コード例 #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
                string _reqId = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params.Get("payment-id").ToString();                                                                             //Get this params from paykun return url
                //string _reqId = "05745-64541-69405-82270";
                PaykunPayment _payment = new Paykun.PaykunPayment("060806219399378", "C019A43EB7B95D4D7FA51D148DFE9B3D", "9DFD9CE5071C0413AB33028FEA4EC781", _isLive: true); // Change _isLive to false for sandbox mode, While using sandbox mode you will need to provide credintials for sandbox and not of live environment

                TransactionStatusRes transRes = _payment.GetTransactionStatus(_reqId);

                if (transRes.status == true)
                { //Request status
                    //handle your response here
                    if (transRes.data.transaction.status == "Failed")
                        //Failed transaction
                    else if (transRes.data.transaction.status == "Initialized")
                    { //Initialized transaction
                    else if (transRes.data.transaction.status == "Success")
                    { //Success transaction
                        Response.Redirect("payment_success.aspx?Payment_Id=" + _reqId + "");
                    //Request error get here your error description
                    string error = transRes.errors.errorMessage;
                    // Response.Redirect("patient/payment_success.aspx?Payment_Id=" + _reqId + "");
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Session["user"] == null)

        if (Request.Cookies["cookies"] != null)
            s = Convert.ToString(Request.Cookies["cookies"].Value);
            string[] strArr = s.Split('|');
            for (int i = 0; i < strArr.Length; i++)
                t = Convert.ToString(strArr[i].ToString());
                string[] strArr1 = t.Split('&');
                for (int j = 0; j < strArr1.Length; j++)
                    a[j] = strArr1[j].ToString();
                tot = tot + (Convert.ToDouble(a[1].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(a[2].ToString()));

            Session["tot"] = tot.ToString();

        order_no            = GetRandomPassword(10).ToString();
        Session["order_no"] = order_no.ToString();

        string _name  = "Ravi";
        string _email = Session["user"].ToString();
        string _mono  = "9755367558";

        // Order details
        string _orderId     = "ORD" + (new Random()).Next(111111111, 999999999).ToString();// Order ID must be between 10 To 30 Characters and unique for all transactions
        string _productName = "payment for purchase";

        //Amount to be paid
        double _amount = Convert.ToDouble(Session["tot"]);

        //Your return success page url
        string _successUrl = "http://localhost:52718/user/success.aspx"; //create url like this in your website or set existing path

        //Your return failed page url
        string _failureUrl = "http://localhost:63826/fail.aspx"; //create url like this in your website or set existing path

        PaykunPayment _payment = new Paykun.PaykunPayment("774576834485940", "12BFB946CDD389BF5D5A964AA4F71C60", "5C4A42DFA65342AD63154BA02222CC14", _isLive: false); // Change _isLive to false for sandbox mode, While using sandbox mode you will need to provide credintials for sandbox and not of live environment

        _payment.InitOrder(_orderId, _amount, _productName, _successUrl, _failureUrl);

        _payment.AddCustomer(_name, _email, _mono);

        //Add here your shipping detail (Optional)
        //If you want to ignore the shipping or billing address, just make all the params an empty string like

        //_payment.AddShippingAddress("address", "country", "state", "city", "pincode");

        //Add here your billing detail (Optional)
        //If you want to ignore the shipping or billing address, just make all the params an empty string like
        //_payment.AddBillingAddress("address", "country", "state", "city", "pincode");

        //You can set your custom fields here. for ex. you can set order id for which this transaction is initiated
        //You will get the same order id when you will call the method  _payment.GetTransactionStatus(_reqId)
        _payment.SetCustomField(_orderId, "", "", "", "");

         * if you want to render your custom form then use _payment.getRequestData(), this will return you with all the require params for the request.
         * create form from the 'PkCustomForm' object and make it auto submit or as per your requirements
         * */
        //PkCustomForm requestData = _payment.getRequestData();

        /*To render the direct form*/
        string _res = _payment.Submit();

        formCode.InnerHtml = _res;
        //_res => use this html to render default payment form. if you want custom form then
        // uncomment this line of code and comment out submit method
        //PkCustomForm requestData = _payment.getRequestData(); ==> For custom form
        //Message = _res;
        //Response.Write("<form action='https://sandbox.paykun.com/payment' method='post' name='_payment' id='_payment'>");
        //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='cmd' value='_xclick'>");
        //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='business' value='City Medical And General Store'>");
        //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='currency_code' value='INR'>");
        //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='item_name' value='payment for purchase'>");
        //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='item_number' value='0'>");
        //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='amount' value='" + Session["tot"].ToString() + "'>");
        //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='return' value='http://localhost:49947/user/payment_success.aspx?payment-id=" + order_no.ToString() + "'>");

        //Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>");
コード例 #3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["user"] == null)

            if (Request.Cookies["cookies"] != null)
                s = Convert.ToString(Request.Cookies["cookies"].Value);
                string[] strArr = s.Split('|');
                for (int i = 0; i < strArr.Length; i++)
                    t = Convert.ToString(strArr[i].ToString());
                    string[] strArr1 = t.Split('&');
                    for (int j = 0; j < strArr1.Length; j++)
                        a[j] = strArr1[j].ToString();
                    tot = tot + (Convert.ToDouble(a[3].ToString()));

                Session["tot"] = tot.ToString();

            order_no            = GetRandomPassword(10).ToString();
            Session["order_no"] = order_no.ToString();
            SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = "select * from PatientRegistration where id='" + Session["id"].ToString() + "'";
            DataTable      dt = new DataTable();
            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                t2.Text = dr["Name"].ToString();
                t6.Text = dr["Phone"].ToString();
                t4.Text = dr["Email"].ToString();

            string _name  = t2.Text;
            string _email = t4.Text;
            string _mono  = t6.Text;

            // Order details
            string _orderId     = Session["order_no"].ToString(); // Order ID must be between 10 To 30 Characters and unique for all transactions
            string _productName = "Payment for Consulting";

            //Amount to be paid
            double _amount = Convert.ToDouble(Session["tot"]);

            //Your return success page url
            string _successUrl = "https://dcall.osrinfotech.com/patient/success.aspx"; //create url like this in your website or set existing path

            //Your return failed page url
            string _failureUrl = "https://dcall.osrinfotech.com/patient/fail.aspx"; //create url like this in your website or set existing path

            /*   PaykunPayment _payment = new Paykun.PaykunPayment("622634925946977", "27CCD0357BB7B4BCECF1A3BB2878C0DB", "4A7C88096C78D62EFBE62ABE0E09474D", _isLive: false);*/ // Change _isLive to false for sandbox mode, While using sandbox mode you will need to provide credintials for sandbox and not of live environment
            PaykunPayment _payment = new Paykun.PaykunPayment("060806219399378", "C019A43EB7B95D4D7FA51D148DFE9B3D", "9DFD9CE5071C0413AB33028FEA4EC781", _isLive: true);
            _payment.InitOrder(_orderId, _amount, _productName, _successUrl, _failureUrl);

            _payment.AddCustomer(_name, _email, _mono);

            //Add here your shipping detail (Optional)
            //If you want to ignore the shipping or billing address, just make all the params an empty string like

            //_payment.AddShippingAddress("address", "country", "state", "city", "pincode");

            //Add here your billing detail (Optional)
            //If you want to ignore the shipping or billing address, just make all the params an empty string like
            //_payment.AddBillingAddress("address", "country", "state", "city", "pincode");

            //You can set your custom fields here. for ex. you can set order id for which this transaction is initiated
            //You will get the same order id when you will call the method  _payment.GetTransactionStatus(_reqId)
            _payment.SetCustomField(_orderId, "", "", "", "");

             * if you want to render your custom form then use _payment.getRequestData(), this will return you with all the require params for the request.
             * create form from the 'PkCustomForm' object and make it auto submit or as per your requirements
             * */
            //PkCustomForm requestData = _payment.getRequestData();

            /*To render the direct form*/
            string _res = _payment.Submit();
            formCode.InnerHtml = _res;
            //_res => use this html to render default payment form. if you want custom form then
            // uncomment this line of code and comment out submit method
            //PkCustomForm requestData = _payment.getRequestData(); ==> For custom form
            //Message = _res;
            //Response.Write("<form action='https://sandbox.paykun.com/payment' method='post' name='_payment' id='_payment'>");
            //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='cmd' value='_xclick'>");
            //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='business' value='City Medical And General Store'>");
            //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='currency_code' value='INR'>");
            //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='item_name' value='payment for purchase'>");
            //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='item_number' value='0'>");
            //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='amount' value='" + Session["tot"].ToString() + "'>");
            //Response.Write("<input type='hidden' name='return' value='http://localhost:49947/user/payment_success.aspx?order=" + order_no.ToString() + "'>");

            //Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>");
        catch (Exception ex)