public async Task <IActionResult> ExecuteSuccess(string paymentID, string token, string payerID, [FromServices] IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { _logger.LogInformation("Executing the payment against the PAYPAL SDK"); var paymentModel = await _functionalUnitOfWork.PaymentRepository.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PaymentReference == paymentID); PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment result = await ExecutePayment(payerID, paymentID); paymentModel.PayerID = payerID; paymentModel.TokenId = token; paymentModel.IsValidated = true; paymentModel.ValidatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; if (paymentModel.PaymentType == "Subscription") { var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(paymentModel.UserId); var subscription = await _functionalUnitOfWork.SubscriptionRepository.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == paymentModel.Reference); subscription.Enable = true; await _functionalUnitOfWork.SubscriptionRepository.Update(subscription); var pack = await _functionalUnitOfWork.SubscriptionPackRepository.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == subscription.SubscriptionPackId); user.SubscriptionStartDate = user.SubscriptionEndDate; user.SubscriptionEndDate = user.SubscriptionStartDate.Value.AddMonths(pack.Duration); await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user); _logger.LogInformation($"The paypal controller has a new response '{result}' from the Paypal API"); await SendSubscriptionPaymentEmail(user, subscription.Id, EmailTemplateEnum.SubscriptionPayed, "subscription"); return(Redirect($"{_configuration["Service:FrontOffice:Url"].TrimEnd('/')}/ConfirmPayment/Success/{subscription.Id}")); } else if (paymentModel.PaymentType == "Ad") { var ad = await _functionalUnitOfWork.AdRepository.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == paymentModel.Reference); ad.IsValid = true; ad.ValidateDate = DateTime.Now; await _functionalUnitOfWork.AdRepository.Update(ad); _logger.LogInformation($"The paypal controller has a new response '{result}' from the Paypal API"); return(Redirect($"{_configuration["Service:FrontOffice:Url"].TrimEnd('/')}/ConfirmPayment/Success")); } return(BadRequest()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Pay([FromQuery] string attemptId) { var attempt = await this.paymentsService.GetPaymentAttempt(attemptId); var clientId = this.configuration.GetSection("PayPal").GetSection("clientId").Value; var secret = this.configuration.GetSection("PayPal").GetSection("secret").Value; var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(clientId, secret); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var portocol = this.HttpContext.Request.Scheme; var host = this.HttpContext.Request.Host; var returnUrl = $"{portocol}://{host}/Payments/Execute/{attempt.Id}"; var cancelUrl = $"{portocol}://{host}/Homes/Index"; var payment = new PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = attempt.Price.ToString("G", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Currency = "USD", }, }, }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { ReturnUrl = returnUrl, CancelUrl = cancelUrl, }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal", }, }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); System.Net.HttpStatusCode statusCode; try { BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); string redirectUrl = null; foreach (LinkDescriptionObject link in result.Links) { if (link.Rel.Equals("approval_url")) { redirectUrl = link.Href; } } if (redirectUrl == null) { return(this.Json("Failed to find an approval_url in the response!")); } else { return(this.Redirect(redirectUrl)); } } catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException ex) { statusCode = ex.StatusCode; var debugId = ex.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); return(this.Json("Request failed! HTTP response code was " + statusCode + ", debug ID was " + debugId)); } }
private async Task <PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment> ProcessPayment(PaymentModel model) { var mode = _configuration["Service:Paypal:Mode"]; PayPalHttpClient client = null; switch (mode) { case "production": { var environment = new LiveEnvironment(_configuration["Service:Paypal:ClientId"], _configuration["Service:Paypal:ClientSecret"]); client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); break; } case "sandbox": { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(_configuration["Service:Paypal:ClientId"], _configuration["Service:Paypal:ClientSecret"]); client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); break; } } var payment = new PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.00}", model.TotalTTc) .Replace(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator, "."), Details = new AmountDetails { Subtotal = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.00}", model.SubTotal), Tax = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.00}", model.TotalTax) }, Currency = "EUR" } } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { CancelUrl = $"{_configuration["Service:FrontOffice:Url"].TrimEnd('/')}/api/paypal/cancel", ReturnUrl = $"{_configuration["Service:FrontOffice:Url"].TrimEnd('/')}/api/paypal/success" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); try { HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); var statusCode = response.StatusCode; PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment result = response.Result <PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment>(); model.PaymentReference = result.Id; await _functionalUnitOfWork.PaymentRepository.Update(model); return(result); } catch (HttpException httpException) { var statusCode = httpException.StatusCode; var debugId = httpException.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); throw; } }
public static string CreatePaymentRequest(string price) { //var environment = new LiveEnvironment("AbsLlwBzsLwTvG-6awsiklgFPeDNWlGctQ9MukFQl-VimUpPwBtTLpR5SX8Wyu0U_R8pg6mGxgrpzYiA", "EIFw-teU8tWyH7UBXgI7UftSXuJoB1aG51jkZMiRb23x39OaTd9kLOcKSVtb6FWK5vj1sSypW1kC9xUB"); var environment = new SandboxEnvironment("ARXuDzN7ArL3ZiTG0_ebn-4u53kqetWWQSkM5UoVk5KZ_ClhTjSueiVJTnDuFvYtf4TnPxxJDRSJryWJ", "EL6FuAA6ocMA6rFtSWg7Ck-mZYMCq4W-G-huZPVsiOIT9zyI9z2Wh_-_Elv9GiiWP00S8fn28I5G-NFm"); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var payment = new PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = price, Currency = "EUR" } } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { ReturnUrl = "https://localhost:44353/Invoice/InvoiceComplete", //ReturnUrl = "", CancelUrl = "" }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); System.Net.HttpStatusCode statusCode; try { BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = client.Execute(request).Result; statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); string redirectUrl = null; foreach (LinkDescriptionObject link in result.Links) { if (link.Rel.Equals("approval_url")) { redirectUrl = link.Href; } } if (redirectUrl == null) { // Didn't find an approval_url in response.Links //await context.Response.WriteAsync("Failed to find an approval_url in the response!"); } else { return(redirectUrl); } } catch (BraintreeHttp.HttpException ex) { statusCode = ex.StatusCode; var debugId = ex.Headers.GetValues("PayPal-Debug-Id").FirstOrDefault(); //await context.Response.WriteAsync("Request failed! HTTP response code was " + statusCode + ", debug ID was " + debugId); } return(""); }
public async Task <string> ProcessPayment(PayPalTestViewModel model) { var environment = new SandboxEnvironment(_configuration["PayPal:SandBox:ClientId"], _configuration["PayPal:SandBox:ClientSecret"]); var client = new PayPalHttpClient(environment); var payment = new PayPal.v1.Payments.Payment() { Intent = "sale", Transactions = new List <Transaction>() { new Transaction() { Amount = new Amount() { Total = model.Amount, Currency = "INR" } } }, RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls() { ReturnUrl = _urlHelper.Action("Done", "Test", new { amt = model.Amount }, _context.HttpContext.Request.Scheme, _context.HttpContext.Request.Host.ToString()), CancelUrl = _urlHelper.Action("Cancel", "Test", new { amt = model.Amount }, _context.HttpContext.Request.Scheme, _context.HttpContext.Request.Host.ToString()) }, Payer = new Payer() { PaymentMethod = "paypal" } }; PaymentCreateRequest request = new PaymentCreateRequest(); request.RequestBody(payment); System.Net.HttpStatusCode statusCode; BraintreeHttp.HttpResponse response = await client.Execute(request); statusCode = response.StatusCode; Payment result = response.Result <Payment>(); string redirectUrl = null; foreach (LinkDescriptionObject link in result.Links) { if (link.Rel.Equals("approval_url")) { redirectUrl = link.Href; } } if (redirectUrl == null) { // Didn't find an approval_url in response.Links return(null); } else { return(redirectUrl); } }