public ReturnChaseEnemy(LevelState parentWorld, float initial_x, float initial_y) { position = new Vector2(initial_x, initial_y); dimensions = new Vector2(48.0f, 48.0f); original_position = CenterPoint; velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); enemy_damage = 10; enemy_life = 15; distance = 0.0f; angle = 0.0f; angle1 = 0.0f; angle2 = 0.0f; knockback_magnitude = 2.0f; disable_movement_time = 0.0f; return_timer = 0.0f; direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; change_direction_time = 0.0f; enemy_found = false; state = EnemyState.Idle; component = new IdleSearch(); this.parentWorld = parentWorld; walk_down = AnimationLib.getSkeleton("chaseDown"); walk_right = AnimationLib.getSkeleton("chaseRight"); walk_up = AnimationLib.getSkeleton("chaseUp"); current_skeleton = walk_right; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); current_skeleton.Skeleton.FlipX = false; chaseAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("chasePic"); animation_time = 0.0f; }
public InGameGUI(LevelState parent) { this.parent = parent; if (prices == null) { prices = new PriceDisplay[3]; } for (int i = 0; i < windowIsActive.Length; i++) { windowIsActive[i] = false; } blackFadeOverlay = 0.0f; keyFoundPic = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("keyPic"); keyNotFoundPic = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("keyEmptyPic"); coinAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("testCoin"); medAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("itemHealth"); ammoAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("itemBattery"); arrowPointer = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("compassArrow"); mapIcon = TextureLib.getLoadedTexture("mapPda.png"); testWin = new BoxWindow("foo", 100, 100, 200, "GamePad code overflowing with madness"); flickerTime = 0.0f; playerOutOfSight = false; }
public AntiFairy(LevelState parentWorld, Vector2 position) { this.position = position; this.parentWorld = parentWorld; this.dimensions = GlobalGameConstants.TileSize; anim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("antiFairy"); animation_time = 0.0f; enemy_type = EnemyType.Guard; enemy_life = 70; prob_item_drop = 0.5; number_drop_items = 7; if (position.X > 0) { other = new AntiFairy(parentWorld, new Vector2(-100, 100)); doubled = false; } else { doubled = true; } fairyState = (AntiFairyState)(Game1.rand.Next() % 4); }
public static void NewExplosiveGib(ref Particle p, Vector2 position) { = true; p.animation = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet(Game1.rand.Next() % 8 != 0 ? "GibSmallGeneric" : (Game1.rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? "heartIdle" : "lungIdle")); p.position = position - (p.animation.FrameDimensions * 0.7f) / 2; p.timeAlive = 0; p.maxTimeAlive = 200f; p.rotation = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2); p.rotationSpeed = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 0.01); p.animationTime = 0; p.color = Color.White; float offset = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 1.0f - 0.5f); p.velocity = new Vector2((float)((Game1.rand.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 1000), 1000f * (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() - 0.5)); if (p.velocity.X < 0.0f) { p.acceleration = new Vector2(500, 0); } else { p.acceleration = new Vector2(-500, 0); } p.scale = new Vector2(1.0f); p.isGib = true; p.isCasing = false; p.originalPosition = p.position + new Vector2(0, 360); }
public AlienChaser(LevelState parentWorld, Vector2 position) { this.parentWorld = parentWorld; this.position = position; this.dimensions = GlobalGameConstants.TileSize; enemy_type = EnemyType.Alien; enemy_life = 15; chaserState = SlowChaserState.Idle; direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; animation_time = 0.0f; konamiAlert = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("konamiPic"); number_drop_items = 4; prob_item_drop = 0.3f; directionAnims = new AnimationLib.SpineAnimationSet[4]; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("alienChaserUp"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("alienChaserDown"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("alienChaserRight"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left].Skeleton.FlipX = true; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("alienChaserRight"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { directionAnims[i].Animation = directionAnims[i].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); } aggressionTime = 0.0f; }
public TestEnemy(LevelState parentWorld, Vector2 position) { this.position = position; dimensions = new Vector2(48f, 48f); state = EnemyState.Moving; direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); change_direction_time = 0.0f; change_direction = 0; changeDirectionIdleDuration = 300f; this.parentWorld = parentWorld; enemy_life = 10; enemy_damage = 1; damage_player_time = 0.0f; knockback_magnitude = 1.0f; walk_down = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("zippyDown"); walk_right = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("zippyRight"); walk_up = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("zippyUp"); current_skeleton = walk_right; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); current_skeleton.Skeleton.FlipX = false; enemyAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("enemyPic"); animation_time = 0.0f; }
public BetaEndLevelFag(LevelState parent, Vector2 position) { this.parentWorld = parent; this.position = position; this.dimensions = GlobalGameConstants.TileSize; anims = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("flagPic"); }
public WandOfGyges() { wandPic = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("wandProjectile"); = false; delayTimer = 0; }
public Compass() { if (img == null) { img = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("compassArrow"); img2 = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("compassOverlay"); } drawPointer = false; }
public Bomb() { hitbox = hitbox_placed; time_explosion = 0.0f; bomb_state = Bomb_State.reset; bomb_damage = 5; bombAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("bombArmed"); explosionAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("rocketExplode"); knockback_magnitude = 5.0f; }
public Gun() { if (bulletPic == null) { bulletPic = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("testBullet"); } bullets = new GunBullet[bulletCount]; fireTimer = float.MaxValue; }
public ShotGun() { inactive_pellets = 0; pellet_count = 0; shotgun_active = false; damage_delay_flag = false; damage_delay_timer = 0.0f; bulletAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("testBullet"); }
public BushidoBlade(Vector2 initial_position) { position = initial_position; hitbox = new Vector2(48.0f, 48.0f); sword_damage = 999999999; item_state_time = 0.0f; player_health = GameCampaign.Player_Health; animation_time = 0.0f; bushidoAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("bombExplosion"); knockback_magnitude = 1.0f; glowTime = 0; }
public Sword() { hitbox.X = 48.0f; hitbox.Y = 48.0f; item_state_time = 0.0f; sword_damage = 5; knockback_magnitude = 1.0f; sword_state = Sword_State.preslash; swordAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("swordPic"); }
public WaveMotionGun() { if (bulletAnimation == null) { bulletAnimation = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("waveMotionBullet"); } = false; = false; = false; state = WaveMotionState.Wait; }
public GuardMech(LevelState parentWorld, float initial_x, float initial_y) { position = new Vector2(initial_x, initial_y); melee_position = Vector2.Zero; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); velocity = new Vector2(0.8f, 0.0f); flame_position = Vector2.Zero; windup_timer = 0.0f; angle = 0.0f; turret_angle = angle; enemy_life = 75; disable_movement = false; disable_movement_time = 0.0f; enemy_found = false; change_direction_time = 0.0f; this.parentWorld = parentWorld; enemy_type = EnemyType.Guard; change_direction_time_threshold = 3000.0f; direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; prob_item_drop = 0.6; number_drop_items = 5; component = new MoveSearch(); mech_state = MechState.Moving; enemy_type = EnemyType.Guard; velocity_speed = 3.0f; entity_found = null; death = false; tank_hull_animation_time = 0.0f; explode_timer = 0.0f; rocket_angle = 0.0f; grenade = new Grenades(Vector2.Zero, 0.0f); walk_down = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("tankTurret"); current_skeleton = walk_down; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); current_skeleton.Skeleton.FlipX = false; animation_time = 0.0f; range_distance = 600.0f; tankAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("tank"); tankDeadAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("tankDead"); plasmaExplode = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("plasmaExplodeLong"); tankTurretDeadAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("tankTurretDead"); rocketProjectile = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("rocketProjectile"); }
public Key(LevelState parent, Vector2 position, LevelKeyModule.KeyColor color) { this.parentWorld = parent; this.position = position; this.velocity = Vector2.Zero; this.dimensions = new Vector2(48f, 48f); this.color = color; isKnockedBack = false; knockedBackTime = 0.0f; keyGraphic = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("keyPic"); }
public BroodLing(LevelState parentWorld, Vector2 position, BroodLord lord) { minionState = BroodLingState.Dead; this.parentWorld = parentWorld; this.dimensions = GlobalGameConstants.TileSize * 0.6f; this.lord = lord; enemy_life = 0; enemy_type = EnemyType.Alien; animation_time = 0; anim = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("broodling"); eggAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("broodEgg"); }
public RocketLauncher() { if (rocketSprite == null) { rocketSprite = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("rocketProjectile"); } if (explosionAnim == null) { explosionAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("rocketExplode"); } = false; state = RocketLauncherState.IdleWait; }
public MutantAcidSpitter(LevelState parentWorld, float initial_x, float initial_y) { position = new Vector2(initial_x, initial_y); velocity_speed = 2.0f; velocity = new Vector2(velocity_speed, 0); dimensions = new Vector2(48.0f, 48.0f); enemy_damage = 4; enemy_life = 5; windup_timer = 0.0f; spitter_count = 0; change_direction_time = 0.0f; change_direction_time_threshold = 1000.0f; angle = 0.0f; range_distance = 500.0f; prob_item_drop = 0.3; number_drop_items = 4; state = SpitterState.Search; this.parentWorld = parentWorld; direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; enemy_type = EnemyType.Alien; entity_found = null; acid_pool = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("acidPool"); for (int i = 0; i < size_of_spit_array; i++) { projectile[i] = new SpitProjectile(new Vector2(0, 0), 0); projectile[i].active = false; } death = false; directionAnims = new AnimationLib.SpineAnimationSet[4]; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("acidSpitterUp"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("acidSpitterDown"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("acidSpitterRight"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left].Skeleton.FlipX = true; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("acidSpitterRight"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { directionAnims[i].Animation = directionAnims[i].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); } }
public static void NewImpactEffect(ref Particle p, Vector2 position, Color c) { = true; p.position = position; p.timeAlive = 0; p.maxTimeAlive = 500f + (float)Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 200f; p.rotation = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2); p.rotationSpeed = 0; p.animationTime = 0; p.animation = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("bulletImpact"); p.color = c; p.velocity = Vector2.Zero; p.acceleration = Vector2.Zero; p.scale = new Vector2(1); p.isGib = false; p.isCasing = false; p.originalPosition = p.position; }
public Coin(LevelState parentWorld, Vector2 position) { this.position = position; this.parentWorld = parentWorld; dimensions = new Vector2(24, 24); dropItem = DropItemType.CoinDrop; state = DropState.Inactive; coinAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("testCoin"); medAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("itemHealth"); ammoAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("itemBattery"); animationTime = 0.0f; isKnockedBack = false; }
public BallMutant(LevelState parentWorld, float initial_x, float initial_y) { position = new Vector2(initial_x, initial_y); dimensions = new Vector2(48f, 48f); velocity = Vector2.Zero; ball_coordinate = Vector2.Zero; state = mutantBallState.Search; component = new IdleSearch(); direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; radius = 0.0f; angle = 0.0f; change_direction_time = 0.0f; agressive_timer = 0.0f; distance = 0.0f; alert_timer = 0.0f; knockback_magnitude = 5.0f; range_distance = 250.0f; this.parentWorld = parentWorld; death = false; enemy_damage = 5; enemy_life = 5; enemy_type = EnemyType.Alien; prob_item_drop = 0.4; number_drop_items = 4; walk_down = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("ballMutantUp"); walk_right = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("ballMutantRight"); walk_up = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("ballMutantUp"); current_skeleton = walk_right; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); current_skeleton.Skeleton.FlipX = false; //chaseAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("chasePic"); animation_time = 0.0f; entity_found = null; chain_ball = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("snakeB"); }
public MolotovEnemy(LevelState parentWorld, Vector2 position) { this.parentWorld = parentWorld; this.position = position; this.dimensions = GlobalGameConstants.TileSize; entity_found = null; molotovState = MolotovState.MoveWait; moveWaitStepping = false; moveWaitTimer = 0.0f; flame = new MolotovFlame(position); = false; this.enemy_type = EnemyType.Prisoner; direction_facing = (GlobalGameConstants.Direction)(Game1.rand.Next() % 4); range_distance = 400.0f; health = 15; prob_item_drop = 0.3; number_drop_items = 3; templateAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("molotov"); flameAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("molotovFlame"); animation_time = 0.0f; directionAnims = new AnimationLib.SpineAnimationSet[4]; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("molotovUp"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("molotovDown"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("molotovRight"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left].Skeleton.FlipX = true; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("molotovRight"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { directionAnims[i].Animation = directionAnims[i].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); } enemy_type = EnemyType.Prisoner; }
public KeyDoor(LevelState parent, Vector2 position, LevelKeyModule.KeyColor color, DoorDirection directions) { this.parentWorld = parent; this.position = position; this.velocity = Vector2.Zero; dimensions = GlobalGameConstants.TileSize; this.color = color; this.directions = directions; keyGraphic = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("keyPic"); // reposition and resize the door to fill the current wall { this.position.X -= this.position.X % GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X; this.position.Y -= this.position.Y % GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.Y; if (directions == DoorDirection.EastWest) { while (parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(this.position - new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f)) != true) { this.position.X -= GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X; } while (parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(this.position + new Vector2(this.dimensions.X, 0.0f)) != true) { this.dimensions.X += GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X; } } else if (directions == DoorDirection.NorthSouth) { while (parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(this.position - new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f)) != true) { this.position.Y -= GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.Y; } while (parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(this.position + new Vector2(0.0f, this.dimensions.Y)) != true) { this.dimensions.Y += GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.Y; } } } }
public SnakeWorm(LevelState parentWorld, Vector2 position) { this.parentWorld = parentWorld; this.position = position; this.dimensions = new Vector2(24); snakeState = SnakeWormState.Moving; velocity = Vector2.Zero; direction = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2); dirModifier = 1.0f; switchTimer = 0.0f; switchDuration = averageSwitchDuration; enemy_life = 16; enemy_type = EnemyType.Alien; prob_item_drop = 0.3; number_drop_items = 4; tailData = new TailPosition[tailPiecesCount, positionsCount]; tailMostRecent = 0; for (int j = 0; j < tailPiecesCount; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < positionsCount; i++) { tailData[j, i] = new TailPosition(position, direction); } } secondaryHitBoxes = new SecondaryHitBox[secondaryHitBoxCount]; for (int i = 0; i < secondaryHitBoxCount; i++) { secondaryHitBoxes[i] = new SecondaryHitBox(position, new Vector2(16)); } testAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("snakeA"); tailAnimA = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("snakeB"); tailAnimB = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("snakeC"); animation_time = 0; }
public PatrolGuard(LevelState parentWorld, Vector2 position) { this.parentWorld = parentWorld; this.position = position; this.dimensions = GlobalGameConstants.TileSize; bulletAnim = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("testBullet"); deadCushySoundTimer = 0; bullets = new GunBullet[bulletSupply]; for (int i = 0; i < bulletSupply; i++) { bullets[i].active = false; } direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; guardState = PatrolGuardState.MoveWait; enemy_type = EnemyType.Guard; prob_item_drop = 0.3; number_drop_items = 3; directionAnims = new AnimationLib.SpineAnimationSet[4]; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("patrolUp"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("patrolDown"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("patrolRight"); directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left].Skeleton.FlipX = true; directionAnims[(int)GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right] = AnimationLib.loadNewAnimationSet("patrolRight"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { directionAnims[i].Animation = directionAnims[i].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); } health = 15; //calculate the center of the chunk you're placed in chunkCenter.X = (((int)((position.X / (GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X)) / GlobalGameConstants.TilesPerRoomWide)) * GlobalGameConstants.TilesPerRoomWide * GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X) + ((GlobalGameConstants.TilesPerRoomWide / 2) * GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X); chunkCenter.Y = (((int)((position.Y / (GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.Y)) / GlobalGameConstants.TilesPerRoomHigh)) * GlobalGameConstants.TilesPerRoomHigh * GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.Y) + ((GlobalGameConstants.TilesPerRoomHigh / 2) * GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.Y); retreatTimer = 0; }
public static void NewFlame(ref Particle p, Vector2 position, Color c, float direction) { = true; p.animation = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet(Game1.rand.Next() % 3 == 0 ? "flame1" : (Game1.rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? "flame2" : "flame3")); p.position = position - p.animation.FrameDimensions / 2; p.timeAlive = 0; p.maxTimeAlive = 500 + (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 200); p.rotation = direction; p.rotationSpeed = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 0.01); p.animationTime = 0; p.color = c; float offset = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 1.0f - 0.5f); p.velocity = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(direction + offset), (float)Math.Sin(direction + offset)) * flameInitalSpeed; p.acceleration = Vector2.Zero; p.scale = new Vector2(0.7f); p.isGib = false; p.isCasing = false; p.originalPosition = p.position; }
public static void NewGib(ref Particle p, Vector2 position) { = true; p.animation = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet(Game1.rand.Next() % 8 != 0 ? "GibSmallGeneric" : (Game1.rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? "heartIdle" : "lungIdle")); p.position = position - (p.animation.FrameDimensions * 0.7f) / 2; p.timeAlive = 0; p.maxTimeAlive = 3000f; p.rotation = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2); p.rotationSpeed = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 0.01); p.animationTime = 0; p.color = Color.White; float offset = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 1.0f - 0.5f); p.velocity = new Vector2((float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 150 - 75), -280f + (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 50)); p.acceleration = new Vector2(0, 500); p.scale = new Vector2(0.7f); p.isGib = true; p.isCasing = false; p.originalPosition = p.position; }
public static void newRocketCasing(ref Particle p, Vector2 position) { = true; p.animation = AnimationLib.getFrameAnimationSet("casing"); p.position = position - (p.animation.FrameDimensions * 0.7f) / 2; p.timeAlive = 0; p.maxTimeAlive = 3000f; p.rotation = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2); p.rotationSpeed = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 0.01); p.animationTime = 0; p.color = Color.White; float offset = (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 1.0f - 0.5f); p.velocity = new Vector2((float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 75 - 75), -280f + (float)(Game1.rand.NextDouble() * 50)); p.acceleration = new Vector2(0, 900); p.scale = new Vector2(10.0f); p.isGib = false; p.isCasing = true; p.originalPosition = p.position + new Vector2(0, 32f); }