protected override void DataPortal_Update() { bool cancel = false; OnUpdating(ref cancel); if (cancel) return; if(OriginalSuppId != SuppId) { // Insert new child. Supplier item = new Supplier {SuppId = SuppId, Name = Name, Status = Status, Addr1 = Addr1, Addr2 = Addr2, City = City, State = State, Zip = Zip, Phone = Phone}; item = item.Save(); // Mark editable child lists as dirty. This code may need to be updated to one-to-one relationships. foreach(Item itemToUpdate in Items) { itemToUpdate.Supplier = SuppId; } // Create a new connection. using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ADOHelper.ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); FieldManager.UpdateChildren(this, connection); } // Delete the old. var criteria = new SupplierCriteria {SuppId = OriginalSuppId}; DataPortal_Delete(criteria); // Mark the original as the new one. OriginalSuppId = SuppId; OnUpdated(); return; } const string commandText = "UPDATE [dbo].[Supplier] SET [SuppId] = @p_SuppId, [Name] = @p_Name, [Status] = @p_Status, [Addr1] = @p_Addr1, [Addr2] = @p_Addr2, [City] = @p_City, [State] = @p_State, [Zip] = @p_Zip, [Phone] = @p_Phone WHERE [SuppId] = @p_OriginalSuppId; SELECT [SuppId] FROM [dbo].[Supplier] WHERE [SuppId] = @p_OriginalSuppId"; using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ADOHelper.ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); using(var command = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection)) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_OriginalSuppId", this.OriginalSuppId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_SuppId", this.SuppId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_Name", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.Name)); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_Status", this.Status); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_Addr1", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.Addr1)); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_Addr2", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.Addr2)); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_City", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.City)); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_State", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.State)); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_Zip", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.Zip)); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_Phone", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.Phone)); //result: The number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted. -1 for select statements; 0 if no rows were affected, or the statement failed. int result = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (result == 0) throw new DBConcurrencyException("The entity is out of date on the client. Please update the entity and try again. This could also be thrown if the sql statement failed to execute."); LoadProperty(_originalSuppIdProperty, this.SuppId); } FieldManager.UpdateChildren(this, connection); } OnUpdated(); }
private void Child_Update(Product product, Supplier supplier, SqlConnection connection) { bool cancel = false; OnChildUpdating(product, supplier, connection, ref cancel); if (cancel) return; if(connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) connection.Open(); const string commandText = "UPDATE [dbo].[Item] SET [ItemId] = @p_ItemId, [ProductId] = @p_ProductId, [ListPrice] = @p_ListPrice, [UnitCost] = @p_UnitCost, [Supplier] = @p_Supplier, [Status] = @p_Status, [Name] = @p_Name, [Image] = @p_Image WHERE [ItemId] = @p_OriginalItemId; SELECT [ItemId] FROM [dbo].[Item] WHERE [ItemId] = @p_OriginalItemId"; using(var command = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection)) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_OriginalItemId", this.OriginalItemId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_ItemId", this.ItemId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_ProductId", product != null ? product.ProductId : this.ProductId); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_ListPrice", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.ListPrice)); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_UnitCost", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.UnitCost)); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_Supplier", ADOHelper.NullCheck(supplier != null ? supplier.SuppId : this.Supplier)); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_Status", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.Status)); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_Name", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.Name)); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p_Image", ADOHelper.NullCheck(this.Image)); // result: The number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted. -1 for select statements; 0 if no rows were affected, or the statement failed. int result = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (result == 0) throw new DBConcurrencyException("The entity is out of date on the client. Please update the entity and try again. This could also be thrown if the sql statement failed to execute."); // Update foreign keys values. This code will update the values passed in from the parent only if no errors occurred after executing the query. if(product != null && product.ProductId != this.ProductId) LoadProperty(_productIdProperty, product.ProductId); // Update foreign keys values. This code will update the values passed in from the parent only if no errors occurred after executing the query. if(supplier != null && supplier.SuppId != this.Supplier) LoadProperty(_supplierProperty, supplier.SuppId); // Update non-identity primary key value. LoadProperty(_originalItemIdProperty, this.ItemId); } // A child relationship exists on this Business Object but its type is not a child type (E.G. EditableChild). // TODO: Please override OnChildUpdated() and update this child manually. // FieldManager.UpdateChildren(this, connection); OnChildUpdated(); }
private void Child_Update(Supplier supplier, SqlConnection connection) { Child_Update(null, supplier, connection); }
private void Child_Insert(Supplier supplier, SqlConnection connection) { Child_Insert(null, supplier, connection); }