コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// When conditions are right, the BoyPig listens for a grunting GirlPig.
        /// When one is heard, the BoyPig tries to reach that GirlPig,
        /// which will only succeed when she is in an adjacent cell.
        /// If the BoyPig reaches a GirlPig, then they try to produce a baby pig.
        /// But if no GirlPig can be reached, then the BoyPig tries to move in the direction of the sound.
        /// (If there is no sound, then the BoyPig can move in any direction.)
        /// Overrides the LookForPig method in the base class, Pig.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LookForPig()
            // Do not modify, delete, or move the debugAnimalAction line below,
            // or the Debug Info will not show correctly in the GUI, and that could be confusing.
            debugAnimalAction = "LookForPig";

            Direction direction = Listen();  // When no GirlPigs are grunting, this will be null.

            if (direction == null)
                LifeForm lifeForm = Reach(direction);  // Will be null when that direction's cell has no LifeForm occupant.

                if (lifeForm is GirlPig)
                    GirlPig girl = (GirlPig)lifeForm;
                    if (!IsTired() && IsInTheMoodForLove())
コード例 #2
ファイル: Pig.cs プロジェクト: shammill/PigWorld-Simulation
        /// <summary>
        /// First the pig looks to see if there is any PigFood in its current Cell.
        /// If there is, the pig picks it up, eats it, and does nothing more. I.e. the pig stays where it is.
        /// Otherwise, the pig looks for the nearest PigFood, using the FindNearest method.
        /// If there isn't any food anywhere in the pigWorld, the pig does nothing.
        /// If there is food, then the pig (tries to) move one square in the direction
        /// of that food. If the move fails (e.g. because there's a wall in the way,
        /// or any other reason), then the pig simply remains where it is.
        /// </summary>
        public void LookForFood()
            // Do not modify, delete, or move the debugAnimalAction line below,
            // or the Debug Info will not show correctly in the GUI, and that could be confusing.
            debugAnimalAction = "LookForFood";

            bool pigFoodInCurrentCell = Cell.Exists(typeof(PigFood));

            if (pigFoodInCurrentCell)
                PigFood food = (PigFood)Cell.PickUp(typeof(PigFood));
                Echo nearestPigFood = FindNearest(typeof(PigFood));
                if (nearestPigFood != null)
                    Cell targetCell = Cell.GetAdjacentCell(nearestPigFood.direction);
                    if (targetCell != null)
                        LifeForm adjacentLifeForm = targetCell.LifeFormOccupant;
                        if (adjacentLifeForm == null)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Radar.cs プロジェクト: shammill/PigWorld-Simulation
        private double sweepAngle; // the current angle of the radar's sweep

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new Radar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">A reference to the LifeForm that owns this radar.  </param>
        /// <param name="targetType"> The type of object detected by this radar. </param>
        public Radar(LifeForm owner, Type targetType)
            this.owner      = owner;
            this.pigWorld   = owner.PigWorld;
            this.targetType = targetType;

            sweepAngle = -1.0;  // negative value ensures 0 degrees will be swept first.
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method releases the current lifeFormOccupant from this Cell. If there is
        /// currently no lifeFormOccupant, then this method does nothing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> the LifeForm that was released, or null if there was nothing
        /// occupying this Cell. </returns>
        private LifeForm Release()
            LifeForm removed = lifeFormOccupant;

            if (lifeFormOccupant != null)
                lifeFormOccupant = null;
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests whether there is room for the given LifeForm on this Cell. If
 /// there is already a LifeForm occupying this Cell, the answer is no
 /// (false). If the given LifeForm is a Plant and there are some
 /// nonLivingThings on this Cell, then the answer is also no. But apart from that,
 /// this method has no other reasons to return false and should return
 /// true in all other cases.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="lifeForm"> the LifeForm to test if there is any room for. </param>
 /// <returns> true if there is any room on this Cell for the given LifeForm,
 /// or false otherwise. </returns>
 public bool IsRoomFor(LifeForm lifeForm)
     if (lifeFormOccupant != null)
     if (lifeForm is Plant && GetCountOfNonlivingThings() > 0)
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the LifeFormView.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pigWorldView"> the view of the pigWorld. </param>
        /// <param name="lifeForm"> the LifeForm to view. </param>
        protected LifeFormView(PigWorldView pigWorldView, LifeForm lifeForm)
            this.pigWorldView = pigWorldView;
            this.lifeForm     = lifeForm;

            Position position = lifeForm.Cell.Position;
            CellView cellView = pigWorldView.GetCellViewFromPosition(position);

            this.containingCellView = cellView;

            this.lifeForm.lifeFormMovedEvent += LifeFormMovedEvent;
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method steps through one unit of time in the pigWorld. It loops over
        /// every LifeForm in the pigWorld and calls the DoSomething() method on each
        /// LifeForm once. You can use the Step method while the pigWorld is stopped to
        /// see how the pigWorld changes after one unit of time.
        /// To make multiple steps, this method can be called repeatedly,
        /// e.g. by the periodic tick of a timer.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Step()
            now += 1;

            // Make any sounds in the air dampen over time.
            if (now % 3 == 0)
                for (int row = 0; row < numOfRows; row++)
                    for (int column = 0; column < numOfColumns; column++)
                        cells[row, column].Air.DecrementSoundLevel();

            // Update each Thing in the pigWorld, for this moment in time.

            // Items can be added to, and removed from, the list of Things as each LifeForm gets
            // its slice of time. E.g. pigs can be born, or eaten by a wolf.
            // To make sure that only existing Things get their time-slice on the current Step,
            // we make a copy of the list first.
            List <Thing> localListOfThings = new List <Thing>(Things);

            for (int i = 0; i < localListOfThings.Count; i++)
                // The Things update themselves, so we can't use "foreach" here.
                Thing thing = localListOfThings[i];

                if (thing is LifeForm)
                    LifeForm lifeForm = (LifeForm)thing;
                    if (lifeForm.Exists())
                    // Refresh the display of NonlivingThings periodically.
                    if (now % 6 == 0)
                        Cell cell = thing.Cell;
                        if (cell != null)
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes every Thing from the pigWorld, but will leave the Walls in place.
        /// </summary>
        public void RemoveAllThings()
            // Because the Delete method updates the list of Things, we make a copy of the list first.
            List <Thing> localListOfThings = new List <Thing>(Things);

            for (int i = 0; i < localListOfThings.Count; i++)
                // The Things update themselves, so we can't use "foreach" here.
                Thing thing = localListOfThings[i];
                if (!thing.Exists())

コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// If no LifeForm currently standing on this Cell, this method takes
        /// the LifeForm given in the parameter from its old Cell and places it onto
        /// this Cell to become the new lifeFormOccupant of this Cell.
        /// If a LifeForm is already on this Cell, then this method does
        /// nothing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newOccupant"> the new lifeFormOccupant of this Cell. </param>
        /// <returns> true if the newOccupant was successfully placed, or false otherwise. </returns>
        public bool AddLifeForm(LifeForm newOccupant)
            LifeForm oldOccupant = lifeFormOccupant;

            if (!IsRoomFor(newOccupant))

            Cell sourceCell = newOccupant.Cell;

            if (sourceCell != null)

            lifeFormOccupant      = newOccupant;
            lifeFormOccupant.Cell = this;

コード例 #10
ファイル: Wolf.cs プロジェクト: shammill/PigWorld-Simulation
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called every unit of time by the PigWorld to give the Wolf
        /// a chance to do something.
        /// First the Wolf looks around for the nearest pig, using the
        /// method "FindNearest". If there isn't a pig, the Wolf does nothing.
        /// If there is, then the Wolf either:
        /// (1) tries to moves one cell/square in the direction of the nearest pig, or
        /// (2) if a pig is in fact only one move away, the wolf eats the pig.
        /// Note that if there is a wall between the Wolf and the nearest pig,
        /// then the Wolf won't move at all.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DoSomething()
            // This will detect any type of pig (both BoyPigs and GirlPigs).

            Echo nearestPig = FindNearest(typeof(Pig));

            if (nearestPig != null)
                Cell targetCell = Cell.GetAdjacentCell(nearestPig.direction);
                if (targetCell != null)
                    LifeForm adjacentLifeForm = targetCell.LifeFormOccupant;
                    if (adjacentLifeForm == null)
                    else if (adjacentLifeForm is Pig)