public static bool SupportSMB2And3(string server, out SMBSecurityModeEnum securityMode) { bool tempResult = false; bool result = false; securityMode = SMBSecurityModeEnum.NotTested; SMBSecurityModeEnum smbv2temp; foreach (int dialect in new int[] { 0x0202, 0x0210, 0x0300, 0x0302, 0x0311 }) { try { tempResult = Smb2Protocol.DoesServerSupportDialectWithSmbV2(server, dialect, out smbv2temp); if (tempResult) { result = true; securityMode = CombineSecurityMode(securityMode, smbv2temp); } } catch (SmbPortClosedException) { break; } catch (Exception) { } } return(result); }
override protected string GetCsvData(string computer) { bool isPortOpened = true; bool SMBv1 = false; bool SMBv2_0x0202 = false; bool SMBv2_0x0210 = false; bool SMBv2_0x0300 = false; bool SMBv2_0x0302 = false; bool SMBv2_0x0311 = false; SMBSecurityModeEnum smbv1secmode = SMBSecurityModeEnum.NotTested; SMBSecurityModeEnum smbv2secmode = SMBSecurityModeEnum.NotTested; SMBSecurityModeEnum smbv2temp; try { try { SMBv1 = Smb1Protocol.DoesServerSupportDialect(computer, "NT LM 0.12", out smbv1secmode); } catch (Smb1NotSupportedException) { } try { SMBv2_0x0202 = Smb2Protocol.DoesServerSupportDialectWithSmbV2(computer, 0x0202, out smbv2secmode); SMBv2_0x0210 = Smb2Protocol.DoesServerSupportDialectWithSmbV2(computer, 0x0210, out smbv2temp); smbv2secmode = CombineSecurityMode(smbv2secmode, smbv2temp); SMBv2_0x0300 = Smb2Protocol.DoesServerSupportDialectWithSmbV2(computer, 0x0300, out smbv2temp); smbv2secmode = CombineSecurityMode(smbv2secmode, smbv2temp); SMBv2_0x0302 = Smb2Protocol.DoesServerSupportDialectWithSmbV2(computer, 0x0302, out smbv2temp); smbv2secmode = CombineSecurityMode(smbv2secmode, smbv2temp); SMBv2_0x0311 = Smb2Protocol.DoesServerSupportDialectWithSmbV2(computer, 0x0311, out smbv2temp); smbv2secmode = CombineSecurityMode(smbv2secmode, smbv2temp); } catch (Smb2NotSupportedException) { } } catch (SmbPortClosedException) { isPortOpened = false; } return(computer + "\t" + (isPortOpened ? "Yes" : "No") + "\t" + (SMBv1 ? "Yes" : "No") + "\t" + ((smbv1secmode & SMBSecurityModeEnum.SmbSigningRequired) != 0 ? "Yes" : "No") + "\t" + (SMBv2_0x0202 ? "Yes" : "No") + "\t" + (SMBv2_0x0210 ? "Yes" : "No") + "\t" + (SMBv2_0x0300 ? "Yes" : "No") + "\t" + (SMBv2_0x0302 ? "Yes" : "No") + "\t" + (SMBv2_0x0311 ? "Yes" : "No") + "\t" + ((smbv2secmode & SMBSecurityModeEnum.SmbSigningRequired) != 0 ? "Yes" : "No")); }
public static bool DoesServerSupportDialectWithSmbV2(string server, int dialect, out SMBSecurityModeEnum securityMode) { Trace.WriteLine("Checking " + server + " for SMBV2 dialect 0x" + dialect.ToString("X2")); securityMode = SMBSecurityModeEnum.NotTested; TcpClient client = new TcpClient(); client.ReceiveTimeout = 500; client.SendTimeout = 500; try { client.Connect(server, 445); } catch (Exception) { throw new SmbPortClosedException(server); } try { NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); var smb2 = new Smb2Protocol(stream, server); var negotiateresponse = smb2.SendNegotiateRequest(dialect); if ((negotiateresponse.SecurityMode & 1) != 0) { securityMode = SMBSecurityModeEnum.SmbSigningEnabled; if ((negotiateresponse.SecurityMode & 2) != 0) { securityMode |= SMBSecurityModeEnum.SmbSigningRequired; } } else { securityMode = SMBSecurityModeEnum.None; } Trace.WriteLine("Checking " + server + " for SMBV2 dialect 0x" + dialect.ToString("X2") + " = Supported"); return(true); } catch (Exception) { throw new Smb2NotSupportedException(server); } }
public static List <Smb2Protocol.NetworkInfo> GetFCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INFO(string server, NetworkCredential credential = null) { Trace.WriteLine("Checking " + server + " for GetFCTL_QUERY_NETWORK_INFO"); TcpClient client = new TcpClient(); client.ReceiveTimeout = 500; client.SendTimeout = 500; try { client.Connect(server, 445); } catch (Exception) { Trace.WriteLine("Error with " + server + "(port closed)"); return(null); } try { NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); var smb2 = new Smb2Protocol(stream, server); smb2.SendNegotiateRequest(0x0302); smb2.SendSessionSetupRequests(credential); smb2.SendTreeConnect("\\\\" + server + "\\IPC$"); var o = smb2.GetNetworkInterfaceInfo(); client.Close(); return(o); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("Error with " + server + "(" + ex.Message + ")"); return(null); } }