public Configuration( string login, string tranKey, Uri url, string requestType, Dictionary <string, string> additional = null, AuthenticationSecurity auth = null ) { this.login = login; this.tranKey = tranKey; if (url.ToString().EndsWith("/")) { this.url = url; } else { this.url = new Uri($"{url}/"); } this.requestType = requestType; this.additional = additional; this.auth = auth; }
public Configuration(JObject data) { login = data.GetValue(LOGIN).ToString(); tranKey = data.GetValue(TRANKEY).ToString(); if (data.GetValue(URL).ToString().EndsWith("/")) { url = new Uri(data.GetValue(URL).ToString()); } else { url = new Uri($"{data.GetValue(URL)}/"); } requestType = data.GetValue(TYPE).ToString(); if (data.ContainsKey(ADDITIONAL)) { var additionData = data.GetValue(ADDITIONAL).ToObject <JObject>(); foreach (var item in additionData) { additional.Add(item.Key, (string)item.Value); } } if (data.ContainsKey(AUTH)) { auth = new AuthenticationSecurity(data.GetValue(AUTH).ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Generate auth data. /// </summary> /// <returns>Authentication</returns> public Authentication Generate() { if (!overrided) { auth = new AuthenticationSecurity(GetSeed(), GetNonce()); } return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Authentication constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">JObject</param> public Authentication(JObject data) { if (!data.ContainsKey(LOGIN) || !data.ContainsKey(TRANKEY)) { throw new PlacetoPayException("No login or tranKey provided on authentication"); } login = data.GetValue(LOGIN).ToString(); tranKey = data.GetValue(TRANKEY).ToString(); if (data.ContainsKey(AUTH)) { if (!data.GetValue(AUTH).ToObject <JObject>().ContainsKey(SEED) || !data.GetValue(AUTH).ToObject <JObject>().ContainsKey(NONCE)) { throw new PlacetoPayException("Bad definition for the override"); } auth = new AuthenticationSecurity(data.GetValue(AUTH).ToString()); overrided = true; } if (data.ContainsKey(AUTH_TYPE)) { type = data.GetValue(AUTH_TYPE).ToString(); } if (data.ContainsKey(AUTH_ADDITIONAL)) { additional = data.GetValue(AUTH_ADDITIONAL).ToObject <JObject>(); } if (data.ContainsKey(ALGORITHM)) { algorithm = data.GetValue(ALGORITHM).ToString(); } Generate(); }
/// <summary> /// Authentication constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="login">string</param> /// <param name="tranKey">string</param> /// <param name="auth">AuthenticationSecurity</param> /// <param name="additional">JObject</param> public Authentication(string login, string tranKey, AuthenticationSecurity auth, JObject additional) { if (login == null || tranKey == null) { throw new PlacetoPayException("No login or tranKey provided on authentication"); } this.login = login; this.tranKey = tranKey; if (auth != null) { if (auth.Seed == null || auth.Nonce == null) { throw new PlacetoPayException("Bad definition for the override"); } this.auth = auth; overrided = true; } this.additional = additional; Generate(); }
/// <summary> /// Authentication constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="login">string</param> /// <param name="trankey">string</param> /// <param name="auth">AuthenticationSecurity</param> public Authentication(string login, string trankey, AuthenticationSecurity auth) : this(login, trankey, auth, null) { }