private void PBuffs(CommandArgs args) { if (config.buffgroups.Length == 0) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("Your server administrator has not defined any buff groups. Please contact an admin to fix this issue."); return; } List <BuffGroup> availableBuffGroups = config.buffgroups.Where(e => args.Player.HasPermission($"pb.{e.groupPerm}") || args.Player.HasPermission("pb.useall")).ToList(); int bufftype = -1; if (args.Parameters.Count == 0) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("Invalid syntax: {0}permabuff <buff name or ID>", (args.Silent ? TShock.Config.CommandSilentSpecifier : TShock.Config.CommandSpecifier)); return; } string buff = string.Join(" ", args.Parameters); // Get buff type by name if (!int.TryParse(args.Parameters[0], out bufftype)) { List <int> bufftypelist = TShock.Utils.GetBuffByName(buff); if (bufftypelist.Count < 1) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("No buffs by that name were found."); return; } else if (bufftypelist.Count > 1) { TShock.Utils.SendMultipleMatchError(args.Player, bufftypelist.Select(p => TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(p))); return; } else { bufftype = bufftypelist[0]; } } else if (bufftype > Main.maxBuffTypes || bufftype < 1) // Buff ID is not valid (less than 1 or higher than 206 ( { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("Invalid buff ID!"); } int playerid = args.Player.User.ID; availableBuffGroups.RemoveAll(e => !e.buffIDs.Contains(bufftype)); if (availableBuffGroups.Count == 0) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("You do not have access to this permabuff!"); return; } if (DB.PlayerBuffs[playerid].bufflist.Contains(bufftype)) { DB.PlayerBuffs[playerid].bufflist.Remove(bufftype); DB.UpdatePlayerBuffs(playerid, DB.PlayerBuffs[playerid].bufflist); args.Player.SendInfoMessage("You have removed the " + TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(bufftype) + " permabuff."); return; } if (bufftype.IsPermanent()) { DB.PlayerBuffs[playerid].bufflist.Add(bufftype); DB.UpdatePlayerBuffs(playerid, DB.PlayerBuffs[playerid].bufflist); args.Player.SendSuccessMessage($"You have permabuffed yourself with the {TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(bufftype)} buff! Re-type this command to disable the buff."); } else { args.Player.SetBuff(bufftype); args.Player.SendSuccessMessage($"You have given yourself the {TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(bufftype)} buff."); } }
private void PBGive(CommandArgs args) { if (config.buffgroups.Length == 0) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("Your server administrator has not defined any buff groups. Please contact an admin to fix this issue."); return; } List <BuffGroup> availableBuffGroups = config.buffgroups.Where(e => args.Player.HasPermission($"pb.{e.groupPerm}") || args.Player.HasPermission("pb.useall")).ToList(); if (args.Parameters.Count == 2) { // /gpermabuffs -g list if (args.Parameters[0].Equals("-g", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && args.Parameters[1].Equals("list", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { args.Player.SendInfoMessage($"Available buff groups: {string.Join(", ", availableBuffGroups.Select(e => e.groupName))}"); return; } // Get player id from args.Parameters[1] string playername = args.Parameters[1]; List <TSPlayer> players = TShock.Utils.FindPlayer(playername); if (players.Count < 1) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("No players found."); return; } else if (players.Count > 1) { TShock.Utils.SendMultipleMatchError(args.Player, players.Select(p => p.Name)); return; } else if (!players[0].IsLoggedIn) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("This player cannot receive permabuffs!"); return; } int playerid = players[0].User.ID; //Get buff name/id from args.Parameters[0] string buff = args.Parameters[0]; if (!int.TryParse(args.Parameters[0], out int bufftype)) { List <int> bufftypelist = new List <int>(); bufftypelist = TShock.Utils.GetBuffByName(buff); if (bufftypelist.Count < 1) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("No buffs by that name were found."); return; } else if (bufftypelist.Count > 1) { TShock.Utils.SendMultipleMatchError(args.Player, bufftypelist.Select(p => TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(p))); return; } else { bufftype = bufftypelist[0]; } } else if (bufftype > Main.maxBuffTypes || bufftype < 1) // Buff ID is not valid (less than 1 or higher than 192 (1.3.1)). { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("Invalid buff ID!"); } //Removes all groups where the buff isn't included, leaving only a list of groups where player has access AND contains the buff availableBuffGroups.RemoveAll(e => !e.buffIDs.Contains(bufftype)); if (availableBuffGroups.Count == 0) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("You do not have access to this permabuff!"); return; } if (DB.PlayerBuffs[playerid].bufflist.Contains(bufftype)) { DB.PlayerBuffs[playerid].bufflist.Remove(bufftype); DB.UpdatePlayerBuffs(playerid, DB.PlayerBuffs[playerid].bufflist); args.Player.SendInfoMessage($"You have removed the {TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(bufftype)} permabuff for {players[0].Name}."); if (!args.Silent) { players[0].SendInfoMessage($"{args.Player.Name} has removed your {TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(bufftype)} permabuff."); } } else if (bufftype.IsPermanent()) { DB.PlayerBuffs[playerid].bufflist.Add(bufftype); DB.UpdatePlayerBuffs(playerid, DB.PlayerBuffs[playerid].bufflist); args.Player.SendSuccessMessage($"You have permabuffed {players[0].Name} with the {TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(bufftype)} buff!"); if (!args.Silent) { players[0].SendInfoMessage($"{args.Player.Name} has permabuffed you with the {TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(bufftype)} buff!"); } } else { args.Player.SetBuff(bufftype); args.Player.SendSuccessMessage($"You have given {players[0].Name} the {TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(bufftype)} buff!"); if (!args.Silent) { players[0].SendInfoMessage($"{args.Player.Name} has given you the {TShock.Utils.GetBuffName(bufftype)} buff!"); } } } //gpermabuff -g <group> <player> else if (args.Parameters.Count == 3) { if (args.Parameters[0] != "-g") { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("Invalid syntax:"); args.Player.SendErrorMessage("{0}gpermabuff <buff name or ID> <player>", TShock.Config.CommandSpecifier); args.Player.SendErrorMessage("{0}gpermabuff -g <buff group> <player>", TShock.Config.CommandSpecifier); } var matchedPlayers = TShock.Utils.FindPlayer(args.Parameters[2]); if (matchedPlayers.Count == 0) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage($"No players found by the name: {args.Parameters[2]}"); return; } else if (matchedPlayers.Count > 1) { TShock.Utils.SendMultipleMatchError(args.Player, matchedPlayers.Select(p => p.Name)); return; } else if (!matchedPlayers[0].IsLoggedIn) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("This player cannot receive permabuffs!"); return; } else if (!availableBuffGroups.Any(e => e.groupName.Equals(args.Parameters[1], StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("No buffgroups matched your query!"); } TSPlayer player = matchedPlayers[0]; int id = matchedPlayers[0].User.ID; foreach (var buff in availableBuffGroups.First(e => e.groupName.Equals(args.Parameters[1], StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)).buffIDs) { if (!DB.PlayerBuffs[id].bufflist.Contains(buff) && buff.IsPermanent()) { DB.PlayerBuffs[id].bufflist.Add(buff); } } DB.UpdatePlayerBuffs(id, DB.PlayerBuffs[id].bufflist); args.Player.SendSuccessMessage($"Successfully permabuffed {player.Name} with all of the buffs in the group {args.Parameters[1]}!"); if (!args.Silent) { args.Player.SendInfoMessage($"{args.Player.Name} has permabuffed you with all of the buffs in the group {args.Parameters[1]}!"); } } else { args.Player.SendErrorMessage("Invalid syntax:"); args.Player.SendErrorMessage("{0}gpermabuff <buff name or ID> <player>", TShock.Config.CommandSpecifier); args.Player.SendErrorMessage("{0}gpermabuff -g <buff group> <player>", TShock.Config.CommandSpecifier); return; } }
public void OnAccDelete(AccountDeleteEventArgs args) { DB.ClearPlayerBuffs(args.User.ID); }