コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Returns the supplied phone number formatted for display purposes.  Phone numbers in the +1 country code are returned
        ///   in AAA-PPP-NNNN format.  International phone numbers are returned in an industry-standard format including the
        ///   country code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pstn">Phone number to format for display purposes.</param>
        /// <returns>Phone number formatted for display purposes, or null if the phone number is invalid.</returns>
        public static string DisplayFormat(string pstn)
            if (pstn == null)

            pstn = pstn.Trim();

            if (PhoneNumberUtil.IsPossibleNumber(pstn, "US") == false)

            PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber phoneNumber = PhoneNumberUtil.Parse(pstn, "US");

            if (phoneNumber.CountryCode == 1)
                return(PhoneNumberUtil.Format(PhoneNumberUtil.Parse(pstn, "US"), PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL).Replace("(", "").Replace(") ", "-"));
                return(PhoneNumberUtil.Format(PhoneNumberUtil.Parse(pstn, "US"), PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL));
コード例 #2
ファイル: PhoneNumber.cs プロジェクト: nyolamike/eshop
        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            var model = (Register)validationContext.ObjectInstance;

            if (model == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PhoneNumber))
                return(new ValidationResult(ErrorMessage));

            if (model == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Country))
                return(new ValidationResult("Please provide a valid country"));

            //phone nnumber formating addopted from
            Country country = Countries.GetCountry(model.Country);
            var     util    = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();

            PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber pn = util.Parse(model.PhoneNumber, country.ShortName.ToUpper());
            if (util.IsValidNumberForRegion(pn, country.Code.ToLower()))

            return(new ValidationResult(ErrorMessage + " For the country " + model.Country));
コード例 #3
 public PhoneNumberMatch(int start, String rawString, PhoneNumber number)
     if (start < 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("Start index must be >= 0.");
     if (rawString == null || number == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException();
     Start = start;
     RawString = rawString;
     Number = number;
コード例 #4
        public async Task <bool> IsValidPhoneNumber(string Mobilenumber, string CountryCode)
                PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
                //string countryCode = "IN";
                //string Code = GetCountryByIP(IpAddress);
                PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber phoneNumber = phoneUtil.Parse(Mobilenumber, CountryCode);

                return(phoneUtil.IsValidNumber(phoneNumber)); // returns true for valid number
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> SignUp(UserViewModel userViewModel)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                PhoneNumberUtil          phoneUtil       = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
                string                   telephoneNumber = userViewModel.PhoneNumber;
                string                   countryCode     = "TR";
                PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber phoneNumber     = phoneUtil.Parse(telephoneNumber, countryCode);

                bool isValidRegion = phoneUtil.IsValidNumberForRegion(phoneNumber, countryCode);

                if (!isValidRegion)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Geçerli telefon numarası giriniz");

                AppUser user = new AppUser()
                    UserName    = userViewModel.UserName,
                    Email       = userViewModel.Email,
                    PhoneNumber = userViewModel.PhoneNumber

                IdentityResult result = await userManager.CreateAsync(user, userViewModel.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    string emailConfirmationToken = await userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                    string confirmationLink = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Home", new
                        userId = user.Id,
                        token  = emailConfirmationToken
                    }, protocol: HttpContext.Request.Scheme);

                    EmailConfirmation.SendEmailWithSendGrid(confirmationLink, user.Email).Wait();

コード例 #6
        public ActionResult SendMessage([Bind("ReservationId, AreaCode, PhoneNumberRaw")] PhoneNumberCheckViewModel phone)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
                    string telephoneNumber = phone.PhoneNumberRaw;
                    string countryCode     = phone.AreaCode;
                    PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber phoneNumber = phoneUtil.Parse("+" + countryCode + telephoneNumber, "");

                    bool isValidNumber = phoneUtil.IsValidNumber(phoneNumber); // returns true for valid number
                    if (isValidNumber)
                        var accountSid = EnvironmentVariables.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
                        var authToken  = EnvironmentVariables.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;

                        TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken);

                        Reservation reservation = _db.Reservations.Include(res => res.Event).FirstOrDefault(res => res.ReservationId == Int32.Parse(phone.ReservationId));

                        string textMessage = $"Your reservation at {reservation.Event.EventTitle} is confirmed!";

                        var message = MessageResource.Create(
                            from: new Twilio.Types.PhoneNumber(EnvironmentVariables.TWILIO_NUMBER),
                            body: textMessage,
                            to: new Twilio.Types.PhoneNumber(phone.PhoneNumberRaw)
                        return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = phone.ReservationId }));
                    ViewBag.Message = "The phone number do not exist.";
                catch (NumberParseException ex)
                    String errorMessage = "NumberParseException was thrown: " + ex.Message.ToString();
            ViewBag.ReservationId = phone.ReservationId;
コード例 #7
        * Formats a phone number using the original phone number format that the number is parsed from.
        * The original format is embedded in the country_code_source field of the PhoneNumber object
        * passed in. If such information is missing, the number will be formatted into the NATIONAL
        * format by default. When the number contains a leading zero and this is unexpected for this
        * country, or we don't have a formatting pattern for the number, the method returns the raw input
        * when it is available.
        * Note this method guarantees no digit will be inserted, removed or modified as a result of
        * formatting.
        * @param number  the phone number that needs to be formatted in its original number format
        * @param regionCallingFrom  the region whose IDD needs to be prefixed if the original number
        *     has one
        * @return  the formatted phone number in its original number format
        public String FormatInOriginalFormat(PhoneNumber number, String regionCallingFrom)
            if (number.HasRawInput &&
                (HasUnexpectedItalianLeadingZero(number) || !HasFormattingPatternForNumber(number)))
                // We check if we have the formatting pattern because without that, we might format the number
                // as a group without national prefix.
                return number.RawInput;

            if (!number.HasCountryCodeSource)
                return Format(number, PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL);

            String formattedNumber;
            switch (number.CountryCodeSource)
                case CountryCodeSource.FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN:
                    formattedNumber = Format(number, PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL);
                case CountryCodeSource.FROM_NUMBER_WITH_IDD:
                    formattedNumber = FormatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(number, regionCallingFrom);
                case CountryCodeSource.FROM_NUMBER_WITHOUT_PLUS_SIGN:
                    formattedNumber = Format(number, PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL).Substring(1);
                case CountryCodeSource.FROM_DEFAULT_COUNTRY:
                    // Fall-through to default case.
                    String regionCode = GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(number.CountryCode);
                    // We strip non-digits from the NDD here, and from the raw input later, so that we can
                    // compare them easily.
                    String nationalPrefix = GetNddPrefixForRegion(regionCode, true /* strip non-digits */);
                    String nationalFormat = Format(number, PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL);
                    if (nationalPrefix == null || nationalPrefix.Length == 0)
                        // If the region doesn't have a national prefix at all, we can safely return the national
                        // format without worrying about a national prefix being added.
                        formattedNumber = nationalFormat;
                    // Otherwise, we check if the original number was entered with a national prefix.
                    if (RawInputContainsNationalPrefix(
                        number.RawInput, nationalPrefix, regionCode))
                        // If so, we can safely return the national format.
                        formattedNumber = nationalFormat;
                    PhoneMetadata metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(regionCode);
                    String nationalNumber = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);
                    NumberFormat formatRule =
                        ChooseFormattingPatternForNumber(metadata.NumberFormatList, nationalNumber);
                    // When the format we apply to this number doesn't contain national prefix, we can just
                    // return the national format.
                    // TODO: Refactor the code below with the code in isNationalPrefixPresentIfRequired.
                    String candidateNationalPrefixRule = formatRule.NationalPrefixFormattingRule;
                    // We assume that the first-group symbol will never be _before_ the national prefix.
                    int indexOfFirstGroup = candidateNationalPrefixRule.IndexOf("${1}");
                    if (indexOfFirstGroup <= 0)
                        formattedNumber = nationalFormat;
                    candidateNationalPrefixRule =
                        candidateNationalPrefixRule.Substring(0, indexOfFirstGroup);
                    candidateNationalPrefixRule = NormalizeDigitsOnly(candidateNationalPrefixRule);
                    if (candidateNationalPrefixRule.Length == 0)
                        // National prefix not used when formatting this number.
                        formattedNumber = nationalFormat;
                    // Otherwise, we need to remove the national prefix from our output.
                    var numFormatCopy = new NumberFormat.Builder()
                    List<NumberFormat> numberFormats = new List<NumberFormat>(1);
                    formattedNumber = FormatByPattern(number, PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL, numberFormats);
            String rawInput = number.RawInput;
            // If no digit is inserted/removed/modified as a result of our formatting, we return the
            // formatted phone number; otherwise we return the raw input the user entered.
            return (formattedNumber != null &&
                NormalizeHelper(formattedNumber, DIALLABLE_CHAR_MAPPINGS, true /* remove non matches */)
                        rawInput, DIALLABLE_CHAR_MAPPINGS, true /* remove non matches */)))
                ? formattedNumber
                : rawInput;
コード例 #8
        * Same as {@link #format(PhoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat)}, but accepts a mutable StringBuilder as
        * a parameter to decrease object creation when invoked many times.
        public void Format(PhoneNumber number, PhoneNumberFormat numberFormat,
            StringBuilder formattedNumber)
            // Clear the StringBuilder first.
            formattedNumber.Length = 0;
            var countryCallingCode = number.CountryCode;
            var nationalSignificantNumber = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);
            if (numberFormat == PhoneNumberFormat.E164)
                // Early exit for E164 case since no formatting of the national number needs to be applied.
                // Extensions are not formatted.
                PrefixNumberWithCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode, PhoneNumberFormat.E164,
            // Note getRegionCodeForCountryCode() is used because formatting information for regions which
            // share a country calling code is contained by only one region for performance reasons. For
            // example, for NANPA regions it will be contained in the metadata for US.
            var regionCode = GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCallingCode);
            if (!HasValidCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode))

            PhoneMetadata metadata = GetMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(countryCallingCode, regionCode);
            formattedNumber.Append(FormatNsn(nationalSignificantNumber, metadata, numberFormat));
            MaybeAppendFormattedExtension(number, metadata, numberFormat, formattedNumber);
            PrefixNumberWithCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode, numberFormat, formattedNumber);
コード例 #9
 * Returns true if the number can be dialled from outside the region, or unknown. If the number
 * can only be dialled from within the region, returns false. Does not check the number is a valid
 * number.
 * TODO: Make this method public when we have enough metadata to make it worthwhile.
 * @param number  the phone-number for which we want to know whether it is only diallable from
 *     outside the region
 public bool CanBeInternationallyDialled(PhoneNumber number)
     String regionCode = GetRegionCodeForNumber(number);
     if (!IsValidRegionCode(regionCode))
         // Note numbers belonging to non-geographical entities (e.g. +800 numbers) are always
         // internationally diallable, and will be caught here.
         return true;
     PhoneMetadata metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(regionCode);
     String nationalSignificantNumber = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);
     return !IsNumberMatchingDesc(nationalSignificantNumber, metadata.NoInternationalDialling);
コード例 #10
 * Appends the formatted extension of a phone number to formattedNumber, if the phone number had
 * an extension specified.
 private void MaybeAppendFormattedExtension(PhoneNumber number, PhoneMetadata metadata,
     PhoneNumberFormat numberFormat, StringBuilder formattedNumber)
     if (number.HasExtension && number.Extension.Length > 0)
         if (numberFormat == PhoneNumberFormat.RFC3966)
             if (metadata.HasPreferredExtnPrefix)
コード例 #11
 * Returns true if a number is from a region whose national significant number couldn't contain a
 * leading zero, but has the italian_leading_zero field set to true.
 private bool HasUnexpectedItalianLeadingZero(PhoneNumber number)
     return number.ItalianLeadingZero && !IsLeadingZeroPossible(number.CountryCode);
コード例 #12
 private String GetRegionCodeForNumberFromRegionList(PhoneNumber number,
     List<String> regionCodes)
     String nationalNumber = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);
     foreach (var regionCode in regionCodes)
         // If leadingDigits is present, use this. Otherwise, do full validation.
         PhoneMetadata metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(regionCode);
         if (metadata.HasLeadingDigits)
             if (regexCache.GetPatternForRegex(metadata.LeadingDigits)
                 return regionCode;
         else if (GetNumberTypeHelper(nationalNumber, metadata) != PhoneNumberType.UNKNOWN)
             return regionCode;
     return null;
コード例 #13
 public bool Verify(Leniency leniency, PhoneNumber number, String candidate, PhoneNumberUtil util)
     switch (leniency)
         case Leniency.POSSIBLE:
             return IsPossibleNumber(number);
         case Leniency.VALID:
                 if (!util.IsValidNumber(number) ||
                     !PhoneNumberMatcher.ContainsOnlyValidXChars(number, candidate, util))
                     return false;
                 return PhoneNumberMatcher.IsNationalPrefixPresentIfRequired(number, util);
         case Leniency.STRICT_GROUPING:
                 if (!util.IsValidNumber(number) ||
                    !PhoneNumberMatcher.ContainsOnlyValidXChars(number, candidate, util) ||
                    PhoneNumberMatcher.ContainsMoreThanOneSlash(candidate) ||
                    !PhoneNumberMatcher.IsNationalPrefixPresentIfRequired(number, util))
                     return false;
                 return PhoneNumberMatcher.CheckNumberGroupingIsValid(
                     number, candidate, util, (PhoneNumberUtil u, PhoneNumber n,
                                  StringBuilder nc,
                                  String[] eg) =>
                             return PhoneNumberMatcher.AllNumberGroupsRemainGrouped(u, n, nc, eg);
         case Leniency.EXACT_GROUPING:
                 if (!util.IsValidNumber(number) ||
                         !PhoneNumberMatcher.ContainsOnlyValidXChars(number, candidate, util) ||
                         PhoneNumberMatcher.ContainsMoreThanOneSlash(candidate) ||
                         !PhoneNumberMatcher.IsNationalPrefixPresentIfRequired(number, util))
                     return false;
                 return PhoneNumberMatcher.CheckNumberGroupingIsValid(
                     number, candidate, util, (PhoneNumberUtil u, PhoneNumber n,
                             StringBuilder normalizedCandidate,
                             String[] expectedNumberGroups) =>
                             return PhoneNumberMatcher.AllNumberGroupsAreExactlyPresent(
                                 u, n, normalizedCandidate, expectedNumberGroups);
コード例 #14
 * Same as{@link #parseAndKeepRawInput(String, String)}, but accepts a mutable PhoneNumber as
 * a parameter to decrease object creation when invoked many times.
 public void ParseAndKeepRawInput(String numberToParse, String defaultRegion, PhoneNumber.Builder phoneNumber)
     ParseHelper(numberToParse, defaultRegion, true, true, phoneNumber);
コード例 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the PhoneNumberType of the PhoneNumber passed in
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="phoneNumber">PhoneNumber</param>
 /// <returns>The phone number type</returns>
 public static PhoneNumberType GetNumberType(this PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber phoneNumber)
コード例 #16
 * Formats a phone number in national format for dialing using the carrier as specified in the
 * preferredDomesticCarrierCode field of the PhoneNumber object passed in. If that is missing,
 * use the {@code fallbackCarrierCode} passed in instead. If there is no
 * {@code preferredDomesticCarrierCode}, and the {@code fallbackCarrierCode} contains an empty
 * string, return the number in national format without any carrier code.
 * <p>Use {@link #formatNationalNumberWithCarrierCode} instead if the carrier code passed in
 * should take precedence over the number's {@code preferredDomesticCarrierCode} when formatting.
 * @param number  the phone number to be formatted
 * @param fallbackCarrierCode  the carrier selection code to be used, if none is found in the
 *     phone number itself
 * @return  the formatted phone number in national format for dialing using the number's
 *     {@code preferredDomesticCarrierCode}, or the {@code fallbackCarrierCode} passed in if
 *     none is found
 public String FormatNationalNumberWithPreferredCarrierCode(PhoneNumber number,
     String fallbackCarrierCode)
     return FormatNationalNumberWithCarrierCode(number, number.HasPreferredDomesticCarrierCode
         ? number.PreferredDomesticCarrierCode
         : fallbackCarrierCode);
コード例 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the phonenumber object is mobile number
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="phoneNumber">Phonenumber</param>
 /// <returns>True if phonenumber is a mobile number</returns>
 public static bool IsMobileNumber(this PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber phoneNumber)
     return(phoneNumber.GetNumberType() == PhoneNumberType.MOBILE);
コード例 #18
        public GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel> ValidatePhoneNumber(string telephoneNumber, string countryCode)
            //validate-phone-number? number = 00447825152591 & countryCode = GB

            GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel> returnResult;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(telephoneNumber))
                string errorMessage = "Error : The string supplied did not seem to be a phone number";

                returnResult = new GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel>()
                    Message       = errorMessage,
                    StatusCode    = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
                    StatusMessage = "Failed"

                //  throw new ArgumentException();

            else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(countryCode)) || ((countryCode.Length != 2) && (countryCode.Length != 3)))
                string errorMessage = "Error : Invalid country calling code";

                returnResult = new GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel>()
                    Message       = errorMessage,
                    StatusCode    = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
                    StatusMessage = "Failed"

                PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
                    PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber phoneNumber = phoneUtil.Parse(telephoneNumber, countryCode);

                    bool isMobile      = false;
                    bool isValidNumber = phoneUtil.IsValidNumber(phoneNumber);                       // returns true for valid number

                    bool isValidRegion = phoneUtil.IsValidNumberForRegion(phoneNumber, countryCode); // returns  w.r.t phone number region

                    string region = phoneUtil.GetRegionCodeForNumber(phoneNumber);                   // GB, US , PK

                    var numberType = phoneUtil.GetNumberType(phoneNumber);                           // Produces Mobile , FIXED_LINE

                    string phoneNumberType = numberType.ToString();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(phoneNumberType) && phoneNumberType == "MOBILE")
                        isMobile = true;

                    var originalNumber = phoneUtil.Format(phoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat.E164); // Produces "+447825152591"

                    var data = new ValidatePhoneNumberModel
                        FormattedNumber        = originalNumber,
                        IsMobile               = isMobile,
                        IsValidNumber          = isValidNumber,
                        IsValidNumberForRegion = isValidRegion,
                        Region = region

                    returnResult = new GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel>()
                        Data = data, StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, StatusMessage = "Success"
                catch (NumberParseException ex)
                    String errorMessage = "NumberParseException was thrown: " + ex.Message.ToString();

                    returnResult = new GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel>()
                        Message       = errorMessage,
                        StatusCode    = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
                        StatusMessage = "Failed"

コード例 #19
        public GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel> FormatePhoneNumberForDisplay(string telephoneNumber, string dialFrom)

            GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel> returnResult;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(telephoneNumber))
                string errorMessage = "Error : The string supplied did not seem to be a phone number";

                returnResult = new GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel>()
                    Message       = errorMessage,
                    StatusCode    = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
                    StatusMessage = "Failed"

                //  throw new ArgumentException();

            else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(dialFrom)) || ((dialFrom.Length != 2) && (dialFrom.Length != 3)))
                string errorMessage = "Error : Invalid country calling code";

                returnResult = new GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel>()
                    Message       = errorMessage,
                    StatusCode    = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
                    StatusMessage = "Failed"

                PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();
                    PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber phoneNumber = phoneUtil.Parse(telephoneNumber, dialFrom);

                    bool   isMobile      = false;
                    string displayNumber = string.Empty;

                    bool isValidNumber = phoneUtil.IsValidNumber(phoneNumber);                    // returns true for valid number

                    bool isValidRegion = phoneUtil.IsValidNumberForRegion(phoneNumber, dialFrom); // returns true  w.r.t phone number region

                    string region = phoneUtil.GetRegionCodeForNumber(phoneNumber);                // GB, US , PK

                    var numberType = phoneUtil.GetNumberType(phoneNumber);                        // Produces Mobile , FIXED_LINE

                    string phoneNumberType = numberType.ToString();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(phoneNumberType) && phoneNumberType == "MOBILE")
                        isMobile = true;

                    if (isValidRegion)
                        displayNumber = phoneUtil.Format(phoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL); // Produces 07825 152591
                        // Produces  International format: +44 7825 152591
                        //Out - of - country format from US: 011 44 7825 152591
                        //Out - of - country format from Switzerland: 00 44 7825 152591

                        displayNumber = phoneUtil.FormatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(phoneNumber, dialFrom);

                    var data = new ValidatePhoneNumberModel
                        FormattedNumber        = displayNumber,
                        IsMobile               = isMobile,
                        IsValidNumber          = isValidNumber,
                        IsValidNumberForRegion = isValidRegion,
                        Region = region

                    returnResult = new GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel>()
                        Data = data, StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, StatusMessage = "Success"
                catch (NumberParseException ex)
                    var errorMessage = "FormatePhoneNumberForDisplay was thrown: " + ex.Message.ToString();

                    returnResult = new GenericResponse <ValidatePhoneNumberModel>()
                        Message       = errorMessage,
                        StatusCode    = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
                        StatusMessage = "Failed"

コード例 #20
 public static Builder CreateBuilder(PhoneNumber prototype)
     return(new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype));
コード例 #21
        public async Task <IActionResult> DirectSignUpWithMobile([FromBody] SignUpWithMobileViewModel model)
            SignUpMobileWithOTPResponse response = new SignUpMobileWithOTPResponse();

            PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.GetInstance();

            string countryCode = "IN";

            PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber phoneNumber = phoneUtil.Parse(model.Mobile, countryCode);

            bool isValidNumber = phoneUtil.IsValidNumber(phoneNumber); // returns true for valid number

            if (!isValidNumber)
                response.ReturnCode    = 200;
                response.ReturnMsg     = "This mobile number is not Valid";
                response.ErrorCode     = 401;
                response.StatusCode    = 200;
                response.StatusMessage = "error";
                //   return Ok("This mobile number is  Valid");

            bool IsSignMobile = _userdata.GetMobileNumber(model.Mobile);

            if (IsSignMobile)
                 * var currentUser = new ApplicationUser
                 * {
                 *  Mobile = model.Mobile,
                 *  UserName = model.Mobile,
                 *  OTP = _userdata.GenerateRandomOTP()
                 * };
                 * var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(currentUser);
                 * if (result.Succeeded)
                 * {
                 *  var officeClaim = new Claim(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.PhoneNumber, currentUser.Mobile, ClaimValueTypes.Integer);
                 *  await _userManager.AddClaimAsync(currentUser, officeClaim);
                 *  // Add to roles
                 *  var roleAddResult = await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(currentUser, "User");
                 *  if (roleAddResult.Succeeded)
                 *  {
                 *      //await _messageSender.SendSMSAsync(model.Mobile, "");
                 *      SignUpMobileWithOTPResponse response = new SignUpMobileWithOTPResponse();
                 *      response.ReturnCode = 200;
                 *      response.ReturnMsg = "Success";
                 *      response.StatusCode = 200;
                 *      response.StatusMessage = "Done";
                 *      return Ok(response);
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * AddErrors(result);
                response.ReturnCode    = 200;
                response.ReturnMsg     = "Success";
                response.StatusCode    = 200;
                response.StatusMessage = "Done";
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "This mobile number is already registered.");
                return(BadRequest(new ApiError(ModelState)));
            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
            return(BadRequest(new ApiError(ModelState)));
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries get the PhoneNumber object if the phonenumber is a valid phoneNumber for the regions specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phoneUtil"></param>
        /// <param name="numberString"></param>
        /// <param name="regionCodes">The region code for global networks</param>
        /// <param name="phoneNumber">PhoneNumber object</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful; else false</returns>
        public static bool TryGetValidMobileNumber(this PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil, string numberString, string[] regionCodes, out PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber phoneNumber)
            phoneNumber = null;

            var number = phoneUtil.GetValidNumber(numberString, regionCodes);

            if (number == null)

            return(phoneUtil.GetNumberType(number) == PhoneNumberType.MOBILE);
コード例 #23
 * Same as {@link #parse(String, String)}, but accepts mutable PhoneNumber as a parameter to
 * decrease object creation when invoked many times.
 public void Parse(String numberToParse, String defaultRegion, PhoneNumber.Builder phoneNumber)
     ParseHelper(numberToParse, defaultRegion, false, true, phoneNumber);
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries get a valid number for the regions passed in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phoneUtil">PhoneUtil instance</param>
        /// <param name="numberString">Phonenumber</param>
        /// <param name="regionCodes">The region code for global networks</param>
        /// <param name="phoneNumber">PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber object of the number passed in</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful; else false</returns>
        public static bool TryGetValidNumber(this PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil, string numberString, string[] regionCodes, out PhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber phoneNumber)
            phoneNumber = null;

            foreach (var regionCode in regionCodes)
                phoneNumber = ParseFromString(phoneUtil, numberString, regionCode);

                if (phoneNumber == null)

                if (phoneUtil.IsValidNumberForRegion(phoneNumber, regionCode))

コード例 #25
 * Attempts to extract a valid number from a phone number that is too long to be valid, and resets
 * the PhoneNumber object passed in to that valid version. If no valid number could be extracted,
 * the PhoneNumber object passed in will not be modified.
 * @param number a PhoneNumber object which contains a number that is too long to be valid.
 * @return  true if a valid phone number can be successfully extracted.
 public bool TruncateTooLongNumber(PhoneNumber.Builder number)
     if (IsValidNumber(number.Clone().Build()))
         return true;
     PhoneNumber copy = null;
     ulong nationalNumber = number.NationalNumber;
         nationalNumber /= 10;
         PhoneNumber.Builder numberCopy = number.Clone();
         copy = numberCopy.Build();
         if (IsPossibleNumberWithReason(copy) == ValidationResult.TOO_SHORT ||
           nationalNumber == 0)
             return false;
     while (!IsValidNumber(copy));
     return true;
コード例 #26
 * Gets the national significant number of the a phone number. Note a national significant number
 * doesn't contain a national prefix or any formatting.
 * @param number  the PhoneNumber object for which the national significant number is needed
 * @return  the national significant number of the PhoneNumber object passed in
 public String GetNationalSignificantNumber(PhoneNumber number)
     // If a leading zero has been set, we prefix this now. Note this is not a national prefix.
     StringBuilder nationalNumber = new StringBuilder(number.ItalianLeadingZero ? "0" : "");
     return nationalNumber.ToString();
コード例 #27
 private static bool AreEqual(PhoneNumber.Builder p1, PhoneNumber.Builder p2)
     return p1.Clone().Build().Equals(p2.Clone().Build());
コード例 #28
 * Gets the type of a phone number.
 * @param number  the phone number that we want to know the type
 * @return  the type of the phone number
 public PhoneNumberType GetNumberType(PhoneNumber number)
     var regionCode = GetRegionCodeForNumber(number);
     if (!IsValidRegionCode(regionCode) && !REGION_CODE_FOR_NON_GEO_ENTITY.Equals(regionCode))
         return PhoneNumberType.UNKNOWN;
     var nationalSignificantNumber = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);
     PhoneMetadata metadata = GetMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(number.CountryCode, regionCode);
     return GetNumberTypeHelper(nationalSignificantNumber, metadata);
コード例 #29
 private bool HasFormattingPatternForNumber(PhoneNumber number)
     int countryCallingCode = number.CountryCode;
     String phoneNumberRegion = GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCallingCode);
     PhoneMetadata metadata =
         GetMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(countryCallingCode, phoneNumberRegion);
     if (metadata == null)
         return false;
     String nationalNumber = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);
     NumberFormat formatRule =
         ChooseFormattingPatternForNumber(metadata.NumberFormatList, nationalNumber);
     return formatRule != null;
コード例 #30
 * Returns the region where a phone number is from. This could be used for geocoding at the region
 * level.
 * @param number  the phone number whose origin we want to know
 * @return  the region where the phone number is from, or null if no region matches this calling
 *     code
 public String GetRegionCodeForNumber(PhoneNumber number)
     List<String> regions = null;
     countryCallingCodeToRegionCodeMap_.TryGetValue(number.CountryCode, out regions);
     if (regions == null)
         // String numberString = getNationalSignificantNumber(number);
         // LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING,
         //    "Missing/invalid country_code (" + countryCode + ") for number " + numberString);
         return null;
     if (regions.Count == 1)
         return regions[0];
     return GetRegionCodeForNumberFromRegionList(number, regions);
コード例 #31
 // Returns true when one national number is the suffix of the other or both are the same.
 private bool IsNationalNumberSuffixOfTheOther(PhoneNumber.Builder firstNumber, PhoneNumber.Builder secondNumber)
     String firstNumberNationalNumber = firstNumber.NationalNumber.ToString();
     String secondNumberNationalNumber = secondNumber.NationalNumber.ToString();
     // Note that endsWith returns true if the numbers are equal.
     return firstNumberNationalNumber.EndsWith(secondNumberNationalNumber) ||
コード例 #32
        * Takes two phone numbers and compares them for equality.
        * <p>Returns EXACT_MATCH if the country_code, NSN, presence of a leading zero for Italian numbers
        * and any extension present are the same.
        * Returns NSN_MATCH if either or both has no region specified, and the NSNs and extensions are
        * the same.
        * Returns SHORT_NSN_MATCH if either or both has no region specified, or the region specified is
        * the same, and one NSN could be a shorter version of the other number. This includes the case
        * where one has an extension specified, and the other does not.
        * Returns NO_MATCH otherwise.
        * For example, the numbers +1 345 657 1234 and 657 1234 are a SHORT_NSN_MATCH.
        * The numbers +1 345 657 1234 and 345 657 are a NO_MATCH.
        * @param firstNumberIn  first number to compare
        * @param secondNumberIn  second number to compare
        * @return  NO_MATCH, SHORT_NSN_MATCH, NSN_MATCH or EXACT_MATCH depending on the level of equality
        *     of the two numbers, described in the method definition.
        public MatchType IsNumberMatch(PhoneNumber firstNumberIn, PhoneNumber secondNumberIn)
            // Make copies of the phone number so that the numbers passed in are not edited.
            var firstNumber = new PhoneNumber.Builder();
            var secondNumber = new PhoneNumber.Builder();
            // First clear raw_input, country_code_source and preferred_domestic_carrier_code fields and any
            // empty-string extensions so that we can use the proto-buffer equality method.
            if (firstNumber.HasExtension &&
                firstNumber.Extension.Length == 0)

            if (secondNumber.HasExtension &&
                secondNumber.Extension.Length == 0)

            // Early exit if both had extensions and these are different.
            if (firstNumber.HasExtension && secondNumber.HasExtension &&
                return MatchType.NO_MATCH;

            int firstNumberCountryCode = firstNumber.CountryCode;
            int secondNumberCountryCode = secondNumber.CountryCode;
            // Both had country_code specified.
            if (firstNumberCountryCode != 0 && secondNumberCountryCode != 0)
                if (AreEqual(firstNumber, secondNumber))
                    return MatchType.EXACT_MATCH;
                else if (firstNumberCountryCode == secondNumberCountryCode &&
                    IsNationalNumberSuffixOfTheOther(firstNumber, secondNumber))
                    // A SHORT_NSN_MATCH occurs if there is a difference because of the presence or absence of
                    // an 'Italian leading zero', the presence or absence of an extension, or one NSN being a
                    // shorter variant of the other.
                    return MatchType.SHORT_NSN_MATCH;
                // This is not a match.
                return MatchType.NO_MATCH;
            // Checks cases where one or both country_code fields were not specified. To make equality
            // checks easier, we first set the country_code fields to be equal.
            // If all else was the same, then this is an NSN_MATCH.
            if (AreEqual(firstNumber, secondNumber))
                return MatchType.NSN_MATCH;

            if (IsNationalNumberSuffixOfTheOther(firstNumber, secondNumber))
                return MatchType.SHORT_NSN_MATCH;
            return MatchType.NO_MATCH;
コード例 #33
        * Parses a string and fills up the phoneNumber. This method is the same as the public
        * parse() method, with the exception that it allows the default region to be null, for use by
        * isNumberMatch(). checkRegion should be set to false if it is permitted for the default region
        * to be null or unknown ("ZZ").
        private void ParseHelper(String numberToParse, String defaultRegion, bool keepRawInput,
            bool checkRegion, PhoneNumber.Builder phoneNumber)
            if (numberToParse == null)
                throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.NOT_A_NUMBER,
                    "The phone number supplied was null.");
            else if (numberToParse.Length > MAX_INPUT_STRING_LENGTH)
                throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.TOO_LONG,
                    "The string supplied was too long to parse.");

            StringBuilder nationalNumber = new StringBuilder();
            BuildNationalNumberForParsing(numberToParse, nationalNumber);

            if (!IsViablePhoneNumber(nationalNumber.ToString()))
                throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.NOT_A_NUMBER,
                    "The string supplied did not seem to be a phone number.");

            // Check the region supplied is valid, or that the extracted number starts with some sort of +
            // sign so the number's region can be determined.
            if (checkRegion && !CheckRegionForParsing(nationalNumber.ToString(), defaultRegion))
                throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE,
                    "Missing or invalid default region.");

            if (keepRawInput)

            // Attempt to parse extension first, since it doesn't require region-specific data and we want
            // to have the non-normalised number here.
            String extension = MaybeStripExtension(nationalNumber);
            if (extension.Length > 0)

            PhoneMetadata regionMetadata = GetMetadataForRegion(defaultRegion);
            // Check to see if the number is given in international format so we know whether this number is
            // from the default region or not.
            StringBuilder normalizedNationalNumber = new StringBuilder();
            int countryCode = 0;
                // TODO: This method should really just take in the string buffer that has already
                // been created, and just remove the prefix, rather than taking in a string and then
                // outputting a string buffer.
                countryCode = MaybeExtractCountryCode(nationalNumber.ToString(), regionMetadata,
                    normalizedNationalNumber, keepRawInput, phoneNumber);
            catch (NumberParseException e)
                var m = PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN.MatchBeginning(nationalNumber.ToString());
                if (e.ErrorType == ErrorType.INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE &&
                    // Strip the plus-char, and try again.
                    countryCode = MaybeExtractCountryCode(
                        nationalNumber.ToString().Substring(m.Index + m.Length),
                        regionMetadata, normalizedNationalNumber,
                        keepRawInput, phoneNumber);
                    if (countryCode == 0)
                        throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE,
                            "Could not interpret numbers after plus-sign.");
                    throw new NumberParseException(e.ErrorType, e.Message);
            if (countryCode != 0)
                String phoneNumberRegion = GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCode);
                if (phoneNumberRegion != defaultRegion)
                    regionMetadata = GetMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(countryCode, phoneNumberRegion);
                // If no extracted country calling code, use the region supplied instead. The national number
                // is just the normalized version of the number we were given to parse.
                if (defaultRegion != null)
                    countryCode = regionMetadata.CountryCode;
                else if (keepRawInput)
            if (normalizedNationalNumber.Length < MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN)
                throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.TOO_SHORT_NSN,
                    "The string supplied is too short to be a phone number.");

            if (regionMetadata != null)
                StringBuilder carrierCode = new StringBuilder();
                MaybeStripNationalPrefixAndCarrierCode(normalizedNationalNumber, regionMetadata, carrierCode);
                if (keepRawInput)
            int lengthOfNationalNumber = normalizedNationalNumber.Length;
            if (lengthOfNationalNumber < MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN)
                throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.TOO_SHORT_NSN,
                    "The string supplied is too short to be a phone number.");

            if (lengthOfNationalNumber > MAX_LENGTH_FOR_NSN)
                throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.TOO_LONG,
                    "The string supplied is too long to be a phone number.");

            if (normalizedNationalNumber[0] == '0')
コード例 #34
 * Takes two phone numbers and compares them for equality. This is a convenience wrapper for
 * {@link #isNumberMatch(PhoneNumber, PhoneNumber)}. No default region is known.
 * @param firstNumber  first number to compare in proto buffer format.
 * @param secondNumber  second number to compare. Can contain formatting, and can have country
 *     calling code specified with + at the start.
 *     {@link #isNumberMatch(PhoneNumber, PhoneNumber)} for more details.
 public MatchType IsNumberMatch(PhoneNumber firstNumber, String secondNumber)
     // First see if the second number has an implicit country calling code, by attempting to parse
     // it.
         PhoneNumber secondNumberAsProto = Parse(secondNumber, UNKNOWN_REGION);
         return IsNumberMatch(firstNumber, secondNumberAsProto);
     catch (NumberParseException e)
         if (e.ErrorType == ErrorType.INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE)
             // The second number has no country calling code. EXACT_MATCH is no longer possible.
             // We parse it as if the region was the same as that for the first number, and if
             // EXACT_MATCH is returned, we replace this with NSN_MATCH.
             String firstNumberRegion = GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(firstNumber.CountryCode);
                 if (!firstNumberRegion.Equals(UNKNOWN_REGION))
                     PhoneNumber secondNumberWithFirstNumberRegion = Parse(secondNumber, firstNumberRegion);
                     MatchType match = IsNumberMatch(firstNumber, secondNumberWithFirstNumberRegion);
                     if (match == MatchType.EXACT_MATCH)
                         return MatchType.NSN_MATCH;
                     return match;
                     // If the first number didn't have a valid country calling code, then we parse the
                     // second number without one as well.
                     var secondNumberProto = new PhoneNumber.Builder();
                     ParseHelper(secondNumber, null, false, false, secondNumberProto);
                     return IsNumberMatch(firstNumber, secondNumberProto.Build());
             catch (NumberParseException)
                 // Fall-through to return NOT_A_NUMBER.
     // One or more of the phone numbers we are trying to match is not a viable phone number.
     return MatchType.NOT_A_NUMBER;
コード例 #35
 * Formats a phone number in the specified format using default rules. Note that this does not
 * promise to produce a phone number that the user can dial from where they are - although we do
 * format in either 'national' or 'international' format depending on what the client asks for, we
 * do not currently support a more abbreviated format, such as for users in the same "area" who
 * could potentially dial the number without area code. Note that if the phone number has a
 * country calling code of 0 or an otherwise invalid country calling code, we cannot work out
 * which formatting rules to apply so we return the national significant number with no formatting
 * applied.
 * @param number         the phone number to be formatted
 * @param numberFormat   the format the phone number should be formatted into
 * @return  the formatted phone number
 public String Format(PhoneNumber number, PhoneNumberFormat numberFormat)
     if (number.NationalNumber == 0 && number.HasRawInput)
         String rawInput = number.RawInput;
         if (rawInput.Length > 0)
             return rawInput;
     var formattedNumber = new StringBuilder(20);
     Format(number, numberFormat, formattedNumber);
     return formattedNumber.ToString();
コード例 #36
 * Convenience wrapper around {@link #isPossibleNumberWithReason}. Instead of returning the reason
 * for failure, this method returns a boolean value.
 * @param number  the number that needs to be checked
 * @return  true if the number is possible
 public bool IsPossibleNumber(PhoneNumber number)
     return IsPossibleNumberWithReason(number) == ValidationResult.IS_POSSIBLE;
コード例 #37
        * Formats a phone number in the specified format using client-defined formatting rules. Note that
        * if the phone number has a country calling code of zero or an otherwise invalid country calling
        * code, we cannot work out things like whether there should be a national prefix applied, or how
        * to format extensions, so we return the national significant number with no formatting applied.
        * @param number                        the phone number to be formatted
        * @param numberFormat                  the format the phone number should be formatted into
        * @param userDefinedFormats            formatting rules specified by clients
        * @return  the formatted phone number
        public String FormatByPattern(PhoneNumber number, PhoneNumberFormat numberFormat,
            List<NumberFormat> userDefinedFormats)
            int countryCallingCode = number.CountryCode;
            var nationalSignificantNumber = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);
            // Note getRegionCodeForCountryCode() is used because formatting information for regions which
            // share a country calling code is contained by only one region for performance reasons. For
            // example, for NANPA regions it will be contained in the metadata for US.
            var regionCode = GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCallingCode);
            if (!HasValidCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode))
                return nationalSignificantNumber;

            PhoneMetadata metadata = GetMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(countryCallingCode, regionCode);
            StringBuilder formattedNumber = new StringBuilder(20);
            NumberFormat formattingPattern =
                ChooseFormattingPatternForNumber(userDefinedFormats, nationalSignificantNumber);
            if (formattingPattern == null)
                // If no pattern above is matched, we format the number as a whole.
                var numFormatCopy = new NumberFormat.Builder();
                // Before we do a replacement of the national prefix pattern $NP with the national prefix, we
                // need to copy the rule so that subsequent replacements for different numbers have the
                // appropriate national prefix.
                String nationalPrefixFormattingRule = formattingPattern.NationalPrefixFormattingRule;
                if (nationalPrefixFormattingRule.Length > 0)
                    String nationalPrefix = metadata.NationalPrefix;
                    if (nationalPrefix.Length > 0)
                        // Replace $NP with national prefix and $FG with the first group ($1).
                        nationalPrefixFormattingRule = NP_PATTERN.Replace(nationalPrefixFormattingRule, nationalPrefix, 1);
                        nationalPrefixFormattingRule = FG_PATTERN.Replace(nationalPrefixFormattingRule, "$$1", 1);
                        // We don't want to have a rule for how to format the national prefix if there isn't one.
                    FormatNsnUsingPattern(nationalSignificantNumber, numFormatCopy.Build(), numberFormat));
            MaybeAppendFormattedExtension(number, metadata, numberFormat, formattedNumber);
            PrefixNumberWithCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode, numberFormat, formattedNumber);
            return formattedNumber.ToString();
コード例 #38
 * Check whether a phone number is a possible number. It provides a more lenient check than
 * {@link #isValidNumber} in the following sense:
 * <li> It only checks the length of phone numbers. In particular, it doesn't check starting
 *      digits of the number.
 * <li> It doesn't attempt to figure out the type of the number, but uses general rules which
 *      applies to all types of phone numbers in a region. Therefore, it is much faster than
 *      isValidNumber.
 * <li> For fixed line numbers, many regions have the concept of area code, which together with
 *      subscriber number constitute the national significant number. It is sometimes okay to dial
 *      the subscriber number only when dialing in the same area. This function will return
 *      true if the subscriber-number-only version is passed in. On the other hand, because
 *      isValidNumber validates using information on both starting digits (for fixed line
 *      numbers, that would most likely be area codes) and length (obviously includes the
 *      length of area codes for fixed line numbers), it will return false for the
 *      subscriber-number-only version.
 * </ol
 * @param number  the number that needs to be checked
 * @return  a ValidationResult object which indicates whether the number is possible
 public ValidationResult IsPossibleNumberWithReason(PhoneNumber number)
     var nationalNumber = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);
     int countryCode = number.CountryCode;
     // Note: For Russian Fed and NANPA numbers, we just use the rules from the default region (US or
     // Russia) since the getRegionCodeForNumber will not work if the number is possible but not
     // valid. This would need to be revisited if the possible number pattern ever differed between
     // various regions within those plans.
      if (!HasValidCountryCallingCode(countryCode))
         return ValidationResult.INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE;
     String regionCode = GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCode);
     PhoneMetadata metadata = GetMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(countryCode, regionCode);
     PhoneNumberDesc generalNumDesc = metadata.GeneralDesc;
     // Handling case of numbers with no metadata.
     if (!generalNumDesc.HasNationalNumberPattern)
         int numberLength = nationalNumber.Length;
         if (numberLength < MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN)
             return ValidationResult.TOO_SHORT;
         if (numberLength > MAX_LENGTH_FOR_NSN)
             return ValidationResult.TOO_LONG;
         return ValidationResult.IS_POSSIBLE;
     var possibleNumberPattern =
     return TestNumberLengthAgainstPattern(possibleNumberPattern, nationalNumber);
コード例 #39
        * Formats a phone number in national format for dialing using the carrier as specified in the
        * {@code carrierCode}. The {@code carrierCode} will always be used regardless of whether the
        * phone number already has a preferred domestic carrier code stored. If {@code carrierCode}
        * contains an empty string, returns the number in national format without any carrier code.
        * @param number  the phone number to be formatted
        * @param carrierCode  the carrier selection code to be used
        * @return  the formatted phone number in national format for dialing using the carrier as
        *          specified in the {@code carrierCode}
        public String FormatNationalNumberWithCarrierCode(PhoneNumber number, String carrierCode)
            var countryCallingCode = number.CountryCode;
            var nationalSignificantNumber = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);
            // Note getRegionCodeForCountryCode() is used because formatting information for regions which
            // share a country calling code is contained by only one region for performance reasons. For
            // example, for NANPA regions it will be contained in the metadata for US.
            var regionCode = GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCallingCode);
            if (!HasValidCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode))
                return nationalSignificantNumber;

            var formattedNumber = new StringBuilder(20);
            PhoneMetadata metadata = GetMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(countryCallingCode, regionCode);
                metadata, PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL, carrierCode));
            MaybeAppendFormattedExtension(number, metadata, PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL, formattedNumber);
            PrefixNumberWithCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode, PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL, formattedNumber);
            return formattedNumber.ToString();
コード例 #40
 * Tests whether a phone number matches a valid pattern. Note this doesn't verify the number
 * is actually in use, which is impossible to tell by just looking at a number itself.
 * @param number       the phone number that we want to validate
 * @return  a boolean that indicates whether the number is of a valid pattern
 public bool IsValidNumber(PhoneNumber number)
     var regionCode = GetRegionCodeForNumber(number);
     return IsValidNumberForRegion(number, regionCode);
コード例 #41
        * Tests whether a phone number is valid for a certain region. Note this doesn't verify the number
        * is actually in use, which is impossible to tell by just looking at a number itself. If the
        * country calling code is not the same as the country calling code for the region, this
        * immediately exits with false. After this, the specific number pattern rules for the region are
        * examined. This is useful for determining for example whether a particular number is valid for
        * Canada, rather than just a valid NANPA number.
        * @param number       the phone number that we want to validate
        * @param regionCode   the region that we want to validate the phone number for
        * @return  a boolean that indicates whether the number is of a valid pattern
        public bool IsValidNumberForRegion(PhoneNumber number, String regionCode)
            int countryCode = number.CountryCode;
            PhoneMetadata metadata = GetMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(countryCode, regionCode);
            if ((metadata == null) ||
                (!REGION_CODE_FOR_NON_GEO_ENTITY.Equals(regionCode) &&
                 countryCode != GetCountryCodeForValidRegion(regionCode)))
                // Either the region code was invalid, or the country calling code for this number does not
                // match that of the region code.
                return false;
            var generalNumDesc = metadata.GeneralDesc;
            var nationalSignificantNumber = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);

            // For regions where we don't have metadata for PhoneNumberDesc, we treat any number passed in
            // as a valid number if its national significant number is between the minimum and maximum
            // lengths defined by ITU for a national significant number.
            if (!generalNumDesc.HasNationalNumberPattern)
                int numberLength = nationalSignificantNumber.Length;
                return numberLength > MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN && numberLength <= MAX_LENGTH_FOR_NSN;
            return GetNumberTypeHelper(nationalSignificantNumber, metadata) != PhoneNumberType.UNKNOWN;
コード例 #42
        * Tries to extract a country calling code from a number. This method will return zero if no
        * country calling code is considered to be present. Country calling codes are extracted in the
        * following ways:
        * <ul>
        *  <li> by stripping the international dialing prefix of the region the person is dialing from,
        *       if this is present in the number, and looking at the next digits
        *  <li> by stripping the '+' sign if present and then looking at the next digits
        *  <li> by comparing the start of the number and the country calling code of the default region.
        *       If the number is not considered possible for the numbering plan of the default region
        *       initially, but starts with the country calling code of this region, validation will be
        *       reattempted after stripping this country calling code. If this number is considered a
        *       possible number, then the first digits will be considered the country calling code and
        *       removed as such.
        * </ul>
        * It will throw a NumberParseException if the number starts with a '+' but the country calling
        * code supplied after this does not match that of any known region.
        * @param number  non-normalized telephone number that we wish to extract a country calling
        *     code from - may begin with '+'
        * @param defaultRegionMetadata  metadata about the region this number may be from
        * @param nationalNumber  a string buffer to store the national significant number in, in the case
        *     that a country calling code was extracted. The number is appended to any existing contents.
        *     If no country calling code was extracted, this will be left unchanged.
        * @param keepRawInput  true if the country_code_source and preferred_carrier_code fields of
        *     phoneNumber should be populated.
        * @param phoneNumber  the PhoneNumber object where the country_code and country_code_source need
        *     to be populated. Note the country_code is always populated, whereas country_code_source is
        *     only populated when keepCountryCodeSource is true.
        * @return  the country calling code extracted or 0 if none could be extracted
        public int MaybeExtractCountryCode(String number, PhoneMetadata defaultRegionMetadata,
            StringBuilder nationalNumber, bool keepRawInput, PhoneNumber.Builder phoneNumber)
            if (number.Length == 0)
                return 0;
            StringBuilder fullNumber = new StringBuilder(number);
            // Set the default prefix to be something that will never match.
            String possibleCountryIddPrefix = "NonMatch";
            if (defaultRegionMetadata != null)
                possibleCountryIddPrefix = defaultRegionMetadata.InternationalPrefix;

            CountryCodeSource countryCodeSource =
                MaybeStripInternationalPrefixAndNormalize(fullNumber, possibleCountryIddPrefix);
            if (keepRawInput)
            if (countryCodeSource != CountryCodeSource.FROM_DEFAULT_COUNTRY)
                if (fullNumber.Length <= MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN)
                    throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.TOO_SHORT_AFTER_IDD,
                           "Phone number had an IDD, but after this was not "
                           + "long enough to be a viable phone number.");
                int potentialCountryCode = ExtractCountryCode(fullNumber, nationalNumber);
                if (potentialCountryCode != 0)
                    return potentialCountryCode;

                // If this fails, they must be using a strange country calling code that we don't recognize,
                // or that doesn't exist.
                throw new NumberParseException(ErrorType.INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE,
                    "Country calling code supplied was not recognised.");
            else if (defaultRegionMetadata != null)
                // Check to see if the number starts with the country calling code for the default region. If
                // so, we remove the country calling code, and do some checks on the validity of the number
                // before and after.
                int defaultCountryCode = defaultRegionMetadata.CountryCode;
                String defaultCountryCodeString = defaultCountryCode.ToString();
                String normalizedNumber = fullNumber.ToString();
                if (normalizedNumber.StartsWith(defaultCountryCodeString))
                    StringBuilder potentialNationalNumber =
                        new StringBuilder(normalizedNumber.Substring(defaultCountryCodeString.Length));
                    PhoneNumberDesc generalDesc = defaultRegionMetadata.GeneralDesc;
                    var validNumberPattern =
                        potentialNationalNumber, defaultRegionMetadata, null /* Don't need the carrier code */);
                    var possibleNumberPattern =
                    // If the number was not valid before but is valid now, or if it was too long before, we
                    // consider the number with the country calling code stripped to be a better result and
                    // keep that instead.
                    if ((!validNumberPattern.MatchAll(fullNumber.ToString()).Success &&             //XXX: ToString
                     validNumberPattern.MatchAll(potentialNationalNumber.ToString()).Success) ||    //XXX: ToString
                     TestNumberLengthAgainstPattern(possibleNumberPattern, fullNumber.ToString())
                          == ValidationResult.TOO_LONG)
                        if (keepRawInput)
                        return defaultCountryCode;
            // No country calling code present.
            return 0;
コード例 #43
ファイル: AreaCodeMap.cs プロジェクト: Grief-Code/kilogram
  * Returns the description of the geographical area the {@code number} corresponds to. This method
  * distinguishes the case of an invalid prefix and a prefix for which the name is not available in
  * the current language. If the description is not available in the current language an empty
  * string is returned. If no description was found for the provided number, null is returned.
  * @param number  the phone number to look up
  * @return  the description of the geographical area
 public String Lookup(PhoneNumber number)
     int numOfEntries = areaCodeMapStorage.getNumOfEntries();
     if (numOfEntries == 0)
         return null;
     long phonePrefix =
         long.Parse(number.CountryCode + phoneUtil.GetNationalSignificantNumber(number));
     int currentIndex = numOfEntries - 1;
     List<int> currentSetOfLengths = areaCodeMapStorage.getPossibleLengths();
     var length = currentSetOfLengths.Count;
     while (length > 0)
         int possibleLength = currentSetOfLengths[length - 1];
         String phonePrefixStr = phonePrefix.ToString();
         if (phonePrefixStr.Length > possibleLength)
             phonePrefix = long.Parse(phonePrefixStr.Substring(0, possibleLength));
         currentIndex = binarySearch(0, currentIndex, phonePrefix);
         if (currentIndex < 0)
             return null;
         int currentPrefix = areaCodeMapStorage.getPrefix(currentIndex);
         if (phonePrefix == currentPrefix)
             return areaCodeMapStorage.getDescription(currentIndex);
         while (length > 0 && currentSetOfLengths[length - 1] >= possibleLength)
     return null;
         * Returns the customary display name in the given language for the given territory the phone
         * number is from.
        private String GetCountryNameForNumber(PhoneNumber number, Locale language)
            String regionCode = phoneUtil.GetRegionCodeForNumber(number);

            return(GetRegionDisplayName(regionCode, language));