public static void ShrinkFloat32(Tensor res, Tensor v, Shape thisShape, Shape term0, Shape Divisor) { res.SetValue(0); float *ptrres = (float *)res.Base.Array; float *ptrv = (float *)v.Base.Array; Index iterator = new Index(term0); for (int i = 0; i < iterator.N; i++) { iterator.Indices[i] = 0; } for (int h = 0; h < term0.TotalSize; h++) { long indexs = 0; for (int i = iterator.N - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (iterator.Indices[i] == term0[i]) { iterator.Indices[i] = 0; iterator.Indices[i - 1]++; } indexs += (iterator.Indices[i] / Divisor[i]) * thisShape.Multiplied[i + 1]; } ptrres[indexs] += ptrv[h]; iterator.Indices[iterator.N - 1]++; } }
public static unsafe void bb6() { Variable v = new Variable(new Dimension[] { 6 }, new Shape(3)); DynamicRecurrent r = new DynamicRecurrent(v.OuterDimensions, v.InnerDimensions, new[] { v }, (Layer me, List <Layer> x, Index t) => { if (t[0] % 2 == 1) { return(new Terms.Add(x[0].GetTerm(t), me.GetTerm(t - 1))); } else { return(x[0].GetTerm(t)); } }); r.PreCheck(); Index a = new Index(r.OuterShape); a.SetZero(); for (int i = 0; i < r.OuterShape.TotalSize; i++, a.Increase(1)) { Console.WriteLine(r.GetTerm(a).GetResult()); } }
public virtual unsafe void Minimize() { DeleteTerms(); PreCheck(); Index a = new Index(OuterShape); a.SetZero(); for (int i = 0; i < OuterShape.TotalSize; i++, a.Increase(1)) { GetTerm(a); } if (Terms.Count > 1) { Terms.Add min = new Terms.Add(Terms.ToArray()); min.Minimize(); min.DeleteResults(); } else if (Terms.Count == 1) { Terms[0].Minimize(); } DeleteTerms(); }
public unsafe void MultiplyTerm() { Input x = new Input(4, 2, 1); Tensor data = new Tensor((10, 3, 4), DeviceConfig.Host_Float); for (int i = 0; i < data.Shape.TotalSize; i++) { ((float *)data.Array)[i] = i / 12; } x.SetInput(data); Index a = new Index(x.OuterShape); a.SetZero(); for (int i = 0; i < x.OuterShape.TotalSize; i++, a.Increase(1)) { Term t = x.GetTerm(a); Console.WriteLine("Term " + i + ": " + x.GetTerm(a).GetResult()); Term mul = new Multiply(t, t); Console.WriteLine("Term " + i + ": " + mul.GetResult()); mul.DeleteResults(); //todo check the result. } }
public override Term CreateTerm(Index time) { time += ShiftShape; Term t = InputLayers[0].GetTerm(time); time -= ShiftShape; return(t); }
public override Term CreateTerm(Index time) { int outerindex = this.OuterShape.Index(time.Indices); int begin = outerindex * this.InnerShape.TotalSize; int end = begin + this.InnerShape.TotalSize; //dont create the clone of innershape because these Weight Tensors of Variable Terms wont be diposed because arrayreturned is set true. return(new Terms.Variable(Tensor.Cut(InputData, begin, this.InnerShape.Clone())) { Trainable = Trainable }); }
public virtual unsafe Term GetTerm(Index time) { if (time.N != OuterShape.N) { throw new Exception(""); } int index = 0; int mult = 1; for (int i = time.N - 1; i >= 0; i--) { index += time[i] * mult; mult *= OuterShape[i]; if (time[i] < 0 || time[i] >= OuterShape[i]) { if (EmptyVariable == null) { EmptyVariable = new Terms.Variable(InnerShape.Clone()) { Trainable = false }; EmptyVariable.Weights.SetFloat(0); } else if (!EmptyVariable.Shape.EqualShape(InnerShape)) { EmptyVariable.Clean(); EmptyVariable = new Terms.Variable(InnerShape.Clone()) { Trainable = false }; EmptyVariable.Weights.SetFloat(0); } return(EmptyVariable); } } while (Terms.Count <= index) { Terms.Add(null); } if (Terms[index] == null) { return(Terms[index] = CreateTerm(time)); } return(Terms[index]); }
public static unsafe void bb5() { Variable v = new Variable(new[] { new Dimension(3) }, new Shape(1000)); v.PreCheck(); Index a = new Index(v.OuterShape); a.SetZero(); Terms.ReLU r = new Terms.ReLU(v.GetTerm(a)); //Console.WriteLine(v.GetTerm(a).GetResult()); //Console.WriteLine(r.GetResult()); r.DeleteResults(); ((Terms.Variable)v.GetTerm(a)).Clean(); }
public unsafe override void CalculateDerivate(Tensor s) { if (Terms[0].ContainsTrainable) //todo kernelize this! { Tensor combined = new Tensor(Terms[0].Shape.Clone(), DeviceConfig.Host_Float); float *ptrcombined = (float *)combined.Array; float *ptrs = (float *)s.Array; Index iterator = new Index(this.Terms[0].Shape); iterator.SetZero(); for (int h = 0; h < this.Terms[0].Shape.TotalSize; h++) { int indexs = 0; for (int i = iterator.N - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (iterator.Indices[i] == this.Terms[0].Shape[i]) { iterator.Indices[i] = 0; iterator.Indices[i - 1]++; } indexs += (iterator.Indices[i] / Divisor[i]) * this.Shape.Multiplied[i + 1]; } ptrcombined[h] = ptrs[indexs]; iterator.Indices[iterator.N - 1]++; } //for (int i1 = 0; i1 < s.D1; i1++) // for (int i2 = 0; i2 < s.D2; i2++) // for (int i3 = 0; i3 < v1d1; i3++) // for (int i4 = 0; i4 < v1d2; i4++) // combined[i1, i2, i3, i4] += s[i1, i2, i3 / RowDivider, i4 / ColumnDivider];// * (m[i3 / RowDivider, i4 / ColumnDivider, i3, i4] = 1); Terms[0].Derivate(combined); combined.Dispose(); } }
public static void ExpandFloat32(Tensor res, Tensor v, Shape thisShape, Shape term0, Shape Multiplier) { float *ptrres = (float *)res.Base.Array; float *ptrv = (float *)v.Base.Array; if (Multiplier.N == 2 && Multiplier[1] == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < Multiplier[0]; i++) { float *me = ((float *)res.Base.Array) + i * term0.TotalSize; VectorizationFloat.ElementWiseAssignAVX(me, (float *)v.Base.Array, term0.TotalSize); } } else { Index iterator = new Index(res.Shape); for (int i = 0; i < iterator.N; i++) { iterator.Indices[i] = 0; } for (int h = 0; h < res.Shape.TotalSize; h++) { long indexs = 0; for (int i = iterator.N - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (iterator.Indices[i] == res.Shape[i]) { iterator.Indices[i] = 0; iterator.Indices[i - 1]++; } indexs += (iterator.Indices[i] / Multiplier[i]) * v.Shape.Multiplied[i + 1]; } ptrres[h] = ptrv[indexs]; iterator.Indices[iterator.N - 1]++; } } }
public static void ExpandFloat32_GetGradient_0(Tensor res, Tensor s, Shape thisShape, Shape term0, Shape Multiplier) { res.SetValue(0); float *ptrcombined = (float *)res.Base.Array; float *ptrs = (float *)s.Base.Array; if (Multiplier.N == 2 && Multiplier[1] == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < Multiplier[0]; i++) { float *me = ((float *)s.Base.Array) + i * term0.TotalSize; VectorizationFloat.ElementWiseAddAVX((float *)res.Base.Array, me, (float *)res.Base.Array, term0.TotalSize); } } else { Index iterator = new Index(thisShape); iterator.SetZero(); for (int h = 0; h < thisShape.TotalSize; h++) { long indexs = 0; for (int i = iterator.N - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (iterator.Indices[i] == thisShape[i]) { iterator.Indices[i] = 0; iterator.Indices[i - 1]++; } indexs += (iterator.Indices[i] / Multiplier[i]) * term0.Multiplied[i + 1]; } ptrcombined[indexs] += ptrs[h]; iterator.Indices[iterator.N - 1]++; } } }
public static unsafe void bb4() { Input x = new Input(4, 2, 1); var sum = new ShiftTime(x, new Dimension[] { -1 }); sum.Name = "sum"; Stopwatch c = new Stopwatch(); c.Start(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 1; i2++) { Tensor data = new Tensor((10, 3, 4), DeviceConfig.Host_Float); for (int i = 0; i < data.Shape.TotalSize; i++) { ((float *)data.Array)[i] = i / 12; } x.SetInput(data); sum.PreCheck(); Index a = new Index(x.OuterShape); a.SetZero(); for (int i = 0; i < x.OuterShape.TotalSize; i++, a.Increase(1)) { Console.WriteLine("Term " + i + ":" + sum.GetTerm(a).GetResult()); } c.Restart(); sum.Minimize(); c.Stop(); data.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine($"{i2} took {c.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms"); } }
public unsafe static void XORExample() { //Hyperparameters Hyperparameters.LearningRate = 0.1f; Hyperparameters.Optimizer = new SGD(); //Model Creation var l1 = LayerBuilder.Dense(16, "sigmoid"); var l2 = LayerBuilder.Dense(1, "sigmoid")[l1]; var x = new Input(2); Layer model = l2[x]; //Loss Function Creation var y = new Input(1); var loss = LayerBuilder.SquaredError(model, y); //Data preparation Tensor x_train = new Tensor((1, 4, 2), DeviceConfig.Host_Float); Tensor y_train = new Tensor((1, 4, 1), DeviceConfig.Host_Float); float *xt = (float *)x_train.Array; float *yt = (float *)y_train.Array; // 1,1 = 0 // 1,0 = 1 // 0,1 = 1 // 0,0 = 0 xt[0] = 1; xt[1] = 1; xt[2] = 1; xt[3] = 0; xt[4] = 0; xt[5] = 1; xt[6] = 0; xt[7] = 0; yt[0] = 0; yt[1] = 1; yt[2] = 1; yt[3] = 0; //Give data to the model x.SetInput(x_train); y.SetInput(y_train); Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); s.Start(); //Minimizing loss.PreCheck(); Index a = new Index(model.OuterShape); a.SetZero(); for (int epoch = 0; epoch < 100000; epoch++) { loss.Minimize(); if (epoch % 5000 == 0) { float res = ((float *)loss.GetTerm(a).GetResult().Array)[0]; res += ((float *)loss.GetTerm(a).GetResult().Array)[1]; res += ((float *)loss.GetTerm(a).GetResult().Array)[2]; res += ((float *)loss.GetTerm(a).GetResult().Array)[3]; Console.WriteLine(res); } } s.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Time Elapsed: " + s.ElapsedMilliseconds); //Print Pools PrintPools(); //Print the results var result = model.GetTerm(a).GetResult(); Console.WriteLine("Results: " + result); //Print the results of clone model Input x2 = new Input(2); x2.SetInput(x_train); var clonemodel = l2[x2]; clonemodel.PreCheck(); var result2 = clonemodel.GetTerm(a).GetResult(); Console.WriteLine("Results: " + result2); clonemodel.DeleteTerms(); model.DeleteTerms(); }
public unsafe static void MNISTExample() { //Hyperparameters Hyperparameters.LearningRate = 0.001f; Hyperparameters.Optimizer = new SGD(); //Model Creation var x = new Input(784); //var dropout = new Dropout(x, 0.1f); //var model = LayerBuilder.Dense(500, x, "relu"); var model = LayerBuilder.Dense(100, x, "relu"); model = LayerBuilder.Dense(400, model, "relu"); model = LayerBuilder.Dense(200, model, "relu"); model = LayerBuilder.Dense(100, model, "relu"); model = LayerBuilder.Dense(10, model, "softmax"); //Loss Function Creation var y = new Input(10); var loss = LayerBuilder.SquaredError(model, y); //Data preparation (float[,] traindata, float[,] labels) = LoadMNISTDataSet(); int mnistsize = 42000; Tensor x_train = Tensor.LoadArrayToDisposedTensor(traindata, new Shape(mnistsize, 784), DeviceConfig.Host_Float); Tensor y_train = Tensor.LoadArrayToDisposedTensor(labels, new Shape(mnistsize, 10), DeviceConfig.Host_Float); //Training int batchsize = 100; int trainl = 41000; Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); for (int epoch = 0; epoch < 35; epoch++) { float l = 0; float val = 0; s.Restart(); Console.WriteLine("Epoch " + epoch + " başladı."); for (int batch = 0; batch < trainl / batchsize; batch++) { Tensor batchx = Tensor.Cut(x_train, batch * (batchsize * 784), new Shape(1, batchsize, 784)); Tensor batchy = Tensor.Cut(y_train, batch * (batchsize * 10), new Shape(1, batchsize, 10)); x.SetInput(batchx); y.SetInput(batchy); loss.Minimize(); Index zero = new Index(loss.OuterShape); zero.SetZero(); Tensor res = loss.GetTerm(zero).GetResult(); float *pp = (float *)res.Array; for (int i = 0; i < res.Shape.TotalSize; i++) { l += pp[i]; } } for (int batch = trainl / batchsize; batch < mnistsize / batchsize; batch++) { Tensor batchx = Tensor.Cut(x_train, batch * (batchsize * 784), new Shape(1, batchsize, 784)); Tensor batchy = Tensor.Cut(y_train, batch * (batchsize * 10), new Shape(1, batchsize, 10)); model.DeleteTerms(); x.SetInput(batchx); y.SetInput(batchy); Index zero = new Index(model.OuterShape); zero.SetZero(); model.PreCheck(); Tensor res = model.GetTerm(zero).GetResult(); for (int i = 0; i < batchsize; i++) { int myans = MaxId((float *)res.Array + i * 10); int correctres = MaxId((float *)batchy.Array + i * 10); val += (myans == correctres ? 1 : 0); } } s.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Epoch " + epoch + " biti."); Console.WriteLine("Loss: " + l / trainl); Console.WriteLine("Validation: " + val / (mnistsize - trainl)); Console.WriteLine("Time: " + s.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); } PrintPools(); while (true) { try { float[] data = LoadCurrentImage(); Tensor x_test = Tensor.LoadArrayToDisposedTensor(data, new Shape(1, 1, 784), DeviceConfig.Host_Float); model.DeleteTerms(); x.SetInput(x_test); Index zero = new Index(model.OuterShape); zero.SetZero(); model.PreCheck(); Tensor res = model.GetTerm(zero).GetResult(); Console.WriteLine("Result: " + res); Console.WriteLine("Digit Prediction: " + MaxId((float *)res.Array)); Console.WriteLine("-----------"); } catch (Exception) { } Thread.Sleep(500); } }
public abstract Term CreateTerm(Index time);