static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: bvRestorer5 <path>"); Console.WriteLine("Attempts to insert all the files in path\ninto the database in app configuration."); return; } String[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles(args[0]); int successCount = 0; foreach (String filename in filenames) { FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filename); if (fs.Length != 0x18b8) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: file size is wrong, skipped.", filename); continue; } byte[] data = new byte[0x18b8]; fs.ReadBlock(data, 0, 0x18b8); fs.Close(); int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0); if (length != 0x18b8) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: size field is wrong, skipped.", filename); continue; } if (data[4] != 0xf2) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: request type is wrong, skipped.", filename); continue; } if (data[5] != 0x55 || data[6] != 0x00 || data[7] != 0x00) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: sanity bytes are wrong, skipped.", filename); continue; } int pid = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0x08); ulong serial = BitConverter.ToUInt64(data, 0x0c); byte[] mainData = new byte[0x18a4]; Array.Copy(data, 0x14, mainData, 0, 0x18a4); BattleVideoRecord5 record = new BattleVideoRecord5(pid, serial, mainData); Database.Instance.BattleVideoUpload5(record); Console.WriteLine("Video {0} added successfully.", BattleVideoHeader4.FormatSerial(serial)); successCount++; } Console.WriteLine("{0} battle videos successfully added.", successCount); Console.ReadKey(); }
protected override byte[] ProcessRequest(byte[] data, TcpClient c) { int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0); AssertHelper.Equals(length, data.Length); RequestTypes5 requestType = (RequestTypes5)data[4]; StringBuilder logEntry = new StringBuilder(); logEntry.AppendFormat("Handling Generation V {0} request.\nHost: {1}", requestType, c.Client.RemoteEndPoint); logEntry.AppendLine(); EventLogEntryType type = EventLogEntryType.Information; MemoryStream response = new MemoryStream(); response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 4); // placeholder for length response.WriteByte((byte)requestType); response.WriteByte(data[5]); try { int pid = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 8); byte version = data[0x0c]; byte language = data[0x0d]; logEntry.AppendFormat("pid: {0}", pid); logEntry.AppendLine(); switch (requestType) { #region Musicals case RequestTypes5.MusicalUpload: { if (data.Length != 0x370) { logEntry.AppendLine("Length did not validate."); type = EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit; response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); break; } byte[] musicalData = new byte[0x230]; Array.Copy(data, 0x140, musicalData, 0, 0x230); MusicalRecord5 record = new MusicalRecord5(pid, 0, musicalData); ulong serial = Database.Instance.MusicalUpload5(record); if (serial == 0) { logEntry.AppendLine("Uploaded musical already in server."); response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); break; } logEntry.AppendFormat("Musical {0} uploaded successfully.", serial); logEntry.AppendLine(); response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2); // result code (0 for OK) response.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(serial), 0, 8); } break; case RequestTypes5.MusicalSearch: { if (data.Length != 0x14c) { logEntry.AppendLine("Length did not validate."); type = EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit; response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); break; } // todo: validate or log some of this? ushort species = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0x144); logEntry.AppendFormat("Searching for musical photos of species {0}.", species); logEntry.AppendLine(); MusicalRecord5[] results = Database.Instance.MusicalSearch5(species, 5); response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2); // result code (0 for OK) response.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(results.Length), 0, 4); foreach (MusicalRecord5 result in results) { response.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(result.PID), 0, 4); response.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(result.SerialNumber), 0, 8); response.Write(result.Data, 0, 0x230); } logEntry.AppendFormat("Retrieved {0} musical results.", results.Length); logEntry.AppendLine(); } break; #endregion #region Battle videos case RequestTypes5.BattleVideoUpload: { if (data.Length != 0x1ae8) { logEntry.AppendLine("Length did not validate."); type = EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit; response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); break; } int sigLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0x19e4); if (sigLength > 0x100 || sigLength < 0x00) { response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); break; } byte[] battlevidData = new byte[0x18a4]; Array.Copy(data, 0x140, battlevidData, 0, 0x18a4); BattleVideoRecord5 record = new BattleVideoRecord5(pid, 0, battlevidData); byte[] vldtSignature = new byte[sigLength]; Array.Copy(data, 0x19e8, vldtSignature, 0, sigLength); // todo: validate signature. ulong serial = Database.Instance.BattleVideoUpload5(record); if (serial == 0) { logEntry.AppendLine("Uploaded battle video already in server."); response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); break; } logEntry.AppendFormat("Battle video {0} uploaded successfully.", BattleVideoHeader4.FormatSerial(serial)); logEntry.AppendLine(); response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2); // result code (0 for OK) response.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(serial), 0, 8); } break; case RequestTypes5.BattleVideoSearch: { if (data.Length != 0x15c) { logEntry.AppendLine("Length did not validate."); type = EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit; response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); break; } // todo: validate or log some of this? BattleVideoRankings5 ranking = (BattleVideoRankings5)BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0x140); ushort species = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0x144); BattleVideoMetagames5 meta = (BattleVideoMetagames5)data[0x146]; // Byte 148 contains a magic number related to the searched metagame. // If 0, disable metagame search. Metagame being 00 is insufficient // since that value could mean Battle Subway Single. if (data[0x148] == 0x00) meta = BattleVideoMetagames5.SearchNone; byte country = data[0x14a]; byte region = data[0x14b]; logEntry.Append("Searching for "); if (ranking != BattleVideoRankings5.None) logEntry.AppendFormat("{0}", ranking); else { if (species != 0xffff) logEntry.AppendFormat("species {0}, ", species); logEntry.AppendFormat("{0}", meta); if (country != 0xff) logEntry.AppendFormat(", country {0}", country); if (region != 0xff) logEntry.AppendFormat(", region {0}", region); } logEntry.AppendLine("."); BattleVideoHeader5[] results = Database.Instance.BattleVideoSearch5(species, ranking, meta, country, region, 30); response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2); // result code (0 for OK) response.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(results.Length), 0, 4); foreach (BattleVideoHeader5 result in results) { response.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(result.PID), 0, 4); response.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(result.SerialNumber), 0, 8); response.Write(result.Data, 0, 0xc4); } logEntry.AppendFormat("Retrieved {0} battle video results.", results.Length); logEntry.AppendLine(); } break; case RequestTypes5.BattleVideoWatch: { if (data.Length != 0x14c) { logEntry.AppendLine("Length did not validate."); type = EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit; response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); break; } ulong serial = BitConverter.ToUInt64(data, 0x140); BattleVideoRecord5 record = Database.Instance.BattleVideoGet5(serial, true); if (record == null) { response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); logEntry.AppendFormat("Requested battle video {0} was missing.", BattleVideoHeader4.FormatSerial(serial)); logEntry.AppendLine(); type = EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit; break; } response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2); // result code (0 for OK) response.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(record.PID), 0, 4); response.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(record.SerialNumber), 0, 8); response.Write(record.Header.Data, 0, 0xc4); response.Write(record.Data, 0, 0x17e0); logEntry.AppendFormat("Retrieved battle video {0}.", BattleVideoHeader4.FormatSerial(serial)); logEntry.AppendLine(); } break; case RequestTypes5.BattleVideoSaved: { if (data.Length != 0x148) { logEntry.AppendLine("Length did not validate."); type = EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit; response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); break; } ulong serial = BitConverter.ToUInt64(data, 0x140); if (Database.Instance.BattleVideoFlagSaved5(serial)) { response.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 2); // result code (0 for OK) logEntry.AppendFormat("Battle video {0} flagged saved.", BattleVideoHeader4.FormatSerial(serial)); logEntry.AppendLine(); } else { response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); logEntry.AppendFormat("Requested battle video {0} was missing.", BattleVideoHeader4.FormatSerial(serial)); logEntry.AppendLine(); } } break; #endregion default: logEntry.AppendLine("Unrecognized request type."); response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { logEntry.AppendFormat("Unhandled exception while handling request.\nException: {0}", ex.ToString()); logEntry.AppendLine(); response.Write(new byte[] { 0x02, 0x00 }, 0, 2); } response.Flush(); byte[] responseData = response.ToArray(); WriteLength(responseData); LogHelper.Write(logEntry.ToString(), type); return responseData; }
public abstract ulong BattleVideoUpload5(BattleVideoRecord5 record);