private void STOP_VOTE(ListView listNIM, Button bGrant, TimerCountdown t, Label lTimer) { //hapus dari db Queue if (bGrant.Name == "buttonGrant1") { dbQBilik1.delNim(listNIM.Items[0].Text); } else { dbQBilik2.delNim(listNIM.Items[0].Text); } listNIM.Items.RemoveAt(0); // Add from listWaiting to bilik if (listViewWaiting.Items.Count > 0) { string s = listViewWaiting.Items[0].Text; listNIM.Items.Add(s); //DITAMBAHIN ALSON dbWaitingList.delNim(listViewWaiting.Items[0].Text); listViewWaiting.Items.RemoveAt(0); } //sleep selama sekian detik Thread.Sleep(3000); bGrant.Enabled = true; t.Stop(); t.reset(); lTimer.Text = TimerCountdown.MAXCOUNT.ToString(); }
/* * Initialize all data members in this class */ private void InitializeVariable() { isTwice = new bool[MAXWAITING]; isS1 = new bool[MAXWAITING]; time = new TimerCountdown[MAXWAITING]; sock = new ServerSocket[MAXWAITING]; for (int i = 0; i < MAXWAITING; i++) { tag[i] = (i + 1).ToString(); time[i] = new TimerCountdown(tag[i]); time[i].Tick += new EventHandler(time_Tick); sock[i] = new ServerSocket(host[i], port); } dbImport.setImportStatusLabel(importStatusLabel); dbImport.updateImportStatusLabel(); }
/* * Event handler for when a timer ticks */ private void time_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { TimerCountdown t = sender as TimerCountdown; Label lTimer; Button bGrant; ListView listNIM; int idx; string data; if (t.Tag.ToString() == tag[0]) { lTimer = labelTimerBilik1; idx = 0; bGrant = buttonGrant1; listNIM = listViewBilik1; } else { idx = 1; bGrant = buttonGrant1; lTimer = labelTimerBilik2; listNIM = listViewBilik2; } t.counter--; int count = t.counter; lTimer.Text = count.ToString(); // Check if should choose K3M // Timer's empty, stop if (count <= 0) { try { sock[idx].send("({timeout})"); //add to DB } catch (IOException excpt) { MessageBox.Show("Client disconnected!"); } if (isTwice[idx]) { t.counter = TimerCountdown.MAXCOUNT; count = t.counter; isTwice[idx] = false; t.Stop(); t.reset(); dbDpt.setChoiceMWAWM(listNIM.Items[0].Text, "A"); } else { sock[idx].disconnect(); //tandain NIM x udah vote di database dbDpt.setSudahPilih(listNIM.Items[0].Text, true); if (isS1[idx]) { dbDpt.setChoiceKM(listNIM.Items[0].Text, "A"); } else { dbDpt.setChoiceMWAWM(listNIM.Items[0].Text, "A"); } STOP_VOTE(listNIM, bGrant, t, lTimer); } } else { try { data = count.ToString(); sock[idx].send(data); } catch (IOException excp) { t.Stop(); t.reset(); bGrant.Enabled = true; MessageBox.Show("Client disconnected!"); } } }