private static void OnTimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow; //double randomPowerScouts = 0; int divisor = 1; Console.WriteLine("Going to enter time entry: " + timeStamp.ToString()); for (int building = 0; building < GetPowerGridView.BuildingName.Length; building++) { Building buildingInfo = new Building(GetPowerGridView.BuildingName[building]); GetPowerGridView powerGridView = new GetPowerGridView(); if (k % 60 == 0) { divisor = k / 60; powerGridView.AddPowerGridView(buildingInfo, timeStamp, true, divisor); } powerGridView.AddPowerGridView(buildingInfo, timeStamp, false, divisor); } GetSensorData sensorData = new GetSensorData(); sensorData.AddSensorData(timeStamp); GetWeather weatherData = new GetWeather(); weatherData.AddWeatherData(timeStamp); Console.WriteLine("Complete time entry: " + timeStamp.ToString()); k++; }
private static void OnTimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { try { DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime startDate = timeStamp; ///Get Previous Data/////////////// if (!IsBacklogFinished) { using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSetting.ConnectionString)) { DateTime dbLastDate = DateTime.MinValue; sqlConnection.Open(); string getMaxTimeStampQuery = "select MAX(TimeStamp) from PowergridView"; using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(getMaxTimeStampQuery, sqlConnection)) { DateTime.TryParse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(), out dbLastDate); } string getMaxIdQuery = "select MAX(Id) from PowergridView"; using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(getMaxIdQuery, sqlConnection)) { object maxId = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); Id = maxId != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt32(maxId) : 0; } //Date Handling if (!(dbLastDate == null || dbLastDate == DateTime.MinValue || dbLastDate == default(DateTime))) { startDate = dbLastDate; } AddPreviousData(timeStamp, startDate); IsBacklogFinished = true; } } else //real time data population { Console.WriteLine("Going to enter time entry: " + timeStamp.ToString()); for (int building = 0; building < GetPowerGridView.BuildingName.Length; building++) { Building buildingInfo = new Building(GetPowerGridView.BuildingName[building]); GetPowerGridView powerGridView = new GetPowerGridView(); powerGridView.AddPowerGridView(buildingInfo, timeStamp); } GetWeather weatherData = new GetWeather(); weatherData.AddWeatherData(timeStamp); GetSensorData sensorData = new GetSensorData(); for (int i = 0; i < RuntimeSensors.Count; i++) { sensorData.AddSensorData(timeStamp, RuntimeSensors.ElementAt(i)); } } Console.WriteLine("Complete time entry: " + timeStamp.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception occured " + ex.Message); } }
private static void OnTimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { GetPowerGridView powerGridView = new GetPowerGridView(); powerGridView.AddPowerGridView(); GetSensorData sensorData = new GetSensorData(); sensorData.AddSensorData(); GetWeather weatherData = new GetWeather(); weatherData.AddWeatherData(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { GetPowerGridView powerGridView = new GetPowerGridView(); powerGridView.AddPowerGridView(); GetSensorData sensorData = new GetSensorData(); sensorData.AddSensorData(); GetWeather weatherData = new GetWeather(); weatherData.AddWeatherData(); //ThreadStart t1 = new ThreadStart(repeatProcess); //Thread childMeterThread = new Thread(t1); //childMeterThread.Start(); }
private static void OnTimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow; Console.WriteLine("Going to enter time entry: " + timeStamp.ToString()); for (int building = 0; building < GetPowerGridView.BuildingName.Length; building++) { Building buildingInfo = new Building(GetPowerGridView.BuildingName[building]); GetPowerGridView powerGridView = new GetPowerGridView(); powerGridView.AddPowerGridView(buildingInfo, timeStamp); } GetSensorData sensorData = new GetSensorData(); sensorData.AddSensorData(timeStamp); GetWeather weatherData = new GetWeather(); weatherData.AddWeatherData(timeStamp); Console.WriteLine("Complete time entry: " + timeStamp.ToString()); }
private static void repeatProcess() { try { CreateTableIfNotExist(); DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime startDate = timeStamp; startDate = timeStamp.AddDays(-previousPendingDays); using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSetting.ConnectionString)) { DateTime dbLastDate = DateTime.MinValue; sqlConnection.Open(); string getMaxTimeStampQuery = "select MAX(TimeStamp) from PowergridView"; using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(getMaxTimeStampQuery, sqlConnection)) { DateTime.TryParse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(), out dbLastDate); } string getMaxIdQuery = "select MAX(Id) from PowergridView"; using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(getMaxIdQuery, sqlConnection)) { object maxId = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); Id = maxId != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt32(maxId) : 0; } //Date Handling if (!(dbLastDate == null || dbLastDate == DateTime.MinValue || dbLastDate == default(DateTime))) { startDate = dbLastDate; } AddPreviousData(timeStamp, startDate); } previousPendingDays = 0; //Get Existing sensor names from db UpdateSensorsList();//Runtimesensors list updated int maxDbSensorCount = RuntimeSensors.Count; // //Insert Sensor Data for the first time with ramdom name generated at runtime GetSensorData sensorData = new GetSensorData(); for (int i = maxDbSensorCount + 1; i <= maxDbSensorCount + sensorCount; i++) { Random rnd = new Random(); int index = rnd.Next(0, sensorData.wirelessTagTemplate.Length); string sensorName = sensorData.wirelessTagTemplate[index] + " " + i; RuntimeSensors.Add(sensorName); sensorData.AddSensorData(timeStamp, sensorName); Console.WriteLine("Inserted Sensor : " + sensorName); } processTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(60000); processTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimerElapsed); processTimer.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("repeatProcess exception occured: ", e.Message); } }