public Contact Load(string id) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } CheckStatus(); int rowId; if (!Int32.TryParse(id, out rowId)) { throw new ArgumentException("Not a valid contact ID", "id"); } ABPerson person = this.addressBook.GetPerson(rowId); if (person == null) { return(null); } return(ContactHelper.GetContact(person)); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to load a contact for the specified <paramref name="id"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns>The <see cref="Contact"/> if found, <c>null</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="id"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="id"/> is empty.</exception> public Contact Load(string id) { if (id == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } if (id.Trim() == String.Empty) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid ID", "id"); } Android.Net.Uri curi; string column; if (PreferContactAggregation) { curi = ContactsContract.Contacts.ContentUri; column = ContactsContract.ContactsColumns.LookupKey; } else { curi = ContactsContract.RawContacts.ContentUri; column = ContactsContract.RawContactsColumns.ContactId; } ICursor c = null; try { c = this.content.Query(curi, null, column + " = ?", new[] { id }, null); return(c.MoveToNext() ? ContactHelper.GetContact(!PreferContactAggregation, this.content, this.resources, c) : null); } finally { if (c != null) { c.Deactivate(); } } }
public IEnumerator <Contact> GetEnumerator() { Android.Net.Uri table = (this.rawContacts) ? ContactsContract.RawContacts.ContentUri : ContactsContract.Contacts.ContentUri; string query = null; string[] parameters = null; string sortString = null; string[] projections = null; if (this.translator != null) { table = this.translator.Table; query = this.translator.QueryString; parameters = this.translator.ClauseParameters; sortString = this.translator.SortString; if (this.translator.Projections != null) { projections = this.translator.Projections .Where(p => p.Columns != null) .SelectMany(t => t.Columns) .ToArray(); if (projections.Length == 0) { projections = null; } } if (this.translator.Skip > 0 || this.translator.Take > 0) { StringBuilder limitb = new StringBuilder(); if (sortString == null) { limitb.Append(ContactsContract.ContactsColumns.LookupKey); } limitb.Append(" LIMIT "); if (this.translator.Skip > 0) { limitb.Append(this.translator.Skip); if (this.translator.Take > 0) { limitb.Append(","); } } if (this.translator.Take > 0) { limitb.Append(this.translator.Take); } sortString = (sortString == null) ? limitb.ToString() : sortString + limitb; } } ICursor cursor = null; try { cursor = this.content.Query(table, projections, query, parameters, sortString); if (cursor == null) { yield break; } foreach (Contact contact in ContactHelper.GetContacts(cursor, this.rawContacts, this.content, this.resources, BatchSize)) { yield return(contact); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.Close(); } } }
public IEnumerator <Contact> GetEnumerator() { return(ContactHelper.GetContacts(!PreferContactAggregation, this.content, this.resources).GetEnumerator()); }