public FeatureFile(string fileName, Folder folder, Feature feature) : base(fileName, folder) { if (feature == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("feature"); mContent = feature; }
private XElement GetFeatureElement(Feature feature) { return resultsDocument .Descendants("test-suite") .Where(x => x.Attribute("description") != null) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Attribute("description").Value == feature.Name); }
public FeatureDirectoryTreeNode(FileSystemInfo location, string relativePathFromRoot, Feature feature) { this.OriginalLocation = location; this.OriginalLocationUrl = location.ToUri(); this.RelativePathFromRoot = relativePathFromRoot; this.Feature = feature; }
public void ThenCanReadScenarioOutlineResultSuccessfully() { // Write out the embedded test results file using (var input = new StreamReader(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Pickles.Test." + RESULTS_FILE_NAME))) using (var output = new StreamWriter(RESULTS_FILE_NAME)) { output.Write(input.ReadToEnd()); } var configuration = Kernel.Get<Configuration>(); configuration.TestResultsFile = new FileInfo(RESULTS_FILE_NAME); var results = Kernel.Get<XUnitResults>(); var feature = new Feature { Name = "Addition" }; var scenarioOutline = new ScenarioOutline { Name = "Adding several numbers", Feature = feature }; var result = results.GetScenarioOutlineResult(scenarioOutline); result.WasExecuted.ShouldBeTrue(); result.WasSuccessful.ShouldBeTrue(); var exampleResult1 = results.GetExampleResult(scenarioOutline, new string[] { "40", "50", "90" }); exampleResult1.WasExecuted.ShouldBeTrue(); exampleResult1.WasSuccessful.ShouldBeTrue(); var exampleResult2 = results.GetExampleResult(scenarioOutline, new string[] { "60", "70", "130" }); exampleResult2.WasExecuted.ShouldBeTrue(); exampleResult2.WasSuccessful.ShouldBeTrue(); }
public void ThenCanReadScenarioResultSuccessfully() { // Write out the embedded test results file using (var input = new StreamReader(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Pickles.Test." + RESULTS_FILE_NAME))) using (var output = new StreamWriter(RESULTS_FILE_NAME)) { output.Write(input.ReadToEnd()); } var configuration = Kernel.Get<Configuration>(); configuration.TestResultsFile = new FileInfo(RESULTS_FILE_NAME); var results = Kernel.Get<XUnitResults>(); var feature = new Feature { Name = "Addition" }; var scenario1 = new Scenario { Name = "Add two numbers", Feature = feature }; var result1 = results.GetScenarioResult(scenario1); result1.WasExecuted.ShouldBeTrue(); result1.WasSuccessful.ShouldBeTrue(); var scenario2 = new Scenario { Name = "Fail to add two numbers", Feature = feature }; var result2 = results.GetScenarioResult(scenario2); result2.WasExecuted.ShouldBeTrue(); result2.WasSuccessful.ShouldBeFalse(); }
public void Format(IXLWorksheet worksheet, Feature feature) { worksheet.Cell("A1").Style.Font.SetBold(); worksheet.Cell("A1").Value = feature.Name; worksheet.Cell("B2").Value = feature.Description; worksheet.Cell("B2").Style.Alignment.WrapText = false; var results = testResults.GetFeatureResult(feature); if (configuration.HasTestResults && results.WasExecuted) { worksheet.Cell("A1").Style.Fill.SetBackgroundColor(results.WasSuccessful ? XLColor.AppleGreen : XLColor.CandyAppleRed); } int row = 4; foreach (IFeatureElement featureElement in feature.FeatureElements) { var scenario = featureElement as Scenario; if (scenario != null) { excelScenarioFormatter.Format(worksheet, scenario, ref row); } var scenarioOutline = featureElement as ScenarioOutline; if (scenarioOutline != null) { excelScenarioOutlineFormatter.Format(worksheet, scenarioOutline, ref row); } row++; } }
public XElement Format(Feature feature) { var div = new XElement(this.xmlns + "div", new XAttribute("id", "feature"), this.htmlImageResultFormatter.Format(feature), new XElement(this.xmlns + "h1", feature.Name), this.htmlDescriptionFormatter.Format(feature.Description) ); var scenarios = new XElement(this.xmlns + "ul", new XAttribute("id", "scenarios")); int id = 0; if (feature.Background != null) { scenarios.Add(this.htmlScenarioFormatter.Format(feature.Background, id++)); } foreach (var scenario in feature.Scenarios) { scenarios.Add(this.htmlScenarioFormatter.Format(scenario, id++)); } foreach (var scenarioOutline in feature.ScenarioOutlines) { scenarios.Add(this.htmlScenarioOutlineFormatter.Format(scenarioOutline, id++)); } div.Add(scenarios); return div; }
public void Constructor_WithFeature_SetsContentProperty() { var feature = new Feature(); var featureFile = new FeatureFile("filename.ext", parentFolder, feature); featureFile.Content.ShouldEqual(feature); }
public void Setup() { _testFeature = new Feature { Name = "Test" }; _featureFileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(ROOT_PATH, FEATURE_PATH)); _featureDirectoryNode = new FeatureDirectoryTreeNode(_featureFileInfo, RELATIVE_PATH, _testFeature); _featureWithMeta = new FeatureWithMetaInfo(_featureDirectoryNode); }
public TestResult GetFeatureResult(Feature feature) { XElement featureElement = GetFeatureElement(feature); int passedCount = int.Parse(featureElement.Attribute("passed").Value); int failedCount = int.Parse(featureElement.Attribute("failed").Value); int skippedCount = int.Parse(featureElement.Attribute("skipped").Value); return GetAggregateResult(passedCount, failedCount, skippedCount); }
public void feature(string keyword, string name, string description, int line) { isInExample = false; isFeatureFound = true; theFeature = new Feature(); theFeature.Name = name; theFeature.Description = description; theFeature.Tags = new List<string>(featureTags); featureTags.Clear(); }
public void ThenCanFormatDescriptionAsMarkdown() { var configuration = Kernel.Get<Configuration>(); configuration.TestResultsFile = null; var feature = new Feature { Name = "A feature", Description = @"In order to see the description as nice HTML As a Pickles user I want to see the descriptions written in markdown rendered as HTML Introduction ============ This feature should have some markdown elements that get displayed properly Context ------- > I really like blockquotes to describe > to describe text I also enjoy using lists as well, here are the reasons - Lists are easy to read - Lists make my life easier I also enjoy ordering things 1. This is the first reason 2. This is the second reason" }; var htmlFeatureFormatter = Kernel.Get<HtmlFeatureFormatter>(); XElement featureElement = htmlFeatureFormatter.Format(feature); XElement description = featureElement.Elements().FirstOrDefault(element => element.Name.LocalName == "div"); Assert.NotNull(description); description.ShouldBeNamed("div"); description.ShouldBeInInNamespace(""); description.ShouldHaveAttribute("class", "description"); Assert.AreEqual(9, description.Elements().Count()); description.Elements().ElementAt(0).ShouldBeNamed("p"); description.Elements().ElementAt(1).ShouldBeNamed("h1"); description.Elements().ElementAt(2).ShouldBeNamed("p"); description.Elements().ElementAt(3).ShouldBeNamed("h2"); description.Elements().ElementAt(4).ShouldBeNamed("blockquote"); description.Elements().ElementAt(5).ShouldBeNamed("p"); description.Elements().ElementAt(6).ShouldBeNamed("ul"); description.Elements().ElementAt(7).ShouldBeNamed("p"); description.Elements().ElementAt(8).ShouldBeNamed("ol"); }
public XElement Format(Feature feature) { if (configuration.HasTestResults) { TestResult scenarioResult = results.GetFeatureResult(feature); return scenarioResult.WasExecuted ? BuildImageElement(scenarioResult) : null; } return null; }
public XElement Format(Feature feature) { if (configuration.HasTestResults) { TestResult scenarioResult = this.results.GetFeatureResult(feature); if (!scenarioResult.WasExecuted || !scenarioResult.WasSuccessful) return null; return BuildImageElement(scenarioResult); } return null; }
private XElement GetFeatureElement(Feature feature) { var featureQuery = from clazz in this.resultsDocument.Root.Descendants("class") from test in clazz.Descendants("test") from trait in clazz.Descendants("traits").Descendants("trait") where trait.Attribute("name").Value == "FeatureTitle" && trait.Attribute("value").Value == feature.Name select clazz; return featureQuery.FirstOrDefault(); }
public void ThenCanCreateSimpleNameSuccessfully() { var excelSheetNameGenerator = Kernel.Get<ExcelSheetNameGenerator>(); var feature = new Feature {Name = "A short feature name"}; string name; using (var wb = new XLWorkbook()) { name = excelSheetNameGenerator.GenerateSheetName(wb, feature); } name.ShouldEqual("ASHORTFEATURENAME"); }
private static string RemoveUnnecessaryAndIllegalCharacters(Feature feature) { return feature.Name .Replace(" ", string.Empty) .Replace("\t", string.Empty) .Replace(":", string.Empty) .Replace(@"\", string.Empty) .Replace("/", string.Empty) .Replace("?", string.Empty) .Replace("*", string.Empty) .Replace("[", string.Empty) .Replace("]", string.Empty); }
public void ThenCanShortenLongNameSuccessfully() { var excelSheetNameGenerator = Kernel.Get<ExcelSheetNameGenerator>(); var feature = new Feature {Name = "This is a really really long feature name that needs to be shortened"}; string name; using (var wb = new XLWorkbook()) { name = excelSheetNameGenerator.GenerateSheetName(wb, feature); } name.ShouldEqual("THISISAREALLYREALLYLONGFEATUREN"); }
public string GenerateSheetName(XLWorkbook workbook, Feature feature) { string name = RemoveUnnecessaryAndIllegalCharacters(feature).ToUpperInvariant(); if (name.Length > 31) name = name.Substring(0, 31); // check if the workbook contains any sheets with this name int nextIndex = 1; while (workbook.Worksheets.Any(sheet => sheet.Name == name)) { name = name.Remove(name.Length - 3, 3); name = name + "(" + nextIndex++ + ")"; } return name; }
public void Setup() { _feature = new Feature {Name = "Addition"}; // Write out the embedded test results file using (var input = new StreamReader(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Pickles.Test." + RESULTS_FILE_NAME))) using (var output = new StreamWriter(RESULTS_FILE_NAME)) { output.Write(input.ReadToEnd()); } var configuration = Kernel.Get<Configuration>(); configuration.TestResultsFile = new FileInfo(RESULTS_FILE_NAME); _results = Kernel.Get<MsTestResults>(); }
public void ThenCanShortenLongDuplicatedNameSuccessfully() { var excelSheetNameGenerator = Kernel.Get<ExcelSheetNameGenerator>(); var feature1 = new Feature {Name = "This is a really really long feature name that needs to be shortened A"}; var feature2 = new Feature {Name = "This is a really really long feature name that needs to be shortened B"}; string name1; string name2; using (var wb = new XLWorkbook()) { name1 = excelSheetNameGenerator.GenerateSheetName(wb, feature1); wb.AddWorksheet(name1); name2 = excelSheetNameGenerator.GenerateSheetName(wb, feature2); } name2.ShouldEqual("THISISAREALLYREALLYLONGFEATU(1)"); }
public void ThenCanReadFeatureResultSuccessfully() { // Write out the embedded test results file using (var input = new StreamReader(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Pickles.Test." + RESULTS_FILE_NAME))) using (var output = new StreamWriter(RESULTS_FILE_NAME)) { output.Write(input.ReadToEnd()); } var configuration = Kernel.Get<Configuration>(); configuration.TestResultsFile = new FileInfo(RESULTS_FILE_NAME); var results = Kernel.Get<XUnitResults>(); var feature = new Feature {Name = "Addition"}; TestResult result = results.GetFeatureResult(feature); result.WasExecuted.ShouldBeTrue(); result.WasSuccessful.ShouldBeFalse(); }
public XElement Format(Feature feature) { var div = new XElement(xmlns + "div", new XAttribute("id", "feature"), htmlImageResultFormatter.Format(feature), new XElement(xmlns + "h1", feature.Name), htmlDescriptionFormatter.Format(feature.Description) ); var scenarios = new XElement(xmlns + "ul", new XAttribute("id", "scenarios")); int id = 0; if (feature.Background != null) { scenarios.Add(htmlScenarioFormatter.Format(feature.Background, id++)); } foreach (IFeatureElement featureElement in feature.FeatureElements) { var scenario = featureElement as Scenario; if (scenario != null) { scenarios.Add(htmlScenarioFormatter.Format(scenario, id++)); } var scenarioOutline = featureElement as ScenarioOutline; if (scenarioOutline != null) { scenarios.Add(htmlScenarioOutlineFormatter.Format(scenarioOutline, id++)); } } div.Add(scenarios); return div; }
public void ThenItWillRemoveUnnecessaryAndInvalidCharacters() { var excelSheetNameGenerator = Kernel.Get<ExcelSheetNameGenerator>(); var feature = new Feature { Name = @"This Had invalid characters: :\/?*[]" }; string name; using (var wb = new XLWorkbook()) { name = excelSheetNameGenerator.GenerateSheetName(wb, feature); } name.ShouldEqual("THISHASINVALIDCHARACTERS"); }
public FeatureWithMetaInfo(FeatureDirectoryTreeNode featureNodeTreeNode) { Feature = featureNodeTreeNode.Feature; RelativeFolder = featureNodeTreeNode.RelativePathFromRoot; }
public TestResult GetFeatureResult(Feature feature) { var featureExecutionIds = from unitTest in this.resultsDocument.Root.Descendants(ns + "UnitTest") let properties = unitTest.Element(ns + "Properties") where properties != null let property = properties.Element(ns + "Property") let key = property.Element(ns + "Key") let value = property.Element(ns + "Value") where key.Value == "FeatureTitle" && value.Value == feature.Name select new Guid(unitTest.Element(ns + "Execution").Attribute("id").Value); bool wasExecuted = true; bool wasSuccessful = true; foreach (Guid featureExecutionId in featureExecutionIds) { TestResult result = GetExecutionResult(featureExecutionId); if (!result.WasExecuted) wasExecuted = false; if (!result.WasSuccessful) wasSuccessful = false; } return new TestResult {WasExecuted = wasExecuted, WasSuccessful = wasSuccessful}; }
public TestResult GetFeatureResult(Feature feature) { return new TestResult(); }
public TestResult GetFeatureResult(Feature feature) { var featureElement = GetFeatureElement(feature); return GetResultFromElement(featureElement); }