public override bool Inspect() { var changed = false; pegi.select_Index(ref InspectedBrush.selectedDecal, TexMGMTdata.decals).changes(ref changed); var decal = TexMGMTdata.decals.TryGet(InspectedBrush.selectedDecal); if (decal == null) { "Select a valid decal. You can add some in Config -> Lists.".fullWindowWarningDocumentationClickOpen( "No Decal selected"); }; "Continuous".toggle("Will keep adding decal every frame while the mouse is down", 80, ref InspectedBrush.decalContentious).changes(ref changed); "Continious Decal will keep painting every frame while mouse button is held".fullWindowDocumentationClickOpen("Countinious Decal");; "Rotation".write("Rotation method", 60); pegi.editEnum(ref InspectedBrush.decalRotationMethod).nl(ref changed); switch (InspectedBrush.decalRotationMethod) { case DecalRotationMethod.Constant: "Angle:".write("Decal rotation", 60); changed |= pegi.edit(ref InspectedBrush.decalAngle, -90, 450); break; case DecalRotationMethod.FaceStrokeDirection: "Ang Offset:".edit("Angle modifier after the rotation method is applied", 80, ref InspectedBrush.decalAngleModifier, -180f, 180f); break; } pegi.newLine(); if (!BrushExtensions.HasFlag(InspectedBrush.mask, BrushMask.A)) { "! Alpha chanel is disabled. Decals may not render properly".writeHint(); } return(changed); }
public bool PaintTexture2D(StrokeVector stroke, float brushAlpha, ImageMeta image, BrushConfig bc, PlaytimePainter painter) { if (!painter.IsAtlased()) { return(false); } var uvCoords = stroke.uvFrom; var atlasedSection = GetAtlasedSection(); sectorSize = image.width / atlasRows; atlasSector.From(atlasedSection * sectorSize); BlitFunctions.brAlpha = brushAlpha; BlitFunctions.half = (bc.Size(false)) / 2; var iHalf = Mathf.FloorToInt(BlitFunctions.half - 0.5f); var smooth = bc.GetBrushType(true) != BrushTypePixel.Inst; if (smooth) { BlitFunctions.alphaMode = BlitFunctions.CircleAlpha; } else { BlitFunctions.alphaMode = BlitFunctions.NoAlpha; } BlitFunctions.blitMode = bc.GetBlitMode(true).BlitFunctionTex2D(image); if (smooth) { iHalf += 1; } BlitFunctions.alpha = 1; BlitFunctions.r = BrushExtensions.HasFlag(bc.mask, BrushMask.R); BlitFunctions.g = BrushExtensions.HasFlag(bc.mask, BrushMask.G); BlitFunctions.b = BrushExtensions.HasFlag(bc.mask, BrushMask.B); BlitFunctions.a = BrushExtensions.HasFlag(bc.mask, BrushMask.A); BlitFunctions.cSrc = bc.Color; var tmp = image.UvToPixelNumber(uvCoords); var fromX = tmp.x - iHalf; tmp.y -= iHalf; var pixels = image.Pixels; for (BlitFunctions.y = -iHalf; BlitFunctions.y < iHalf + 1; BlitFunctions.y++) { tmp.x = fromX; for (BlitFunctions.x = -iHalf; BlitFunctions.x < iHalf + 1; BlitFunctions.x++) { if (BlitFunctions.alphaMode()) { var sx = tmp.x - atlasSector.x; var sy = tmp.y - atlasSector.y; sx %= sectorSize; if (sx < 0) { sx += sectorSize; } sy %= sectorSize; if (sy < 0) { sy += sectorSize; } BlitFunctions.blitMode(ref pixels[((atlasSector.y + sy)) * image.width + (atlasSector.x + sx)]); } tmp.x += 1; } tmp.y += 1; } return(true); }
public void SHADER_BRUSH_UPDATE(BrushConfig brush = null, float brushAlpha = 1, ImageMeta id = null, PlaytimePainter painter = null) { if (brush == null) { brush = GlobalBrush; } if (!painter) { painter = PlaytimePainter.selectedInPlaytime; } if (id == null && painter) { id = painter.ImgMeta; } brush.previewDirty = false; if (id == null) { return; } float textureWidth = id.width; var rendTex = id.TargetIsRenderTexture(); var brushType = brush.GetBrushType(!rendTex); var blitMode = brush.GetBlitMode(!rendTex); var is3DBrush = brush.IsA3DBrush(painter); //var isDecal = rendTex && brushType.IsUsingDecals; var useAlphaBuffer = (brush.useAlphaBuffer && blitMode.SupportsAlphaBufferPainting && rendTex); BrushColorProperty.GlobalValue = brush.Color; BrushMaskProperty.GlobalValue = new Vector4( BrushExtensions.HasFlag(brush.mask, BrushMask.R) ? 1 : 0, BrushExtensions.HasFlag(brush.mask, BrushMask.G) ? 1 : 0, BrushExtensions.HasFlag(brush.mask, BrushMask.B) ? 1 : 0, BrushExtensions.HasFlag(brush.mask, BrushMask.A) ? 1 : 0); float useTransparentLayerBackground = 0; if (id.isATransparentLayer) { var md = painter.MatDta; if (md != null && md.usePreviewShader && md.material) { var mt = md.material.mainTexture; TransparentLayerUnderProperty.GlobalValue = mt; useTransparentLayerBackground = (mt && (id != mt.GetImgDataIfExists())) ? 1 : 0; } } brushType.OnShaderBrushUpdate(brush); //if (isDecal) // SHADER_DECAL_UPDATE(brush); if (rendTex) { SourceMaskProperty.GlobalValue = brush.useMask ? Data.masks.TryGet(brush.selectedSourceMask) : null; } MaskDynamicsProperty.GlobalValue = new Vector4( brush.maskTiling, rendTex ? brush.hardness * brush.hardness : 0, // y - Hardness is 0 to do correct preview for Texture2D brush ((brush.flipMaskAlpha || brush.useMask) ? 0 : 1), (brush.maskFromGreyscale && brush.useMask) ? 1 : 0); MaskOffsetProperty.GlobalValue = brush.maskOffset.ToVector4(); BrushFormProperty.GlobalValue = new Vector4( brushAlpha, // x - transparency brush.Size(is3DBrush), // y - scale for sphere brush.Size(is3DBrush) / textureWidth, // z - scale for uv space brush.blurAmount); // w - blur amount AlphaBufferConfigProperty.GlobalValue = new Vector4( brush.alphaLimitForAlphaBuffer, brush.worldSpaceBrushPixelJitter ? 1 : 0, useAlphaBuffer ? 1 : 0, 0); AlphaPaintingBuffer.GlobalValue = AlphaBuffer; brushType.SetKeyword(id.useTexCoord2); UnityUtils.SetShaderKeyword(PainterDataAndConfig.BRUSH_TEXCOORD_2, id.useTexCoord2); if (blitMode.SupportsTransparentLayer) { UnityUtils.SetShaderKeyword(PainterDataAndConfig.TARGET_TRANSPARENT_LAYER, id.isATransparentLayer); } blitMode.SetKeyword(id).SetGlobalShaderParameters(); if (rendTex && blitMode.UsingSourceTexture) { SourceTextureProperty.GlobalValue = Data.sourceTextures.TryGet(brush.selectedSourceTexture); TextureSourceParameters.GlobalValue = new Vector4( (float)brush.srcColorUsage, brush.clampSourceTexture ? 1f : 0f, useTransparentLayerBackground, brush.ignoreSrcTextureTransparency ? 1f : 0f ); } }