コード例 #1
        //get next, goto, take, check for more. Branches off to "all over the place"
        protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils()
            CompHauledToInventory takenToInventory = pawn.TryGetComp <CompHauledToInventory>();

            Toil wait = Toils_General.Wait(2);

            Toil nextTarget = Toils_JobTransforms.ExtractNextTargetFromQueue(TargetIndex.A); //also does count

            yield return(nextTarget);

            //honestly the workgiver checks for encumbered, so until CE checks are in this is unnecessary
            //yield return CheckForOverencumbered();//Probably redundant without CE checks

            Toil gotoThing = new Toil
                initAction = () =>
                    pawn.pather.StartPath(TargetThingA, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch);
                defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.PatherArrival

            yield return(gotoThing);

            Toil takeThing = new Toil
                initAction = () =>
                    Pawn  actor = pawn;
                    Thing thing = actor.CurJob.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A).Thing;
                    Toils_Haul.ErrorCheckForCarry(actor, thing);

                    //get max we can pick up
                    int countToPickUp = Mathf.Min(job.count, MassUtility.CountToPickUpUntilOverEncumbered(actor, thing));
                    Log.Message($"{actor} is hauling to inventory {thing}:{countToPickUp}");

                    // yo dawg, I heard you like delegates so I put delegates in your delegate, so you can delegate your delegates.
                    // because compilers don't respect IF statements in delegates and toils are fully iterated over as soon as the job starts.
                        ((Action)(() =>
                            if (ModCompatibilityCheck.CombatExtendedIsActive)
                                //CombatExtended.CompInventory ceCompInventory = actor.GetComp<CombatExtended.CompInventory>();
                                //ceCompInventory.CanFitInInventory(thing, out countToPickUp);
                    catch (TypeLoadException) { }

                    if (countToPickUp > 0)
                        Thing splitThing  = thing.SplitOff(countToPickUp);
                        bool  shouldMerge = takenToInventory.GetHashSet().Any(x => x.def == thing.def);
                        actor.inventory.GetDirectlyHeldThings().TryAdd(splitThing, shouldMerge);

                            ((Action)(() =>
                                if (ModCompatibilityCheck.CombatExtendedIsActive)
                                    //CombatExtended.CompInventory ceCompInventory = actor.GetComp<CombatExtended.CompInventory>();
                        catch (TypeLoadException)

                    //thing still remains, so queue up hauling if we can + end the current job (smooth/instant transition)
                    //This will technically release the reservations in the queue, but what can you do
                    if (thing.Spawned)
                        Job haul = HaulAIUtility.HaulToStorageJob(actor, thing);
                        if (haul?.TryMakePreToilReservations(actor, false) ?? false)
                            actor.jobs.jobQueue.EnqueueFirst(haul, JobTag.Misc);

            yield return(takeThing);

            yield return(Toils_Jump.JumpIf(nextTarget, () => !job.targetQueueA.NullOrEmpty()));

            //Find more to haul, in case things spawned while this was in progess
            yield return(new Toil
                initAction = () =>
                    List <Thing> haulables = pawn.Map.listerHaulables.ThingsPotentiallyNeedingHauling();
                    WorkGiver_HaulToInventory haulMoreWork = DefDatabase <WorkGiverDef> .AllDefsListForReading.First(wg => wg.Worker is WorkGiver_HaulToInventory).Worker as WorkGiver_HaulToInventory;

                    Thing haulMoreThing = GenClosest.ClosestThing_Global(pawn.Position, haulables, 12, t => haulMoreWork.HasJobOnThing(pawn, t));

                    //WorkGiver_HaulToInventory found more work nearby
                    if (haulMoreThing != null)
                        Log.Message($"{pawn} hauling again : {haulMoreThing}");
                        Job haulMoreJob = haulMoreWork.JobOnThing(pawn, haulMoreThing);

                        if (haulMoreJob.TryMakePreToilReservations(pawn, false))
                            pawn.jobs.jobQueue.EnqueueFirst(haulMoreJob, JobTag.Misc);

            //maintain cell reservations on the trip back
            //TODO: do that when we carry things
            //I guess that means TODO: implement carrying the rest of the items in this job instead of falling back on HaulToStorageJob
            yield return(Toils_Goto.GotoCell(TargetIndex.B, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch));

            yield return(new Toil //Queue next job
                initAction = () =>
                    Pawn actor = pawn;
                    Job curJob = actor.jobs.curJob;
                    LocalTargetInfo storeCell = curJob.targetB;

                    Job unloadJob = new Job(PickUpAndHaulJobDefOf.UnloadYourHauledInventory, storeCell);
                    if (unloadJob.TryMakePreToilReservations(actor, false))
                        actor.jobs.jobQueue.EnqueueFirst(unloadJob, JobTag.Misc);
                        //This will technically release the cell reservations in the queue, but what can you do

            yield return(wait);
コード例 #2
        //reserve, goto, take, check for more. Branches off to "all over the place"
        protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils()
            CompHauledToInventory takenToInventory        = pawn.TryGetComp <CompHauledToInventory>();
            HashSet <Thing>       carriedThings           = takenToInventory.GetHashSet();
            DesignationDef        HaulUrgentlyDesignation = DefDatabase <DesignationDef> .GetNamed("HaulUrgentlyDesignation", false);

            //Thanks to AlexTD for the more dynamic search range
            float searchForOthersRangeFraction = 0.5f;
            float distanceToOthers             = 0f;

            Toil wait           = Toils_General.Wait(2);
            Toil reserveTargetA = Toils_Reserve.Reserve(TargetIndex.A, 1, -1, null);

            Toil calculateExtraDistanceToGo = new Toil
                initAction = () =>
                    if (StoreUtility.TryFindStoreCellNearColonyDesperate(this.job.targetA.Thing, this.pawn, out IntVec3 storeLoc))
                        distanceToOthers = (storeLoc - job.targetA.Thing.Position).LengthHorizontal * searchForOthersRangeFraction;

            yield return(calculateExtraDistanceToGo);

            Toil checkForOtherItemsToHaulToInventory         = CheckForOtherItemsToHaulToInventory(reserveTargetA, TargetIndex.A, distanceToOthers, null);
            Toil checkForOtherItemsToUrgentlyHaulToInventory = CheckForOtherItemsToHaulToInventory(reserveTargetA, TargetIndex.A, distanceToOthers, (Thing x) => pawn.Map.designationManager.DesignationOn(x)?.def == HaulUrgentlyDesignation);

            yield return(reserveTargetA);

            Toil gotoThing = new Toil
                initAction = () =>
                    this.pawn.pather.StartPath(this.TargetThingA, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch);
                defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.PatherArrival,

            yield return(gotoThing);

            Toil takeThing = new Toil
                initAction = () =>
                    Pawn  actor = this.pawn;
                    Thing thing = actor.CurJob.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A).Thing;
                    Toils_Haul.ErrorCheckForCarry(actor, thing);

                    //get max we can pick up
                    int num = Mathf.Min(thing.stackCount, MassUtility.CountToPickUpUntilOverEncumbered(actor, thing));

                    // yo dawg, I heard you like delegates so I put delegates in your delegate, so you can delegate your delegates.
                    // because compilers don't respect IF statements in delegates and toils are fully iterated over as soon as the job starts.
                        ((Action)(() =>
                            if (ModCompatibilityCheck.CombatExtendedIsActive)
                                CombatExtended.CompInventory ceCompInventory = actor.GetComp <CombatExtended.CompInventory>();
                                ceCompInventory.CanFitInInventory(thing, out num, false, false);
                    catch (TypeLoadException) { }

                    //can't store more, so queue up hauling if we can + end the current job (smooth/instant transition)
                    if (num <= 0)
                        Job haul = HaulAIUtility.HaulToStorageJob(actor, thing);
                        if (haul?.TryMakePreToilReservations(actor) ?? false)
                            actor.jobs.jobQueue.EnqueueFirst(haul, new JobTag?(JobTag.Misc));
                        bool isUrgent = false;
                        if (ModCompatibilityCheck.AllowToolIsActive)
                            //check BEFORE absorbing the thing, designation disappears when it's in inventory :^)
                            if (pawn.Map.designationManager.DesignationOn(thing)?.def == HaulUrgentlyDesignation)
                                isUrgent = true;

                        actor.inventory.GetDirectlyHeldThings().TryAdd(thing.SplitOff(num), true);

                            ((Action)(() =>
                                if (ModCompatibilityCheck.CombatExtendedIsActive)
                                    CombatExtended.CompInventory ceCompInventory = actor.GetComp <CombatExtended.CompInventory>();
                        catch (TypeLoadException) { }

                        if (isUrgent)

            yield return(takeThing);

            yield return(checkForOtherItemsToHaulToInventory); //we end the job in there, so only one of the checks for duplicates gets called.

            yield return(checkForOtherItemsToUrgentlyHaulToInventory);

            yield return(wait);