public void ProcessFields() { foreach (ICRField Field in this.Fields) { ImageX FieldImage = new ImageX(imagXpress1); DropOutProcessor oDrop = new DropOutProcessor(formFix1); oDrop.DropOutMethod = DropOutMethod.DropOut; oDrop.PerformReconstruction = false; oDrop.Area = new Rectangle(Field.Left, Field.Top, Field.Width, Field.Height); DropOutResult oDropOutResult = oDrop.CreateImageOfField(frmFilledImage, regResult); FieldImage = ImageX.FromHdib(imagXpress1, oDropOutResult.Image.ToHdib(true), true); oDrop.Dispose(); OutputFieldImg.Image = FieldImage.Copy(); OnPictureChanged(ICRType.Field); // MessageBox.Show("Field Loaded"); Application.DoEvents(); // Set area and analyze field DIB SmartZone2.Reader.CharacterSet = Field.CharSet; SmartZone2.Reader.Segmentation.SplitMergedChars = true; SmartZone2.Reader.Segmentation.SplitOverlappingChars = true; FieldImage = this.PreprocessField(FieldImage); OutputFieldImg.Image = FieldImage.Copy(); OnPictureChanged(ICRType.FieldProcessed); //MessageBox.Show("Field Processed"); Application.DoEvents(); Rectangle currentArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, Field.Width, Field.Height); SmartZone2.Reader.Area = currentArea; myTextBlockRes = SmartZone2.Reader.AnalyzeField(FieldImage.ToHdib(true)); if (myTextBlockRes.NumberTextLines > 0) { // MessageBox.Show(myTextBlockRes.TextLine(0).Text); Chars.Clear(); for (int i = 1; myTextBlockRes.NumberTextLines + 1 != i; i++) { LineResult = myTextBlockRes.TextLine(0); String charResult = ""; int ControlIndex = 1; for (int charIndex = 0; LineResult.NumberCharacters != charIndex; charIndex++) { CharacterResult characterResult = LineResult.Character(charIndex); ICRChar oChar = new ICRChar(characterResult.Text, characterResult.Confidence); for (int x = 0; x < characterResult.NumberResults; x++) { oChar.Results.Add(new ICRAlternateChar(characterResult.AlternateText(x), characterResult.AlternateConfidence(x))); } oChar.Area = characterResult.Area; oChar.NumberResults = characterResult.NumberResults; Chars.Add(oChar); charResult = charResult + characterResult.Text; ControlIndex++; } Field.Result = charResult; //MessageBox.Show(Field.Result); Console.Out.WriteLine(Field.Result); } } else { Field.Result = ""; } } }
public String GetResult() { //Reading Fields String charResult = ""; // Set area and analyze field DIB SmartZone2.Reader.CharacterSet = this.CharSet; Rectangle currentArea = new Rectangle(this.Left, this.Top, this.Width, this.Height); SmartZone2.Reader.Area = currentArea; myTextBlockRes = SmartZone2.Reader.AnalyzeField(this.InputImage.Image.ToHdib(false)); System.Drawing.Graphics g = InputImage.Image.GetGraphics(); g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.AliceBlue, 5), currentArea); InputImage.Image.ReleaseGraphics(false); if (myTextBlockRes.NumberTextLines > 0) { Boolean hasResult = true; myTextLineRes = myTextBlockRes.TextLine(0); MessageBox.Show(myTextBlockRes.TextLine(0).Text); // showBlockResult(); // showLineResult(0); // showCharacterResult(0); } else { Boolean hasResult = false; } // ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FormFieldDefaultType = peFieldType.FIELDTYPE_ICR; // ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.SelectFormField(Name); //All this preprocess is applied to the current field /* * if (ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldError != 0) * { * MessageBox.Show("Form : " + ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.GetFormName() + " Field: " + ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.GetFieldName() + " \r\n" + * "Error : " + ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldError.ToString() + " " + ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldErrorString + " \r\n" + * "Result: " + ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldResultStr); * * } * * ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.GetFieldBounds(ref pLeft, ref pTop, ref pWidth, ref pHeight); */ //ICRprocessor.img.ColorDepth(8, PegasusImaging.WinForms.ImagXpress7.enumPalette.IPAL_Fixed, PegasusImaging.WinForms.ImagXpress7.enumDithered.DI_None); // ICRprocessor.img.DrawWidth = 4; /* * //Process Multi Fields * this.img.hDIB = ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldResultImagehDIB; * Application.DoEvents(); */ //ICRprocessor.img.DrawRoundRect(pLeft, pTop, pLeft + pWidth, pTop + pHeight, 0, 0, Color.LightGray); //ICRprocessor.OnPictureChanged(ICRType.ImageMarked); //Application.DoEvents(); Chars.Clear(); /* * if (ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldError == 0) * { * for (int i = 1; ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldResultNumLines + 1 != i; i++) * { * ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldResultLine = i; * * charResult = ""; * int ControlIndex = 1; * for (int charIndex = 1; ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldResultLineNumChars + 1 != charIndex; charIndex++) * { * ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldResultLineChar = charIndex; * ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldResultChar(0); * * if (this.Lenght <= charResult.Trim().Length) * { * break; * } * * Chars.Add(new ICRChar(ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldResultChar(0), ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldResultCharConfidence)); * charResult = charResult + ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldResultChar(0); * ControlIndex++; * } * } * this.Confidence = ICRprocessor._icrProcessor.FieldResultLineConfidence; //Its Confidence by Character .FieldResultConfidence; // * } */ return(charResult); }
public void Test() { #region Load Template try { InputImg.Image = ImageX.FromFile(imagXpress1, @"I:\Templates\ICRTemplate.tif"); frmTemplateImage = FormImage.FromHdib(InputImg.Image.ToHdib(false), true, formFix1); InputImg.Image = ImageX.FromHdib(imagXpress1, (System.IntPtr) 0, true); OutputImg.Image = ImageX.FromHdib(imagXpress1, (System.IntPtr) 0, true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } #endregion #region Load Image String ImageName = @"I:\Images\Order-0000000153.TIFF"; try { InputImg.Image = ImageX.FromFile(imagXpress1, ImageName); frmFilledImage = FormImage.FromHdib(InputImg.Image.ToHdib(false), true, formFix1); OutputImg.Image = ImageX.FromHdib(imagXpress1, (System.IntPtr) 0, true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } //it's all looking good, so we load our image into an ImageX object //imageXView1.Image = ImageX.FromFile(imagXpress1, strFileName); Processor prc = new Processor(imagXpress1, InputImg.Image); if (InputImg.Image.ImageXData.BitsPerPixel != 1) { prc.ColorDepth(1, PaletteType.Optimized, DitherType.NoDither); InputImg.Image = prc.Image; } #endregion #region Register Image try { regProcessor = new RegistrationProcessor(formFix1); regResult = regProcessor.RegisterToImage(frmFilledImage, frmTemplateImage); frmAlignedImage = regResult.AlignImage(frmFilledImage); InputImg.Image = ImageX.FromHdib(imagXpress1, frmAlignedImage.ToHdib(false), true); OutputImg.Image = InputImg.Image.Copy(); OnPictureChanged(ICRType.ImageMatched); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } #endregion #region Preprocessing Image Processor proc = new Processor(imagXpress1, InputImg.Image); if (InputImg.Image.ImageXData.BitsPerPixel != 0) { proc.ColorDepth(1, 0, 0); } scanFix1.FromHdib(InputImg.Image.ToHdib(false)); //Remove Lines LineRemovalOptions LineOpts = new LineRemovalOptions(); LineOpts.MinimumLength = 20; scanFix1.RemoveLines(LineOpts); //Despeckle DespeckleOptions DespeckOpts = new DespeckleOptions(); DespeckOpts.SpeckWidth = 10; DespeckOpts.SpeckHeight = 14; scanFix1.Despeckle(DespeckOpts); //Deskew scanFix1.Deskew(); //Comb options /* * comb = new PegasusImaging.WinForms.ScanFix5.CombRemovalOptions(); * * comb.Area = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(AreaXBar.Value, AreaYBar.Value, AreaWBar.Value, AreaHBar.Value); * comb.CombHeight = CombHBar.Value; * comb.CombSpacing = SpaceBar.Value; * comb.HorizontalLineThickness = HBar.Value; * comb.VerticalLineThickness = VBar.Value; * comb.MinimumCombLength = LengthBar.Value; * comb.MinimumConfidence = ConfidenceBar.Value; * * scanFix1.RemoveCombs(comb); */ //Smooth Options //scanFix1.SmoothObjects(SmoothBar.Value); //Blob Options /* * blob = new PegasusImaging.WinForms.ScanFix5.BlobRemovalOptions(); * * blob.Area = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(BlobAreaXBar.Value, BlobAreaYBar.Value, AreaWidthBar.Value, AreaHeightBar.Value); * blob.MaximumPixelCount = MaxCountBar.Value; * blob.MinimumPixelCount = MinCountBar.Value; * blob.MinimumDensity = DensityBar.Value; * * scanFix1.RemoveBlobs(blob); */ //Remove Dot Shading /* * dot = new PegasusImaging.WinForms.ScanFix5.DotShadingRemovalOptions(); * * dot.DensityAdjustment = DotDensityBar.Value; * dot.MaximumDotSize = DotSizeBar.Value; * dot.HorizontalSizeAdjustment = HAdjBar.Value; * dot.VerticalSizeAdjustment = VAdjBar.Value; * dot.MinimumAreaHeight = DotHBar.Value; * dot.MinimumAreaWidth = DotWBar.Value; * * scanFix1.RemoveDotShading(dot); */ //Remove Border Options /* * border = new PegasusImaging.WinForms.ScanFix5.BorderRemovalOptions(); * * border.BorderSpeckSize = BSpeckBar.Value; * border.CropBorder = chkcrop.Checked; * border.DeskewBorder = chkdeskew.Checked; * border.MaximumPageHeight = MaxHeightBar.Value; * border.MaximumPageWidth = MaxWidthBar.Value; * border.MinimumConfidence = MinConBar.Value; * border.MinimumPageHeight = MinHeightBar.Value; * border.MinimumPageWidth = SpeckWidthBar.Value; * border.PageSpeckSize = PSpeckBar.Value; * border.Quality = SpeckQualityBar.Value; * border.ReplaceBorder = chkreplace.Checked; * * if (true) * { * border.PadColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0); * } * else * { * border.PadColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255); * } * scanFix1.RemoveBorder(border); */ #endregion #region Read Fields InputImg.Image = ImageX.FromHdib(imagXpress1, scanFix1.ToHdib(false)); // Set area and analyze field DIB SmartZone2.Reader.CharacterSet = CharacterSet.AllAlphas; Rectangle currentArea = new Rectangle(85, 170, 603, 79); SmartZone2.Reader.Area = currentArea; myTextBlockRes = SmartZone2.Reader.AnalyzeField(InputImg.Image.ToHdib(false)); if (myTextBlockRes.NumberTextLines > 0) { Boolean hasResult = true; LineResult = myTextBlockRes.TextLine(0); // showBlockResult(); // showLineResult(0); // showCharacterResult(0); } else { Boolean hasResult = false; } MessageBox.Show(myTextBlockRes.TextLine(0).Text); #endregion return; }