コード例 #1
        public override void handleMouseUp(Point mouseLocation, 
                                       PlayFrame frame,
                                       PitchScreenCoordConverter converter,
                                       VisualOverlay overlay)
            PointF pitchCoords = converter.screenToPitchCoords(mouseLocation);

              if (mSelectedPlayer != null)
            // This function doesn't necessarily create a trigger but regardless
            // we say that the tool is complete anyway.
            if (frame.MaybeCreateTrigger(pitchCoords,
              ModelChanged = true;

            IsComplete = true;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// We capture the mouse up event and use it to place whatever it was that
        /// was selected on the mouse down event. If nothing was selected this does
        /// nothing. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mouseLocation"></param>
        /// <param name="frame"></param>
        /// <param name="converter"></param>
        public override void handleMouseUp(Point mouseLocation,
                                       PlayFrame frame,
                                       PitchScreenCoordConverter converter,
                                       VisualOverlay overlay)
            PointF pitchCoords = converter.screenToPitchCoords(mouseLocation);

              if (mSelectedTrigger != null)
            // If we are moving a trigger then only move it if the position it is
            // being placed is valid.
            if (frame.MaybeCreateTrigger(pitchCoords,
              ModelChanged = true;
              else if (mSelectedPlayer != null)
            frame.PlayerMovement[mSelectedPlayer][0].FinalPosition = pitchCoords;
            ModelChanged = true;
              else if (mSelectedCut != null)
            mSelectedCut.FinalPosition = pitchCoords;
            ModelChanged = true;
              else if (mIsMovingDiscControlPoint)
            frame.DiscFrameMovement.ControlPoint = pitchCoords;
            ModelChanged = true;

              // Regardless of whether anything moved the move tool is complete on
              // mouse up.
              mSelectedCut = null;
              mSelectedPlayer = null;
              mSelectedTrigger = null;
              IsComplete = true;