コード例 #1
 public Program()
     Robot robot = new Robot("1", "COM4");
     smc = new SimpleMotorController(robot, "COM1", 14);
     sdt = new SharpDistanceTracker(robot, 1);
     while (true)
         if (true)//sdt.ReadSensor() > 200)
             // read the values controlling the left joystick, map to values from -100 to 100
             // set the motor speed magnitude as the 100 * square root of |spd|/100, for one nonlinear joystick to motor speed mapping
             smc.motorBrake = 0;
             double spd = ((double)(robot.UIAnalogVals[1] - 128) * 100 / (double)128);
             if(spd > 0)
                 smc.motorSpeed = System.Math.Pow((spd / (double)100), .5) * 100;
                 smc.motorSpeed = -1 * System.Math.Pow(((-1*spd) / (double)100), .5) * 100;
             smc.motorBrake = 0;
             double spd = -50;
             smc.motorSpeed = System.Math.Pow((spd / (double)100), .5) * 100;
 // Constructor
 public StudentCode(Robot robot)
     this.robot = robot;
     smcR = new SimpleMotorController(robot, 13); //let's say 13 is right motor on drivetrain
     smcL = new SimpleMotorController(robot, 14); //let's say 14 is left motor on drivetrain
     //mm = new MicroMaestro(robot, 12);
     timer = 0;
        // Constructor
        public StudentCode(Robot robot)
            this.robot = robot;
            //            pot = new AnalogIn(AnalogIn.Pin.Ain0);
              //          IR = new AnalogIn(AnalogIn.Pin.Ain1);

            smcR = new SimpleMotorController(robot, 13); //let's say 13 is right motor on drivetrain
            smcL = new SimpleMotorController(robot, 14); //let's say 14 is left motor on drivetrain
            //            armMotor = new SimpleMotorController(robot, 15); // TODO: Port 15 is the arm motor
            distanceS = new SharpDistanceTracker(0, 2); //We are using a long distance sensor
            timer = 0;
コード例 #4
        public Robot(string teamID)
            this.teamID = teamID;
            radio = new Radio(this, portName);

            // Initialize single motor COM port
            motorPort = new SerialPort("COM1", 9600);
            motorPort.ReadTimeout = 2;
            // Send baudrate autodetect byte (0xAA)
            motorPort.Write(new byte[] { (byte)0xAA }, 0, 1);

            leftMotor = new SimpleMotorController(this, 13);
            rightMotor = new SimpleMotorController(this, 14);
        /* Constructor
         * Takes a robot as argument so that the code
         * knows which robot to control (the main method could
         * theoretically control multiple robots), and so that
         * the robot is accesable
        public StudentCode(Robot robot)
            Button = new InputPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.IO4, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp);
            lLightSens = new AnalogIn((AnalogIn.Pin) FEZ_Pin.AnalogIn.An1);
            rLightSens = new AnalogIn((AnalogIn.Pin) FEZ_Pin.AnalogIn.An0);
               // lLightSens.SetLinearScale(0, 10000);
               // rLightSens.SetLinearScale(0, 10000);
            this.robot = robot;
            leftMotor = new SimpleMotorController(robot, "COM1", 13);
            rightMotor = new SimpleMotorController(robot, "COM1", 14);  //Check
            rightMotor.motorBrake = 0;
            leftMotor.motorBrake = 0;

             //     sdt = new SharpDistanceTracker(robot, 0);
 // Constructor
 public StudentCode(Robot robot)
     this.robot = robot;
     smcR = new SimpleMotorController(robot, 13); //let's say 13 is right motor on drivetrain
     smcL = new SimpleMotorController(robot, 14); //let's say 14 is left motor on drivetrain
     mm = new MicroMaestro(robot, 12);
     encL = new Encoder(robot, 0);
     encR = new Encoder(robot, 1);
     pidL = new PIDController(KP, KI, KD);
     pidR = new PIDController(KP, KI, KD);
     sDT1 = new SharpDistanceTracker(0);
     sDT2 = new SharpDistanceTracker(1);
     sDT3 = new SharpDistanceTracker(2);
     sDT4 = new SharpDistanceTracker(3);
     sDT5 = new SharpDistanceTracker(4);
        // Constructor
        public StudentCode(Robot robot)
            this.robot = robot;
            smcR = new SimpleMotorController(robot, 13); //let's say 13 is right motor on drivetrain
            smcL = new SimpleMotorController(robot, 14); //let's say 14 is left motor on drivetrain
            //mm = new MicroMaestro(robot, 12);

            switchL = new DigitalSwitch(1);
            switchR = new DigitalSwitch(2);
            rfL = new SharpDistanceTracker(0);
            rfR = new SharpDistanceTracker(1);
            rfR1 = 0;
            rfR2 = 0;
            rfL1 = 0;
            rfL2 = 0;
            timer = 0;