コード例 #1
 // 20160119
 public void Generate(string name, List <DataPoint> dataPointList)
     this.name          = name;
     this.dataPointList = dataPointList;
     plotAttributesList = new List <PlotAttributes>();
     foreach (DataPoint dataPoint in dataPointList)
         PlotAttributes plotAttributes = new PlotAttributes();
コード例 #2
 private void PlotSeries(DataSeries dataSeries, Graphics g)
     for (int ii = 0; ii < dataSeries.DataPointList.Count; ii++)
         DataPoint currentPoint = dataSeries.DataPointList[ii];
         DataPoint nextPoint    = null;
         if ((ii + 1) < dataSeries.DataPointList.Count)
             nextPoint = dataSeries.DataPointList[ii + 1];
         PlotAttributes plotAttributes = dataSeries.PlotAttributesList[ii];
         PlotPoint(currentPoint, nextPoint, plotAttributes, g);
コード例 #3
 // Generates a data series without error bars, and with default plot attributes
 public void Generate(string name, List <double> horizontalData, List <double> verticalData)
     this.name          = name;
     dataPointList      = new List <DataPoint>();
     plotAttributesList = new List <PlotAttributes>();
     if (horizontalData.Count != verticalData.Count)
     for (int ii = 0; ii < horizontalData.Count; ii++)
         DataPoint dataPoint = new DataPoint();
         dataPoint.X = horizontalData[ii];
         dataPoint.Y = verticalData[ii];
         PlotAttributes plotAttributes = new PlotAttributes();
コード例 #4
 private void PlotPoint(DataPoint currentPoint, DataPoint nextPoint, PlotAttributes plotAttributes, Graphics g)
     using (SolidBrush pointBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White))
         // To Do: More here - add connection to the next point, different symbols etc.
         float plotX = GetPlotXAtX(currentPoint.X);
         float plotY = GetPlotYAtY(currentPoint.Y);
         pointBrush.Color = plotAttributes.PointColor;
         if (plotAttributes.Connect)
             using (Pen linePen = new Pen(plotAttributes.LineColor))
                 linePen.Width = (float)(plotAttributes.RelativeLineWidth * Math.Max(plotWidth, plotHeight));
                 if (nextPoint != null)
                     float nextPlotX = GetPlotXAtX(nextPoint.X);
                     float nextPlotY = GetPlotYAtY(nextPoint.Y);
                     DrawLine(g, linePen, plotX, plotY, nextPlotX, nextPlotY);
         if (plotAttributes.PointVisible)
             if (plotAttributes.PlotSymbol == PlotSymbol.Disc)
                 float pointSize = (float)(2 * plotAttributes.RelativePointSize * Math.Max(plotWidth, plotHeight));
                 if (((currentPoint.X - xMin) > -double.Epsilon) && ((xMax - currentPoint.X) > -double.Epsilon) &&
                     ((currentPoint.Y - yMin) > -double.Epsilon) && ((yMax - currentPoint.Y) > -double.Epsilon))
                     DrawEllipse(g, pointBrush, plotX, plotY, pointSize);
         if (plotAttributes.HorizontalErrorBarVisible)
             float horizontalErrorPlotXMin = GetPlotXAtX(currentPoint.X - currentPoint.ErrorLeft);
             float horizontalErrorPlotXMax = GetPlotXAtX(currentPoint.X + currentPoint.ErrorRight);
             float horizontalErrorPlotY    = GetPlotYAtY(currentPoint.Y);
             using (Pen errorPen = new Pen(plotAttributes.ErrorBarColor))
                 DrawLine(g, errorPen, horizontalErrorPlotXMin, horizontalErrorPlotY, horizontalErrorPlotXMax, horizontalErrorPlotY);
                 if (plotAttributes.UseHorizontalErrorBarSerifs)
                     float serifLength = (float)(plotAttributes.RelativeErrorBarSerifLength * Math.Max(plotWidth, plotHeight));
                     float serifYMin   = GetPlotYAtY(currentPoint.Y) - serifLength;
                     float serifYMax   = GetPlotYAtY(currentPoint.Y) + serifLength;
                     DrawLine(g, errorPen, horizontalErrorPlotXMin, serifYMin, horizontalErrorPlotXMin, serifYMax);
                     DrawLine(g, errorPen, horizontalErrorPlotXMax, serifYMin, horizontalErrorPlotXMax, serifYMax);
         if (plotAttributes.VerticalErrorBarVisible)
             float verticalErrorPlotYMin = GetPlotYAtY(currentPoint.Y - currentPoint.ErrorBottom);
             float verticalErrorPlotYMax = GetPlotYAtY(currentPoint.Y + currentPoint.ErrorTop);
             float verticalErrorPlotX    = GetPlotXAtX(currentPoint.X);
             using (Pen errorPen = new Pen(plotAttributes.ErrorBarColor))
                 DrawLine(g, errorPen, verticalErrorPlotX, verticalErrorPlotYMin, verticalErrorPlotX, verticalErrorPlotYMax);
                 if (plotAttributes.UseVerticalErrorBarSerifs)
                     float serifLength = (float)(plotAttributes.RelativeErrorBarSerifLength * Math.Max(plotWidth, plotHeight));
                     float serifXMin   = GetPlotXAtX(currentPoint.X) - serifLength;
                     float serifXMax   = GetPlotXAtX(currentPoint.X) + serifLength;
                     DrawLine(g, errorPen, serifXMin, verticalErrorPlotYMin, serifXMax, verticalErrorPlotYMin);
                     DrawLine(g, errorPen, serifXMin, verticalErrorPlotYMax, serifXMax, verticalErrorPlotYMax);