for generating the codes.</param>
        /// <param name="indent">The indent string when generating the line of codes.</param>
        /// <param name="typename">The native type of the variable.</param>
        /// <param name="var">The variable for the given object when generating the codes.</param>
        /// <param name="caller">The caller for the method or the agent.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the string generated value.</returns>
        public static string GenerateCode(object obj, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller, string setValue = null)
            string retStr = string.Empty;

            if (obj != null)
                Type type = obj.GetType();

                if (obj is Behaviac.Design.MethodDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.MethodDef method = obj as Behaviac.Design.MethodDef;
                    retStr = MethodCsExporter.GenerateCode(method, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.MethodDef.Param)
                    Behaviac.Design.MethodDef.Param param = obj as Behaviac.Design.MethodDef.Param;
                    retStr = ParameterCsExporter.GenerateCode(param, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.ParInfo)
                    Behaviac.Design.ParInfo par = obj as Behaviac.Design.ParInfo;
                    retStr = ParInfoCsExporter.GenerateCode(par, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property = obj as Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef;
                    retStr = PropertyCsExporter.GenerateCode(property, stream, indent, typename, var, caller, setValue);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.VariableDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.VariableDef variable = obj as Behaviac.Design.VariableDef;
                    retStr = VariableCsExporter.GenerateCode(variable, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.RightValueDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.RightValueDef rightValue = obj as Behaviac.Design.RightValueDef;
                    retStr = RightValueCsExporter.GenerateCode(rightValue, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                // Array type
                else if (Plugin.IsArrayType(type))
                    retStr = var;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2};", indent, typename, var);
                        typename = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(type);

                    int    startIndex = typename.IndexOf('<');
                    int    endIndex   = typename.LastIndexOf('>');
                    string itemType   = typename.Substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex - 1);

                    ArrayCsExporter.GenerateCode(obj, stream, indent, itemType, var);
                // Struct type
                else if (Plugin.IsCustomClassType(type))
                    retStr = var;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2};", indent, typename, var);

                    StructCsExporter.GenerateCode(obj, stream, indent, var, null, "");
                // Other types
                    retStr = obj.ToString();

                    if (Plugin.IsStringType(type)) // string
                        retStr = string.Format("\"{0}\"", retStr);
                    else if (Plugin.IsCharType(type)) // char
                        char c = 'A';
                        if (retStr.Length >= 1)
                            c = retStr[0];

                        retStr = string.Format("\'{0}\'", c);
                    else if (Plugin.IsBooleanType(type)) // bool
                        retStr = retStr.ToLowerInvariant();
                    else if (Plugin.IsEnumType(type)) // enum
                        retStr = EnumCsExporter.GeneratedCode(obj);
                    else if (type == typeof(float)) // float
                        retStr += "f";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(var))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} = {2};", indent, var, retStr);
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = {3};", indent, typename, var, retStr);
