public StockSubscription ( EconomicEvent economicEvent, FinancierId financierId, StockIssueDate stockIssueDate, SharesIssured sharesIssured, PricePerShare pricePerShare, UserId userId ) { EconomicEvent = economicEvent ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("The economic event is required."); Id = economicEvent.Id; FinancierId = financierId ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("The financier id is required."); StockIssueDate = stockIssueDate ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("The stock issue date is required."); SharesIssured = sharesIssured ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("The shares issued amount is required."); PricePerShare = pricePerShare ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("The price per share is required."); UserId = userId ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("The id of the employee recording this stock subscription is required."); }
public void UpdateSharesIssured(SharesIssured value) { SharesIssured = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("The number of shares issued is required."); UpdateLastModifiedDate(); CheckValidity(); }