public void AddPastry(Pastry new_pastry) { ListPastry.Add(new_pastry); }
public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Welcome Pierre's Bakery!++++++++++++++++++++++++"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(" BUY 2 SIMPLE BREAD GET ONE FREE OR BUY 3 CROISSANT FOR 5$! "); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------- ---------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("| Simple bread, Price 5$ | | Pastry: Biscotti, Price: 10$ |"); Console.WriteLine("| Bread: Sourdough, Price: 6$ | | Pastry: Danish, Price: 5$ |"); Console.WriteLine("| Bread: Baquette, Price: 9$ | | Pastry: Canolli, Price: 12$ |"); Console.WriteLine("| Bread: Pite, Price: 3$ | | Pastry: Muffin, Price: 3$ |"); Console.WriteLine("| Bread: Challah, Price: 7$ | | Pastry: Croissant, Price: 2$ |"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------- ---------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("How many bread woud you like to buy:"); Regex regex = new Regex("^[0-9]+$"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); //Data validation for numbers [0-9] while (!regex.IsMatch(input)) { Console.WriteLine("THis is not valid data to process!"); Console.WriteLine("How many bread woud you like to buy:"); input = Console.ReadLine(); } int numberOfBreads = int.Parse(input); ListOfOrders ListBreadAndPastry = new ListOfOrders(); int userInput; Bread bread = null; Pastry pastry = null; int choice = 1; while (numberOfBreads > 0) { Console.WriteLine("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 1 for Simple Bread,which costs 5$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 2 for Sourdough Bread,which costs 6$.||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 3 for Baquette Bread,which costs 9$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 4 for Pita Bread,which costs 3$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 5 for Challah Bread,which costs 7$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("+++++++++++++++++++++++++CHOICE: " + choice + "+++++++++++++++++++++++++"); userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // If user enters invalid number to choose order.The loop will iterate until user enters valid number. while (userInput < 1 || userInput > 5) { Console.WriteLine("This is not a valid number to make a selection!"); Console.WriteLine("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 1 for Simple Bread,which costs 5$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 2 for Sourdough Bread,which costs 6$.||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 3 for Baquette Bread,which costs 9$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 4 for Pita Bread,which costs 3$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 5 for Challah Bread,which costs 7$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } if (userInput == 1) { bread = new Bread("Simple Bread", 5); } else if (userInput == 2) { bread = new Bread("Sourdough", 6); } else if (userInput == 3) { bread = new Bread("Baquette", 9); } else if (userInput == 4) { bread = new Bread("Pita", 3); } else if (userInput == 5) { bread = new Bread("Challah", 7); } ListBreadAndPastry.AddBread(bread); numberOfBreads--; choice++; } Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("| Pastry: Biscotti, Price: 10$ |"); Console.WriteLine("| Pastry: Danish, Price: 5$ |"); Console.WriteLine("| Pastry: Canolli, Price: 12$ |"); Console.WriteLine("| Pastry: Muffin, Price: 3$ |"); Console.WriteLine("| Pastry: Croissant, Price: 2$ |"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("How many pastries would you like to buy: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); //Data validation for numbers [0-9] while (!regex.IsMatch(input)) { Console.WriteLine("This is not valid data to process!: "); Console.WriteLine("Please Enter number : How many pastries would you like to buy: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); } int numberOfPastries = int.Parse(input); int choiceNumber = 1; while (numberOfPastries > 0) { Console.WriteLine("=============================================================="); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 1 for Pastry: Biscotti, which costs 6$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 2 for Pastry: Danish, which costs 7$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 3 for Pastry: Canolli, which costs 8$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 4 for Pastry: Muffin, which costs 9$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 5 for Pastry: Croissant, which costs 2$.||"); Console.WriteLine("+++++++++++++++++++Choice: " + choiceNumber + " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // If user enters invalid number to choose order.The loop will iterate until user enters valid number. while (userInput < 1 || userInput > 5) { Console.WriteLine("This is not a valid number to select options!"); Console.WriteLine("=============================================================="); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 1 for Pastry: Biscotti, which costs 6$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 2 for Pastry: Danish, which costs 7$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 3 for Pastry: Canolli, which costs 8$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 4 for Pastry: Muffin, which costs 9$. ||"); Console.WriteLine("|| Please Enter==> 5 for Pastry: Croissant, which costs 2$.||"); Console.WriteLine("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } if (userInput == 1) { pastry = new Pastry("Biscotti", 6); } else if (userInput == 2) { pastry = new Pastry("Danish", 7); } else if (userInput == 3) { pastry = new Pastry("Canolli", 8); } else if (userInput == 4) { pastry = new Pastry("Muffin", 9); } else if (userInput == 5) { pastry = new Pastry("Croissant", 2); } ListBreadAndPastry.AddPastry(pastry); numberOfPastries--; choiceNumber++; } string orders_and__totalCost = "List of orders:\n" + ListBreadAndPastry.PrintListBreads() + "" + ListBreadAndPastry.PrintListPastries() + "\n" + "-------------------------------\n" + "|Total Price for Breads: " + ListBreadAndPastry.GetTotalPriceForBreads() + " $ |\n" + "|Total Price for Pastries: " + ListBreadAndPastry.GetTotalPriceForPastries() + " $|\n" + "-------------------------------\n" + "*****Total Final Price*****\n" + "|OverAll Total Price: " + ListBreadAndPastry.GetTotalPrice() + " $|\n" + "***************************"; Console.WriteLine(orders_and__totalCost); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to exit or modify your list ? " + "\n" + "Enter for Exit==> 1 " + "\n" + "Enter for Modify List==> 2"); userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); while (userInput == 2) { Console.WriteLine("+-----------------------------CURRENT LIST----------------------------------------+"); string listCurrentBreads = ListBreadAndPastry.PrintListBreads(); string listCurrentPastries = ListBreadAndPastry.PrintListPastries(); Console.WriteLine(listCurrentBreads); Console.WriteLine(listCurrentPastries); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to remove any breads or pastries from the list?" + "\n" + "Enter for Bread==> 1" + "\n" + "Enter for Pastry==> 3"); userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (userInput == 1) { for (int idx = 0; idx < ListBreadAndPastry.GetSizeOfListBreads(); idx++) { Console.WriteLine("Enter ==> " + idx + " For Removing: " + ListBreadAndPastry.GetBreadByIndex(idx)); } userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); ListBreadAndPastry.RemoveBreadByIndex(userInput); } else if (userInput == 3) { for (int idx = 0; idx < ListBreadAndPastry.GetSizeOfListPastries(); idx++) { Console.WriteLine("Enter ==> " + idx + " For removing: " + ListBreadAndPastry.GetPastryByIndex(idx)); } userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); ListBreadAndPastry.RemovePastryByIndex(userInput); } Console.WriteLine("Please enter 2 to continue removing items in the list or enter any number to exit: "); userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } orders_and__totalCost = "List of orders:\n" + ListBreadAndPastry.PrintListBreads() + "" + ListBreadAndPastry.PrintListPastries() + "\n" + "-------------------------------\n" + "|Total Price for Breads: " + ListBreadAndPastry.GetTotalPriceForBreads() + " $ |\n" + "|Total Price for Pastries: " + ListBreadAndPastry.GetTotalPriceForPastries() + " $|\n" + "-------------------------------\n" + "*****Total Final Price*****\n" + "|OverAll Total Price: " + ListBreadAndPastry.GetTotalPrice() + " $|\n" + "***************************"; Console.WriteLine(orders_and__totalCost); Console.WriteLine("Thank you for your shopping!"); }